REVIEWS Online LaTeX Editors How they test: Papeeria, ShareLaTeX, and Overleaf Ooh La LaTeX Authors who publish documents or books with LaTeX can tap into online services using modern browsers, on both desktop and mobile devices, and as a collaborative tool. By Harald Jele sers who have come to under- tionally, online access makes it possible while, the editor allows multiple users stand and appreciate the advan- to work in groups and take advantage to share a file. tages of a typesetting program of versioning. In this article, I examine • An online PDF viewer displays the like LaTeX [1] prefer to use it ex- three candidates – Papeeria [4], LaTeX document that has been com- Uclusively when drafting text. These same ShareLaTeX [5], and Overleaf [6] – to see piled on the server. The compiling pro- users also want it to be available for ev- whether online services offer faultless ca- cess is the same as the one LaTeX uses eryday use on all of their devices. In fact, pabilities or whether users are forced to on a local installation. various possibilities do exist for installing accept restrictions so painful that they This seemingly simple concept can only the program on tablets and the like. How- forego using the services altogether. be implemented with the involvement of ever, the installation process comes with Building, distributing, and maintain- a wide range of technologies. The online numerous problems. Consequently, even ing this type of online service is a com- editors are mostly implemented as asyn- experienced users are not always able to plicated endeavor. Not everybody is up chronous JavaScript applications. complete installation successfully without to the task, as is evident from the fail- apps like TeX Writer [2] or VerbTeX [3] al- ures experienced by such services as The Competition ready running on the target platform. Fidus Writer [7], FlyLaTeX [8], SpanDeX The test data came from two existing Therefore, the idea of using LaTeX in [9], LaTeX Lab [10], and MonkeyTeX. LaTeX projects that were uploaded and an online browser is appealing, because compiled online, with the results it is a simple and elegant solution that How They Work checked thoroughly. In this article, I gets around the problems encountered The approaches taken by the online ser- looked at a project shared between co- when installing other applications. Addi- vices tested here share striking similarities: workers, as well as a project in which • They install one or more releases of work was performed simultaneously by AUTHOR TeX Live [11] as the standard LaTeX on multiple users on the same file. a Linux server. Those who want to create new projects Dr. Harald Jele works at • The files to be edited land in the user’s will find that the services typically offer a the University in Klagen- furt, Austria. He became document directory on the server, and plethora of templates. For the most part, acquainted with LaTeX the service automatically saves them they are applicable to dissertations and in 1993 after switching to there regularly. articles for scientific journals. The num- a Linux server and desktop. Since then, • Users edit the files remotely in their ber of file templates should not be the cri- he prefers not to be without either. browser via an online editor; mean- terion you use to decide for or against a 123RF.com Lead Image © Zoya Fedorova, 28 OCTOBER 2016 ISSUE 191 LINUX-MAGAZINE.COM | LINUXPROMAGAZINE.COM REVIEWS Online LaTeX Editors particular service, though. Because all pages are in English. When using free are queued to compile behind all of the LaTeX services behave like a local installa- testing access to the program, it is impor- paying customers. The right-hand frame tion, it suffices to put any random tem- tant to remember that the platform makes in Figure 1 shows the dialog window. plate in the document directory. LaTeX all saved documents publicly accessible In most cases, this downgrade also finds the file and integrates it. The same after the first project. A fee-based account meant that the website displayed the goes for LaTeX packages that you want to costs $5 dollars per month. cached or erroneous modules instead of load during compilation. If they are not To begin, you upload an existing those most recently updated. Therefore, preinstalled, you only need to get them LaTeX project as a ZIP archive, and the free test access does not actually work via the Internet and move them to the service decompresses and puts the files for meaningful testing. The tester should document directory. in your document directory. The stan- request access that does not have these LaTeX can handle any number of text dard setting uses TeX Live 2015. If prob- restrictions; otherwise, you will check types in addition to scientific text, includ- lems occur, you can turn to a 2013 ver- your well-written code in vain for errors. ing everything from Advent calendars to sion to compile. The situation is similar with embedded greeting cards. However, the people inter- The developers have not corrected all graphics, which are often not depicted ested in these types of documents are of the installation errors. During testing, by Papeeria in test mode, and a warning probably not interested in the online ser- I found that installation of the EB Gara- failed to appear that would explain what vices I talk about in this article. One as mond font was faulty. Once notified, Pa- caused the behavior. yet unresolved issue is that none of the peeria responded promptly via email It was possible to compile the two up- templates come with information on the that three full-time programmers had re- loaded LaTeX projects with both the TeX LaTeX compile settings. This goes for all ceived an SMS alert. However, I was still Live 2015 and 2013 releases. The results of the services described here. Presum- able to reproduce the bug two months for the 2013 version added empty pages, ably, most users compile with pdflatex, later; thus, it would seem that bug re- and none of the available settings cor- whereas a few turn to XeLaTeX to get ports are ignored in spite of intensive rected this issue. working PDF files. communication efforts. If you compile frequently to do things Additionally, all three services offer Figure 1 shows the very straightfor- like code-checking, you will encounter free access to a more restricted version ward interface. Those familiar with yet another problem with Papeeria. The than the fee-based choice in terms of LaTeX will be able to navigate easily. embedded scripts demand so much per- time period for use or the number of The four frames display the project files, formance from the browser that it offers available functions. LaTeX code, PDF presentation, and error to stop the running scripts. messages and warnings. On a positive note, Papeeria has done Papeeria a good job of implementing both the vi- Although Papeeria [4] was created by a Pretty Tired sual display and the menubar. The menu Russian company, the LaTeX user is Unfortunately, users who chooses the free provides quick access to essential tasks barely aware of it because most of the test version are informed that their jobs and makes the service easy to operate, Figure 1: The LaTeX online platform Papeeria divides the work area into four frames and offers TeX Live 2013 and 2015. LINUX-MAGAZINE.COM | LINUXPROMAGAZINE.COM ISSUE 191 OCTOBER 2016 29 REVIEWS Online LaTeX Editors so it is not necessary constantly to message to the target users, who need to However, it takes time to find the right switch between various screen pages. confirm. The user interface is silent dur- people and the proper communication Because the online editor responds cor- ing this procedure, and the need for ac- channel. rectly to the usual shortcuts, you do not tion is only revealed when your cowork- Paying customers can operate a maxi- have to learn new ones. ers, perhaps accidentally, take a look at mum of 10 private projects and synchro- The associated spell checker does not their inboxes. Papeeria applies color high- nize them with public and private Git re- know many German language terms (my lights to each change and marking made positories. Additionally, Papeeria offers language), which gave me the impres- in the text by the sharing recipients. The regular snapshots for back ups. sion during testing that language sorting program augments the highlighted does not work properly and would not changes and markings with the email ad- ShareLaTeX be suitable for professional use. dress of the user who made them. Most of the developers working on the The editor only supports UTF-8 char- In addition to LaTeX, the platform of- second online service tested, ShareLaTeX acter encoding and displays text in West- fers gnuplot [12], which can create im- [5], are British [14]. The start page eval- ern ISO Latin 1 incorrectly. However, pressive graphics from existing data. uates the language of the browser and LaTeX reacts well during compilation, as However, this utility is only available indicates that your interface will display long as you do not make any changes to with a fee-based account. The free ver- in your language, if supported, which the text that would serve to create faulty sion includes a simple plot builder. you select with the flag symbol located character encoding. Even then, the edi- Thanks to Papeeria’s session manage- at the lower edge of the page. However, tor displays the compiled Latin 1 texts ment, it is possible for a user to work on ShareLaTeX documentation and support incorrectly, albeit not each and every multiple projects simultaneously, sup- are only offered in English.
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