50c AT NEWSAGENTS What The Russians Are Really Up To STREET MARCHES RETURN THE HIGH COST OF HEALTH ARGENTINA HORROR CAMPS ALP EDUCATION POLICY 6DIT0RlfiL With a federal election this year, Semper hopes to present an analysis of education policies of the competing political parties. ~conlnTS"~ To this end we interviewed Senator ONCE MORE TH E 1939 SHOW 5 Don Chipp (Australian Democrats) in Dr. Glen St. J. Barclay puts a new perspective on the invasion of Afghanistan issue one, and in this issue we have an mterview with Senator John Button AUSTRALIA'S INADEQUATE HEALTH SERVICES 7 Amnesty Intemational is a human rights (ALP). How are the poor coping with illness in Australia? organisation which campaigns for the release of political prisoners and for the abolition As Shadow Minister for Education, of torture and the death penalty. Senator Button is responsible for pre­ ARGENTINIAN HORROR CAMPS EXPOSED 9 senting and promoting ALP education Not to be read while eating This cofiimn details the circumstances of policies. This must be an onerous task, one or two political prisoners 'adopted' by as the ALP seems somewhat lacking in SEASONS IN THE SUN 11 Amnesty. Interested persons are invited to education policies. Guide to f ruitpicking respond to the instructiofls given below. hi an hour long interview. Semper About 80 poiitKal detainees in the found it ha^^d to believe the senator belongs THE RETURN OF THE STREET MARCH 14 Prison Qvile of Meknes in Morocco are to a party dedicated to reform and Marches have quietly returned to Brisbane's streets reported to have launched a hunger-strike social change. His comments suggested to protest that most of them have been held little more than a desire to preserve REVIEWS 17 there without trial since 1977. the status quo; his attitude towards food, books, theatre, film, art, music Reports indicate that a petition signed education problems one of "Yes, we'd by 54 of these prisoners has been sent to like to help, but..." WOTZON 27 the Prime Minister and Minister of Justke With the Fraser Government's probable What's on in and around Brisbane announcing the hunger-strike and affirming reintroduction of university fees, pre­ that it would continue until they were either serving, the status quo may be a vote CARTOON 28 released or brought to trial. winder for the ALP, But it is little comfort This defies comment Many of the prisoners are students and to students. Students have been lobbying intellectuals. A number oppose Morocco's several years for an increase in TEAS clauns on the territory of the Westem to (or above) the Henderson Poverty Dne. Sahara, where Morocco is engaged bi a vyar iKatnns may reprint articles and This has no chance of succeeding in the SEMPER is a non profit ADVERTISING REP: Kevin against the Algerian-backed Polisario Front, political and cultural magazine Pennant, phone 371 2568 graphKS provkled Sempar and the next few years, with only the Democrats based at the University of PRODUCTION ASSISTANCE: authors are duly acknowledged. which is fighting for the independence of favouring the idea. Anrtette Read, Building Workers The exceptnns are creative writing the territory. Queensland. and copyrighted graphics which The Labor Party seems to have EDITOR: Tim Low Industrial Union (Qld Branch), may not be reproduced without Many of them are believed to be ill, NEWS EDITOR: Kjaz Perry Nelle Tycho,.Pat Comben written permission of the authors. largely as a result of ill-treatment in police abandoned tertiary students in its bid for LAYOUT and COVER: Man the swinging vote. Uni. students are not Mawson Semper Magazine welcomes custody before transfer to Meknes and as a popular in the anti-intellectual Australian SECRETARY: Jenni Bird oontributioni and letters, but does result of poor prison conditions and it is not Btsutrw any responsibility for Address all enquiries to: community, and the ALP can afford to TYPESETTING: Marie Blanch Semper Magazine tlttrefore feared that their physical PRINTERS: Mirror Newspapers unsolicited manusaips, pholo- University of Qld Union dump them in its pragmatic scramble for Ltd., 367-373 Brunswick St., Valley graphi and illuJtrationi. condition will deteriorate rapidly during a votes. DISTRIBUTORS: Gordon and Gotch Semper it copyright, St. Lucia, St. Lucta. Qld. 4067 prolonged hunger-strike. Pty Ltd., Brisbane. Queensland, 1980. Non prift pub- ph.371 1611 or 371 2568 With this apparent loss of idealism is Write polite air letters to the followmg an apparent poverty of ideas. persom, expressing concern at reports that It sounds as if the ALP will enter the prisoners held without trial at Meknes since election without a specific TEAS policy 1977 are on hunger-strike. Urge that they but merely with the intention to be tried or released quickly. Write to: investigate the TEAS system. This is a cop Bs Mqesty, King Hassan II, Rabat, out. L6TTCfiS Morocco. It would be ludicrous for the ALP, (or any non government party), to enter ms Excellency Maati Bouabid, an election saying, "Our policy on COMPUTER SaENCE work a few days before experimentation with Prime Minister and Miniaer of Justice, taxation, unemployment, foreign affairs, REPLIES the deadline. This creates a language - the four letter Rabat, Morocco. massive peak of system word revolving in the typ­ etc., is that we will investigate the system -^ ^B BBi ^m mm an n^ ^m •• ^m ^m t^m • I am writing in reply usage, which the equip­ ically confused style of his when in power and then decide what to ment is not designed to favourite actress. to the article by Anne do." handle. For a large portion My only disappointment That the ALP has said this about TEAS Jones, entitled "Com­ of the semester the ter­ was in the fact that where Foreign Affairs (and about overseas students' fees) shows puter Games", in minals lie idle. "Interiors" heralded a much a disregard for students unbecoming ofthe Semper, 13th March, The Department of more mature approach to Labor Party. 1980. I feel that a few Computer Science has taken humour, "Manhattan" has TRAINEES Now is the time for students to lobby steps, where possible, to not transcended the points were overlooked. present this by asking promise. I loved it. Tbe DtpirtmcDt of Fontsn Affain offers a the ALP (and other parties) and jolt them Firstly, it should be rewarding career in a major policy advising area. into an awareness of student needs and students to submit partially -RICHARD PATE There are challenging opportunities for service stated that the Department completed assignments part­ in varied and often demanding environments at views. It is a myth that tertiary students of Computer Science has way through the semester. eighty diplomatic and consular posts overseas. are committed Labor voters, a myth which The Deputment is seeking applications from devoted large amounts of Nevertheless, it is up to M.U.S.A. graduates and final year undergraduates for has led both the govemment and money and time to the the students to decide appointment as Foreign Affairs Trainees in opposition to ignore their needs. The ALP development of tlie new whether he will work to a January 1981. should realise they must woo student Gradnales from all disciplines are invited to micro-computer-based sys­ sensible plan, or whether he The Malaysian Union of apply. The department has a Tcquirement for votes, not take them for granted; the tems for first and vyill leave the assignment to Students in Australia takes graduates in such disciplines as economks and Liberal Party needs to be convinced that the last moment. There can law as well as humanities, sciences and languages, second-year students which diis opportunity to especially Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic. anti-student policies will lose votes. be no question of a student Proficiency in any language is an advantage. will greatly reduced the being 'forced' into cheating, welcome all Malayan and A strong national student organisation is A high level of academic acfalcTement is amount of on-line computer, as Ms. Jones alleges. North Kalimantan students expected. Moreover, applicants should be able to necessary for this task. Unfortunately the time required for assign­ •-STEPHEN PAGE at the University of Qld. demonstrate a wide knowledge of and interest in Australian Union of Students (AUS) has international affairs and current events and a ment work. Presktant, University of Never has the unity of sound appreciation of political, economic, social been so weakened by secessions and dissent Malayan and North Kali­ that its potential influence is Umited. Qki Computer Club. and cultural aspects of Australian life. There are new, well- mantan students been more Special Training, which may include language So its looks Uke a bleak election for tert­ MANHATTAN important. In Australia, we training, is undertaken by appointees during their iary students. With Canberra observers pre­ equipped terminal labora­ initial twelve months and later as required. On tories, which will soon have have to continue to vigor­ successful completion, trainees are considered for dicting an easy victory for Fraser, we are ously fight the imposition promotion as Foreign Affairs Officer Class I, likely to see TEAS abolished and fees intro­ a system of locks operated On see Woody Allen's and for posting overseas as vacancies occur. by magnetic keys, allowing of fees and forced repat­ duced. If ALP education policies stay as latest ofiering "Manhattan" riation of overseas students. Promotion is on merit. The career structure as they are now, there will be little effective access to authorised I was reminded of the provides opportunities for promoiioa in lime to opposition to such moves. students at all hours. The We contuiue to support senior positions in the department or for Prentice Computer Centre similarites in trend this fihn the patriotic and demo­ uppoininieni as Ambassador, High Commissioner shares with Joseph Heller's or Consul-General overseas.
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