Longtime angler teaches the aJ of fishing to kids 2 [l Community Newspaper Company www.allstonbnghtontab.com Vol. 8, No. 45 48 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ No beating a White Horse Local nightspot to expand despite neighborhood opposition 1 By Josh B. Wardrop STAFF WRITER "I hate to see or all tho'e who've spent precious weekend partying the neighborhood F time lined up outside wait­ going down the ing to get into Albton's White Horse Tavern, the news this week tubes, and I'm v,,a, good. For other neighbors in tired of seeing the B1ighton Avenue area, how­ e"er, the jury is sti II out. people deciding to On June I 0, the Licensing move out of Board for the city of Boston ap­ Brighton High School graduate Fabrina Pena gets a hug following last week's graduation exercises at Boston Col proved a request by Doug the area." Forum. Bacon, owner of the White Horse Tavern, to expand his es­ Capt. WiJLiam Evans tablishment into the adjoining A-B grads break down the stereotypes empty 'pace that tormerly the space, which wi ll include the housed Pep\ Auto Repair. As a conversion of an auto garage result of this expaih1on, the into a bar/restaurant extension Class of2004 advised to be like sponges instead ofCf and White Hor'>e will be allowed to that will include a newly in­ im:rea-.c it" capacity - currcni- stalled bar, a pool table and addi­ banier. n u ·h hkc hrn:l..c) la)l!r' com­ 1) at 240 patrono; - by as much tional seating for diners. By Chris Orchard See more on-graduation ing Olli N th\.' pcnt11l bo\. page 26 ,1o; an additional 120 persons. ··we will be cleaning up the STAFF WRITER .. It li:eb reall} ama1in that wl!·re "Ob"iow.. ly, I'm \ery happ) building, redoing walls and At lea\t one foghorn sounded. whis­ graduating:· ~.iiJ Shal-:tl A , 1 mnaJ. about the decision," said Bacon floors, removing hydraulic ma­ tles blew. cheer-. erupted and hats flew the ice 1mk at Boston Coll !!e \ Conte ··1t fi:l!I, great:· sai Stephane on Monday. "'I've been worl..ing chines used by the previous busi­ into the air at the precise moment grad­ Forum. and .1 ne" graJuatc' hugged \le\anJrc. toward thi-.. for about two years, ness, and redoing existing bath­ each other. core of famil'. member., uation proceeding., ended for Brighton Thl!re \\a-. a hurr) to c~lebrate that and I'm glad that the licensing rooms with new fixtures and High School's Class of 2(X).l. charged the ice-le ' floor t;J celcb1 ". e Ja} anJ ~rhap .... for om . a hurr} to board SU\\ lit to grant my appli­ tiles," said Bacon. "Additionally, the occa ion: man~ jumped mer the Brighton High held 1i... graduation in GRADUA ON, page 28 cation." we'll be putting on a new store­ Bacon say' he\ currently fi­ front that matches the current naliLing construction plans for WHITE HORSE, page 15 Local immigrants take a step t wards U.S. citizenship By Erin Smith During worbliop'. \Oluntcel"i and second time to U\Oi<l errors. The c ter ica said some of her friends recommend­ many years to strut the process, accord­ CORRESPONOENT center staff assist 11nrnigr.int., in complet­ aho offers photocopies of the apphc< ion ed the program, and she liked the securi­ ing to the center's Citizenship Services Ten Allston-Brighton immigrants em­ ing complicated \t.""t:tion-. of the citi1l!n­ and an application picture for S 15. e t) of knowing the center checked her ap­ Coordinator John Rattigan. But many barked on a course to U.S. citizenship ship application For ex!:lffiple. the 10- required picture i' taken \\ ith a two- en' plication for error.... countries, such a<; Ireland, allow individ­ during the Irish lmmigrmion Center's page application require' that camera, commonly known a.... a ··p '>S­ The Regans left Ireland I0 years ago uals to become U.S. cititens without giv­ citizenship workshop at the YMCA in immigrants chronologicall) ft...t each pon camern" that produce., in-..t.mt ual and decided to become citizens to gain ing up rights in their native country. Oak Square last Wednesday. time they have tell the Unned State' for image-.. The entire proce-.-. takes a ut more righL'> and because all three of their "I wouldn't go for U.S. citizenship if I The center hosL<; about four citizenship longer than 24 hours. one to t\\O hour... children. born in the U.S., are citiLens. had to give up my Irish citizenship. I'm workshops each year in Dorchester, All­ Workshop volunteers fiN check the Veronica and James Regan of Some immigranL'> feel they are aban­ proud to be Irish," said Veronica Regan. ston, Brighton and South Boston, areas citizenship appli1.:ation. and then L'"Crter Brighton attended the cit11en-..hip \\' rk­ doning their home country's heritage by Only IO people attended last week's hea,ily populated with immigrants. staff members ch,·ckcd the papemor a sh0p in Brighton ta.... t \\:edne<.da). Ye n- becoming U.S. citi1ens and may wait for CITIZENSHIP, page 15 INSIDE Sisters in Savings class imotto: financial success adversity CDC program Siblings treated for helps residents cancer within learn to build 2-year period resources By Michelle Apuzzlo By Erin Smith CORRESPONDENT CORR£l>PONOENT Much can happen in a ) ear. Last week, 22 Allston and Immobile babies learn to craw I. Brighton residents, well be­ A-B's High school senior., collect yond the high school years, diplomas and head off to col­ celebrated a different kind of lege. And for one Brighton fam­ graduation. After two years best! ily, three sisters were diagnosed of scraping together pennies, with cancer. the 22 students celebrated At age 60, Lorraine Thoma'> is their graduation from the INSIDE the youngest of the clan, but "he Saving for Success Program was the first one to get the dev­ during the Allston-Brighton Commentary 12 astating news in 1996. 1 he 20- Community Development pound weight los had n• •thing Community Notes 6 Corporation's 2004 annual to do withifue stress of pl.1 mmg meeting on June 8. Crime 16 her daughter's wedding She "Stay focused. Stay posi­ came to that realization "hen PHOTO BY ERtN S.. ITH tive. Don't give up. Surround Entertainment 17 the joyous event passed, and she Judi Zazula of Helping Hands received a Plzzazz A ard at the Allstoll-Brlghton Community yourself with positive people still wasn't feeling well. Her Development Corporation's annual meeting. Help ng Hands was recognized for their work with Library Notes 5 doctor confirmed that '>h had helper monkeys for disabler. "Ayla" the monkey r celved a lollipop as his award. CDC, page 15 SISTERS, page 25 Obituaries 31 . ~q, Aho rpt<i.J rrouP. Political Notebook 30 'I \EL $~\~io . to< kids & """"m v.I. • • ClllHOPlt\C'l IC Morlgag Loans $~~ ,._~.;, ~ • Ntw FaU a.,,., Schools <(o'f-'«" i.-1 fo< Kids and Ttmagm 27 25 )c.tf\ cxr-:m:1"K:e Local kno ledge. Learn to dance Sports Experienced answers. Private and group lessons with or without 30 minute fitness partner • weekly dances • low rates 2 4 Auto ~21 & weight loss center Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties Work lnjuri•~ ~ PeoQ.Ies FREE ~ @Xll<Jll' 134 Tremont Street • Brighton federal Sa Bank 617-566-7850 DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® 569 Washington St., Brighton 556 Cambridge St., Britrhlon I( (r:.. of New England ~ 384 Harvard St. Brookline (617) 787-2121 617-789-5551 www.DanceSport·NewEngland.com 7 2 (617) 787-8700 Page 2 AllstoHlrighton TAB Friday, June 18. 2004 www.allstonbrightontab.com • We want your news! mis WEEK on townonline. com - Efllr.............. W~ne Braverman (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton . [email protected] The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at www.allstonbrightontab.com and America Online TAB! We are eager to serve as a ......,.. .................. Josh wardrop (781) 433-8333 Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, profiles of forum for the community. Please . ........ [email protected] more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts communities, and items of regional interest. send us calendar listings, social wa,-. 8ae'rlwl Efllr II cllllf . • . • • • . Greg Reibman (781) 433·8345 news and any other items of com- . .. [email protected] Arts & Entertainment munity interest. Please mail the n.uu1 'nJ Din1ct1r .. • • . Cns warren (781) 433-8313 Lost Futures information to Wayne Braverman, Me.. 1111 Illa ......... Harriet Steinberg (781) 433·7865 Find out what's hip and happening in MetroWest Daily News staff . B · h T.' Ao P.O ,... &Ille 11111 ••.•. .. Mark R. Macrelli (781) 433-8204 Eastern Massachusetts. Click on photographer Milton Amador ed ttor, Allsto1.1- ng ton ru>, • · ....._18deA llMltlling . Yuri Tabansky (617) 965-1673 Town Online's Arts & Entertainment explores the AIDS epidemic In the Box 9112, Needham, MA 02492. a ......-. ....... .... (800) 624·7355 section. It has all the latest Caribbean In a series of photos from You may fax material to (78 1) c.e...1111111p .......••............ (781)433-8211 dining, music, museums, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. 433-8202. Our deadline for .bt!Yolardlq) R www ta....., . (781) 433-8202 literature, performing arts, See the complete photo gallery at: recieving press releases is Monday, 5 p.m.. ,...,. I I II&.....,... ....... ... ... (781) 433-8203 and movie news. www.metrowestdallynews.com/ alds prior to the next Friday's issue. Tl...,.., call ........•••••...•....
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