:3acrament:., , Spartans, Dons Await Tonight's Grid Battle By HAL BORCHERT 8 o'clock when kickoff time comes heading for a fall and the spar- , The'll he there to %%atilt Mat ..ist week lei:tied that of the lcaat spartan Daily Sports Editor I around they'll see what they can tans are the guys aho want to ...in and Brown ii ,irk hut the%'11 ri a job well done. This week the The Spartans come home to- do about evening the score with do the job. he riling -Hold that line- and tiorn blowers and thumpers ha' night. the Dons and bringing up the vic- IAlong the 50-yard line tonight hoping that Coach Bob Brost/an been working on marchine forma- Home to what. Home to face tory side of the ledger to match will be 2000-odd white shined root- ha', uorked out a deft-0.w that tions which they will strut to- one of the ruggedest independent I the loss column. ers who subconscious's. hope that %%ill stop the flashy tullback and night. If, as the hand goes so grit. elevens on the West Coast. None I Their worthy opponents are tonight will be The night. Nearly the completion-happy quarter- the team. maybe tonight's The other than Ed Brown, 011ie Mat- currently enjoying one of the best all will be there to see Nimble . back from hitting the promised night. san and company from the liniver- seasons in the history of the 011ie Matson score his USUR I land. At any rate all the color wiS sit% of San Francisco who already school on the hilltop and are 'amount of touchdouns with long Providing the musical score tor bc at the Stadium tot have humiliated our boys 39-2 in rivaled only by College of Pacific fancy runs or to watch the needle the great drama on the gridiron 01 the 1951 home - the the opening game of the season. in the role of top West Coast in- threading pitching of Quarterback at Spartan Stadium will he the hand, t he ira d. the I It's the fourth rung of a jagged dependent, Loyola, Santa Clara. 'Ed Brown. Like leading lambs to .Gold and Whits uniformed Spar- and the itton pont '01 ten rung ladder, the roughest lad- and San Jose being lost in the slaughter is placing the Spartans tan band under the direction of backing an outstandlia: .00,4,1 der a Spartan team has had to wake. against this Green Wave from the ;Robert P. Olson. Reports have it team a ho tonigiv climb in many a year. Tonight at Our boys believe the Dons are Fog city, senses the crowd. 'hat their pet forma is'.' in Fresno night Spartan Daily Budget Cut Could Mean SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 40. SAN JOSE, CALIF., FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 1951 No. 13 Fewer Sports--Ilartranft State Asks Faculty Dean est Hop For Qualifications tiluersal ASB Fee Is Accepted Of New President Among tit, organliations Most What qualifications should a sixerely aticcteti by the 1951-52 college president have? reduced hializet is tts Phssical The State Department of Edu- Ed:Will 1011 department wluch re- cation is asking this question of uested a budget of $34.000 and re- the faculty at San Jose State col- , eied $27.11111 lege. The request was made by Dr. GIP1111 Hartranft. head vf the Roy Simpson, head of the Sacra- PF depa it men? said, We'll pro?. mento department, to aid in nam- atbase to rut out some spouts. ing a successor to our college Wt. can't operate all sports by ?e- president, Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie. ducing them proportionately ten This request, explained Dr. Mac- pereent." Quarrie yesterday, is being met by 111, riduci,d budget for 1951-52 the appointment of a faculty qual- will atlect the activities ifications committee, chosen on a of all campus organizations if students basis of one member representing do not accept universal ASB each of our college divisions. calerl 1111.aNUre at the pills according to This mode of local expression Lud Spolyar ASII president. follows the pattern voluntarily set dislike this butts t reduction, by interested persons at both said Spabai "I'm hoping that the Fresno and Chico State colleges hill still be accepted by a twn. %% hen they were faced with similar thirds vote so that we Can go, situattona. back the activities that will he The importance of presidential curtailed by this budget u 441,-" b lie relations ability was In acknowledging his support stressed by Dr. MacQuarrie. A 01 Asserntilj 13111 KIT, it hail will college president, he said, must be presented before the entire stu- have the ability to see his educa- ARTIST AND f RITIC Look- dent hods at an ileet.on. Joe tional philosophy and the objec- ing; at the landscape Sr.' John West. Dean tat Students. said tives of the college are understood Mottram, Intrtiefor of art, "The universal fee will help to throughout right, and J. Theodore Johnson, the entire organization Professors' Paintings stabilize the program of student associate professor of art, left. and the region in which his col- activities It will make it possibte lege is located. It must also ex- The painting, the stork of Mfr. Mottram, is from an ehihit t, for all students to share the ex - tend to the legislature, since that Will Be Shown Monday the two instructors Olich atll Si, stall as the benefits. body controls the welfare of state be on display in the Reserve 'To be sure some students will colleges. Twenty-five years of art work publicity director for the exhibi- Book room Monday through Nov. benefit more than others, but that Dr. MacQuarrie has announced will be on view Monday morning tion committee, said. a. photo by Armstrong is true in iwa..tically all forms of presiously that he will retire from in the Reserve Book room when Figure drawings, landscapes, still taxation. the office of college president in J. Theodore Johnson, associate lifes, pastels, watercolors, and oil "Dos isn't a method of inertias A ugust. professor of art, and John Mot - portraits will comprise the show, Jensen Mores ing the Ps. per individual. It is ill tram, instructor in art, present a according to Johnson and Mot. put us in a position where we will two-man show of a group of their tram. be able to organize thco stud, :it Frats to Alter paintings from 1925 to 1951. Mr. Johnson's work dominates To New Post act iv tie'. efficiently. The exhibit Is the second in the portrait side of the display, Dr. Harry Jensen. professor ot a aeries being taloa n this year while Mr. Mottram's feature pres- education, recently was appointed under the a 111opire% of the Elite with hill- `Hell Week' entation is landscapes, by Dr. T. W MacQtiarrie to the Arts division, Mr. Warren Fans, side and seashore scenes predom- Seniors Asked to A meeting of all fraternity ad- inating. visers was held yesterday morn- Among the paintings Mr. John. ing on campus. Problems Make Photo Date discussed %lake Promotions sowill show is an oil study of s were: the Western mad, Regional In- French girl a hich he did in France terfraternity conference, pledging In Campus Police in 1928. This work drew attention appointments for t :,earbook and rushing, organization, social at the Golden Gate exposition Iii photograuhs may do so now at standards, a Appointments to the positions fraternity-faculty 1939 and 1940 and has been es. the library aceordine to Jane men's banquet, of assistant chief, sergeant and and an all-Greek hibited in almost every museum Scott and Alt Moreno, co-editors ''help week," corporal in the student police or- Dean of Men Stan- in the country. Mr. Johnson said. of LaToire. ifw f '01 leg( yearbook. were announced yes- ley C. Benz announced. ganization Students also sill see a paint- Charge for ihe photographs is terday by Student Chief William "Although people are generally ing of Mr. Johnson's ahich took V 50 plus tax satisfied with C. De Lapp. the pledging and first prize at the All-California The Angelo Rulers studio isill rushing scheme as Ivan C. Bland has been appoint- a whole, im- Artists showing in Santa Cruz "gin taking the penury,- on Mon. provements are ed assistant chief, De Lapp said. now being dis- In 1901, A complete list of the day. Oct. 15 It will reqere three cussed," he said. Appointed sergeants were Lawr- 'mania he has son is gives in tweeks to complete the operation. ence Heflin, Charles Casey, J. C. Dean Benz revealed that the "Who's Who in Anterkst." Miss Scott said. Council's commit- May, John Duran, and Peter Hart- Interfraternity Mr. Motown will also show sev- Appointments may Is made tr tee on pledging and rushing is man. eral paintings which have been on time between the hours ,f the problem along with Student officers promoted to discussing display in large mu_seums. Gal- 14 m -I pm and 2-4 i30 pm. the faculty advisers of the frater- corporal were George Hess, Wil- leries which have exhibited his than ten minutes will Is, requit liam Wells. Billy Bob Kelly Peter nities, aork include the Philadelphia Mu- for the taking of each photogra; that the important Gorvad and Larry Otter, the stu- fie stated seum of Art. the Virginia Museum Men students must wear while problem "hell week" was dis- dent chief said. of of Art, and the San Francisco Mu- shirts and ties to their appoe..- cussed at length by the fraternity seum of Art.
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