DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1922, No. 49 RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX FEBRUARY-DECEMBER, 1921 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCUEED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL OR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPY FOR PROFIT.—PUB. RES. 57, APPROVED MAY 11, 1922 RECORD OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS: INDEX, FEBRUARY-DECEMBER, 1921. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The present bulletin constitutes a complete author and subject index to the 1,710 entries contained in the 6 numbers of the Record of Current Educational Publications issued from February to Decem¬ ber, 1921, inclusive. The following issues of the record appeared during this period in the bulletin series: 1921, no. 3, February, 1921; 1921, no. 4, March-April, 1921; 1921, no. 23, May-June, 1921; 1921, no. 29, September, 1921; 1921, no. 49, October, 1921; 1921, no. 52,. comprising publications received by the Bureau of Education to December 22, 1921. The references in the index are to the item numbers which run consecutively through the 6 issues of the record for the year. This bulletin is designed to serve institutions and persons desiring to preserve a permanent bibliography of educational literature for 1921, which may be formed by binding the 6 numbers of the record for the year with the index here presented. [The numbers refer to item, not to page. Names of persons about whom articles or books are written and references to subjects, are printed in small capitals.] A. Allen, F. J., 931, 1670. Abbott, W. C., 1595. Allen, R. H., 1429. Academic degrees. See Degrees, academic. Allison, B. D., 1366. Academic freedom, 516,578, 1594 (4). Alltucker, Margaret M., 608. Academic tenure. See Teachers, tenure. Allyn, Hester A., 1653 (2). Adams, Elizabeth K., 1390. Almack, J. C., 466, 737. Adams, H. F., 767. Alpermann, Johanna, ir., 286. Adams, John, 270, 1577. American association for the hard of hearing, 16S9. Adams, W. C., 1265. American association of public officials of charity Adamson, J. E., 1450. and correction, 1400. Administration, school, 136-137, 523-536, 898-899, American association of university professors, 481, 1100-1104, 1310-1316, 1612-1616; universities and 1593. colleges, 131, 509, 882, 885, 888, 1084, 1092. American Baptist publication society. Week-day Adolescence, 43, 161,305, 607. religious educational division, 927. Adult EDUCATION, 699-700, 932, 1669, 1697 (4). American child hygiene association, 1321. Affleck, G. B., 563. American conference of pharmaceutical faculties, Agricultural colleges. See Land-grant col¬ 1380. leges. American country life association, 1276. Agricultural education, 624-626, 1370, 1500, American federation of teachers, 485. 1670-1672. American institute of dental teachers, 633,1381. Aikin, W. M., 11. American library association, 701, 1697. Akron, Ohio. Board of education, 1162. American physical education association, western Alburtis, S. S., 833. district, 561. Alexander, Carter, 3 (8), (15), (17), 246, 523, 774, American posture league, 153. 1428, 1612. American school citizenship league. History com¬ Aliens. See Americanization; Immigrants. mittee, 1383. Allen, Bessie M., 465. American school hygiene association, 546. Allen, E. E., 1415. Americanization, 203-208, 649, 655-662, 953-959, Allen, E. W., 1081 (6). 1162-1167, 1193 (3), 1388-1389, 1422 (43). Allen, Elbert, 775. Andersen, W. N., 1509. 26643—23 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Anderson, C. J., 372. Balfour, Sir Graham, 1443. Anderson, F. V., 932. Bah, Florence V., 1345. Anderson, J. E., 313. Ballard, P. B., 44. Anderson, L. F., 178. Baltimore county, Md. Board of school commis¬ Anderson, V. V., 683. sioners, 1555. Andress, J. M., 1416. Bamberger, Florence E., 30. Andrews, Harriet U., 678. Bamesberger, Velda C., 76. Andrews, M. B., 1082,1298. Bane, C. L., 1069. Angell, J. R., 990 (9), 1083, 1594 (1). Banta, D.D., 990(1). Angell, J. R., 518, 1099. Barbour, A. L., 1357 (2). Antioch college, 130. Barnes, Harold, 805. Archer, R. L., 1424. Barnes, J. H., 1385. Argentina, education, 1442. Barr, A. S., 96. Arithmetic, 88, 90; teaching, 410-411; tests, 789; in Barrows, F. W., 1179. junior high schools, 822, 829. Barry, T. J., 915. Armentrout, W. D., 154, 1384. Barth elm ess, Harriet H., 45. Arms, S. D., 78. Barton, J. W., 1674. Army, educational work, 209-211, 663-669, 1168, Bary, Helen V., 587. 1694; intelligence tests, 340, 785, 1027, 1032; physi¬ Batchelor, TV. C., 1121. cal tests, 340; psychological tests, 1032. Baudouin, Charles, 304. Army alpha test, 317. Baughman, Ruby, 206 (3). Arnett, Trevor, 482. Baylor, Adelaide S., 727 (8). Aronovici, Carol, 206 (1). Bazeley, E. T., 695, 1181. Arps, G. F., 317. Beals, E. E., 1075. Art, 103-104,1545. Beard, Harriet E., 1677. Art education, 846-849, 1653; high school, 3 (98). Beattie, J. W., 430 (5), 1055. Ash, TV. C., 3 (28). Beatty, W. TV., 468, 647. Aspinwall, W. B., 863 (1), 870. Beeson, M. F., 115. Associated Harvard clubs, 1. Behan, TV. P., 928. Association of American colleges, 494, 1594. Belden, C. F. D., 1697 (3). Association of American law schools, 1372. Belgium, education, 1004. Association of American medical colleges, 634. Ben, J. C., 314. Association of American universities, 495. Ben, J. M. D., 10S1 (9). Association of colleges and secondary schools of the Bellamy, Frances R., 1204. Southern states, 726, 1192. Belting, P. E., 457 (10), (17), 1421 (2). Association of land-grant colleges, 1081. Benedict, F. G., 547. Atheam, W. S., 1649. Benner, T. E., 247. Athletics, 1120. Bennett, C. A., 1653 (3). Attendance. See School attendance. Berg, D.E., 116. Atwood, W. TV., 422, 1266. Berkson, I. B., 953. Aumer, C. R., 4,1134. Bernard, Paul, 756. Austin, Mary, 1169. Berry, C. S., 655. Austria, universities, 25. Berry, G. G., tr., 41. Autin, Albert, 755. Berry, Martha, 1204. AveriH, L. A., 147, 303. Better speech movement, 1251 Avery, Samuel, 1081 (1). Bevan, R. H., 1597. Aydelotte, Frank, 495 (2), 881 (3), 1594 (3), 1596. Beziat, A., 726 (3), 1192 (4). Aynard, Joseph, 271. Bible in schools, 176. Ayres, L. P., 524. Bible study, 1128; school credit, 1351. Bibliography, teaching, 1700. B. Bickler, Mary H., 1397. Bieler, Blanche, 592. Babcock, K. C., 1085 (2), 1648 (3). Bigger, Frederick, 160. Baoh, R. F., 1654. Bigwood, George, 663. Backus, Bertie, 73. Binet scale, 1239. Backward children, 683, 686, 969, 970, 971, 1180, Binet-Simon tests. See Intelligence tests. 1693. See also Exceptional children. Biology, teaching, 3 (25); high schools, 421, 830. Bacon, G. W., 1062. Bird, Grace E., 46. Badanes, Julie E., 968. Bird, V. A., 1467. Bagiev, W. C., 12, 450, 467, 525, 727 (25), 1245 (n), Birge, E. A., 990 (7). 1422 (39), (44), 1554. Bixbv, H. D., 1578. Baillie, J. B., 1451. Black, A.D., 1381 (1). Bain, A. TV., ed., 1452. Blackburn, Mary, 440. Baker, E. A., 702. BlackweU, C. P., 1291. Baker, G. P., 437. Blair, F. G., 476. Balcom, A. G., 365. Blair, F. H., 387. Balderry, F. C., 560 (1). | Blakely, P. L., 248, 1430. Baldwin, B. T., 1019. I Blanton, SmBey, 1109,1624. Baldwin, R. L., 1194 (1). I Blashfield, H. TV., 199. o CUERENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. u Bliss, D. C., 526, 548. Bramm, J. L., 1598. BBSS, W. B., 238 (6). Bryan, Jamie, 1196 (3). Blumer, George, 634 (1). Bryant, Edythe IC., 684. Boas, George, 874. Buck, J. L. B., 676. Boas, R. P., ed., 1157. Buck, P. M1599. Boate, G. A., 612 (3). Buckingham, B. R., 316, 407, 778, 900. Bobbitt, Franklin, 459. Budish, J. M., 1367. Bode, B. H., 1453. Bullough, Edward, 426. Bogardus, E. S., 1541. Bullowa, Alma M., 856. Bonner, H. R., 992, 1198 (3), 1422 (51), 1579. Bimker, F. F., 250, 1431-1432. Bonser, F. G., 1245(111). Bunting, R. W., 633 (1). Book, W. F., 312 (3). Bureau of educational experiments, New York, Books and reading. See Libraries and read¬ 1625. ing. Bureau of vocational information, New York, 1661. Booth, F. W., 220. Burgerstein, Leo., 549. Borden, Fanny, comp., 882. Burgess, J. S., 751-752. Bossard, J. H. S., 1644. Burgess, May A., 373. Boston university, 498. Burgess, R. W., 501. Bostwick, A. E., 704, 975. Burgess, W. R., 469, 1106, 1572. Botany, teaching, 91. Burkhart, H. J., 546 (4). Boulger, Martha L., 423. Burnham, W. H., 470, 986, 1469. Bourdon, B., 302 (2). Burns, J. A., 591 (2). Bowker, R. R., 1406. Burr, Walter, 1277. Bowman, C. A., 179. Burris, W. P., 727 (25). Bowman, E. L., 1613. Burton, H. E., 728. BOY scoots, 145, 161, 562 (2), 570. Burton, M. L., 947 (9). Boyd, P. P., 499. Burtt, H. E., 317. Boyd, William, 1425. Business education. See Commercial educa-% Boyer, P. A., 1393. tion. Boyle, J. E., 447, 624. Buswell, G. T., 374. Boys, psychology, 1647. Butler, H. B., 551. Boys’ clubs, 575, 581. Butler, H. M., 241. Bracewell, R. H., 776. Butler, N. M., 1299, 1433. Brackett, H. D., 392-393. Butterfield, E. W., 458 (2). Bragg, Mabel C., 1416. Butterfield, K. L., 1276 (1). Brainerd, Helen L., 739. Butterworth, J. E., 451. Brame, S. M., 705. Byrd, Hiram, 546. Branom, F. K., 94, 834. Byrne, Lee, 1292. Branom, M. E., 834. C. Breckinridge, Sophonisba P., 1388. Brelet, Henri, 814. Cabot, Ella L., 293. Breslich, E. R., 86, 1529. Cajori, Florian, 5, 87. Brewer, J. M., 933, 940, 1140-1141. Caldwell, O. W., 416, 457 (3), 458 (1). Brick, A. H., 850. California, education, 527. Bridge, G. F., 976, 1522. California high school teachers’ association, 1193. Briffault, Robert, 768. California. Legislature, 527. Briggs, T. H., 110,171. California. State board of education, 1135. Brigham, A. P., 1267. California. University. Department of educa¬ Bright, I. J., 777. tion, 1024, 1107.
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