·5860 CONGRESSIONAL-- RECORD-· SENATE.. AUGUST Hutcllens C. Bishop, jr. ·. Samuel J. Linder, Ilo. Stan1ey L. Scott, · L. A. Wisener, Grangeville. Jolm E. Porter, · Elmer G. Lightfoot, Fairfield. \Villiam A. Byrnes, Mike A. Rogan, Avery. Joseph .A. Owen, jr., ILLINOIS. • George D. Thompson, E. E. Burton, Newton. Claude n. Riney, · NEBRASKA. Guy B. Taylor, .J Elsie B. Thompson, Wynot. Robert JJ. Christie, Margaret A. Waggoner, . Wood Lake. Ramon A. Gilbert, Frank R. Parker, \Vilsonville. · \Villiam E. Beatty, Herbert C. Robbins, Wallace, ,. Leslie R. Lingeman, Harry C. Rogers, Upland. William T. Oppenheimer, jr~'" !!'rank A Cox, Sutherland. Andrew Sinamark, Charles J. Huber, Rulo. Rushmer C. Christiansen, A. J. Ferris, Palmer. Claude ,V. Colonna, Frank D. Strope, Orchard. Bruce F. · Holding, Vernon L. Green, Merriman. Gilbert B. Meyers, Edward J. Brady, McCook. 'Valdo E. Golden, Fred H. Ossenkop, Louisville. Wilfred l\1. Peberdy. l\Iary J. Flynn, Jackson. Jay Jacobs, W. C. Bartlett, Elmwood. Francis E. O'Brien, Frederick C. Easley, Dunbar. \Vylie C. Mason, Mell A. Schmied, Dakota City. Raymond H. Leu, R. V. McPherson, Craig. Watie 1\l. AJberty, Harry N. Wallace, Coleridge. Dozier H. Gibbs, J. B. Lane, Blue Hill. John F. Hart, HannalJ Price, Bennet. Dwight H. Murray, NEW JERSEY! Kirk C. Brown, Marvin C. Johns, John F. Ryan, Woodbridge. Pliny B. Fiske, E. R. Barrett, West Fort Lee. Jack W. Jones, Joseph B. Cornish, jr., 'Vashington« Albert L. Williams, Vineland. Herbert L. Shinn, - Joseph Mark, South River. Mathew L. Carr, Katherine E. Fraleigli, Seagirt. Charles S. Norburn, Frank Hampton, Sea Bright. Everett B. Taylor, William H. Cottrell, Princeton. Paul Keller, Samuel H. Chatten, Pennington. \VHburn E. Saye, James P. McNair, Paterson. Burchard A. Winne. Edwin T. Van Horn, Newfoundland. Samuel Segal, jr., Peter H. S. Hendricks, New Brunswicli. Herbert R. Coleman, Walter M. Miller, Netcong. Claude E. Brown, Edward Iredell, Mullica Hill. Ho:race R. Boone, John V. L. Booraem, Milltown. Samuel A. Fuqun, Charles l\IeCue, Lakewood. Robert E. S. Kelly, John J. Schilcox, Keasbey. ~nimore S. Johnson, Chester A. Burt, Helmetta. Clarence N. Meador, Joseph Atkinson, Freehold. AJbert D. Huffman, Charles Rittenhouse, Hackettstown. Hugo F. A. Baske, PatriCk J. Ryan, Elizabeth. Lionel L. Lapointe, Adam 'Vorth, Elberon. WilHam E. Crooks, E. Tracy Lanterrna n, East Orange. Victor H. Shields, Frank Hill, Dumont. Max 1\1: Braff, Jeanette H. Claypoole, Cedarville. Clayton W. Eley, and Clarence 0. McCullough, Carneys Point. Wilbur 0. Manning. Harry 1\l. Knight, Camden. • PosTMASTERS. i John J. Foley, Bernardsville. ALABAMA. Adrian P. King, Beacbhaven. Richard D. Williams, Opelika. R. M. Chorpenning, Atco. \Velborn V. Jones, Auburn. Harrison C. Hurley, Asbury Park. RHODE ISLAND. ARK~ "SAS. James Brennan, River Point. A. W. Cammack, Portland. Charles F. Holroyd, Thornton. John D. Wilbourne, Pine Bluff. Samuel Seabury, 2d, Tiverton . .d... J. S~epheru;, Morrillton. T. G. Robinson, :Marvell. VERMONT. -m·h J. Hazel, Marked Tree. Patrick H. Thompson, Arlington. H. R. Cantrell, Mansfield. Victor L. Smith, East Arlington. Laura B. Denton, Luxora. Charles F. Thurber, Fairlee. ,V. E. Lamb, Lepanto. Murray K.· Paris, Lyndon. Miles J. Webb, Lamar. C. A. Berry, Huttig. D. B. Thomp on, Hope. SENATE. Edward R. Se:reeton, Hazen. T. L. Pound, Danville. TUESDAY, August 7, 1917. Alice L. Roller, Crawfordville. (Legislati,;e day of Saturday, August 4, 1917.) J. F. Gille pie, Carlisle. Ernest J. Patton, Cabot. The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock m., on the exi,iration Pearl Berkheimer, Augusta. of the. recess. W. F. Turner, Atkins. CONSERVATION OF FOOD-CONFERENCE REPORT. Anne Patton, A1theimer. The Senate resumed the consideration of the report of the I . IDAHO.. committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Manford_W. Harland, Troy. Houses upon the bill (H. R. 4961) to .provide further for the Franklin' A. Miller, St. Anthony.f ·. national security aqd defense by encouraging the 1)roductioii11 Frances H. Langford, Rogerson. conserving the supply, and controllin~ the distributtan of food Chru.·les L. Hollar, Kellogg~ products and fuel~ 1917. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 5_8611 Mr. SMOOT. 1\lr. President, there are very few Senators in The balance of that I will not read b,ut continue the· reading the Chamber, and I suggest the absence of a quorum. where it is parliamentary: · ' ' · The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the It might seem inconceivable that any respectable grouE of .American roll. lawmakers would or could array themselves against the r Government at such a time, seeking to cripple the President and handicap· the coun­ The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ try in the mobilization of its war resources; yet there is such a group. swered to their names : Everybody who has followed the course of legislation for the past tour Ashurst ,. Hollis Myers Simmons months knows that there is. Bankhead Rusting Nelson Smith, Ariz. • • * • • • • Beckham J"ames New Smith, Ga. It has continued its work of obstruction ever since and is still find­ Brady Johnson, Cal. Norris Smith, Md. ing means of tying the hands of the administration. Calder Jom•s, N.Mex. Overman Smith, S.C. Chamberlain Jones, Wash. Page Smoot SENATE'S PATIENCE STRAINED. Culberson Kellogg Penrose Sterling The Senate is a patient body. It stands for a great deal of abuse of Curtis Kendrick Pittman Thompson individual privllege. It refused for more than 100 years to apply even Dillingham Kenyon Poindexter Underwood a cloture. Now_ that it may slap the gag upon the man or mPn who Femald King JJ..omerene Vardaman deliberately kill valuable time with meaningless declaration or perfervid Fletchet· Kirby Saulsbury Wadsworth protest, it still hesitates to "abridge the right of debate." But occa­ Gronna Knox Shafroth Warren sionally the worm turns, and occasionally some Member lets himself Harding McKellar Sheppard Weeks loose, \vith the result that the dignified Chamber is filled for the time Hardwick McNary Sherman Williams with forked lightning. • • • • • • • Mr. SHAFROTH. I desire to announce the unavoidable ab­ Both the House and Senate are facing the same issue, raised by the sence of my colleague [Mr. THOMAS] on account of illness. l pro-German Members of those bodies. It may be an unpleasant thing will state that he is paired with the senior Senator from North for a Congressman or a Senator to expose the unpatriotic course of a fellow Member, but national necessity requires that it be done, just Dakota [Mr. McCUMBER]. This announcement may stand for as national necessity demands that a powerful army be marshaled the day. and a formidable navy be bullt and equipped for defense. 1\fr. FLETCHER. I wish to announce that my colleague It is well for the Senate to hear what the country thinks. [1\lr. TRAMMELL] is absent on account of a death in his family. Here is some more of it. This is from the St. Louis. Post­ I desire this announcement to stand for th.e day. I should have Dispatch, which I urn informed is a Democratic p_aper, though made it yesterday, but was myself necessarily detained on pub­ I do not know : lic business and was not present at the time of the roll cull. With Germany in control of a triumphant and insolent military 1\Ir. JAMES. I desire to announce that the senior Senator autocracy, no peace can be made that would not be a mere truce, pre­ from New Jersey [1\Ir. HuGHES] is absent on account of illness. paratory to another war. lt would be a peace which ignored the funda­ I will allow this announcement to stand for the day. , mental issue upon which we entered the war. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Fifty-six Senators have an­ By the way, I ask the Reporter to take down what I read, swered to their names. There is a quorum present. leaving out all matters personal in their character, which I do l\fr. WILLIAl\fS. 1\Ir. President, it is perhaps well for the not rea~: Senate of the United States even, august body as it is, _to have Opening a discussion of peace, therefore, at the time when we are just beginning to fight and on a basis of ignoring all for which we some inkling of information about what the country _is think­ are fighting indicates shameful weakness. It embarrasses and hampers Jng. I cut out of this morning's paper an interview from Osco.r the administration in the conduct of the war and contributes to the S. Straus, one of the most distinguished Republican _citizens postponement of any kind of peace. What the persistent advocates of peace in Great Britain and the of the United States. He is an ex-Cabinet officer; was Secre­ United States are incatable of understanding is tliat if this war is tary of Commerce. He has done great and valuable work for not fought to a finish and does not result in a free Germany 'there can the Red Cross and for a hundred other philanthropic institu­ be no real peace for anybody in the world. While the existing German system remains no Government can hereafter rely upon German pledges tions. He possesses one of the most acute intellects that I ever or German treaties. .All the democratic nations will have to put them­ came in contact with. Republican, ex-Cabinet officer under a selves upon a military basis and keep themselves armed to the teeth. Republican administration, this is what he has to say ; and I 'l'hey will be obliged to make their preparations for wa,r such that their armies and navies will be ready at 24 hours' notice, and civilization at recommend it as intellectual pabulum to this body: peace will be subjected to a burden of milltar; taxes .
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