Kk k1 abbr. 1 kilo-. 2 knot(s). 3 karat. 4 knit. Kafir /ˈkæfə/ n. a member of a people of the Hindu Kush k2 symb. 1 kilo-. 2 Math. a constant. mountains of NE Afghanistan. [formed as kaffir] k3 n. (pl. same or ks) a kilometre (we drove 5 k) (cf. km). Kafkaesque /ˌkæfkəˈesk/ adj. (of a situation, atmosphere, K1 n. (also k) (pl. Ks or K’s) the eleventh letter of the etc.) impenetrably oppressive, nightmarish, in a manner alphabet. characteristic of the fictional world of Franz Kafka, K2 abbr. (also K.) 1 King, King’s. 2 Köchel (catalogue German-speaking novelist (d. 1924). of Mozart’s works). 3 (also k) (prec. by a numeral) Kafoops n. see Mrs Kafoops. a Computing a unit of 1024 (i.e. 210) bytes or bits, or loosely kaftan /ˈkæftæn/ n. (also caftan) 1 a long usu. belted tunic 1000. b 1000 (dollars etc.) (the asking price was 40K). worn by men in countries of SW Asia. 2 a a woman’s long 4 kindergarten. [sense 3 as abbreviation of kilo-] loose dress. b a loose shirt or top. [Turkish ḳafṯān, partly K3 symb. 1 Chem. the element potassium. 2 kelvin(s). [sense through French cafetan] 1 from modern Latin kalium] kahili ginger /kəˈhiːliː ˌdʒɪndʒə/ n. the herbaceous ka /kaː/ n. in ancient Egypt, the supposed spiritual part of perennial Hedychium gardnerianum, native to India and an individual human being or god, which survived (with a member of the ginger family, bearing highly scented the soul) after death and could reside in a statue of the yellow and red flowers. [from resemblance of the flower to dead person. the Hawaiian kahili, the ceremonial feather-standard] kahuna 1 Kaaba /ˈkaːəbə, ˈkaːbə/ n. (also Caaba) a sacred building /kəˈhuːnə/ n. (in Hawaii) a wise man or shaman. at Mecca, the Muslim Holy of Holies containing the sacred 2 US colloq. an important person. [Hawaiian] black stone. [Arabic Ka‘ba] kai /kaɪ/ n. NZ colloq. 1 food. 2 a meal. [Maori] kabana n. (also cabana) a thick kind of spicy smoked kail var. of kale. sausage, usu. eaten cold. [alteration of Polish kabanos kairos /ˈkaɪrɒs/ n. a propitious moment for decision or ‘a type of sausage’] action. [Greek, = opportunity] kabaragoya /ˌkʌbərəˈgoʊjə/ n. the large monitor lizard kaiseki /kaɪˈsekiː/ n. a style of traditional Japanese cuisine k Varanus salvator, widespread in SE Asia. [Sinhalese] consisting of a series of small seasonal dishes. [Japanese, kabbala var. of cabbala. from kai (from kaichu ‘kimono pocket’) + seki ‘stone’] kabocha /kəˈboʊtʃə/ n. any of several varieties of Asian kaiser /ˈkaɪzə/ n. hist. an emperor, esp. the German pumpkin of the species Curcubita maxima. [Japanese] Emperor, the Emperor of Austria, or the head of the Holy □□ kaisership kabuki /kəˈbuːkiː/ n. a form of popular traditional Japanese Roman Empire. n. [in modern English from Kaiser keizer drama with highly stylised song, acted by males only. German and Dutch ; in Middle English from Old English cāsere, from Germanic adoption (through □ kabuki brush a type of make-up brush with soft bristles kaisar Caesar that form a dense, dome-shaped head. [Japanese, from ka Greek ) of Latin : see Caesar] kaitiaki ‘song’ + bu ‘dance’ + ki ‘art’] /kaɪ'ti:əki:/ n. NZ a guardian or manager. [Maori] kaitiakitanga kachina /kəˈtʃiːnə/ n. 1 a deified ancestral spirit in the /kaɪ'ti:əki:ˌtʌŋə/ n. NZ guardianship, mythology of Pueblo Indians. 2 (in full kachina dancer) stewardship. [Maori] a person who represents a kachina in ceremonial dances. kaizen /kaɪˈzen/ n. a Japanese business philosophy of □ kachina doll a wooden doll representing a kachina. continuous improvement of working practices, personal [Hopi kachina ‘supernatural’, of Keres origin] efficiency, etc. [Japanese, = improvement] kadaitcha /kəˈdaɪtʃə/ n. (also kurdaitcha) (among kaka /ˈkaːkaː/ n. (pl. kakas) a large New Zealand parrot, Central Australian Aboriginal groups) 1 (in traditional Nestor meridionalis, with olive-brown plumage. □ kaka- Aboriginal belief) a malignant spirit of Aboriginal lore. beak the climbing or trailing NZ plant Clianthus puniceus, 2 a mission of vengeance. 3 the ritual accompanying this. with dusky red pea-flowers, widely cultivated. [Maori] □ kadaitcha man a person who undertakes a mission of Kakadu plum /ˌkækəˈduː/ n. 1 the small tree Terminalia vengeance. kadaitcha shoes shoes made of emu feathers ferdinandiana of the Northern Territory and northern stuck together with blood and worn by the kadaitcha man Western Australia. 2 the plum-like fruit of this tree, which so that he will leave no tracks when he carries out the has a high concentration of vitamin C. [Kakadu National sentence on the guilty person. [Arrernte kwertatye] Park in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory] Kaddish /ˈkædɪʃ/ n. 1 a Jewish mourner’s prayer. 2 a kakapo /ˈkaːkəˌpoʊ/ n. (pl. -os) a large nocturnal flightless doxology in the synagogue service. [Aramaic ḳaddîš ‘holy’] New Zealand parrot, Strigops habroptilus. [Maori, = night kadi var. of cadi. kaka] kakemono -os kaffir /ˈkæfə/ n. chiefly S.Afr. offens. a black African. /ˌkækəˈmoʊnoʊ/ n. (pl. ) a vertical Japanese □ kaffir lily 1 an ornamental plant of the Iris family, wall-picture, usu. painted or inscribed on paper or silk and Schizostylis coccinea, bearing spikes of flowers resembling mounted on rollers. [Japanese, from kake- ‘hang’ + mono gladioli. 2 a southern African amaryllid of the genus ‘thing’] Clivia, with orange, red, or yellow flowers. kaffir lime kaki /ˈkaːkiː/ n. the Japanese persimmon Diospyros the SE Asian tree, Citrus hystrix, whose fragrant leaves kaki, native to China and Japan and the kind most often (as well as the rind of the fruit) are used in esp. Thai and cultivated. [Japanese] Indonesian cooking. [originally = a non-Muslim: Arabic kakka /ˈkækə/ n. var. of cacker. kāfir ‘infidel’ from kafara ‘not believe’] kakuro /ˈkækəroʊ, kəˈkʊəroʊ/ n. a mathematical puzzle in which players have to insert numbers into a crossword- ■ USAGE The word kaffir was originally simply a like grid. [blend of Japanese kasan ‘addition’ + kurosu, descriptive term for a particular ethnic group. Now it representing a Japanese pronunc. of cross] is a racially abusive and offensive term, and in South Kalaaku /kəˈlaːkuː/ n. & adj. •n. 1 a an Aboriginal people Africa its use is actionable. of the Fraser Range area of southern Western Australia. b a member of this people. 2 the language of the Kalaaku. kaffiyeh var. of keffiyeh. •adj. of this people or their language. kafir /ˈkæfɪə/ n. (among Muslims) a person who is not a kala-azar /ˌkaːləəˈzaː/ n. a tropical disease caused by Muslim. [from Arabic kāfir ‘infidel, unbeliever’: cf. kaffir] the parasitic protozoan Leishmania donovani, which is MOO_ACOD6e_HB_9780190311315_K_5pp_SI.indd 768 9/08/2017 10:43 am 769 Kala Lagaw Ya | kangaroo transmitted to humans by sandflies. [Assamese, from kālā kanaka /kəˈnækə/ n. hist. a Pacific Islander, esp. one ‘black’ + āzār ‘disease’] kidnapped and forced to serve as an indentured labourer Kala Lagaw Ya /ˈkaːlaː ˈlaːgaʊ ˈjaː/ n. an Aboriginal in the sugar and cotton industries of Queensland. language of the Torres Strait Islands north of Cape York [Hawaiian, = man] Peninsula. Kanarese /ˌkænəˈriːz/ n. & adj. (also Canarese) kalanchoe /kælənˈkoʊiː/ n. any of various succulent •n. (pl. same) 1 a a Dravidian people in West India. shrubs and herbs of the genus Kalanchoe, with red, pink, b a member of this people. 2 the language of this people. or white flowers in terminal panicles. [modern Latin, from •adj. of or pertaining to the Kanarese or their language. French, ultimately from Chinese gāláncài] [Kanara in India] Kalashnikov /kəˈlæʃnəkɒf, -ˈlaːʃ-/ n. a kind of rifle or sub- kanban /ˈkænbæn/ n. 1 (in full kanban system) a Japanese machine gun made in Russia. [M.T. Kalashnikov (d. 2013), just-in-time manufacturing system in which parts etc. are its Russian developer] ordered on cards. 2 a card used in this system. [Japanese, Kalaw Kawaw Ya /ˈkaːlaː ˈkaːwaʊ ˈjaː/ n. the language = billboard, sign] of people of the Torres Strait Islands north of Cape York, kanga n. Aust. 1 = kangaroo. 2 rhyming sl. on screw a including Boigu, Dauan, and Saibai. It is a dialect of Kala prison warder. 3 = kanga cricket. 4 colloq. cash. 5 colloq. Lagaw Ya. a jackhammer. □ kanga cricket a game of cricket with kale /keɪl/ n. (also kail) 1 a variety of cabbage, esp. one with rules and equipment designed for young participants. wrinkled leaves and no compact head. Also called curly [abbreviation] kale. 2 US colloq. money. [Middle English, northern form kangaroo n. & v. •n. 1 any of the larger marsupials of of cole] the chiefly Australian family Macropodidae, having kaleidoscope /kəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊp/ n. 1 a tube containing short forelimbs, a tail developed for support and balance, mirrors and pieces of coloured glass or paper, whose long feet and powerful limbs, enabling a swift, bounding reflections produce changing patterns when the tube motion. 2 Aust. an Australian, esp. one representing is rotated. 2 a constantly changing group of bright or Australia in sport. 3 Aust. a Kangaroos the name of the b Kangaroo interesting objects. □□ kaleidoscopic /-ˈskɒpɪk/ adj. Australian international Rugby League team. kaleidoscopical /-ˈskɒpɪkəl/ adj. kaleidoscopically a member of this team. •v. 1 tr. leap like a kangaroo. /-ˈskɒpɪkəliː/ adv. [Greek kalos ‘beautiful’ + eidos ‘form’ + 2 intr. hunt kangaroos. □ have kangaroos in the (or your -scope] etc.) top paddock Aust. colloq. be crazy or eccentric. kalends var. of calends. kangaroo apple 1 any of several shrubs of the genus Solanum (esp. those also known as gunyang) of southern kali /ˈkæliː, ˈkeɪliː/ n. a glasswort, Salsola kali, with fleshy and eastern Australia with purple open flowers and k jointed stems, having a high soda content. [Arabic ḳalī egg-shaped fruit edible when completely ripe. 2 the fruit alkali] kangaroo bar kangaroo bush Kali of this. Aust. = bullbar. /ˈkaːliː/ n.
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