Ilttiem MdllUKMKOMW» South Bergen Fri ends. Wish You A Happy '60 ta t to. &x j « * s x ïsx «« ew b k a oilier in years nifi in ihf last week. They exrhaiiKed shame-faced .looks. Then thry l»f((an Leader Publications to tell their »¿yfilu rr» of traveling by Im»*. They told iiorrrndoii« stori«*»* of the long COMERCIAL LEADER .jJc h i y> raiis«*cl wlient*\i*r a -light m ish ap jaiiini«*«! NORTH ARLINGTON LEADER traili«* on tli«* hifjhwaVH. ^ Then they got into tin* warm. smoofh-run- LEADER FREE PRESS nifi” rail «ars an«l wrr«* shot into llnlmkcit vi iili- f'ut fu>s_or feathers. l*fthlishc<| e\«*r\ Thur-day I*\ III«* (.ommen ial Leader Priming < «unpan) at 2">l Ridge Road. I.vndhiirst. Y J. Telephone t,fcneva A instant Railroads KTol W hen the storm broke la-t week, «lumping •more snow than we have experience«! in two Yes Virginia ? vear-. the railroails went into a«*tion at once. They put to work gangs of hiimlre«ls «»f men T«» tin* jiood little girl w ith tin* spit c u rl w ho clearing the way. warming up the switches and aske«l last week if tlitre really. really are pas- making r«*a«ly for wliat«*\cr tin* storm might s«*nger trains, the answer i« an «»mphatic yes. bring. On last ..Monday aftern«M»n snow began to The buses waited for the government to fall. By the time darkness f«*ll the snow he<ame «*l«*aii th e highw ays. more than a ripple. It skinne«! the highway* The airlines continued to fly. controlled by w ith a bright slick. fed« rat g«i\eminent tow «mien. Trafti«*. m o to riaed . th a t is. <|Hukly reaet«*«!. Once again the railroa«!s proven! themselves On Route 3 there was an accident. Those the only utility able ami willing to stand on their Imky enough to get hum«* before tin* .*> P.M. <»wn f«*et. T h e bus«*s a n d a irp la n e s «fepended as w ish start«*«! knew little u n til tin* next <!ay «>f usual upon g«i\eminent hand-out. the horror that ensued. T raffic wan tie«l dow n for niil«*s. F olk- in tin* South Bergen ar«*a pot home one atnl a half Judge Values to two to two and a half hour- lat«*. \ few years a: > three airplanes fi'll in F.liza- The next morning the horror was reprated belli. Vs a result Ncwark \irpurt #»« closed R oute 3 traffi«* lim p ed , sk id d ed am i «*rawle«|. • lown for months. Ofli«*«*- w«r«* h a re u n til 10 A.M. In sonic <a-«*- As memory has it. the only real complaint it took e\«*n longer to get to work. was regis|«r«*<l I»> tin* N ew ark C h a m b e r o f O im - But not for e\ «*rybo«iy. mere«*. .N«di«uU else .,r.a \e a «loggom*. Some folks did the una««u-toim*<l thing. Ill«* in c id e n t pro\«*«l b e tte r th a n a n y th in g Tlu*y walked t«i the railroad -tati«»n-. In Rutlnr- « ¡-«* the airplane s«r\«*s a very mill: r s«*«*tor of fo rd tin* E rie S tatio n w a- paeked all m ornm «'. the < (immunity. In l-ymihnrst folk- who had not -een «a« h other I niacin«* w hat w ould has«* happcn«*«l had for \earn met again in the l.aekawauna stations. Pen-ii: > Ivania Station. Newark. b«*«*n close«! f«»r Tin* train- arri\c«l on time. I 1«*\ <l«*li\ere«l 1 month«? Tin* h « * w U «if anguish would have-been their fwisM*i»^er‘f. without delay into |ioliok«*u. heard in Perth Amboy. TIIOSK pass«*ngers got to work ou time! M ore pr«*«»f: I In* grisly l(^iionM H H H M p|)r('< iat<*d. It (»o\erm»r Mevner sai«l at his news eonfer- prohahlv will n«»t. ctne fue-day that his communications show Yet in the national defense interest the 2.022 ar<* opposed to the proposed jetport in railroads must he kept strong ami fast, lit time- Morris County. Only IS have written in its of emergency the railroad* alone can move hu­ W. cclchrate the arrival of V fa vor. mans and material quickly and expeditiously i Yet the public sits helplessly by while many, The lesson of last we«*k is that the highways with .*re«*tings and best wishes to our many many millions are spent on airports and not a am! rubberised transportation arc not «*fT«*<*ti\e friends. Our thank- to you for your patronage, nickel is devoted to the railroads. in emergencies. They are subject t«i the irifhicn- ces of weather and roa«l nmditiom*. and may the months ah«*a«l bring you a great The most efficient form of transportation Evacuation? «leal of h ap p in ess. in the world is the railroad. Adolph Hitler Kiit-my union not Have to take place thought he eould^move his (Germany on rubber. in p >im! weather. It might take place in a mow- He learned his m istake to.o late. We have the Morin. warning thrust upon us winter after winter Can aiivlMidy imagine wide scale evacuation Vk hen are we going to heed it? ii the highway» are covered with »now? Doesn’t the P \ could be re-poiisihle f«#r helping the last week's experience prove that the rubber coiiimuter situation there. transportation is a highly delicate operation Instead, the PA use<l the pending legisla­ How About Values? that needs everything going in its favor. tion as a .-priughoanl to g«*t an airport into These bitterly <*old davs see trafli«- crawling A single skid can cause havoc. Fuel shortage Morris ('oiintv—soim*thing Morris • (anility along Route 3 am! Belleville Furnpike. Mil­ can stall traffic until it is dead. wante«! not at all. lions of man hours are being lost: Millions <»f Yet we neglect the single effective transpor­ T h is rais«*s th e q u e -tio n : w hom «loes th e «lidlars of unne«*essary <H>sts are being incurre«!. tation force—the railroad. '■ PA serve? * , All this is «Inc to a bogged «low n transpor­ W ho asked f«ir th e a i r p o r t ' tation system in our metropolitan area. Who has asked for <*oiiimuter relief? W here's Safety? The Port of New York Authority, charged \ra«i w hich q u estio n «!«»«> th e PA p re fe r to with the responsibility «if advancing the cause T h e havoc had weather creates on the high­ answ er. «>f the gr«*at port, is involved in airports, harbors, ways is hcst demonstrated on the page» of the i lie fai t- make further statement unne«*e— freight am! bus terminals. Nowhere i» it con­ police accident reports. sary . cerned with the~ rapid ami efficient movement In Essex County in. a 12-hour period tjiere of the ingredient that makes our port great— were over 100 accidents. In llergen the toll from p e o p le ! 9 Nice Stations boundary to boundary was tremendous. Tin* commuter in our port is the forgotten A nyb o d y want to guess what the safest fo man. While the PA spends a quarter to a half < .«»minuter- who deserted the buses in last of transportation is? billion on bllewild an«! dreams of doing the week’s snowstorms found the stations which they sam e in a M o rris (itiunty airport, the rail trans­ had used previously still there. portation which is th e m ost effi«*ient am ! m«M Not so well Wept, of course. The ticket sales­ effective fall« apart. men were gone. The evidence iu n once taiore. The riiip sd i But at least there was protection front the must be preserved. The commuter lines elem ents. developed «lid iwplw— tiid 'W here's Logic? How different from but transportation The railroad* apparently cannot do h 4 a » r Morris County legislators prepared legisla­ where the commuter «lands on the corner, ex­ selves. The j(ovennaeii!-~tbe people, that ¡*- tion extending the «bdñet controlled by the Port posed to the wind and rats and m u l must do it. a t New York Authority into their county «o that lien and women who had not seen each Let’s get about tUa M at ■ w ta q ru d l. « «» aita mkvn*’ ’ ' *• 15 ® * * * ~ 'f & 'i fr* a «» - * i v •* ?*•*» v a«P ,**•<«**# X I i m i L f Í • n # » . > _ _ friends Wish You A Happy '60 I il I mm Fourth Street Theatre. Both have Group; 1349th Reaearch & De- , S o u th PHends Wish You A PI DELTA presenta AT tOY&TOWN met critical and public accept­ velopment Unit; 324th Ordinance ance. The old standbys go on. Group; 699th Engineer Company; ‘T he Threepenny Opera" fs in its , 1st Bn., 310th Infantry Regiment: Sn5 .7 D an ces The PA would wsik in and con- acre, and has.coat over 1 -! fifth year at the Theatre de Ly j. j HQ. 78th Regiment (C§T); 65th wasteland The land is.
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