FACTS & FIGURES MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION 2000 1 Glos sary of ac ro nyms used in this pub li ca tion A ABS ...........Anti-lock brak ing sys tem ASC ...........Ac tive sta bil ity con trol ATC ...........Asian Trans mis sion Corp. AYC ...........Ac tive yaw con trol C CCD...........Charge cou pled de vice CMC ..........China Mo tor Corp. F FUSO ..........Mitsubishi truck brand G GDI ...........Gas o line di rect in jec tion H HC ............Hy dro car bons HMC ..........Hyundai Mo tor Co. HML...........Hindustan Mo tors Ltd. I INVECS ........In tel li gent & in no va tive ve hi cle elec tronic con trol sys tem ITS ............In tel li gent trans port sys tem J JAMA ..........Ja pan Au to mo bile Man u fac turing As so ci a tion M MBECS .........Mo tor ve hi cle brake en ergy con ser va tion sys tem MC............Mitsubishi Cor po ra tion MDAS..........Mitsubishi driver’s at ten tion mon i tor ing sys tem MFTA ..........Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of Amer ica, Inc. MHI ...........Mitsubishi Heavy In dus tries, Ltd. MHTC .........MMC Holding (Thai land) Co., Ltd. MIE ...........MMC In vest ment of Eu rope B.V. MILS...........Mitsubishi in tel li gent load mon i tor ing sys tem MKM ..........P.T. Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Mo tors & Man u fac turing MMA ..........Mitsubishi Mo tors Amer ica Inc. MMAL .........Mitsubishi Mo tors Aus tra lia, Ltd. MMC ..........Mitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion MMCA .........Mitsubishi Mo tors Credit of Amer ica, Inc. MMCE .........MMC Automoviles Espana SA. MME ..........Mitsubishi Mo tors Eu rope B.V. MMGF .........Mitsubishi Mo tor Parts Sales of Gulf MMMA .........Mitsubishi Mo tor Man u fac turing of Amer ica, Inc. MMNZ .........Mitsubishi Mo tors New Zea land Ltd. MMPC .........Mitsubishi Mo tors Phil ip pines Corp. MMRE..........Mitsubishi Mo tor Mar keting Re search Eu rope GmbH MMSA .........Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica, Inc. MMSC .........Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Ca rib bean, Inc. MMSD .........Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales Den mark AS MMSE..........Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales Eu rope B.V. MPI ...........Multi-point in jec tion MRDA .........Mitsubishi Mo tors R&D of Amer ica, Inc. MRDE ..........Mitsubishi Mo tor R&D Eu rope GmbH MSC...........MMC Sittipol Co., Ltd. MTE ...........Mitsubishi Trucks Eu rope-Sociedade Europeia de Automoveis, S.A. MVV...........Mitsubishi Ver ti cal Vor tex N NedCar ........Neth er lands Car B.V. NOx...........Ox ides of ni tro gen P PDC ...........Pre view Dis tance Con trol PROTON .......Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd. R RISE ...........Re al ized im pact safety evo lu tion S SRS ...........Sup ple men tal re straint sys tem T TCL ...........Trac tion Con troL V VSM ...........VinaStar Mo tors Corp. ITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION is pleased to present FACTS & FIGURES 2000 for all those with an interest in the company. This booklet is intended to provide a general overview of the company’s main Mproducts, as well as its research and development, production, sales, exports, and other operations. We hope that FACTS & FIGURES 2000 will be of assistance and value. Any suggestions as to how we may improve the booklet will be welcomed. Sep tem ber 2000 Inquiries should be addressed to: n In Japan Mr Fumio Nishizaki: In ter na tional Pub lic Re la tions Pub lic Re la tions De part ment Mitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion 33–8 Shiba 5–chome Minato–ku, To kyo JAPAN 108–8410 Tel:+81–3–5232–7165 Fax:+81–3–5232–7747 n Major affiliates Mr Junzo Ishino: Me dia Re la tions & Pub lic Af fairs Mitsubishi Mo tors Amer ica, Inc. Tel: +1–714-372-6442 Fax:+1–714-934-7603 Ms Gale O’Brien: Cor po rate Com mu ni ca tions Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica, Inc. Tel: +1–714–372–5528 Fax: +1–714–890-3458 Mr Kim Custer: Media Re la tions Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica, Inc. Tel: +1–714–372–6428 Fax: +1–714–934-7655 Mr T. Kawahata: PR Dept. Mr T. Kishii Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Eu rope B.V. Tel: +31-20-4468-355 Fax:+31-20-4468-143 Ms Corinne van Iersel: PR & Com mu ni ca tions Neth er lands Car B.V. Tel: +31–46–4894444 Fax: +31–46–4895488 Mr Kevin Tay lor: Pub lic Re la tions Mitsubishi Mo tors Aus tra lia, Ltd. Tel: +61–8–8275–7111 Fax: +61–8–8275–6841 I Cor po rate Out line 1. In tro duc tion As an in de pend ent pub lic com pany, Mitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion is Ja pan’s new est au to m o bile man u fac turer. It is also one of the very few firms in the world that pro duces a full line of au to mo tive prod ucts, ranging from 660-cc mini cars to pas- sen ger cars, light com mer cial ve hi cles and heavy-duty trucks and buses. The com pany was es tab lished in 1970 when the au to mo tive di vi sion of Mitsubishi Heavy In dus tries was spun off and formed into a sep a rate en tity. Al though its his tory as an in de pend ent firm is rel a tively short, Mitsubishi Mo tors’ au to mo tive tra di tion goes back to 1917 when the Mitsubishi Model A, Ja pan’s first se ries-pro duc tion au t o mo bile, was in tro duced. Un- der the Mitsubishi name, the Fuso B46 bus went into pro duc tion in 1932. Fol low ing the sus pen s ion of con sumer ve hi cle pro- duc tion dur ing World War II, Mitsubishi truck and pas sen ger car pro duc tion re sumed in 1946 and 1960 re spec tively. Mitsubishi Mo tors shares were of fered to the pub lic in 1988 when it be came the first pri vate com pany to be listed di rectly on the first sec tion of the To kyo, Osaka and Nagoya stock ex changes. Shares were listed on the rest of Ja pan’s stock ex - changes in 1989. The 21st cen tury will see com pe ti tion on the world’s mar kets con tin u ing to grow in in ten sity. To strengthen its op er a - tional base on a global scale and boost its com pet i tive ness in those mar kets, MMC has re cently formed two ma jor eq uity and op er at ing al li ances: with DaimlerChrysler in the pas sen ger car sec tor, and with AB Volvo in the com mer cial ve hi cle sec tor. m Cor po rate pro file Head of fice: 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, To kyo, Ja pan 108-8410 Es tab lished: April 22, 1970 Paid-in cap i tal: ¥150,730,455,926 (March 31, 2000) Com mon stock is sued: 970,307,624 shares (March 31,2000) Busi ness ac tiv i ties: Man u fac ture and sale of mo tor ve hi cles, as so ci ated com po nents, in dus trial en gines. Ma jor share hold ers: Mitsubishi Heavy In dus tries, Ltd. ................25.62% (March 31, 2000) Cap i tal Re search and Man age ment Com pany.........9.15% Mitsubishi Cor po ra tion ........................7.99% AB Volvo ..................................5.00% The Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Cor po ra tion..........4.66% The Bank of To kyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. ...............4.43% The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Cor po ra tion ..........3.73% The Chase Manhattan Bank, NA Lon don ............2.31% Meiji Life In sur ance Com pany ...................2.06% Mitsubishi Jiko Em ployees Shareholding As so ci a tion....2.01% Pres i dent & CEO: Katsuhiko Kawasoe Em ployees: 22,666 (non-con sol i dated; March 31, 2000) 65,485 (con sol i dated; March 31, 2000) 2. MMC mid-term man age ment strat egy In fis cal 1999, the United States econ omy con tin ued to ex pand and the econ o mies of Eu rope and South east Asia to re cover. In Ja pan, de spite a gen tle re cov ery in the over all tone of the econ omy, pri vate sec tor demand re mained weak with re cord lev - els of un em ploy ment and per sonal con sump tion pegged at the base ment level. Sales in the minicar seg ment re mained firm, but those in the rec re ational ve hi cle (RV) and truck seg ments fell short of their lev els in the pre vi ous fis cal year. To en able the com pany to cope better with de pressed de mand in Ja pan and to the speed of change in the man age ment en- vi ron ment, in fis cal 1998 MMC em barked on a re struc tur ing of its op er a tions charted by the 3-year RM 2001 (Re newal Mitsubishi) mid-term man age ment plan. The prin ci pal goals un der RM2001 were to achieve ap pro pri ate profit lev els by fis- cal 2000 with out de pend ing on fur ther growth in the scale of its op er a tions. The mea sures ini ti ated un der the plan have gen- er ally met their tar gets, and in some cases have ex ceeded ex pec ta tions.
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