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Win$100 Cash Ffaa Football tournament Mon~a~ afternoonl Su tn s oy • oft r 0 SU • ay Available for Society and Group ookin s Editorial REPO KEMPT Editor·ln..Chief "Don't worry, honey. I'll make su re you never counter may well be struggling to work her way through ing government awareness" of the student debt crisis. have to work at Tim Horton's, because I'll make sure school. Many students, including myself, work part- Is building a giant Lego wall for one day outside of our you get an education." time (or even full-time) to try and deal with the high cost legislature going to be any more effective than student of liv1ng away from home while going to university. The marches or letter campaigns? Perhaps dumping a truck- I'm standing 1n line at Tim Horton's in New Glasgow Situation is often a Catch 22 as more t1me behind a retail load of Monopoly money on the PM 's lawn 1s next on the on the weekend when an intolerable and impatient woman counter means less time behind the books. agenda. delivers this line to her preteen son after a delay in her order. She spoke at a volume more than loud enough for This week, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associ- Disagree? We at the Gazette want to hear what stu- the woman behind the counter to hear. The employee. ations is collecting foam bricks from 2000 students across dents think a logical and practical solution to student debt show1ng more integrity and tact and than this customer Canada. Each brick will bear the name of the student and would be. What action should our government take? What will ever understand, ignored her and continued to serve the amount of student debt they will have upon gradua- should students do? E-mail us at [email protected] and we her promptly and courteously. I, on the other hand, was tion. They will be used to erect a wal l, 8 feet high and 30 will print the best and most productive solutions ... and wishing I had a cattle prod on hand to dole out a special feet w1de, on Parliament Hill later this month. maybe the funniest to help ease our collective financial "double-double" dose of respect. woes. My initial response to this stunt is "whoopdie doo". The fact is, the young woman struggling behind the appreciate the sentiment behind it, but I am tired of "rais- Editorial 3 News 4 Cover s Opinions 7 Streeter 9 Arts 11 Hot or Not 13 Sports 14 Sextant 16 KIT KAT PIZZA DONAIRS - SUBS - SEAFOOD 429-3223 or 425-2229 2314 Gottingen St., Halifax Buv a 16" piua w/worlls tor $12.99, get 9" garlic lingers tor $1.00 16" pepperoni piZZa tor $8.25 or 2 tor $14.99 2med.Piuas w/3 tOPPings $12.99 3 small donalrs tor $6.50 plus tax Small Business Own this Space for only ~ 20/week! Call Gazette Advertising ®494-6532 t drtor Chris LaRoche 04 News r n ar' [email protected] Editor In Chief Malcolm Repo Kempt Copy Editor CHRIS LAROCHE News Editor Catherine Cooper Nom1nees in the Dalhousie Student Union Presidential Bye­ be of any use, says Galarneau, but now that they've been edited to Photo Editors lection can expect a tough job if they are elected in the October 28 be more specific to the DSU's actual role, they should help in keep­ Jenine Dowden vote, says current DSU president Johanne Galarneau. ing the council and executive on track. Sports Editor The byelection, required by the DSU constitution if the Council orientation concerning the new statements, qmong Adam Somers elected pres1dent vacates his/her position before November 1 , will other thrngs, IS being held this week. officially fill the void left by elected DSU President Don Kearney's resignation. Galarneau has also addressed outstanding problems rn Arts Editors the organization and overall role of the execut1ve, which found rtself Natalie Pendergast, Mike Gonnan ·All I know from the resignation that [Kearney] submitted engaged in a soap opera over comments allegedly made by then-VP to council was that he resigned for personal reasons," said Galar­ of community affairs Brianne Lauzier that were inappropriate. With Opialons Editor neau. who served as the DSU president last year and vice president a new executive and new mandate this year, however, Galarneau Quentin Ca"Y of the student advocacy the year before. hopes to create a firmer organizational manifesto with the introduc­ tion of the "Executive Handbook," which she completed this fall. News Editor Because Kearney left his position during the summer term Chris LaRoche and an election could not be held, the DSU council appointed Galar­ "There have been problems 1n the past because the neau to fill the Presidential position. executive is both bound by the [DSU] constitution and as full -time staff. Th1ngs like confidentiality, office hours, vacation days, sick Desiga/Layout "You can't hold an electron 1n the summer, obviously, days, th1ngs that are not covered 1n the constitution, but the execu­ Loukas Crowther because not all the students are here." said Galarneau. "The [DSU] tive still needs to follow because we're still employees, in essence. of council chose an rnterim appOintment, and they appointed me until the union. Obviously last year's executive is different from this year's Contrl'lmtors an election could be held." executive. This year's executive is phenomenal compared to last Tristan Cleveland, Jamie Artkin, Jason wat~ Lindsay year. Council always changes, and there are always different opin­ Dobbin. U Doog, Una Hussain Although she won't say whether she plans to run for reelec­ ions, but that's the nature of student politics. You've got to expect1t." tion, Galarneau did say that the JOb of DSU president entails much Photographers more stress and work than people might expect. Other items on Galarneau's mandate, which include talking Jenn Morrison, Duncan Enman, Chris LaRoche, with the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC) "It's a lot of work. You can expect to work day and night. about the financial considerations of new programs being approved Repo Kempt, www.sxc.hu, images.google.com Expect to be criticized. You can't expect the position to be easy or by the administration. meeting with bureaucrats rn the educatron to be everyone's friend. You have to have a lot of political knowledge ministry followrng this summer's election. have all gone according and internal knowledge of the Dalt1ous1e student un1on -1t has to be to plan. The DSU executive will even be making an appearance on a balance of both." CBC's Street Cents on Oct. 20, giving some 1ns1ght into rising stu dent debt and tuition rates. Cover Galarneau says that a good knowledge of DSU history TakiJtgone-foroo team. a.,o IS also a recommended prerequisite for the job. Without an under­ During this summer's provincial election, the DSU standing of where the DSU has been, she said, a president won't punished Loukas for rampant mis­ mounted a campaign to raise the issue of post-secondary educa­ know where the DSU is go1ng - includlng policy implications and tion funding. La\M1 signs and billboard ads were mounted rn an effort takes and computer crashes in the dealing with the council and executive and staff. to focus some attention on tuition rates rn the provrnce. In May, the last issue. DSU hosted the Canadian Congress of Student Assocrat1ons. Never­ Official dut1es of the president Include handling rela­ theless. Galarneau says there are still a lot of changes to be made. Advertising ttonshps w1th the media and press, policy writ1ng, meeting with For advertiSing and classified rates call 494-6532 government officials, proposing policres to council, oversee1ng the Galarneau's outlook concern1ng the new government's executive staff and sitting on the University board of governors and post-secondary education plans 1sn't very approv1ng, either. Touch Phone: 494-1280 senate. 1ng the Debt Remission Program would be a political nightmare, she Email: [email protected] says, so a one per cent cut 1n the education budget means operat1ng Web: www.dalgazette.ca "I'm the manager of the union, so everything you see 1n grants for unrversities could be on the chopping block. this building in some rndirect way I'm responsible for it." sa1d MaU: The Dalhousie Gazette Galarneau. "My life cons1sts of workrng 35 hours a week, as constr­ "[Hamm's] minority government1s not going to get any 312-6136 University Avenue tutronally requ1red but I probably work 60 hours a week rn reality. thrng through ard I can see [Nova Scot1a] hav1ng another electron 1n Hahfax, NS B3H 4J2 two years It's gorng to be an uphill battle, but •f we can work Wtt., Although Gaarneau's current term as president 1s only the opposition parties really closely, then I th1nk we're go1ng to have a months old and may end by the erd of thrs month, she says she's step 1n the door." T · ::uette co tent rot e rep educed n done as muc.h as she car to improve the DSU for future execut1ves.
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