Complete Roster of Equipment of the CI-IICA60 SURJ=ACE LIN ES INC LU DIN G ITS COM P 0 N E N T S CHICAGO RAILWAYS COMPANY. CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. CALUMET AND SOUTH CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY THE 3-r:l"Ul'IIERN STREET RAILWAY CO:MPANY. Compiled by JOHN J. BROWN and CHARLES A. BROWN Notes on Motors, Control, and Trucks by JAJrES E. COLEMAN and ROBERT E. JOHNSON With a special historical supple~ent listing the rolling stock for cable and electric motor service on the principal underlying street railway properties of Chicago, compiled. by JOHN J. BROWN from data furnished by CHI C AGO SUR F ACE LIN E S and the a 0 A R D o F SUP ERVI SIN G ENG I NEE RS (Makeup & Layout by George Krambles and Allan Victor) Bulletin No. 27 PUblished -by Copyright by Cli:lU., JUly, 1941. fupl1cate copies of £1"""T~4L I:LI"(:T~I~ ~4ILI'4""S· 4SSV(:.4T.V"" this bulletin ma::r be secured at 2IJ¢ (until the sup- 1240 EDISON BUILDING ply is depleted) by addressing the Association. CI1IC4~(). ILU,"WIS This listing shows all passenger rail cars in operation aa ROSTER O~ PASSENGER EQ.UI:fUENT OF THE CHICAGO SURFACE LINES Explanatory notes pertaining to column headings, symbols and of July 1941, t.ogether with all cars of the various types INCLUDING ALL TYPES OPERATED SINCE 1915, 'NITH abbreviations tJ.sed in this roster, together "ith recapitu­ which have been rettred during the period since 1915. HISTORICAL REFERENCES TO ORIGINAL miNERS &: !II"UMBERS lation.. of pertinent data w111 be found on the next page. ORO UP !iI. CARS YUR BLDR CAP'! LiNOTH WIDTH HE IOHT UIGHT YOTORS CONTROL TRUCKS EXCiPTIONS A N il Ri:M,.lRKS BUILT CRICiac RULUTS COl/PANT 101-70<' 553 1908-9 u's· ~,OOO 4ge216 bp 150,161+.,195,212.226.266,316.332.371,316 .357 ,4Qll.-~06LiI05,"20.~38.~~,"56 .~57 .~6I+. ~66,~65,~71,476.502,516,519.52~.539.564.576,583,590,595,599.608,656,re. J&J>. 26. 1><2. 268 r•• r.b. 1~. 19)5. 505 bulkhe&C18 removed, sea.ta ')4. 53 ou. th18 serie. 49'8· loC@;. 501-610 with k35kk oontrol, Hne breaker, .lr ~~:;:1~~ ~~f °Z~~;~~: :;1~~9~~ei~r8~~~~~g61f~~~~r:itb 2:1~e~~:~1~~r a~~~ :~~a :~u~~~~h6~~&2§n~i~c:.lt lapping a.lr and t.-o turn motora for lncreaud top speed. 701-750 50 1909 x 11'8· ,2,,00 4ge216 k35 bp 150 751-1100 350 1910 p 11'9" 50,,00 ~_319b k35g bp 150 S01j. rebuilt with arch roof, air doore, .eatt 50, no bulkbead.e. 94-2,946,959,968,970,~1trebuilt .Uh "rQh r~ tUld bave 53 aea.ta ll15.25,27,29,67.95,1206.07,l§,,41.72.. 28 ret Jan~ 26, 1922. 1101-1~23 219 19~-7 11'6" 4-7,000 ItgeBO. k25 1101-2 <lUld. car ..OOC. 1103-05.08.09. U ,12 .l",16-2".30-3_,36 ,35-41,43;~b-50.52 <5'l.'h~~5-6~.62·-65,bil.ro--li•7'F!2'. 84"'9/+,96.97,99, 1200,02,2J..,30,46,61-65.67-69, ret & rep1&O~Q by 50 PCC oau 1136. 1~8,l283,1}:!:,,13lt-2, 1377, 13as r.t 1.0. 14, 1938. 12U ret Jan 30, 19§9. 1398-1*23 onllt mao. Next group to be retired: 1135, 4J+,57, i~~~;~Og~~~~l::~,~3r,~1~i~:i2~~~~f:':;l~t ,~~ 'i~itlt~~. se~~:~d~6~6:t9;0~r b 4-1 1 1. S16· 11'10' 1t7,1t00 "'319b k28& ior to 1911: 1t626-4950. 1 1 ~ge226& . u 7 S' 11 6. 42,300 k3§ b Or1g1n oJ. n""bero ~75""5~· 1..29 ,32 .3~ .36 ,38.39,"2 ."9,50.52 .56.60 .61.61+,66 ,69,70,n.76.79,85.86,90,91.1505 til'. o ~':6: 8'6" 4.ge226& k35g b27gel 1577-1720 are 1t5 1 0 ll long. 1 i~ Y 1t8' 11· 8 0. :l: :t:§gg "ge275b k35kk b51e Equipped "ith line bre&llcer. o 4-8'5· 8'0' t5:~;' l~:~gg 2-53"11 b3ge 1813 rei 00'.6, 1939· 1900-19"9 bUr &. 1950-1999 bId•• , b 2~ll' 7' H' 2ge2o.!+. ~W b Birney aaf~ty ca.r&. all ret 1937 Y 29'5· tP2' 10'0" Ib,ltOO 2gs201ta &Q3 b lIod-Hied safety ca.r, ret 1937 b ItgIO' 8'0' IllH'1+-0,180 2ge242b k51.. b390 3090 built by a.. 1918. 3091 buUt by ,,1919. 3000,03,OI+,Oo,08,12·~, ret. Ja.n 26,1922. «S16' 10 1 11. 28,°50 ~_508 One aan car Y 37 '2' ~~~l>lpl Y ,~:f~, 8'0' t~~~~' ,~::~ 2ge275b m Equipped .ith UI£ breaker. b 8'6­ k}?kk b51e2 EQ.uipped with L1ne breaker. 3161-3178 buIlder a, 1 408'11' 8' 6. 111,' 44,650 ~~~~~: k35" b27gel EQ,uipped with Une breaker. 1 '*8'11· S16· 11 1 9' 1+8,700 ~go216 k35kk bp150 EQ.uipped "ith line bree.kdr. 1 Itg ' 11' "8'6' 11 1 911 46,300 ~g9275b k35k1< bp150 ~uippe¢ witb l1ne breaker. 3200-3201 e.pdrimeAta.l multiple unU o_re (WU oontrol now remo....et), b&v. b51.2 truck•• Y 48 1 11' 11 1 0' Itl,300 2ge275b ge-Y b3902x 3232-3261 build.r n, 11 ij.~lll· U:~: ~~:lgg ~:;fl~b ge-M b3ge2.. 32g2-3301 buildor ., 3302-332l bullier •• b 49'0· ge-PCY b76. 3322 witb rea.r treadle d.oor, 3341 .i-;n. tolding oenter door and with TI.lDk6n truok., bU1lder,. l,62-'31J1 bId-to" a. Y 83'7' 11'&' 72,000 ~-319b k25 . ~:~~;~~a.i~7:ra1n butH frOll! oar. 1101-02 u.ing Cinoinnati Car Co. steel drum vestibule &.Dd. .::06 t oenter tiruok, p 10'7" 36,000 ~_1"30<1 see !lote p speo. P.C.C. sample oe.r. Equipped wi tb • multi-notoh oontrol. ,0',· 1 a~:~: 11 2' 34,000 ~wl~32 11' pee d PCC P.C.C. oare. 4051 used in rea.rra.nged. tloor plan experiments. 1• 11'''' 26,000 trailer none b 67t eOOlt8011t- rtl-t. ~031-8060 builder b. Tra.ilers .tored since train aeniee dhcontiinued 1930. CHICAGO ern RAIL"! .COMPANY 1 2501-2625 1901-2 1t6'SI 12 ij.1 ,0,000 "ge67 k6 b23YCB 2600. _lib b5lel truok. 2501-07.09-13.16,17 .19,21.23-25,27 ,29.}1-35.31-~0.50-53/55-60.62-61+ .66-70.73, 7~ 76 77,~O,87,92 ret. &nd replaoed by 33 PCC oar. 1936. 251,.20.22,2b,28,30,lt-l-1t9,54,bl,65,72 78 82 84-86 90 91 ' 93,97,2600,21,ret. Four of then oara ...1d to have been sent to St. Louis 1903 80/0 t1~ tb.r~. 254' 4.4 ~5 1l.7,1t8 11014 to BUll!lond.,Wb1 tin,:;: &: h,st Ch1ce.go about 1910-2547 beo&ae D&EO f>Il. ',, 78 1903 48 1 3" 9 1 111 12'''' 52.2~0 k6 b510l 2726--and 2777 retired. • 1 1 11 1 o 1920 b 28 1" e 2 lC 6" 16,600 ~r.~l.. b Entire group retired 1937 S1milar to 2000-2005 Birney a&tety oar. 19 1923 Y 39 1 S' 5 ' 7­ 11 1 0 11 31 ,500 2ge275 ~no b3901 S1m11.r to 3093-3118. 198 1905-6 b 1t5'·81 9 1 0. 11 t 10· 52,000 I+-geSO.. k28e b23YCB ~~~;~~~~~ ~~1~~~~e"~a~t5~r~t t~~i~~:~lv ~:o~~:o~~e.~:;~P~~~k 5~ ei~c:;~~~76 to b ... _upl••• 5022 1n 1905 1 1 398 1906-7 b 48 3" 9 0" "g~Oo& k25. b27h2 5301-53,0 bul1der 0, 5351-5400 builder .., 55°1-5600 builder e. 5239,5303 rtlt. 21 1910 b 1+-6 1 0. 8 t 6' I+ge80& k280 b'=:7fe2 1 8 1 11" ~ge50& 13 1907 1+7 7' k280 b27te2 ~~~i"~e~el9l8~roup &oq,u1red 1912 from ChiO&gO & aouth~rn Trtioctilon Co., .hera they group A, 1126-140. 1 1911 y• 1+4'2" 8 1 6' 2g.2"2b k51& b39. ."re 12" 1912 b 45'&' 8 1 6. 2·3060a k36j b390 No&reid.e oan. 5808 haa 53 se&.ti., treadle door •. ,765 ret. 1913. 100 191.. b 4-S I 0 11 1$16' 2ge2~2b k51a b3ge 1 138 191"-5 b 1t-8'0' S 6" 2ge2"2b k51& b3ge 613~7 with Balclw1n ma.x1l!:luOl traction truck.. S1all&r tiO group 30oo-309l. 5 1915 48'0" g 16· 4ge226ti k35g b27gel 3 1918 1t-8 1 C," 8 t 6 1l 4ge80 k35g b23mcb 614-5 -d tb Br1Jt 27f trucka. 1 1918 ·.. 1t8'0· g 1 6' 2g~242b k51& b3ge 7 1919 ·Y 1t8'O· g16' 4ge226a. k35g b27ge1 1 1919 Y 1t8 ' O' ~p6' It-ge80. k35g b51el .. ~ b 4-8 1 11" 8 ' 6. "ge275b k35kk b51e2 l'1tb 11ne brea.ker. S1mll&r to 3119'--3178 group. ~O 1 1+1$111­ 8'6' 2ge275b ge-Y b3902. ma 1 ~i~t~~~: ~~;~:~. Bo~:ti;~m~l:~&~~o:b~;:o~~~~~ed 1 192" 1 1+-6'11· 6 6' It-ge80a k35kk b5102 n.
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