Public Notice and Summons to an Ordinary Meeting of Stony Stratford Town Council Tuesday 16th March 2021, 7.00 pm, to be held remotely via teleconferencing facilities (In accordance with the *Coronavirus Act 2020) All Members of Stony Stratford Town Council are summoned to attend an Ordinary Meeting of the Council, at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 16th March 2021 to be held remotely via teleconferencing facilities Signed………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Date: 10th March 2021 Lynne Compton, Clerk to the Council *THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND POLICE AND CRIME PANELS (CORONAVIRUS) (FLEXIBILITY OF LOCAL AUTHORITY AND POLICE AND CRIME PANEL MEETINGS) (ENGLAND AND WALES) REGULATIONS 2020 Admission of the public and media The Council welcomes members of the public to its meetings in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960. Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of business on the agenda (SSTC Standing Orders 3e). Remote Meeting guidance: please ensure that you make yourself known when entering the meeting and then put your audio to mute. In the event that broadband causes a poor connection, the meeting will close briefly, a single attempt made to re-connect. If this fails, the meeting will be re-scheduled. Mobile Phones Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched to silent or is switched off completely during the meeting. Agenda Agendas and reports for the majority of the Council’s public meetings can be accessed via the Internet at: http://www.stonystratford.gov.uk/town-council-meetings/full-council Recording of Meetings The proceedings at this meeting may be recorded for the purpose of preparing the minutes of the meeting. In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, you can film, photograph, record or use social media at any Council meetings that are open to the public. If you are reporting the proceedings, please respect other members of the public at the meeting who do not want to be filmed. You should also not conduct the reporting so that it disrupts the good order and conduct of the meeting. While you do not need permission, you can contact the Council’s staff in advance of the meeting to discuss facilities for reporting the proceedings and a contact is included on the front of the agenda, or you can liaise with staff at the meeting. Guidance from the Department for Communities and local government can be viewed at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/343182/140812_Openness_Guide .pdf There follows a list of the business to be transacted (Agenda) 1 of 4 Ordinary Meeting of Stony Stratford Town Council Tuesday 16th March 2021, 7.00 pm to be held remotely via teleconferencing facilities. Agenda 1. QUESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: In accordance with Standing Order 3f-g, a maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for public participation and no member of the public may speak for more than three minutes. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Section 29(1). Council to receive and note. 3. REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 S33. 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - Council to consider and make resolution. 5. MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS attached HELD ON TUESDAY 19th January 2021 and WEDNESDAY 3RD MARCH 2021 Council to consider and make resolution to approve as accurate records of the meetings. 6. CLERK’S REPORT (to be tabled) to follow Council to note and make resolution to approve any decisions taken under delegated powers 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS: attached Council to note the reports, consider any recommendations and make decisions: 7.1 Finance and Human Resources Committee - Council to note draft minutes of 16th February 2021 and consider the recommendations therein. 7.2 Planning Committee - to note minutes of 26th January 2021 and draft minutes of 23rd February 2021. 7.3 Projects Committee - to note minutes of 2nd February 2021, draft minutes of 2nd March 2021 and consider any recommendations therein. 7.4 Property Development Committee – to note draft minutes of 9th March 2021 and consider any recommendations therein: 7.5 5-7 Church Street Working Group: to receive an update from the meeting held on Weds 10th March 2021 (to follow). 8. FORWARD PLANNING FOR INCREASED FOOTFALL TO STONY DURING THE attached FORTHCOMING HOLIDAYS: Council to consider the plan and additional expenditure up to £3,000. 2 of 4 9. GRANT APPLICATIONS: attached 9.1 Grant Applications 2021/22: Council to consider the applications: Organisation Details Amount Previous Power Requested Funding? Galley Hill Residents’ Easter egg gifts for children and £250 2020/21 £225 Localism Association Act 2011 s1 related activities Riverside Parks Group to support the annual Riverside Fair, £450 2019/20 £480 Localism which will take place on Saturday 25th Act 2011 s1 September 2021. Total applications: £700.00 10. NALC ‘MAKE A CHANGE’ ELECTION CAMPAIGN: attached Council to consider joining the campaign 11. MEMBERS ITEMS: attached To ask the Council to amend Financial Regulations to add an additional criterion for awarding contracts reflecting the benefit to the local economy. 12. GRANT FUNDING SCHEME 2021/22: attached Council to review and make resolution to adopt. 13. MEMBERS’ ALLOWANCES 2021/22: attached Council to review and make resolution to approve. 14. SCHEME OF DELEGATION (New): to follow Council to review the new document setting out current procedures in a single document and make resolution to approve. 15. COUNCIL AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: to follow To receive an update and review changes 16. LOCAL COUNCIL AWARD SCHEME (LCAS) QUALITY STATUS to follow Council to consider the report and make resolutions in accordance with the eligibility criteria. 17. COVID-19 GOVERNMENT GRANT (£7,500) via MKC to follow Council to receive an update, consider the expenditure plans and suspending regulation FR4 to delegate the expenditure (to the Town Clerk). 18. 5-7 CHURCH STREET REFURBISHMENT PROJECT to follow To receive a report and agree an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday 25th May 2021 to confirm award of the tender. 19. FINANCE to follow 19.1 Finance report: Council to note. 19.2 Accounts for payment: Council to authorise payments as listed. 19.3 List of payments made between in between meetings: Council to approve. 3 of 4 Move to exclude press and public in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 sect 1.2 to discuss matters of commercial and personal confidentiality (Papers for Members only), AGENDA ITEM 20: 20. HUMAN RESOURCES ITEMS (Members Only): Council to CONSIDER the report and make resolutions on the following: a) Report from the HR Sub-Committee (panel) Report and recommendations regarding i) TC Appraisal ii) TC Holiday Signed………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. Date: 10th March 2021 Lynne Compton, Clerk to the Council Date of next meeting: Annual Meeting of the Town Council followed by an Ordinary meeting on Tuesday 18th May 2021, 7 pm, venue To Be Advised (dependent on Government restrictions in place. A remote meeting will only be held if the Government authorises the extension of the Coronavirus Regulations 2020) 4 of 4 Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Held as a ‘virtual’ meeting using teleconferencing facilities at 7 pm on Tuesday 19th January 2021, Present: Cllrs Roy Adams, Paul Bartlett, Cliff Brett, Bianca Bendig-Ceesay, Simon Cherrill, Rob Gifford (Chair), June Payne, Pete Thornburgh, Keith Tilley, Tom Welch (10) members), Lynne Compton, Clerk to the Council (TC) and Karen Hiser (DTC) Absent: None. All present In attendance: Cllr Jennifer Wilson-Marklew and Twenty members of the public. 21/001 QUESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: There were twenty-one members of the public present. Representation was received on: 1. MKC Budget Consultation and possible omission of improvement funds for the Galley Hill Small Meeting Place and Arts Centre. Council AGREED that this should be looked into. Action: TC to write to MKC and investigate 2. Flooding in Stony Stratford 23/12/20: Concerns were expressed about i) the lack of any warning or assistance from the Flood authorities (Milton Keynes Council and the Environment Agency). 21/002 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN RESPECT OF RELEVANT ITEMS OF BUSINESS ON THE AGENDA: There were none. 21/003 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION There were none. 21/004 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were none. All present. 21/005 MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON TUESDAY 17th NOVEMBER 2020: Council RESOLVED to approve the minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. The minutes would be subsequently signed by the Chair. Action: TC to organise. 21/006 CHANGE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS (to facilitate public participation): In line with Standing Order 11 vii Council RESOLVED (RG/RA) to change the order of business on the agenda and bring forward for discussion Agenda Item 9 (Min 21/007) 21/007 FLOODING IN STONY STRATFORD including Galley Hill and Fullers Slade 19:24 Standing Orders (SO’s) were suspended to hear representation from a resident on a historical flooding event. 19:26 SO’s were reinstated. Following a lengthy discussion, Council NOTED concerns expressed by residents and RESOLVED the following: i) to endorse the resident’s report and raise the issues with the relevant authorities. ii) that the formation of a Flood Resilience Group should be explored. SSTC Cllrs Welch, Bartlett and Brett kindly volunteered to start this together with Ward Councillor Jennifer Wilson-Marklew and interested residents. iii)to provide the DTC as administrative support for the Group iv)to discuss the matter at the Annual Meeting of Town Council (date tba) and if finalised, adopt the Flood Resilience Plan.
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