TERRITORIAL DIRECTORY. THWTSm KWS. WHITE TO BIBLE, BHOWN & JOHNSON «!'• '1 . TH K PIONEER DRUG STORK. MT. IMm. 11'" II Frie §v Ii:Uh a Fne Al j. Gipsy & Spargo, H BEHLE. M L> P»<o m I Wm INDIAN TRADER "Iîi! tw Tfct TerrSto rf Oit Cküf pHl • Jli H Ht»» ma 7m\ r i itwnrf M H H» » I . 0RÜ6S AND MEDICINES, \\|» DK \1.ER 1\ SukIU)- Ml« Vol S (il il Oood beef is «ilisg <m Ibe street* BISO HA* COTXTT. y« ■ of Xilsl for foc: ceats per fM9d nu, r t»>» < ------• HeaiUU'bt (ML Beoiior Tuipein»*“- (JJ> I HH I * .1 lu Cheap 'tn/acU BLANK BOOKS. Item. VarnieJie» siia*» P**nt Brush.-- , ToiH I T* non»** J A. Wrnrnmm. CIOAtA. Vi <etc * * -I«: Carroll *m*ted at Moon- ^ ... ; Article!«. Stationery. Patent Mrelk-mc.laa<H d«y Ji (In tain Hon»*- «* a etmrff of attempting wallpaper. , GENERAL MERCIAN! utt «• (kam 6omm br tlJ to kill Harvey Tn^Mkii, has been %îl‘,'"'~*%arMrr H Mf AND STATIONERY. Pure Alcohol Wine and LlijU"1 " -wp p *t nstr AIM retawed from iiutoh Ja^kA. (lut. Hobs Forlt It 0>t nexxe or n.r rr fur Mr. Wallis Nash, president of Ike —«>>■■ Ouut-ai ns™ «act. am . f irnudii-al pKp«*~. Fan,*? C....U Infame (-i ^jc , « I.' , UjulbFiUlKftSaUif »(»<« Orcjpw Pacific Ktiln.iiL state« that r*uacmo-At am,«. Hr uunt »«a, • cfc Pocate ■ ta M«R* ) Writing Ink«. Plivsiiian» Preamp**** aud lawlit te City Meat Market, ( i-ipe. i-arrfullv «.utpouiKl.vl at all tu Hin,, «lat •* nia nt or ni lh;- Chicago &. North* ostero line will l'M.’T « «ratr -naaüta. iV- tMnl MuaAmy ta at'tl Jam- »rel lw Suotiï tat * «re I-tCSjwta'li-* a .«[«visit.' (Ma |«av* through the Wood River coco • » • ui *«nt,-JI»»d «Vty. «maul Miaalar Tamtiir* Punch 5 and 1'» *'--nt eigsra It 111 ! aJm uH tfcirt Sattr n Otofcrr ml. try to oMUK«t with bis road at Boi*e Untl l oiUf-Mwa flu. w*»auf M «a» P OPATELLO, IA HO. in Mar aad «fctrd Ifewl*/ tn SoBCial Prices Given to Mm. Gits Os i ... FiwIi X «it* *«f all kiotb aiasjt un hand Dr. Bride's Office at the Pioneer Urn? store- nty. slack r«<«T LA.vii ornes urn Ke0*ur Frank W, Recae. -Several Chinamen were enlaced on J*jhn %**itg*xi**ry \ ............black Ft nrr. Idaho i v > - Rttwm ill h W««lne*/Iay firing bond» mar the FISH u QAME MAIS STRUCT........ NOTICE. i"l uwiie of Lung Cluiey * death on the ta I. «va. All ortm win la- Sim, promptly Wm. DRIVER & SON UV I Hailey road. Thu* "they hofie to in- a trial. 1 li «limit nautili ............WHOLESALE---------- Orrvt Or Tn* Cot-arr Tam tarama., hi« yi'U • * tiiaiilate the ‘-Jew Devil ' which hover» Kltritiait. Hlagtmm •'tmntj, Hah»;, i bh |J»B 1IE.VBY SELL. IVuprietor. HOLIDAY HOODS hh alinot that vicinity. 't/TU V. » berat'? »Iren tîsat lb- ÎWi.atn* hb TR N H itebMia Ornat, Marrant, «rill la- paid «.p- bh DRUGS A NO LIQUOR Job» Latimer, the tenmtter so ha-l- 2ZTZZ hh Kuk Emnwbv. I- hh 11 hh ly crashed at Bajhon« two weelasgD, SESwS&St. Io!' T”* •* ^ !n'° hh • to M. G. W^RDLEIGIH. hh Mp,s- S E- HOLBROOK CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 11- lut» bet» taken P, >'alt Lai«* (Tty for »w i »I. mm. hh April üïb. 1«*-. S<». a V> »! imlmit.. hh In a/Mil»** to tin J«** .-I x hh eft! treatment His mother arrived at Gnmi rest). hh CrMUpiet«’ ****** «ni 1^1**^ *2? Ä ** 1 dn m KuinWitef M•«•»«*. « hh Ogden, XJt, hr to Krtchum. where she met her injured «*■ »*■ w '££££!!?* Etc . put fwil uf*« li*' Xjri*t I X. ? hh I-tfAlail orders stdiciUal and filled the day received« I« rwiviitf ami upMimr a ■ »*. hh hb tut mm, anti rlqrartci for her home on CMiatT Tmunrrr. I bated Oethbrr L'ab. 1*>T. » '/- hh FALL STOCK OF HOLIDAY l.tMIOs hh |ai>i« .Satimlay last !.!i 7. ■ hh el the lato», »«SM- «j*1**- .rtf Wtaid river towns are not the only lidnrtiim la Mn*ir. •be h«» TOTS of Every l>-«*nptv>n lilt « Mi R«t! one* growling over the present rail­ Mr Frank Bassett wi»h««i to an- yy hhhhhhhhbhhhUhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h hhh ’ noaiK-e that he ha» returned to Bla-k- Ml S. J. BURT & BROS. road time schedule. Interior Prwns foot with the determination to locate { hh ALBUMS. CARDS. BOOKS Ltr. hh to**" that ilejHfnd u{x>n stage wumection .,„,[ [4 l>ow prepare« 1 to give iustrue- / hh DEALERS IN /. x Ml ,‘ancr <'hlna-»are. awl Kvrrjthœ» for witli the railroad find that their nui Is tions on the I'iano ami Organ at rea- i •/. ■ bil.lr.-ti luuiwl in Kri* Kiiiwl- a»l hh Lit Sant* Itat» vtlmite U-lie» >b are received much lat<-r tiiau Irefore «onsblc rates. Instructions given at hh tie»irin^ «owfilio* Lan»!-«' hh Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Fine Shoes ■VI pupil« home if desired. for eicuot lv.- au.1 jarvut- ««n!- hh the change was ma<le. hh inr Hoîblay U..-U that «UI . , hh heart» of the little an »1 borne. »boaW hll Tlie eountv commissiooer* liave 7. 1 Have Yon Read Thi« Before! s 7. hh hh authorized the sale of $ 100,000 worth X Call anil Etamine M> Lanre Stork. hh A. Kuhn & Bro.. Og<h*n. Utah, who hh GENT'S FURNISHINGS. of the county bonds to .'an Frmweo have the largest wholesale hou*c hh UM hh AU Order» bjr Mail Prouiptljr nih-d Mail I Irders Solicite«! au.1 tllhsl the «lay rc<a a««l. Sew I u* Your capitalists. The reception of this in the West, will give you liar- hh !.h v! gains in Staple or Domestic Musical merchandise MRS. S E. HOLBROOK. Ularkfoat y, w I money will case the money market on hh OGDEN, UTJ »»IF Clothing. Boot ami Shoes, ti mi tin I»«« the River for a while. The remainder (4r(i«iuiMi it.*!Ian String» m Sp<*ci»Jty. IIIIIIMII Furnishing floods.Hats tMIDEN. UTAH. hw of the bonds will probably be soon Cap*, etc. etc. Mail placed. orders will receive H. (IKIFFIN. H. T. SNYDER Fritz Schwartz, the Hawtooth butch- J prompt atten­ Frank W. Jennings, 10 tion. gixxls lo-ing —.«nu-r-Ki; or— er. is in town on hi* way to Albion -IlZALKH is- JOBBKH VN'D DEALER IN shipjx-1 the day or­ lEfii I i|i for the winter. He has furnishe«! the ; ders received. They al- FPUITS - Â2D - Pp.ODUGE. r li Buckskin Company with 5,000 pound*, so buy and [iay the high­ j OUIiKS. I'TAII. 11 HARDWARE, STOVES & TINW, tt. of beef for winter use. He will re­ est market prices for furs Agent For A. BOOTH’S OYSTERS. turn early in the spring and expects and peltries of every kind, C':; to do a far better business nest season. and remittances made the same F. J. KIESEL & CO., day good* received, send for prices. F O H W O O D. —Ketchnm Keystone. s. WHOLESALE «St A* has Ik-ch the cnst.im every year C. H. WOODS, Ranges & Heaters nines* the first settlement «»f the SY<«od GROCERS, FOR COAL. River country a large poportion of h Bottom Prices at Wholesale or Retail. Send me Y mir Order* fur Stove«. the floating population have begun —ALHO— i Lit) nor and Cigar SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH seeking a warmer clime at the ap Cl proach of winter. The hotels of i»!u> Painter % Pap er jHanqer, MERCHANTS. shone have lieen floing an excellent OfiDEN -:- AND POCATELLO business the pied week inconsequence. BLACK FOOT. IDAHO. NOBLE, WOOD &. CO., fL Shoshone Journal—There is pastur- pians an,| Specifications furnished i age for 100,000 bead of horse* and on demand, J. S. LEWIS GO.. Manufacturer* and Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in cattle summer and winter around r -----DKALKHS IN— M **» Shoshone if the government will only l'he Lcirgost. ISCAPS, KUrS ^•VcvfcfiCA, 'Piamou».», tj, provide a system of artesian wells and Handsomest, —And Manufacturer* of— «MU irrigating ditches. This would sup- ... ... Best «Tine i'peefoefe.», e«f». i'tc. superior [tort a town of 100,1)00 people here. Watch and ( lock Bepairiug a Spivlalty SEAL, BILK, PLUSH & CLOTH CLOAKS Enterprise—David Daniels, a noted OGDEN, UTAH. .Sole A<"*p» fir YOUMAN’S Celebatcd New York Hats and KNOX'S Merchant Tailoring Store Worl*l-Tl -nuwncd Hat*; also carry a full line of STETSON Hats stockman of this valley, claims to | 1 Particular attention given to a!! Mail orders ■ » Bridge, Beach & Go’s Superior Stoves and have made a very valuable mineral —IN SOfTI! IDAHO IS----- - discovery. A company- has been ] Ogdon, XJt D. N. PEERY & SONS, o* i formed, and work will lie commenced | ( m ISiDKS CITY, I'TAII. SPENCER & KIMBALL, (Vi upon the ground immediately. All j 9” t= this mining excitement ought to have I g | e Rock, Idaho,, Carry the Largest and M,««t Complete Une in I«,; V- -The Only Bxeiniito Dealer* lu : ifi I Ladies, Mi»*e» and Children'» _ . something substantial behind it, and W. 6. CHILD & SON, The very Best CikmIs at the very low- j we honestly believe that before an- j DKAl.Ktt* iN est prices. 1 invite inspection. Cloaks, Jackets & Wraps other enow pass by rich mines will X ; -s BOOTS AND SHOES, on the CoMt. A chance In a be in full operation in this immediate -.■t - 160 s.
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