Vol. 21, No. 09 Ka Wai Ola o OHA – The Living Water of OHA Kepakemapa (September) 2004 Honolulu mayoral race leaders square off on Hawaiian issues See Q&A on page 6 hoever becomes the next mayor of the City version – a process that is passionately opposed by with the mayoral front-runners, Duke Bainum and and County of Honolulu will be in charge Hawaiian trusts who use lease revenue to serve their Mufi Hannemann, to discuss their positions on issues Wof the municipality that has more Native beneficiaries. This long-running issue has heated up affecting Hawaiians. We also talked to longtime former Hawaiian residents than anywhere else in the world. again with a new bill in the City Council that would mayor and perennial candidate Frank Fasi, who recent So never mind that Hawaiian issues are usually repeal Honolulu’s forced conversion law. polls have placed a distant third in the race. considered to be more the kuleana of the state and Because of issues like this, it is important that federal governments — whoever wins the mayor’s Kanaka Maoli voters on O‘ahu take the candidates’ On page six of this issue is an in-depth question and race on O‘ahu will be making decisions that positions on Hawaiian issues into consideration when answer forum featuring mana‘o from mayoral candi- impact the lives of a great many Hawaiians. they make their choice for mayor. To help with this dates Bainum, Fasi and Hannemann. Read on ... One example is the issue of forced lease-to-fee con- process, Ka Wai Ola staff recently sat down separately NASA releases draft EIS for Mauna Kea project Public comments being tradition and is now home to 12 telescopes, an antenna, a visitor station and a lodge. According to oral traditions, the summit was Photo: Derek Ferrar accepted through Sept. 13 the meeting place of the gods Wäkea and Papahänaumoku, ancestors of the Hawaiian people and the islands themselves. By Sterling Kini Wong “We support astronomy on Mauna Kea,” says Kealoha Pisciotta of Mauna Kea Anaina ASA has released a draft of its envi- Hou, a community group that monitors the The summit of Mauna Kea, considered one of the most sacred places in ronmental impact statement for the mountain. “But enough is enough. No more Hawaiian tradition, is now home to 12 telescopes, with more planned. agency’s controversial Outrigger development on the summit.” N ment for the project. After the judge ruled Telescope Project planned for Mauna Kea. According to the draft EIS, on-site con- that the assessment had to be revised, NASA The draft EIS concludes that, while the struction and installation of the proposed decided instead to do the more comprehen- Outrigger Project by itself is unlikely to have telescopes would begin in 2005, and opera- sive EIS. a substantial negative effect on the mountain, tion would start in 2007. The telescopes The draft EIS for the project is the first to when the project is considered in the context would work in tandem with the W.M. Keck examine the cumulative impacts of over 35 of past and future astronomy developments, Observatory’s two existing 10-meter tele- years of astronomy development on Mauna the cumulative impacts to cultural and bio- scopes, which are the largest in the world, to Kea and all new developments slated until logical resources are adverse. search for planets around nearby stars. The 2033, when the University of Hawai‘i’s lease Native Hawaiian and environmental report also provides the island of La Palma in for the science reserve expires. groups have opposed the $50-million project, Spain’s Canary Islands as an alternative site In addition to the outrigger project, the which would involve building four to six 1.8- to Mauna Kea. draft EIS lists ten other proposed astronomy meter telescopes on the 13,796-ft. mountain NASA’s decision to initiate the EIS projects on Mauna Kea to be completed summit. They believe further development process stemmed from a U.S. district judge’s before the university’s lease expires, threatens the environment and cultural 2003 ruling in a lawsuit filed on behalf of integrity of Mauna Kea, which is considered OHA that, in part, challenged the space Results Pg. 16 one of the most sacred places in Hawaiian agency’s less rigorous environmental assess- See NASA on page 9 IN THIS ISSUE Ka Wai Ola o OHA Three Hawaiian organizations have filed Office of Hawaiian Affairs a federal lawsuit to stop the Army from 711 Kapi‘olani Blvd., Ste. 500 creating a Stryker Brigade Combat Team Honolulu, HI 96813-5249 PAGE in Hawai‘i without first considering alter- 9 native sites. See story on page 9. In mid-August, Hilo hosted the Olympics of outrigger canoe racing, when paddlers from around Polynesia and the world came together at the World Sprints. PAGE See story on page 11. 11 Aloha mai käkou e nä ‘öiwi Hawai‘i: All you need to register is verification of your Hawaiian ancestry through documents such as a photocopy of a If you are Native Hawaiian, now is the time to step forward certified birth certificate showing Hawaiian parentage, or and “kau inoa” – place your name to take part in the by prior verification through programs such as the process of self-determination. Department of Hawaiian Home Lands or the Office of Hawaiian Affairs’ Operation ‘Ohana and Hawaiian Today, the establishment of a new Native Hawaiian Registry. government is on the horizon and can be achieved with the will and support of the Hawaiian people. There is no blood-quantum minimum or age requirement. The process is open to all indigenous Hawaiians, no mat- Make your voice heard. Kau Inoa to build a strong ter where you live. This community-driven effort is being Hawaiian nation. Kau Inoa registration forms are available moved forward by a broad-based coalition of Hawaiian from Hawai‘i Maoli Inc., a nonprofit arm of individuals and organizations with a wide variety of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, P.O. Box 1135, perspectives on Hawaiian nationhood. Honolulu, HI 96807, 808.394.0050, or online at www.OHA.org. The Kau Inoa registration is separate and unrelated to the provisions of the federal-recognition “Akaka Bill” now Mahalo! before Congress. PlaceYour Name Kau Inoa Registration Hawai‘i Maoli, Inc., P.O. Box 1135 Honolulu, HI 96807 • 808.394.0050 K L K A EO AIÄULU LETTERS TO THE EDITOR KA LEO KAIÄULU DHHL evictions do with the proposed question but Then simply fill out the Kau Inoa instead praises the bill exclusively. application and become part of the Board of Trustees I take offense to the comments Would we lose nothing through this official list of Hawaiian voters shared by Linda Dela Cruz regard- bill? I don't know if this website is which will be used only for Haunani Apoliona ing evictions on Hawaiian Home meant to give Hawaiians a clear, building the nation and assessing Chairperson, Trustee, At-large Lands (KWO, Aug 2004). I find her true view of what this bill would national needs. comments demeaning to those imply or if it is a politically moti- The Hawaiian Coalition, Tel: 808.594.1886 homeowners who pay their mort- vated voice-box for the speedy Hawaiian organizations and indi- Fax: 808.594.1875 gages and taxes in a timely manner. acceptance of a largely misunder- viduals who have been meeting to Email: [email protected] The Department of Hawaiian Home stood and complicated issue! establish the steps in nation-build- ing and have fiercely upheld John D. Waihe‘e IV Lands does not evict anyone with- Vice Chair, Trustee, At-large out first trying to work out a Lopaka Luis Ulumaheihei Purdy Hawaiian rights, will monitor the payment plan. We have to teach our Waimänalo, O‘ahu Kau Inoa process which is Tel: 808.594.1838 people to be responsible adults, not maintained by Hawai‘i Maoli. Fax: 808.594.0208 “leeches.” Wherever you live, either Kau Inoa is an act of self-deter- Email: [email protected] rent or mortgage has to be paid. The Lomilomi book mination, birthed and controlled by Rowena Akana owner or the entity holding the Hawaiians. On the other hand, Trustee, At-large mortgage has the inalienable right A book about Native Hawaiians delaying registering may mean to collect their due. This is not a who practiced lomilomi in the 18th, Hawaiians will be dictated to by the Tel: 808.594.1860 world of freebies. 19th and 20th centuries is being provisions of the Akaka Bill or Fax: 808.594.0209 If we taught our people to be compiled from Hawaiian language manipulated by power and Email: [email protected] responsible people, they would newspapers, the Bishop Museum money–hungry persons with private Dante Keala Carpenter become independent and able to archives and other published political agendas – instead of by the Trustee, O‘ahu help others. A good start is to take a sources. Topics include pule, grassroots who want to uplift all course in finances. Hawai‘i ho‘oponopono, massage, bone-set- Hawaiians. Tel: 808.594.1854 Community Assets has and contin- ting, diagnosis, cleansing, family Nevertheless, if you want to Fax: 808.594.0210 practice, physical therapy, body maintain the status quo; or if you Email: [email protected] ues to sponsor seminars for home- owners and potential homeowners. molding and legal status. believe in the Akaka Bill and its Donald B. Cataluna Let’s be more akamai and teach As editor of the book, I am indigenous native status; or if you Trustee, Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau our people rather than make seeking old books, pamphlets, believe in independence; or if you excuses for them.
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