<tongrrssional 1Rrrord United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 94th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION - SENATE-Saturday, February 22, 1975 <Legislative day of Friday, February 21, 1975) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the nal of the proceedings of Friday, Feb­ C01v!MUNICATIONS FROM EXECU­ expiration of the recess, and was called ruary 21, 1975, be approved. TIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. to order by Hon. WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ a Senator from the State of Maine. pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. pore <Mr. HATHAWAY) laid before the Senate the following letters, which were PRAYER refeITed as indicated: The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward ORDER OF BUSINESS PROPOSED LEGISLATION BY THE PRESIDENT L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following I A communication from the President of prayer: Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, the United States transmitting a draft of O Lord in whom we live and move and have no need for any time. proposed legislation to extend the appro­ have our being, help us to live this day Mr. WEICKER. Mr. President, I sug­ priation authorization for the Arms Con­ and all days under the perspective of gest the absence of a quorum. trol and Disarmament Agency (with accom­ eternity. May we ever remember that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ panying papers); to the Committee on For­ pore. The clerk will call the roll. eign Relations. Thou art both Creator and Judge and our PROPOSED LEGISLATION BY THE PRESIDENT accountability is to Thee. Keep our lives The second assistant legislative clerk from being cluttered with things which proceeded to call the roll. A communication from the President of Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, I ask the United States transmitting a draft of do not matter and our time from being proposed legislation to authorize appropria­ squandered on trivia. May no weariness unanimous consent that the order for tions on a Government-wide basis for the of body or mind move us to compromise the quorum call be rescinded. period July l, 1976 through September 30, with the highest and best in life. May the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro t-em­ 1976 (with accompanying papers); to all world of justice, brotherhood, and peace pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. standing committees. for which we st11ve begin with us. PROPOSED LEGISLATION BY THE DEPARTMENT We pray in His name who walked the OF AGRICULTURE hard road before us. Amen. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR­ A letter from the Under Secretary of Ag­ S. 281 riculture transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend subsection 203 (h) of APPOINTMENT OF ACTING PRESI­ Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, I ask the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (with DENT PRO TEMPORE unanimous consent that a member of accompanying papers); to the Committee my staff, Dr. James Lucier, be accorded on Agriculture and Forestry. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk the privilege of the floor during the dis­ PROPOSED LEGISLATIQN BY THE DEPARTMENT will please read a communication to the cussion of this matter. OF AGRICULTURE Senate from the President pro tempore The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ A letter from the Under secretary of Ag­ (Mr. EASTLAND ). pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. riculture transmitting a draft of proposed The legislative clerk read the following Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ legislation to authorize certain payments letter: to States from National Forest receipts dur­ U.S. SENATE, dent, I ask unanimous consent that John ing the period July 1, 1976, through Septem­ PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, I. Brooks of my staff be granted the priv­ ber 30, 1976, and for other purposes (with Washington, D.C., February 22, 1975. ilege of the floor. accompanying papers); to the Committee To the Senate: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ on Agriculture and Forestry. Being temporarily absent from the Senate pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE on official duties, I appoint Hon. WILLIAM D. Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. I suggest CORPORATION HATHAWAY, a Senator from the State of the absence of a quorum. A letter from the Acting Secretary of Agri­ Maine, to perform the duties of the Chair The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ culture transmitting, pursuant to law, the during my absence. pore. The clerk will call the roll. report of the Federal Crop Insurance Corpo­ JAMES 0. EASTLAND, ration for the 1974 crop year (with an ac­ President pro tempore. The second assistant legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. companying report); to the Committee ou Agriculture and Forestry. Mr. HATHAWAY thereupon took the Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask chair as Acting President pro tempore. unanimous consent that the order for PROPOSED LEGISLATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF the quorum call be rescinded. AGRICULTURE The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ A letter from the Under Secretary of Agri­ APPOINTMENT BY THE VICE pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. culture transmitting a draft of proposed leg­ PRESIDENT islation to provide specific authority to grant Certified Public Accountants access to con­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ fidential records for purposes of making pore. The Chair, on behalf of the Vice audits of the operations of Federal milk mar­ President, pursuant to Public Law 93- ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS ket orders (with accompanying papers); to 642, appoints the Senator from Missom·i Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. (Mr. SYMINGTON) to the Ha?TY s. Tru­ unanimous consent that there be a brief APPROVAL OF LOANS BY THE RURAL ELECTRIFI- man Memorial Scholarship Foundation morning hour, for the conduct of morn­ CATION ADMINISTRATION Board of Trustees. ing business, with a time limitation at­ A letter from the Administrator of the Rural Electrification Administration report­ tached thereto. ing, pursuant to law, on the approval of a THE JOURNAL The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ commitment to guarantee a non-REA loan to pore. Without objection, it is so ordered. Cooperative Power Association of Minneap­ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I Mr. MANSFIELD. Is there morning olis, Minn.; to the Committee on Appropria- ask unanimous consent that the Jour- business? tions. · CXXI--252-Part 4 3973 3974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENA TE February 22, 1975 A letter from the Administrator of the suant to la.w, a report evaluating the civil sional positions authorized for establishment Rural Electrification Admintstratlon report­ rights activities of the Office of Revenue in the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament ing, pursuant to law, on the approval of an Sharing of the Department of the Treasury Agency (with an accompanying report); to REA insured loan to Southern Illinois Power (with an accompanying report); to the Com­ the Committee on Poot Office and Civil Cooperation of Marlon, Ill. (with accom­ mittee on the Judiciary. Service. panying papers); to the Committee on Ap­ PROPOSED LEGISLATION BY THE ADMINISTRA­ PROPOSED LEGISLATION To REVXSE THE propriations. TXVE OFFICE OF THE U.S. COURTS PROCEDURE FOR APPOINTING THE CHAffi• A letter from the Administrator of the A letter from the Director of the Adminis­ MAN OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY Rural Electrification Administration report­ trative Office of the U.S. Courts transmit­ ADVISORY COMMITI'EE ing, pursuant to law, on the approval of a ting a draft of proposed legislation to en­ A letter from the Acting Secretary of commitment to guarantee a non-REA loan to large the trial jurisdiction of U.S. magis­ Transportation, submitting a draft of pro­ the Oglethorpe Electric Membership Corpora­ trates in misdemeanor cases and to make posed legislation to amend section 404 of tion of Atlanta, Ga. (with accompanying technical and administrative amendments title 23, United States Code, to revise the papers); to the Committee on Appropriations. in the Federal Magistrates Act; to the Com­ procedure for appointing the Chairman of A letter from the Administrator of the mittee on the Judiciary. the National Highway Safety Advisory Com­ Rural Electrification Administration report­ FINAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING PARTS A mittee (with accompanying papers); to the ing, pursuant to law, on the approval of a Committee on Public Works. commitment to guarantee a non-REA loan to AND C THROUGH G OF THE EDUCATION the United Power Association of Elk River, OF THE HANDICAPPED ACT Minn.; to the Committee on Appropriations. A letter from the Executive Secretary to A letter from the Administrator of the the Department of Health, Education, and Rural Electrification Administration report­ Welfare, transmitting, pursuant to law, final INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND ing, pursuant to law, on the approval of an regulations governing parts A and C through JOINT RESOLUTIONS G of the Education of the Handicapped Act REA insured loan to Arizona Electric Power The following bills and joint resolu­ Cooperative, Inc., of Benson, Ariz. (with ac­ (P.L. 91-230, Title VI) (with accompanying companying papers); to the Committee on papers); to the Committee on Labor and tions were introduced, read the first time Appropriations. Public Welfare. and, by unanimous consent, the second A letter from the Administrator of the AMENDMENTS-GUARANTEED STUDENT LOAN ~ime, and referred as indicated: Rural Electrification Administration report­ PROGRAM By Mr. HUMPHREY: ing, pursuant to law, on the approval of A letter from the Executive Secretary to S. 793. A bill to provide for the formula­ an REA insured loan to Wolverine Electric the Department of Health, Education, and tion of a national rural transportation policy Cooperative, Inc., of Big Rapids, Mich. (with Welfare, transmitting, pursuant to law, to include recommendations for improving accompanying papers); to the Committee on a document entitled "Guaranteed Student farm to market roads, railroad beds, and the Appropriations. Loan Program-Amendment to 45 CFR Part availability of operational rail lines serving SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE IN­ 177" (with an accompanying document); to rural areas; and for other purposes.
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