When Coping Crumbles A Rapid Assessment of the Impact of Drought on Children and Women in India When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles PB 1 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 Report prepared by Prasad Bhagvan Sevekari, Team Leader, RedR India Reviewers: Lars Bernd, Chief, DRR, India Country Office Sarbjit Singh Sahota, Emergency Specialist, Disaster Risk Reduction Section, UNICEF India Xavier Thomas, DRR Consultant With inputs from other UNICEF India staff © UNICEF India Country Office December, 2016 Permission is required to reproduce any part of this publication. Permission will be freely granted to educational or nonprofit organizations. Please contact: Disaster Risk Reduction Section, UNICEF India United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF House, 73, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi 110 003 Disclaimer The assessment was commissioned by the UNICEF India Country Office DRR Section. The entire process was overseen by the respective state office in each state under overall guidance by UNICEF DRR Section in Delhi. While every effort has been made to provide accurate information, any opinion stated or error or omissions herein are those of the author and are not necessarily representative of or endorsed by the United Nations Children’s Fund. When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 2 3 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 When Coping Crumbles A Rapid Assessment of the Impact of Drought on Children and Women in India When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 2 3 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations 08 Definitions of Key Terms Used 10 ASSESSMENT AND FINDINGS AT A GLANCE i. KEY FINDINGS 14 ii. BACKGROUND OF THE 2015-16 DROUGHT IMPACT ASSESSMENT 16 1. Rationale 17 2. Objectives of the assessment 19 3. Scope of the assessment 20 4. Sampling method 22 5. Process and timeline 24 iii. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 26 1. Water insecurity and safety 28 2. Food insecurity 30 3. Additional findings: Nutritional insecurity 31 4. Impact on health 32 5. Livelihood insecurity 34 6. Impact on education 35 7. Protection risks impact 35 iv. DROUGHT GOVERNANCE: GOOD PRACTICES 36 v. SUMMARY OF KEY RECOMMENDATIONS 40 1. Recommendations to national government 41 2. Recommendations to state governments 42 3. Recommendations to UNICEF and wider UN system 44 DROUGHT REPORT 1. DROUGHT IN INDIA 2015-16 48 1. Introduction 49 2. Rainfall variations 50 3. Traditional coping mechanism 58 4. Challenges 59 5. Impact of drought on children 60 2. IMPACT OF THE 2015-16 DROUGHT ON UNICEF PROGRAMMING 64 1. Overview of UNICEF programme in India 65 2. Drought impact on UNICEF programme interventions from a macro perspective 66 When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 4 5 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 3. DROUGHT IMPACT BY SECTORS 70 1. Water, sanitation and hygiene 71 2. Food security 77 3. Nutrition 81 4. Health 86 5. Livelihood security 89 6. Education 94 7. WASH in schools 96 8. Protection 97 4. IMPLICATIONS FOR DROUGHT GOVERNANCE 100 1. Drought governance in India: An overview 101 2. Cumulative effects of recurring disasters and multiple stressors 104 5. RECOMMENDATIONS 106 1. Recommendations to national government 107 2. Recommendations to state governments 110 3. Sectoral recommendations 111 4. Specific recommendations to UNICEF and the wider UN system 113 Annexure 1: List of states, districts and villages covered during the assessment 115 Annexure 2: Drought impact assessment follow-up 119 Annexure 3: Methodology of the nutrition assessment 130 Annexure 4: State reports – Summary of key findings and recommendations 132 I. Maharashtra 132 II. Bihar 136 III. Madhya Pradesh 138 IV. Chhattisgarh 140 V. Telangana 142 VI. Rajasthan 144 VII. Jharkhand 146 VIII. Odisha 148 IX. Uttar Pradesh 150 Annexure 5: Supreme Court of India order on drought (12 May 2016) 154 When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 4 5 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 List of Figures Figure 1: Geographical focus 20 Figure 2: Impact of drought on WASH 28 Figure 3: Impact of drought on food security 30 Figure 4: Progression of nutrition insecurity 31 Figure 5: Health insecurity 33 Figure 6: Livelihood insecurity 34 Figure 7: Education security: Impact on education 35 Figure 8: Frequency of occurrence of drought (2000-2015) 45 Figure 9: Realtime rainfall (mm) in India for the period 01.06.2015 to 30.09.2015 52 Figure 9a: Annual average rainfall in India 53 Figure 10: District-wise departures of rainfall for Maharashtra (2010-2014) 54 Figure 11: District-wise departures of rainfall for Bihar (2010-2014) 54 Figure 12: District-wise departures of rainfall for Madhya Pradesh (2010-2014) 55 Figure 13: District-wise departures of rainfall for Chhattisgarh (2010-2014) 55 Figure 14: District-wise departures of rainfall for Telangana (2010-2014) 56 Figure 15: District-wise departures of rainfall for Rajasthan (2010-2014) 56 Figure 16: District-wise departures of rainfall for Jharkhand (2010-2014) 57 Figure 17: District-wise departures of rainfall for Odisha (2010-2014) 57 Figure 18: State-wise U-5 child population 62 Figure 19: Causal analysis of insecurities and impacts of drought on women and children 67 Figure 20: Factors affecting nutritional status 68 Figure 21: Source of drinking water (all India) Census 2011 72 Figure 22: Primary responsibility for fetching water 74 Figure 23: Water safety risks 75 Figure 24: State-wise percentage of households using toilets 76 Figure 25: Increased dependence on PDS from January to June 2016 79 Figure 26: Change in migration pattern 91 Figure 27: Dependence on MGNREGA 92 Figure 28: Good practice: MDM in schools during vacations in Telangana 96 Figure 29: Availability of MDM 96 Figure 30: News on the death of a child during water fetching. A local newspaper report 98 in Beed, Maharashtra Figure 31: Reforming drought convergence 108 Figure 32: Conceptual framework for extended planning 109 When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 6 7 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 List of Tables Table 1: State-wise coverage 20 Table 2: Timeline of the assessment 24 Table 3: Realtime rainfall 2015 with percentage departures 51 Table 4: Generic list of Traditional Water Management Systems in the states visited 58 Table 5: State-wise proportion of live storage capacities 71 Table 6: Key findings on household food insecurity 79 Table 7: Children's health and nutrition status 81 Table 8: Key findings on nutritional status of children (6 to 59 months) 82 Table 9: Key findings on IYCF practices (0 to 23 months) 82 Table 10: Key findings on maternal nutritional status 83 Table 11: Progression of drought and response 102 Table 12: Status and progression of drought in different districts in 2016 104 When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 6 7 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 Acronyms and Abbreviations When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 8 9 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 AAY Antyodaya Anna Yojana MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural ASG Additional Solicitor General Employment Guarantee Scheme ASHA Accredited Social Health MHM Menstrual Hygiene Activist Management AWC Anganwadi Centre MIS Management Information Systems AWW Anganwadi Worker MP Madhya Pradesh BDO Block Development Officer MPLAD Member of Parliament Local CBO Community Based Organisation Area Development (Fund) CH Cottage Hospital MUAC Mid-Upper Arm Circumference CHC Community Health Centre NDDB National Dairy Development CESS Centre for Economic and Social Board Studies NDMA National Disaster Management CPC Child Protection Committee Authority CSR Corporate Social Responsibility NGO Non-Government Organisation DDMA District Disaster Management NIRD National Institute of Rural Authority Development DDMP District Disaster Management NFHS-3 National Family Health Plan Survey 3 DIA Drought Impact Assessment NIDM National Institute of Disaster DM District Magistrate Management DMP Disaster Management Plan NRC Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre DPAP Drought Prone Areas NRLM National Rural Livelihoods Programme Mission DRR Disaster Risk Reduction NTFP Non-Timber Forest Produce FGD Focus Group Discussion OD/ODF Open Defecation/ Free GAM Global Acute Malnutrition ORS Oral Rehydration Salts GoI Government of India PDS Public Distribution System GPDP Gram Panchayat Development PHC Primary Health Centre Plan PHED Public Health Engineering GSDA Ground Water Survey and Department Development Agency PPP Public Private Partnership GW Ground Water PRI Panchayat Raj Institutions HH Household RWSS Rural Water Supply and IAG Inter Agency Group Sanitation IAY Indira Awas Yojana RWH Rain Water Harvesting ICDS Integrated Child Development SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition Scheme SAPCC State Action Plan for Climate ICO India Country Office (UNICEF) Change ICPS Integrated Child Protection SDMA State Disaster Management Services Authority IEC Information Education SHG Self Help Group Communication SO State Office (UNICEF) IMD Indian Meteorological SOP Standard Operating Procedures Department UNDP United Nations Development IYCF Infant and Young Child Feeding Program KII Key Informant Interview UTI Urinary Tract Infection KVK Krishi Vigyan Kendra WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene MAM Moderate Acute Malnutrition WCD Women and Child Development MDM Mid-Day Meal WHO World Health Organisation MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural WSSO Water & Sanitation Support Employment Guarantee Act Organization When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 8 9 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 Definitions of Key Terms Used When Coping Crumbles When Coping Crumbles 10 11 Drought in India 2015-16 Drought in India 2015-16 Meteorological drought: A situation where there is a reduction in rainfall for a specific period (days, months, seasons, or year) below a specific amount (long-term average for a specific time). Hydrological drought: Hydrological drought is associated with reduction of water. A meteorological drought often leads to hydrological drought. Generally, it takes two successive meteorological droughts before the hydrological drought sets in.
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