I. I I I I NATIONAL MONUMENTS COUNCIL I RAAD VIR NASIONALE GEDENKWAARDIGHEDE PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SECTION I VAKKUNDIGE EN TEGNIESE AFDELING I I I I I I I I A SURVEY OF BUILDINGS IN I 'N OPNAME VAN GEBOUE IN I I GRAAFF-REIN ET I I I 1989 I VOL.. 2 I 1996 0337 I SA Heritage Resources Agency Library I I I I I {' I I I I 1'-- I I I I I I I KATiruAL M.'.:NLMDITS CXXJNC1L I G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE SURVEY ON CONS ERVATION - WORTHY BU ILDINGS FILM 17 /l 8 I 17 /1 9 I I I I f' I I STREE:I' 00 1 Church Street. ERF 00 & NAME 1483. Graaff-Reinet Club. I (rnSTR/ALT DATES 1886 . ARCH STYLE Karoo-type? Georgian Style. I USE Club. DESCRIPI'I OO Long 7 bay Karoo-type building set back in garden. ·rt has t wo wings which are bay-shaped with splayed corners. ~ ROOFS & PARAPET'S The high parapets are heavily moulded . roJNDATIOOS & Walls are rusticated. I WALLS SIDEP /VERANDAH Verandah along the whole front with concave roof, ornamental fretwork and wocx:1en posts. Flag rail. I D'.X)RS Entrance is glazed and modern , but also half-glazed double doqrs with 2 pane fanlights . WINIXMS The splayed wings have Edwardian type casement windows . I Also small square casement windows between doors. CDl.OURS OI'HER FEA'TIJRES High Edwardian(? ) chimneys . Fine C. I . fence and gates along I EX'I'ENSIOOS & street. Palms and Falkland pines in front. CXJI'BUILDINGS I CLASSIFICATJOO UP CLASS CXX'IDITIOO 1 NM GASS A I ruxD'v~ATim This interesting building should be investigated for proclamation . Else for Register . I NCJITS I KATia\AL M:J.M1DITS a::x.JNCl.L I G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE SURVEY ON CONSERVATION-WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I 17 17 I I I I {' I I STREE1' 00 3 Church Street c/o TeWater Street. I ERF 00 & NAME 1497. Volkskas, originally Standard Bank. CDNSTR/ALT DATES 18705. Restored in 1971 by Volkskas. ARQf STYLE Georgian. I USE Bank. DESCRIPI'Irn Double storey building with single storey extension. ROOFS & PARAPET'S Low-pitch hipped slate? roof. FUJNDATIOOS & Walls are rusticated and have eyebrow mouldings and grooved "I WAI.J..S pillasters at door and corner mouldings. SIOEP /VERANDAH I IXDRS 2 x 2 half glazed double doors with small pane f anlight. ~s 12 x 12 sashes without shutters in extension. Sashes with I louvred shutters (closed), probably 12 x 12 pane . CDLOURS I OTHER FFATIJRE.5 EXTINSICNS & Extension (single storey) in Church Street. I CXJI'BUIWINGS NM QASS CLASSIFICATJCN UP CLASS 2 ~ITICN B I R.E(D'1l1ENDATICN For Register. I NCJIT.S Pre - 1915 (UCT). Too heavily restore d. I KATICX'W., ~ OXJNClL GRAAFF - REINET FILE I SURVEY ON CONSERVATION-WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I 16/37 I I I I {' I I STREEr 00 5 - 7 Church Street. ERF 00 & NAME 1498. GRA Stationary. I ~SIB/ALT DATES ARCli STYLE Karoo-type. I USE Office and shop. DESOUPTIOO 3 bays Karoo-type building with 2 bay extension of same type to the right. It ROOFS & PARAPEI'S Karoo-type roof with stepped parapet and heavy cornice. FCXJNDATIOOS & Wall has plain plaster architraves at door and windows. I WALLS S'IDEP /VERANDAH Stone stoep. I [XX)RS 3 x 3 panel double.door with decorative fanlight. Extension has Edw. type half-glazed door with 2 pane fanlight and a glazed double door with 3 pane fanlight. I WINro-JS 12 x 12 sash windows with louvred shutters. CDUXJRS Light yellow walls with whi te cornice and architraves and door, OI'HER FEATURES \.toed colour shutters. I EXTENSICNS & 2 bay extension to right wi th 2 doors. CXJI'BUILDINGS UP CT.ASS cnIDITIOO NM CI.ASS I CTASSIFICATIOO 2 B I ~TIOO For Register. I NOTIS I KA'I'IQ\J\L ~LME:'ll'S CXXJNCli, I G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE SURVEY ON CONSERVATION-WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I 16/34-36 I I STREEI' 00 9 - 15 Church Street (3 houses) . ERF 00 & NAME 1499. Graaff-Reinet Advertiser. I CWSTR/ALT DATES 1st house: Plaque saying 3rd oldest building in Graaff-Reinet. ARCH SI'YLE Victorian and 2 Karoo-type. I USE Offices and newspaper press. DESCRIPI'IOO 4 bay house with hipped roof , 3 bay Karoo house with a 3-bay extension (Alfresco Framing) . ROOFS & PARAPET'S First house has a hipped roof , 2nd and 3rd have Karoo-type roofs with stepped parapets. FUJNDATIOOS & 1st house: Plain moulded door and window architraves and eyebrow "I WALLS mouldings. SIDEP /VERANDAH I D'.X)RS 1st house: Low half-glazed double door and bricked-up door. 2nd house: Garage door. 3rd house: 2 x 2 panel double door with 8 pane fanlight and 6 panel door with small pane fanlight . I WINIDtJS 1st house: Small pane windows . 2nd house: Glazed openings. CDUXJRS 3rd house: Louvred shutters(closed). arHER FEATIJRFS I EXTD~S100S & CXJIBUIWINGS I CI.ASSIFICATJOO UP CL.ll.SS 2 ffi'JDITIOO 2 NM C1ASS B I REXXY.-V'1ENDATI~ For Register. I NOIT.S Pre-1915 (UCT). I KA TI Cl\AL r,a,..u-1£NIS OXJNCli, I G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE SURVEY ON CONSERVATION-WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I 16 33 I I I I f' I I I--~•---- - S'IREET NO 17 Church Street c/o Sanerset Street. ERF NO & NAME 1503 -4. Old Library, now Reinet Museum . I CDNSTR/ALT DATES 1847 (central section), 1878(south wing ) 1926 (north wing) . Reopened as museum in 1982. 1 AROI STYLE I USE Museum . DFSCRIPI'IOO An old hall building with 2 later pedimented wings with bays and a roofed porch between wings. ROOFS & PARAPET'S Low pitch hipped roofs on main part. Free~standing. Wings have pedimented parapets with mouldings. FOUNDATIOOS & Walls have plaster mouldings and architraves and quoins around "I WALLS windows. SIDEP /VERANDAH Central post has a porch with semi-circular pediment on classical pillars. I IXX::>RS 4 x 4 panel big double door with radial fanli_ght. I WINWNS Bays have 2 x 2 sashes, also 12 x 12 sashes. 0)1..0URS OTHER FEATIJRFS I EXTINSICNS & CXJTBUIWINGS I National Monument CLASSIFICATJOO UP CLASS CDNDITIOO NM CI.ASS A I RECX::xvMENDATICN I NOI'ES Building of National Significance (UCT). I KATIO\AL ~ CXXJNCli., G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE I SURVEY ON CONSERVATION - WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I 16/ 32 I I I ,I I I STREEr 00 19 Church Street. ERF 00 & NAME museum1505 . Die. Oefeningshuis, Old Mission Church,now Hester Rupert Kuns­ I OJNSTR/ALT DATES 1821 • 1965 . ARCH STYLE cape Dutch . I USE Originally church, now art museum . DESCRIPTION Greek cross-plan church with cape Dutch gables. Fr ee-standing. ROOFS & PARAPET'S Saddl e roof with cape Dutch holbol gables with mou l dings and It semi-circular vents. FCXJNDATIONS & Gable facades have plaster pilasters. I WALLS STOEP / VERANDAH I D'.X)RS 3 x 3 J:)arlel double doors with small pa.ne fanlight . I WINIXJ,vS High arched windows with small J:)arles . CDLOURS orHER FEA'IURFS I EX'I'DJSICNS & CXJ'J'BUIWINGS National Monument . I CT..ASSIFICATION UP CT.ASS 1 1 NM a.ASS A I RECXM}.ill'JDATICN NOITS The erf and 6 windows donated by A. Stockenstrom. I Building of National Significance (UCT ). I G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE I SURVEY ON CONSERVATION-WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I I I I I p I STREIT 00 21 - 27 Church Street c/o Parsonage Street. I ERF NO & NAME 3505. CDNSTR/ALT DATES Restored 1989. I ARrn STYLE USE Canmercial. DESCRIPTION Double storey building with splayed corner and entrance. Verandah I in Church Street (2 storey) . ROOFS & PARAPETS Low pitch hipped roof with flat triangular vents and wide eaves. Splayed corner has small gable with semi-circular pediment. FOUNDATIONS & Corner wall has rustication. ~ WALLS SIDEP /VERANDAH Double storey verandah in Church Street with hipped bullnose roof I and wOCXJ.en p::>sts and railing. IXX)RS Main entrance has heavily moulded p::>rtico with r ound and squar e pillars and pediment. I v·HNIXJ,,JS Round window in corner. 2 x 2 sashes upstairs. Shop.vindows in Church Street . I CDLCXJRS OI'HER FEA'IURES EXTENSICNS & I CXJI'BUII.DINGS I CTASSIFICATJON UP CT.ASS CDNDITION NM CLASS B REOY.'MENDATICN For Register. I NOITS Pre - 1 91 5 ( ucr) . I I KATIQ~ M:NlJMC'ITS axJNCll, I G R A A F F R E I N E T FILE SURVEY ON CONSERVATION-WORTHY BUILDINGS FILM I 16/23 I ' I I ,I I I STREEI' NO 61 Church Street. I ERF NO & NAME 1578. CDNSTR/ALT DATES Recently restored. ARCH STYLE Cape .Dutch. I USE DF..SCRIPI'ION Srrall free-standing, 3 bay, Cape Dutch cottage. ROOFS & PARAPET'S Thatched saddle roof with plain triangular front gable and shoulder ­ ed end gables with mock chimneys and mouldings. FOUNDATIONS & Front wall has moulded door and window quoining imi ~ating stonework. "I WALLS I S'IDEP/VERANDAH Stoep. IXXJRS 3 x 3 double door with 8 pane fanlight (changed). WINIXM'S 12 x 12 sashes with louvred shutters. Side has Edwardian casement I windows. CDLOURS Dark green wcx:x:lwork . I orHER FF.ATURES EXTENSICNS & OUTBUILDINGS I National Monument.
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