![Rup :Ide S] Pill Pi Ozen I in Ho! >Spital](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
r Phonne pitch tcto sell COUIxpon hool<k misleacding, Idahho officialils contencicf — B l Retoailing Hollb)erg leaj d s l SVerdict!Yt l _ I • , m zzzzl—— \s AA ■ .......... U ^ 5 C 03 1 , 5 25* I s 3 r e e SALT 80th year. No. 108 te! Tw inF;I Falls. Idaho S3 ay, April 12,1985 Rupf)e r t hl e r b ic:ide i s]pill piu t s ^ozen iin ho!>spital 20euafacuated fronm trailer 1 7 ^ K - f J . I S -? _ 7 — ----- park^k. firms — ................... By-DKAN^VtlbbBi _________ T I m c s-N e w s w r ite r?r_________ ^ _____ KBj stifaa RUPERT - Twel'w elve p eople w efe hospitalized, and one placed in inten- - s iv e c a r e , a f t e r a trueIruck sp illed th e tox- -----------^— ie-lierblcide-dinitroitropheno!-at-a-gas- -------- station, a roadsideJ cac a fe , a n d dow n th e state higliway inI RupertR Thursday , m o rn in g . ' • W ' l . About 20 peoplele were evacuated J from a trailer parkk anda from Parky’s I y • J H E B D rive-In, I.x)cltwoodod Corp.,.and< other T businesses in the vlclvicinity of the spill, , f l y l l policc said. Donald R. Frashiasher. 44. of Pea J J ________ Artf thi>tninL ucktfrdrlver-rWaR-in-------------1 satisfactory conditiolltion at Minidoka * M e m o ria l H o s p itaal l Thursday' after- noon where lie wasis treatedt and kept ----------- ^—underDbservatlonnrinrtrcamo'inrirJJtii— -------- tact with the dinitro]trophenol that had i spilled from a brokenken container In his J tru c k . His wife. Helen,cn, 41, a n d son. Woodland. 18. were'c alsoa hospitalized along w'ltfi seven-polpolice and fire of- ficers. an ambulanccince attendant and Rosemary Hill, operperator of the gas ' station where Frashei;hercleanedouthis g. East M inidoka County f truck, polleesald, :y firefighters rem ove: protectivei gear after2t driving a herbicide-c3-contam inated truck; tot' a chem ical com panyany's yard near Rupert ;ho-HeaUli-Qnd-Welfare-Depar ilth-riskrwtrenrthe ------- Id a h o part-— Stoll-sald-it^ppeanired that-about I5 "g aild n ”(conlain'ers inlhe traileF1;Fliad'” - .............. spill was cleanedI up."ui said Magic mentDIDivision ot Environment officificial gallons from a 30 ga gallon drum had been punctured.pi Police said UiiU iore I Valley chemical spillpill team member Pat Sto!Uoll said his lesling equlpmci menl spilled in the truck. Sl(Stoll says Frasher \vere alsoal some smaller five galgallon Ken McDonald ThtThursday evening found1 mno evidence of the chem ical: ral In apparently washed thetin chemical onto drums so of the chemical in the traileriler. a f t e r in s p e c tin g th ec sitessi at the Husky the airir Iin Rupert, but that the fum< jm es llie ground al the truciick wash and then siollII si a id th e c h e m ic a l m i ^h i ti killI . gas station and truckjck wash in Rupert Inside2 thetl trailer were al a dangeroi?rous d ro v e a w a y . t h e blacteria a c in the Rupert sew:ew ag e ' ' and at the WaysideIde Cafe south of level. Some of the chernimical apparently treatmenent plant if it runs intoto thi e . - Rupert, near Interstats ta te 8 4 . __________S to ll j 11 s{dd the truck and spiJI siU s ile.s r a n o u t th o d r a in inn theI flwir of the sowor^ from-Uitifi truck wash draina in in Tlie tructT'vvai moved trom the "w111~FalTave‘'T (n)e cleanea’ by'“Ei“En- trailer and onto tli Ure hleliway as ^ilgrcncenough concentrations. Hee sSi a i d " • “’•ri'v. parking lot of the Wa>VaysldeCafetolhe vironmcmental Emergency Serviceses ofi Frasher drove lo the he Wayside Cafe the baclacteria in the sewer sysliy sle m ■ J -----------fenced yard of Uie J.RJ.fi . Sifnplot-Co,-ln—EortJaniand.-Ore., ■who-havc.becn-hlrci lr c d - f ro m U ie tr u c k w asli,’Stollsaid.■ S n-Quid n w tfto a n -P a p m la n dH. syh lch uwr -------------R u p e rt—to —tk n it—ttKthe cxpocuro of Twm— iJimrropnonorcan biue nigiiiy loxic H down thUk e sp lllo d c h e m ic a l. u c k , to c le a n u p th e tw o s ite s an - —Rupert residents to:o an n y fu m e s fro m th e tr u d s a n d in h a le d o r in g e s tc d . SliSloll said. He said stollsiI said the Iruck slop drain sui th e tru c k . th e traa il' lle r . it appeared only one no of th e 116 :w- • • ,See SPILL on Page A2 jT MlSMuUYSrKTf it QfjkIcials unccertain ojif exact Jform ofichemicaal I ByANNKTTEG\RYRY But Ron Moczygergemba, of the Rnvlronmonijnlal determine where thehe toxicily falls in lhal range,g e .h u Times-News writerr ProtectioiIAdm lnistraitratiQnJnJJoisc^aldUic.cheile m -. .s n v s ,- - ical-was W dlnltroph(iphcnol.-That chem icil-ls abob o u t_____H e . be lieves_U ic...ci .cliemlcal_is_extremely_to;.to x ic _____ RUPKRT-Thech; chemical spilled in Rupertt wasw 100 times more toxicic lhant the dinitro used for kill-ki because it Is shipped3cd in a far more concentralira le d . c ith e r a p h e n o l fo rmm oof d in itro o r 2-1 dinilro p h cnicnol, i ing potato vines, accoi:cording lo Ihe Farm Ctiomiclical form lhan farmers: useus on their fields, he says,i, a chemical at»ut too[00 tim es more toxic, dependi:iding Handbook, It Is usedfd a s a d o r m a n t s p r a y fo r mlites it . Denny Neibaur,, willi\s the Idaho Slate Pois*oison ‘ , on w h ic h o f fic ia l wa a s (doing th e ta lk in g , and aphids, thehandbcd b o o k s a y s . Control Center, sale;aid symptoms resulting fromfrc Joycc Roscncranlz,nlz. who headed the effortsIs byI Frank York, headid of( the motor carrier safeifely breathing fumes froirom or touching whal he cac a lls ' ......... y th e M a g ic V a lle y ConlaminationCoi Team, saidd thet division of the U.S. DeparlmentDe of Transportalhillon dinitrophenal :) arcjre headaches, nausea, re sl- • / yellow Jlquld was a chemical commonly-call'ailed in Boise, says he das;lassified Ihe poison as ClassIS :H. lessness and general•al weakness. 11 can cause addi-adi X ^ .. Dinitro, used'to ccon o n tr o r b r o a d " le a f ' w e e d s”’ andai “'The only polsons worsorsc are usually In the-form'Ti'of— tional-or-accelcralecled-heartbeats-ond-in-:scvce v e r e -----------— ________ grasses, 1 n jli is_aroa.:oa.fnrmcrs.commonIy_useJl._lt-lo__ comprcssed-gas. hosa] -Ihe-liver-and-cause-kidnId n ey ------------- DTYOF . ' k ill p o ta to v in e s . Class B poisons haveha a lelhal dosage ratitling failure, _________ ‘‘T h e y e llo w c o loor r makesi it look worse thanan It lower than 50, he sav.s,iy.s. Whal was solllcd nrotwil)[ibiy _____ The poison IndexX indicatesii thal symptomss c an . :_______ IRUPERT I__ _________ - Is,"■says Dave-Breiirem ers of- the- contaminatliallon was one of-Uie worst>t ClassC B poisons wlUi a raliitin g s tr ik e 1210 72 h o u rs; afteral conlamination. he.saysa y s -------------------------------------- team..Hc accidentallynlly got some.of the chem icala l oni o f b e tw e e n B a n d 15.j. heh says. The Division of KRn- Merle Washbume.e. safelyJ officer for Uie truckieking his band while remov loving his gloves but Is not con-co vironment of the Idahoaho Department of Heallli iindar company trahsporliniling Ihe m aterial, refused tolo sas y cerned.hesays. W e lfa r e w ill ta k e saim m p piesoflhed ■y lo what sorl of pesticided e Ihe tru c k w as^ Div\n d ed riiighj^PQmelreji}ects COompciroableivcirtiixxxt\ncept B y L E E M A Y spokesman, reaffirmed i d the department’s andI thatt Ihe commission "ha;lias* p ro fo u n d ly a r s e n a l for attacking empioilbyment The scaUilng; reactionrc by activists to Uie T h e L o s A n g e le s; T lim e s opposition to comparable ible worth nnd said andI Uiorouglilyt betrayed Uie• publicpi trust it diseriminalinatlon.'’ Both women voted1 againsta commission's rc|report was a slgnincant - th a t- a n y ln le rv e n H o n -‘‘wo!‘would depend on thc- once<e c o m m a n d e d .'.'................. • Uie report, A W tteriy divided Civil irt, flTRi Francis S; Guess absbslained demohsb^Uon of the p2iss1on surrounding /ll e a s e .” D'urlng ui Uie commls-sion's debate.de Chair- ijccause hemhe' lglit be hearing cases inv nparable worth, R ig h ts C o m m issiosion r vote d T h u rs d a y to r e je c t nvdlvlng the issue of compa Tlie commission's recommendation, mann Clarence M.
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