Application for reaccreditation of the Tinbergen Institute MPhil in Economics February 2014 Erasmus University Rotterdam University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam Administratieve gegevens Instelling Naam instelling Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Status instelling X bekostigd 0 rechtspersoon voor hoger onderwijs Resultaat instellingstoets 0 n.v.t. kwaliteitszorg X positief (UvA, EUR) 0 positief onder voorwaarden 0 negatief X nog niet afgerond (VU) Opleiding Naam opleiding in Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Tinbergen Institute Master of Philosophy in Onderwijs (CROHO) Economics (research) ISAT-code CROHO 60162 Oriëntatie en niveau WO master (research) opleiding Aantal studiepunten 120 ECTS Variant(en) Voltijd Eventueel nieuwe naam Afstudeerrichtingen Economics, Econometrics, Finance Eventueel nieuwe afstudeerrichtingen Opleidingslocatie(s) Amsterdam en Rotterdam Eventueel andere opleidingslocatie(s) Bijzonder kenmerk Overig Contactpersoon aanvraag Voornaam Ruud Tussenvoegsel(s) Achternaam Liesker Telefoonnummer 010 408 2240 E-mailadres [email protected] Factuuradres indien anders dan postadres instelling) Factuuradres Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam SSC OOS t.a.v. Crediteurenadministratie Postbus 1738 Postcode factuuradres 3000 DR Plaats factuuradres Rotterdam Referentie instelling Budget 20180000 E-mailadres bij digitale facturering [email protected] Vermelding besteller [email protected] Eventuele opmerkingen Deze aanvraag wordt ingediend door de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, mede namens de Universiteit van Amsterdam en de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam i Tabellen wo-master Tabel 1: Rendement Cohort 2009 2010 2011 Rendement 81,6% 83,8% 85,2% Tabel 2: Docentkwaliteit Graad MA PhD BKO Percentage 100 % 98 % 63 % Tabel 3: Student-docentratio collegejaar 2012/13 4,64 fte onderwijsinzet (exclusief teaching assistants) / Ratio e e 48 studenten (1 en 2 jaars) Tabel 4: Contacturen Studiejaar 1 2 Contacturen per week 12,3 5,3 Eventuele toelichting Instellingstoets kwaliteitszorg Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Besluit NVAO: http://search.nvao.net/files/526a773072caf_besluit%20EUR%202%20Instellingstoets%20kwaliteitszorg.pdf Rapport van de commissie van de Instellingstoets 2013: http://search.nvao.net/files/526a773072caf_rapport%20EUR%202%20Instellingstoets%20kwaliteitszorg.pdf Rapport van de commissie Instellingstoets 2012: http://search.nvao.net/files/526a77ff001f6_rapport%20EUR%20Instellingstoets%20kwaliteitszorg.pdf Instellingstoets kwaliteitszorg Universiteit van Amsterdam Besluit NVAO: http://search.nvao.net/files/51d2972650418_besluit%20UvA%20Instellingstoets%20kwaliteitszorg.pdf Rapport van de commissie Instellingstoets: http://search.nvao.net/files/51d2972650418_rapport%20UvA%20Instellingstoets%20kwaliteitszorg.pdf De instellingsaccreditatie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is in procedure. ii List of abbreviations BA: Bachelor DSF: Duisenberg school of finance EUR: Erasmus University Rotterdam GRE: Graduate Record Examinations IELTS: International English Language Testing System KNAW: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences MPhil: Master of Philosophy (Research master, 120 ECTS program) MSc: Master of Science (usually a 60 ECTS year program) NVAO: The Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders PhD: Doctor of Philosophy TI: Tinbergen Institute TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language UvA: University of Amsterdam VU: VU University Amsterdam iii Table of Contents Introduction 1 Diagram I: Governance of TI’s educational program 3 1. Learning outcomes and domain-specific requirements 4 1.1. Learning outcomes 4 1.2. Domain-specific requirements 5 2. Teaching-learning environment 6 2.1. Educational principles 7 2.2. Attracting and selecting students 7 2.3. A rigorous two-year curriculum 8 2.4. Lecturers 13 2.5. Research environment 13 2.6. Interaction of MPhil students with the research environment 14 2.7. Excellent facilities and support in a small-scale program 15 2.8. PhD employment positions 16 3. Assessments and achieved learning outcomes 16 3.1. Assessments 16 3.2. Achieved learning outcomes 18 4. Results of the previous NVAO accreditation, the mid-term review of the MPhil program, the outcome of an alumni survey and the “Keuzegids Masters 2013” 20 5. Possible challenges and pitfalls for an inter-university, small-scale research master’s program 22 iv Appendices I. Domain-specific requirements 25 II. Research environment 25 1. Research environment 27 2. Key appointments at Tinbergen Institute 30 3. Lecturers 63 4. Fellows: awards, grants, honors of all TI fellows since 2008 67 5. TI Journal ranking and admission criteria fellows 92 6. Overview of editorial positions of TI research fellows 101 7. Research groups: cooperation agreements 110 8. Research activities academics year 2012-2013 114 III. Student inflow 133 1. Recruitment and applications 135 2. Admission criteria and the selection procedure 136 3. Details of inflowing students 137 IV. Program of the Tinbergen Institute MPhil in economics 143 1. Program of the Graduate School: MPhil and PhD program in Economics, Econometrics and Finance 2013/2014 145 2. Academic and Examination Regulations Tinbergen Institute Master of Philosophy in Economics, June 18, 2013 227 3. Assessment report Tinbergen Institute master’s thesis 235 4. Matrix learning outcomes and courses; Dublin descriptors related to learning outcomes of the TI MPhil program 237 V. Outflow 239 1. Program design and success rates 241 2. Position of students with TI diploma 242 3. Results during PhD 243 4. Career after PhD 244 5. Overview of published MPhil theses 244 VI. Evaluation Report of the International Peer Review Committee, November 2010 247 VII. Advice of the KNAW assessment committee 2009 (translated from the Dutch text) 285 VIII. Report midterm review 2011 (in Dutch) 291 IX. Results survey among MPhil graduates June 2013 297 X. List of MPhil theses of the cohorts 2010 and 2011 311 v Introduction The Tinbergen Institute Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Economics program is the joint program in economics, econometrics and finance of Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam. It is organized by and at Tinbergen Institute (TI), the graduate school and research institute in economics of these three universities. Tinbergen Institute was formally accredited as a research school (in Dutch: onderzoeksschool) by the KNAW in 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2010. The TI MPhil program was accredited by the NVAO in 2003 and 2009. In 2011 TI was awarded the NWO Graduate Program block grant. Tinbergen Institute’s activities are fully dedicated to enhancing research and graduate training at the three participating economics faculties, but are organized at arm’s length from these faculties. Tinbergen Institute has its own Board, directors and staff, as well as its own Examination Board, Educational Board and Admission Board. Tinbergen Institute’s Board selects faculty members, based on their academic merit, to be involved in the Institute as research fellows. TI’s Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) draws up the curriculum of the TI research masters’ program. Tinbergen Institute has its own offices and classrooms in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, and dedicated budgets for seminars, conferences, MPhil scholarships and lecturer compensation. An organization chart of the governance of TI’s educational program is given below. For its quality assurance, TI is subject to the rules and regulations of Erasmus University. This includes regular midterm reviews of the research masters’ program. The most recent midterm review dates from 2011. The MPhil in Economics primarily aims to prepare students for PhD research in economics, econometrics and finance. To this end, it attracts and selects students from the international pool of potential PhD students in economics, and offers them two years of PhD-level coursework and research training. The program provides students with ample opportunity to explore the wide variety of research groups and researchers in the three faculties participating in Tinbergen Institute before they settle down for MPhil thesis research. At the faculties, PhD positions are allocated to the graduates of the TI MPhil program; this allows graduates, under certain limitations, to transfer to a PhD position with a supervisor of their choice. These limitations include the student’s performance (a minimum grade for the MPhil thesis), financial constraints of the faculties and the distribution of PhD positions over research groups and supervisors within the faculties. The subsequent pages of this report will reflect upon the TI MPhil program in line with the NVAO assessment framework for the limited program assessment for research masters’ programs (November 2011). Chapter 1 explicates the intended learning outcomes of the TI program. 1 Chapter 2 elaborates upon how the TI MPhil program enables the students to accomplish the learning outcomes. This chapter also summarizes how students and lecturers are selected and how the program is embedded in an excellent research environment where students have ample opportunities to attend seminars, workshops and conferences. Chapter 3 reflects upon the achieved learning outcomes, reporting on how the MPhil theses are valued in the discipline, and how the MPhil graduates perform in the PhD track. Chapter 4 discusses how Tinbergen Institute has responded to the outcomes of the KNAW/NVAO assessment of 2009 and of the mid-term review of 2011. Attention is also given to a survey we held among TI MPhil graduates in
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