Clinton Independent Clinton mi m or TUnitr, it - —iu ik ib.n«.m«.*si tct --------- . w t r«»/»c »«u I •w —u • ** i OOHBIT Ac ESTKH, ■ —etb* * »«> * —-------- >■> Main » ■ ««Ht b.rr2L.:is5Ssaa* TERMS The Clinton Independent. Legal At. ImMUc MtlHv, $1 Sk. tl Mln*c& IW M|wr Mri Ml uf is# cv>«atf, u4 $1 V) fur U»o» In Hi Marriage oat Dull KoUeanl ■f. Ioioom r aids, •«« Mae* or | Ail lor ftehhrftUoe ntfi U in ilVj ■a* iw ih «t<< ^•Uktiioi•' v z» tb.' — *•4 • MkU fur 10.1 1-m.yi.NU . VOL. XIV.—NO. 7. ST. JOHNS, MICII., THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1879. AirtfUtf a«• 4 garompllr* •• WHOLE NO. «83. »t 4o all hiata •( i«k rrillti| D«- trail l*rlree# •i •boriaoilcr. —C. I*, h icke* sell* the be*t .V* cigar. —I'resli Ituckw heat Flour at the Star Pa r ll u | sf 014 t'rlra4%. A 1*i.iu *a .m 8«h isi. Evavt.—(on- The Ms4*l Hallway . HOME MATTERS. — Bargain* iu Flannel* and Under- Granary. *# Tub Iimpcii>i<t splciiou* among the already Ufieral TW« Is m link la lb* < k*lo W nllssy me tom w ear at Butler**. —It la belter to bear injustice than B|Ma I., Nov . IV.—Nearly f* number of social event* w tilcli have oo- lA* A—#rl**« rosUswl, frua lb* ZiUaiW Io tk# Thanksgiving Proclamation! —Look it the Mink Fur* it Butler's. —Iu Chicago last week, Gen. Grant »•* do It. ago Lyman Nwagart and hilU Wifewife came | curred lu our village thl* aeasoii, w as fariac wmuu , llel k*a |4*y*d a* diruril jr aa Ms- —C. P. Wii'kn irlli Lightning Yriit. made the longest •|h ,cc1i of III* life. It —The Congregational social will lie Into Bengal and settled on a farm which thatt eienjoy ed at the residence of Mr. and purn>( part la the fraal wsllMstal rail n —4, ss — Read A. L. Butler ft C’o'» Thanks- held at the re*ldiiiga of Mra. A. J. Nel­ they have occupied until this day. Be- Mrs. A. PIuMislead, corner of Walker »** •* |f« k««»4rMi stoeoapuat^ tkson -1 occupic* J1* incite* Iu print. M A V THK PIULIC THANKFUL THAT glvint Proclamation IhU week. — Why do Kevuold* A Long mdl *o son, Tue»« lay evening, Nov. 25. All lug among the earliest settler*, they and Hpring streets, on Saturday even- j«aoo A soaTM-wasraas asttwo, fruuj ik« laur- j —Klowrr Puts ami Viwi *uld cheap much 50c. Tea? Because It i* by far are invited. have grown up with the country and lug last, and wrought in the event of «waUat*ul kkus-n tka kbMMri at the Stir Urwyrjr. tho best III town. —“Jane,** said he, Ml think If you Invoiue <|ulte extensively known to lu the departure of their daughter Roae, line »t o«»ki —dataware of the latrit styles and —Washington *• blit Inlay, decoration would lift your feet away from the fire inhabitant*. A* citizen*, they have (Mr*. E. J. Brown, Of*, fabtsrUag vw««sr4 (rmm Chbqo. It vm Ik* p.- ) UT] &> oo. jiUtrui very cheap at Reynolds ft day and July 4tU in 1**U, ail come on we might have Mime heat iu the room. been highly esteemed by all wbo knew, ,h«r. ss*:l Lon,wng a Sunday. And they hadn ’t been married two I them; of good moral character, tern- vacation of tie tween two and three •«i«unnaliy tk- faikrr ut M It iku« «os4 u* | or sale, one trotting ami loo —Those hanging l.smi* at Reynold* year*, either. ,r ! pc rale habit*, indii*4i ious, honest, aud month* visiting among relalite* and wall iaoni ikk/IWOll Pleqeer.1* Tkai U la Have an immense stock of Fall ami Winter Goods that were purehnsed before the lrnte sd- •oouoiuical, they have made for litem- (rlMld. b.r. »•.“ «l-.» "ere. A K-wdly ; JJ—* lu,t' “ |4ciOf ikcUium ; aleo one light double ft Long** a re the nobbiest in tow ti, and — Me*#™. II. Walbridge and Miles A. ^*t^^ti!>?^MTkt11ikJraiUotie j▼Anoe in Woolen and Cotton Goods, that will be closed out at old prices. We invite your iiariiMa. Call on (i«o. A. F-t«*s, noon. Stoddard will sell at public auction vu eel re* a pleasant home, and have all the iiumher were present, and uothing a|«p- - ........................................................... so very cheap. 11Wutmm1Z18 ‘*1 nttentitin h» our lsiye and carefully selectf d a.«wortmeut of —How happy la he «Ik > ha* lasted —The (•eu.'ilty for punching hole* the farm of the former, one mile south means necessary to make them happy M-arcd to 114Vc lieeu overlooked !•> the ‘ th* tferl imI It wm m Ha 1*1 «-r <t*jr m4 wwtl4-b» rS B|” that ftth*. Tobacco to id by Reynold* ft f through gold ami *4lv#i ©ol** ”U two Of tide village, Saturday, Nov. Wth «t for life. A* neighbors, they hare been Lind aud indulgent parent* to make the T*|| MuillB|ijr |Ml ft. “» Mrs** uf rase * YrtlUkU- j Utry, *n • rrvlea, Miuv* It lu k*r« mm brra, *s t* ; l>on^. year’s Imprlaonmeut and |S,UOO doe. 10 a. m., from H to 15 head of young generous, kind and obliging. They event truly enjoyable to every guest. tlai* »bd ilsrnc# at •*« i4«itu. a *( hbu 4 Ma* M fur —The bakery ami confectionery es­ —A Midland county girl ate chalk to cattle, have raised three children to maturity Mis* Gate*, who Is properly credited •*Mjr. sjwad 1*1 raguUfilf «.f t«m<lu*l *rrtv*U Thu m*jr k (ctmiiM for bjr Its ks*tng Ira |r»ll> I tablishment of J. Q, YVatkln I* fairly make her complexion white, and she —Our accommodating neighbor of — two *on* and one daughter —who are with possessing flue elocutionary and CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. rata i»l < urr mlurr* lhau Its b*o «<MU|feliU»ni hi reaplendent with the excellent anil succeeded. People w ho l«M>ked Into the the Jtymblica'i never complain*, ne» er- all re«|iectahly married ami comforta ­ oratoricH powers, favored the company C'oumci I Hiuffa. M tkr a**ar ltaa* h«4ag Ik* loottiaoMir sweetmeat*. cofla, said she looked Ju»t like marble, thelesa he cast* shivering glance* at bly I H*ated nu faun* adjoining the w ith one of her selections, which was *kortrr m Inuh llaa. It M*rt*4 Us tnls* la* As wc make this a h ading branch of our business—a department by itaelf—call and exam- —If a hunter w ill only hunt long _Th. Miii.Ia <1 run.lie club bl. n.p..|ly homestead. But lew families in Ityngal rendered In a praise-worthy manner, ih^* ri^oa^LV* rtVi^>f!k«ulo^iiIIL^r|iiic our beautiful pattern* in Tapextrie*, Hruxscls. Hartford and Lowell, Extra Super*, Oil enough he will tie sure to pull hit gun wlll to the .................. ...d fe.(l»llle. ever he U, «nd *»>««* —r ..f were letter situated to enjoy life than and wa* heartily applauded by an a| Thlt nwh kr lu |*a lilssry. i<’l *1 ~ e 1 Ncr a fence hy the muzzle, ami the day I** Tk» M l»o or Una ran la ita rusdsaf, lu " lOlDH, \C. of# 1»*'» haiik-iriving clayi . v...ny playing. u«i. « «»*•,.B.n* ’ our debtor*. ,, . haul. u* ,in . a load or too thev. and every one supposed, until re- preeiatlve audience; after which the he doe* that he i|ulU hunting. rail, lu s^ulisMal, kaa aiisr—4 tbr m«M «<aa>t*r- Is . , t ,7 * ,, 3 1 * we *hall have to go into cungcalinenl cenlly , that they were a* hapny a* any company t»»ok leave of Mr*. Brown and , ful «liah|r« i»f any ru*Z la Ik# mm ■»* vast. Il la | —I Jon *e and iou fur sale. Enquire listed for the war. family could wish to be. lint from j her much esteemed parents. —I handler Freeman, a former and until spring, besides j^cihaps drawing tbr t'lrato-laaa lUllruaZ mohi 4 la soar. Ik# Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods Department. of C. I*. Wickoa. a forbearing neighla.r into lli« same some u it accountable cause, know n only j ______ — a^aal. *■ tkisk Ik* aup#rtor. ot a*y, ahlrk 1 ItigliIN* reflected citizen of Maple Kap- —J list becauae tin liar ailuuml ten net >e**iaied retirement. Htir up the to the parties, a spirit of estiaugemeut : r til It || to tht apprllaUoii, Tkra si * MairlMwir i iUlliuadruiuroftii * ]i * , Ids, died at his ItoHie lu Central City, <ir»v«I '•allaal vkit#-<j*k tw*a, per cent, within the la*l two montha a lire, derii, it will laM a little longer. h;t« sprung up between them, aud so i Drain or in Old Cituk .v .—Charles that I * In* ooinpriaao the latest styles in Men's, Youth's and Boys’ Clothing, Overcoats, Cardigau Colorado, on the 1*1 instant, after a g l* p u i *#rta, lr<»n hrldra. ftrat^rlaaa diab-pau at midnight Is now wariauted — I think Twa* iu September, If I embittered tlielr findings that happi- Morton, prominent among the « »rly ar#.r#fciry airy and #l#tr*atr|(Vini f«»r r. brief Illness. lia kbflkla,»2ut Jackets, l nderwear, and Rubber Goods. A good article is generally considered the cheft]>est, to wake up a whole neightmrhoo 1.
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