ave Time, Money hop in Newark THENE First Die tl Tnesday 50% Water Rate Reel Feather Campaign N(!IV Trash Colleclioll 1$ E~ening C.ou . rscs 'Local New Car Dealers Offer With Monday Meeting Increase Planl1ed Sc/w(llLle Will Divide WIll Bc Offcrcd Free Transportation To Polls By City Council I City Illto 3 Areas • At Newark High • \radduck , Local C hairman, U rges Newark New Rate \Vould Mean That Begninir.g tomorrow the follow· 1 --- Join With Leaguc or Wome n Votcrs '1'0 Prov ide Cars , '1'0S uppnrt ])!'ire T o S upply Funds For 27 A verag e C ons umer H e re ing trash collection schedul e ha . Any .rcsidents o ~ Newark and vi · Ba by· Silting· Sel' ke To A ll iles iclcnls Who Heqnes t • been announced by J. Francis Keide Clll ity ll1terested .In reglsterm!: for Agenci es; Volunteer " ' orker ' A nnounce d Hell) O n Regi '1l'alion Day nd E lecti()n Day 'ViII Pay $5.25 Minimum city engi neer. The new plar. di ~ a senes o[ evening classes to bc '; JD52 (',)ml1l un ity Fund 'am paign officially b e- vides the city into three sections held at t~e local high schoo l be· lew ca.r cl cale r s ill 1 \\'a r l<, in coop ratio n with the local , C\' lIillg w ith a mecting of a ll of t h e local At a special meeting on Tuesday to prevent refuse from standing in gl'l1l1lr.g J\ove.mber 3 arc requested night City Council discussed an fron t of homes fol' several days by school offICIals t~ campi te and L ca gue ot W om e n olen', will Hupport the nation \\'ide "gel­ workers ill Wolf Jlall. Thc mecling, under the di- ordinance which if passed later will since it has become impossible to retul'n the regIstration blunk pro· o u t-the vole " campaig n by furnis hing f l' transpor t ation of Charles ~. 1Ila ddock, local chairman, was hig h - ,. increase the city watel' rates by COv!:r the entire city ir. one day I vlded bclow. b All c rt I" [i'o l's ter I h . f approximately 50 % effective Jan· as in the past. In past years class shave b n of· no registra t io n day, Octo ber 1 , and 01 ction cla\', Nov 111 - bl' n [;t Ik ,I' ) •. ',gen e r a c a irma n 0 1' uary I, 1953. On the fi rst ar.d third Wednes. fered. in SUC !l s ~bject s as drivCl' ocr 4, t o .a~t y r eside nt who cannot othe rwise gct O ~lt to vote . · [llaIl'HI'C. and other prominent s peak r s. This would mean that the mini. day of each month trash will be trall1~ng, typewrIting, mechar.icfl l 1n [l~c1lt~.on to an 'w e r ing the t I phones in thc variOllS the dl'i V!' ill !'\orLhc rn D c lawar e thL year will b e mlLm qual'terly rate of the aver· collected in the area lying west of drawlIlg, sewing, pottery and craft dealcr s ofItces, the womc n o f the L cagu e will driv will provide Ii.®--- age COl:sum er would be 5.25 per North and South Collcge Avenue, and others. .. t he cal'S, for 27 communi ty I '" _ . q uar.ter instead of the present including both sides of this street. School oflIcIa ls pomt out th at Appeal. H e l'e ~ :~~~ .ac t as baby sitters where I:eccs­ drive whit'h ufficia lly i H' lIJark Now Has Its Own charge og $3.50. ' Or, the first and third Thursday courses are. not restrJdcd to. the Monday will cuntinuc R"/Jltblican 1J('(ldquarle rs; This increa ed water rate plus the of each nonth collection will be above mentIoncd but \~Ill b~ glve.n Saturday i, the Ilnal regist l'n tion ' 4 0 A J levying of a sewer charg of $1 made in the area bounded by Sout,h II'. ~ny subJ ed Ill. WlllCh t,1e re IS day in the state pr ior to th com· • . f th I" /}el1 .~ t 70 E. Main St PCI' mont:, has been planned to in· College Avenue, East Main SLreet, sufTlclent reglstl·atlOn. ing elec tion and the new cal' deal­ fUI\i:~:;r~ I ~. ~ 1~d~I~~~ Norman E. Battersby, White CIa; Weldon C. Waples crp.ase city revenue in ar. amount and South Chapel Street, includ· The flrsi meeltng of the year ers arc joi ning th e nationwide ef. C~hal'~ore than $13,000 Hundred Republican chairman has necessary to liquidate the recent ing both sides of South Chapel and WIll be held on Novemb,: r 3 a t the fort of various r.o n'partisan groups coll last year went anno.unced the opening of a Re. W II $500,000 bond issue fl oated for the Main Streets. hlgl s~hoO I and at th ~t time It WI ll a nd ol'ganizations in urging that residec ledents. publican headquarters here ir. e ( on ,C. Waples, purpose of extending and improv. On the li rst ar.d third Friday of be dec I ~ed . W~ I C~ subjects have U~e every qualified voter exercise his is a list of Newark Newark at 170 E. Main Street. The L I L mg the city water and sewer fa· the monih collection will be made necessalY l eglstJatlOn. Classes WIll 01' her fl'3nchise to vote on Nov­ e : l~ ber 4. wIlD have agreed to con. headquarters WIll be open from oca umbermall, cilities. in all the al'ea not included above. be held at the New London Ave- Il ' time and effo rts in II a.m. to 9 a.m. dally except Fri· D' lOT Ciiy Councilman Carl S. Rar.kin nue School for Negroes, provided 11---------------------- O fc ~e local drive: d a ~~ when it will r emain open le{ n uesday pointed out that the proposed rate Lutherans Hope there arc enough Interested ~o ":'''1'' ResIdents are reminded tha t al­ Chairman : Mr. Chm' lcs un II 10 p.m. schedule of 30 cents per 100 cu. rant these classes. These appllcatlOns thoug- h they may have previously registered for city elecLtons this Last Thursday evening more than President Of Lumber FIrm ft. for the first 5000 cu . .ft. used by To Found ChllrcI1 shbuld be sent to Cornellus Mol" 200 persons were on ha r.d at New. 5/ 8 meters (the standard resident. gan at ihe New London Avenue does not mean that they do not have to register for the coming- national 10 the Ger.eral Chair· ark's Masonic Temple to hear Sen. \ViJI Be BUl'ied Tomorrow; ial meter) would mean ihat for $5.25 Hef'e In NewaI'k School. George M. Wordlow. J ohn J. Williams, candidaie for Interment To Be Private the usel' would get 1750 cu. ft. of Mail registration blanks to New· eleeUon. · Chai rman : Mrs. J er· re.election; J . Caleb Boggs, Repub- water. Previously, the rate was ark Public Schools, Box 360, New- Local dealers taking part in the Weinberg. lican candidate for govern01'; Her. Funeral services will be held to. such that the user received 1800 Meeting Will Be HeM On ark. DISTRICT 1 plan and the phone r. umbers to bert Warburton. Republican car.' morrow at 2 p.m. for Weldon C. cu it for $350 0 t 27 At St ff H call arc: · Miss Marth a Wright. Co­ dldate for U. S. Representaiive; Waples, 63, president of the New. The' new sohedule, said Mr. Rank. C • au er orne I' - - - - ---- - -- - , . John W. Reynard. a?d ma~y county and state officers ark Lumber Company and former in, would avoid 'Pen~liizing the To Discu s The Possibility I Adult Evening Classes William H. Portel', Inc., 6·1601; . J. F. Anderson, Mackenzie and Strickland, 377 1; Rit. d.'scuss Jssues in tile coming elec· chairmar. of the State Board of owr.ers of small size meters, would The Boal'd of Home MI'ssl'ons of I Name Ashcraft, Mrs. AJex tenho.use Motor .company, 4381 ; lt~~s. Welfare, who died Tuesday after be more favorable to those con· DcnDlson :Mot I' Compar.y, 4241; Collins. Mrs. It. was the most successfUl such ,an illness of four months. sumers usIng large amounts of wa- the Lutheran Mir.isterium of Penn· 1 ___________ Rev. DOI1 Isenberg , Jr., Mrs. Richard Fader Motor Company, 818 1 01' m ee h~g that we have ever held Services will be held Friday from ter, but would penalize those con- sylvania and Adjacent Staies has I A series of special religious 257 1. Ea rl F. Dawson, Dr. here Ir. N~wa rk, " said Ml'. Batters. ,his late home or.' Welsh Tract Road. sumers having large meters but us· announced ito interest in eslablish- I Address -------- services to be sponsored by Mrs. B. P. Frye, Miss Ella Mae Maclary. League by,. "and IS a n indication that the The R ev . M. Everett Hallman, pas- ing small amounts of water. ing a Luthern C hurch in this area. 1---------- Newark's Church of the Nazarene preSIdent, has revealed that the Ginther, Mrs. Paul I'esldents of our city are anxious tor of First P resbyterian Church, The new rates, he pointed out, The Mh'Jsterium is an affiliate SY· I Phone will feature the work of the Mrs.
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