fHanrl;r0tpr lEa^ttlttQ l|m l& WEDNESPAY. /tILY » . 19S9 » iG B THTRTY.TWO Manchester *Dog Days* Sale Now Under Way^ Continues Through Saturday ATersfe Daily Net Press Run Tbe Wsnthsr MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- - - - - - RETAIL MERCHANTS DIVISION For tha Week EihM Ifafeesa* *4 D; S. WesOiet MsiMS' May ttrd. 1SS9 95alr, warm tMrtffct, enaalderalilr 12,925 txiw enar IS. Frtday elewdy wmtm, SrnnM, diower. nr Umnder- Member ef the Andit iianrlf ■liewier*. IDgli 85 tn tS. ItarMiB ef Olrealation Mancheiter— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 25.1 (TWKNTY PAGES) MANCHEvSTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JULV .10, 1959 (lasaatfled AdrertMas am Psfe I$i PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. H its N ikita Nixon Held For Nikita^ Explosions, Blaze Destroy Gall to ^ m m it Ike Parley By JO HN M. H IO H T O W m Aclosing ^e«k in Geneva trying to Sverdlovsk, Soviet Union, Geneva, July 30 (i<P)—U.S. get a weatem agreement to go to July 30 (/P)— Vice President the summit. Lloyd probably will offieials tixik a dim 5riew to­ argue that difference* between the Nixon motored deep into the day of Nikita S. Khrushchev’s, semi-secret Ural Mountain Chemical Firm in Portland Soviet Union and the West have’ sropogaliroposal that the Big Fourfour been aubatantlally narrowed, mining area today and re­ Jforeignoreign ministers “agree onion; Secretary of s'ute C hristian A. ceived cheers every mile of what they can agree’* and Herter and Lloyd conferred this morning on disarmament queationa the way. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - JULY 30-31 • AUGUST 1 then stand aside for a sum­ they may bring up with Soviet B’or- Speaking to official* of a copper mit meeting. But a British elgn Minister Andrei A. Gromyko mine he visited' during the fore­ Blasts Gut 13 Tanks, official called the Soviet pre- before the Genevs meetings end. noon.. Nixon. j. came. out with^ a. verv mier'a speech “splendid stuff.” Llovd told reporters he and Herter tndtc»tion hat he favora had not talked about the German , S."’*'',.* "!**ii"* W> wpiroiiir rlwrgp •rroun»«: Oreen Khniahchev’a speech in the problem Eisenhower and Bremier Khriish- TrmdliiK Stamp* are ift'Pn «1th ranh arIp* and Ukraine Tueeday wae'made public Acid Hurts Firemen Allied' spokesmen .aid in the , ^^ev or a quirk agreement at also to customprs who pay thpir rhargp arrounts last night after Eaat and West last seven deys Herter. Uoyd and ! Oenev* which would permit a aum- agraed to halt the foreign minia- within (Iftppn (IS) days aftpr btllinc data. t?rt” VaIks'n«t'''wednesdaV,"wVth' Maurice tnit conference, or without settling the grave, issue I M.'rville .nil make an "1 do not pretend that personal ’' -V Portland, July 3f> (/Pi— Kxploding chemicals shook two DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS communities today and lit up the pre-dawn^ky as flames de- ®f Berlin ” ^ Imteraive effort to work out an (onlaci would solve the basic prob- High U.S, officiala aaid the west­ interim Berlin aettlemen’. wit lems of the world.” he aaid and .stroyed a chemical distrihutinjf depot. ern power* will make every effort Grom.vko. But thev had no real added briefly Islei : Thirteen tanks of industrial chemical* exploded in the In the dying days of the Geneva hope he woii.d give them West ; (.Thla trip of mine will be fol- blaze, which a tire official said apparently beffan accidentally. THURSDAY, JULY 3Qth, FROM 9:00 to 9:00 conference to reach a Berlin ac­ Berlin guerantec* unlimited hi lowed bv others including contact The biggest blast, which knocked sleepers from their beds WITH ALL CASH SALES! time or would drop his rejected between other leaders." cord. But they emphasized only an end to the Soviet threat to West demand for formation of an All- ybe atatement came In the wake here and in Middletown across the Connecticut River, came Berlin will persuade__ the__ Ux'.ed. I German Negotiating (iommittce of reports that he was on the verge •-V' when a 13.000-gallon tank of alcohol went off. LARGE ASSORTMENT States to ’accept a summit confer- 1 on '’mflbation of Germany, | of leconimending lhaj President The flames at times burst like rocket btasta 500 feet high. LAST 3 DAYS OF HALE'S JULY Hale's Housewares Dept, ence. The French attitude toward ' Their pi-kctical objective, there- ■ Rishowet invite Khnu.hchev to the : blaming debris wa.s scattered over a wide »nm. Sparks ahow- WHITE HANDBAGS a summit meeting is similar. fore, was to try .to get Gromyko . (inj)pq stales foi a visit. He has ; ered in every direction, even landing on some private, homes. The British official who thought l to agree to r»ces* the conference ! repeatedly lemaiked that a look is h'’ \ SPECIAL Khruahehev'a speech was a good | fot a long period- perhaps trhee „.o,-th a hundred description... i' The flickering rooftops were wetted down quickly by ftremem, SAMSONITE LUGGAGE One Group in Top Han­ one said the Soviet leader’s re- | months, in^ the hope that Khiush- j Herbert Klein, Nixon * press ! however. \ dle and Clutch Styles. JEWELRY NAMEBRAND. FIRST QLAI-ITYt marks indicated he clearly wanted che\- would refrain in the Interim ! spokesman, said he is inclined to Between 20 and 100 families were evacuated temporarily a lummit conference on Berlin. fror- any unilateral against West , ipp belief Nixon refeiied lo the REGULAR $1.00 VALUES v i ’ ■ ... ; -V ' from their homes, a few aged persons in ambulances. LADIES' TRAIN CASE Raqulor $2.98 British Foreign Minister Belwvn ; hope that a wav would be found Lloyd is expected to spend^ Ih# 1 (Continued on Page Four) j for a summit conference. But the Eight firemen were Inimed whenF- R egular $17.9.5. Q C they were sprayed by an exploding' ------- ------------ I drift among Nixon s followers barrel of acid. All were treated at "DOG DAYS SPECIAL" .......................... HANDBAGS j seemed to be towards recommend­ .V . .. y Measures 1,T’.\8"x9". It holds 52 feminine tisvel the Middlesex Memorial Hoepital; Cyprus Treaty Mein Floor At Entrenre 2 ing a visit by Khruiihrhev n a In Middletown and discharged. | needs. Full mirror in lid of rase, has plastic tray with suitable time. i 5 9 ' - 2 » * r sections for cosmetics and toiletries. Matching wash­ There were no other eaaualUea; Summit Time Here, F ^fS e first time on hia tour, I reported. Repudiated by able lining. I Nixon really went into the mills C. Albert Mugford. manager of; Hale's Ready-To-Wear Dept, I snd mines long enough lo see what A . the compiuiy Philipp Brotherej SPECIAL LADIES' PERSONAL O'NITE ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE I was going on. st leset in part. Hia (jhemtcal lnc^. eatimnted the lose; (General Grivas LOW, LOW PRICES ON FAMOUS BRAND SHEETS and PILLOWCASES SALE! R egular $17.95. C O O ^ ! schedule in other spots had been at approximately half a million dol­ BEACH BAGS "DOG DAYS .SPECIAL".......................... T O DRESSES NikitaTnforms West I so tight that frequently he had lar*. TYPE 130 TYPE 140 TYPE 180 leas than half an hour to see things Athens. Greece, July $0 tJP> M easures 15' x7''xl2 An overnight case, or c a n he DAN RIVER LADY PEPPERELL LADY PEPPERELL Idea! for .voiir .3wim.suit, aun n v v T One (iroup of Dressets— Value.s lo A A and places that diplomats never ” *n*chemlcaritw‘k.^’I ^ S ending foUr years iiaed as a "companion’’ piece with other ra.ses for long­ $19.98. NOW ........ ........................... Moscow, July .30 i.pi — Sovietf-atatement* that Riissi* is not try- had been allowed lo view. which employ* 14 persons. Is In af­ of bloody unrest, on Cyprus was MUSUN SUPERFINE MUSLIN COMBED PERCALE (ria.3.3e8, Co.3metic.3, F.tr. er trips. Divider for easy packing; luxurinu..ly lined Premier NlkiUi Khrushchev has. ing to set a deadline for the Allies It was his next to last day in fect a warehouae. It rSc^ves reputlated yesterday by Lt. Gen. with harmonizing rayon faille with deep porkcl... One Oroup of Dresse.s— Values to C X , A A called on the Big Four foreign to end their occupation of West the Siberian industrial complex of Fire, fed by exploding chemicale. en.velopes storage tanks at Phillips Bros. Chemicals Inc.. Mid­ chemicals, recuts them and re­ (eMrge Grivas, leader of the un­ Reg. B2.19—A3x9P . Reg. 8.S.I9— 7'Jxl08 derground war against British Rpg. 73x108 Ro^glor $1.00 and $1.50 $17.98. N O W ............................................ Z p o y y minlltera to finish their work in Berlin. "The question o. time lim-' 600,000 persons snd perhaps the dletown, early today. Photographer, left, la forced to retreat because of blast* and heat from fire. ships them. The depm hoiieed R«g. S:.3»—«3xlOS . Rpg. $.3.39— 81x108 LADIES' HAT BOX of industrial | >d>le of the Mediterranean laland ««g. $2.49—73x108 .. Rpg. $.3.69— 90x108 Geneva and make way for a eiim-, its Is not of parsmouiit imnor- one where he received the warmest (AP PhotofaxI. about 1.000 drum s Rpg. $3.•’9— 81x108 Regular $15.9.5. Cotton Prints, Solids and Plaids, .Sheers. Many styles to mit conference. j tance." he continued But he warn- welcome. I chemical*. Orivoa sold In a statement to Reg. $3.69—81x108 .. REACH B.AOS— .MAIN KI.OOR choose from one and.two-|iiece jacket dres.ses. Misses’, Rpg. $.3.19— K ilted B ottom "DOG DAYS SPECIA L" ...................... $8.95 "We believe that !(• I* high time ^ Soviet Union v,’ill not People all through tlua territory [ newsmen that “some quarters" are Reg.
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