4132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 18; By Mr. ARNOLD of Pennsylvania: Petition of Amos Kiser relating to second-class matter-to the Committee on the Post­ Post, No. 475, Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Penn­ Office and Post-Roads. sylvania, and citizens of Shippenville, Pa., and vicinity, to accom­ Also, petition of Ponk Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, ill., pany House bill No.8~, granting a pension to Albert J. Goble, for favorable action on House bills Nos. 838, 4566, and 5560, to late a private of Company H, Eighth Pennsylvania Reserve provide 1-cent postage per half ounce, and to amend the postal Volunteer Corps-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. laws relating to second-class matter-to the Committee on the By Mr. BOWERS: Petition of 84 citizens of San Bernardino, Post-Office and Post-Roads. Cal., for the restoration of forest reservations to the public Also, resolutions of the board of supervisors of Santa Clara domain-to the Committee on the Public Lands. County, Cal., favoring liberal expenditure of money for various Also, petition of 42 citizens of Coalinga, Cal., favoring the improvementd in the harbor of San Francisco, Cal.-to the Com­ passage of House bill No. 2626, for the protection of agricultural mittee on Rivers and Harbors. staples by an export bounty-to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. McCLEARY of Minnesota: Resolutions of the Minne­ Means. apolis (Minn.) Jobbers and Manufacturers' Ass()ciation, in favor By Mr. COBB of Missouri: Papers to accompany House bill of a national bankruptcy law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. No. 5678, being amendments suggested to said bill by Rev. Fred Also, resolutions of the Minneapolis (Minn.) Jobbers and Manu­ H. Wines and George R. Lockwood, in regard to paroling United facturers' Association, in favor of sundry bills for the improve­ States convicts-to the Committee on the Judiciary. ment of the postal s-ervice-to the Committee on the Post-Office By Mr. COFFIN: Papers to accomp"any bill for the relief of and Post Roads. Caroline Little-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. OTJEN: Protest of Henry Smith and 19 other citizens By Mr. CONNOLLY: Petition of Spooner Post, No. 294, Ar­ of Milwaukee, Wis., against the constitutional amendment relat­ genta, Ill., for the enactment of a service-pension law-to the ing to God in civil government, etc.-to the Committee on the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Judiciary. By Mr. COOK of Wisconsin: Petition of H. J. Yapp, president, By Mr. SORG: Petition of Shining Light Council, No. 93, and Sarah L. McMillen, secretary, of Oshkosh, Wis., representing Order United American Mechanics, of Middletown, Ohio; also of the Winnebago Christian Endeavor Union, of Wisconsin, 1,500 J. E. Parent, J. W. Poling, and others, of Butler Collnty, Ohio, members, favoring Sunday-rest law for the District of Columbia favoring the passage of the Stone immigration bill-to the Com­ equal to the most efficient State Sunday law; to raise the age of mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. consent to 18 in the District of Columbia and in the Territories, By Mr. TRACEY: PaperstoaccompanyHousebill No. 7463,for and to prevent interstate gambling by telegraph, and for other the relief of Thomas Mathias-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ purposes-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. sions. By Mr. DALZELL: Petition of sundry citizens of the Twenty­ second Congressional district of Pennsylvania, in favor of the passage of a bill for the adoption of the metric system-to the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. By Mr. DOLLIVER: Petition of citizens of What Cheer, Iowa, SATURDAY, April18, 1896. urging the passage of House bill No. 4709,for revenue, for a more The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. equitable distribution of wealth by discouraging vast accumula­ HENRYN. COUDEN. tions in a few hands, and as a recompense for itsfosteringprotec­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ tion, which has made the accumulation of vast private fortunes proved. possible-to the Committee on Ways and Means. GENERAL DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION BILL. By Mr. FAIRCHILD: Petition and remonstrance of 209 citizens Mr. CANNON, from the Committee on Appropriations, reported of Peekskill, Sing Sing, and vicinity, State of New York, pro­ a bill (H. R. 8293) making appropriations to supply deficiencies testing against the statue of Marquette remaining in Statuary for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896, and for prior years, and Hall-to the Committee on the Library. for other purposes; which was read a first and second time, and, By Mr. GILLETT of Massachusetts: Petition of professors in with the accompanying report, ordered to be printed and referred Smith College, Northampton, Mass., in favor of the adoption of to the Co:inmittee of the Whole House on the state of t he Union. the metric system of weights and measures-to the Committee on Mr. RICHARDSON. I believe it is usual to reserve points of Coinage, Weights, and Measures. order against this bill, and I desire to reserve all points of order. By Mr. HART: Petition of 58 citizens of Carbon County, Pa., Mr. CANNON. I desire to give notice, Mr. Speaker, that at the favoring the passage of the Stone immigration bill-to the Com­ earliest practicable moment I shall ask the House to consider the mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. bill. • By Mr. HENDERSON: Petition of M.P. Messinger and 61 oth­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. RicH- ers; also of L. L. Brooks and 72 other citizens of Blackhawk ARDSON] reserves all points of order. · County, Iowa, praying for the enactment of a law to prohibit rail­ roads from using cars without extension or adjustable roof or NAVAL TRAINING STATION, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. some method to close the space between the roofs of cars to pre­ Mr. HILBORN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the vent persons falling between them-to the Committee on Inter­ present consideration of the bill (S. 744) providing for a naval state and Foreign Commerce. training station on the island of Yerba Buena (or Goat Island), in By Mr. HERMANN: Petition of citizens of Oregon, asking for the harbor of San Francisco, Cal., and for other purposes. the passage of House bill No. 2626, for the protection of agricul­ The bill was read, as follows: tural staples by an export bounty to equalize the benefits and bur­ Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the ~avy be, and he is hereby-l authorized to establish a trainin~ station for na.val apprentices on the islana dens of the protective system-to the Committee on Ways and of Yerba Buena (or Goat Island , in the h ar bor of San Francisco, Cal. ~ and Means. said Secretary is authorized to esignate t wo officers of the Navy, ana the Also, petition of citizens of Oregon, in favor of the speedy con­ Secretary of War is authorized to designate one officer of the Army, said three officers to constitute a b oard, who shall select and assign so much of struction of the Nicaragua Canal-to the Committee on Interstate said island as may be necessary for the purpose of establishing !'aid naval and Foreign Commerce. training station; and the site so selected , when app roved by the President, By Mr. KULP: Protest and resolution of Washington Camp, sh:l.ll be, by virtue of this act, transferred to the Na.vy Depart m en t for the purposes of said naval training station. No. 105, Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Berwick, Pa., com­ SEC. 2. That all apprentices of the NavY,:\ whether at a training station or posed of 370 members: protesting against the statue of Pere Mar­ on board an apprentice training ship, sha,u be additional to the number of quette remaining in the Capitol of the United States-to the enlisted persons allowed by law for the Navy. · Committee on the Library. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration By Mr. LAYTON: Resolutions of the Fort Recovery Monu­ of the bill? mental Association, Fort Recovery; I. 0. 0. F. Lodge No. 458; Mr. RICHARDSON. I should like to have some explanation Harrod-McDaniel Post, No. 161, Grand Army of the Republic; of the bill. Fort Recovery Lodge, No. 539, F. A. A.M., and 484 citizens of Mr. HILBORN. The report will give a sufficient explanation. western Ohio, u!'ging Congress to consider and pass at an early The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman. from Tennessee object, day House bill No. 1437, providing for the erection of a monu­ or reserve the right to object? ment at Fort Recovery, Ohio, in memory of General St. Clair and Mr. RICHARDSON. I simply ask to have some explanation 900 American soldiers who lost their lives in battle with the of the bill. If the gentleman desires to have the report read, that Indians, known as St. Clair's defeat, at Fort Recovery, in 1791-to may be done, or the gentleman can make an explanation. the Committee on the Library. · · · · Mr. HILBORN. The report is short. By Mr. LOUD: Petition of citizens of San Mateo County, Cal., The report (by Mr. HILBORN) was read, as follows: favoring the passage of House bill No. 2626, for the protection of The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 7«.) agricultural staples by an export duty-to the Committee on Ways providing for a naval training station on the island of Yerba Buena (or Goat Island), iu the harbor of San Francisco caL, and for ot her purpose , h aving and Means.
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