FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND UNIVERSITY OF VERONA STUDENT GUIDE UNIVR / INDEX 4 8 14 18 THE CITY, THE ITALIAN TEACHING STUDENT OUR UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY FRAMEWORK ORIENTATION SYSTEM 22 24 26 32 STUDY HOW TO ENROL 2019/2020 SERVICES FOR IN VERONA DEGREE STUDENTS PROGRAMMES 36 38 40 42 STUDY… AND A UNIVERSITY ON INTERNATIONAL CONTINUING MUCH MORE! THE MOVE EDUCATION A LIVEABLE CITY OF UNIVR / ‘JUST THE RIGHT SIZE’ THE CITY, OUR UNIVERSITY Verona is a medium-sized city where you can easily find your way around and get from one place to another on foot. Our THE CITY university campuses are located in urban areas and are easily reachable by public VERONA IS EXTRAORDINARY WHEN IT COMES transport, bike sharing and car pooling sys- TO HISTORICAL HERITAGE AND GEOGRAPHIC tems. Getting to and from Verona is easy LOCATION, EASY TO REACH FROM thanks to the city’s motorway and railway DIFFERENT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL connections, and an international airport. 8 DESTINATIONS THANKS TO A TRANSPORT 63 SCIENTIFIC / NETWORK THAT MAKES IT STRATEGIC. DEGREE DISCIPLINARY THE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES AREAS IN Rich in art, monuments and historical The University of Verona is a young and dy- (A.Y. 2018/2019) 4 MACRO- DISCIPLINE AREAS buildings, in 2000 Verona was included by namic university, deeply connected to the UNESCO in the World Heritage List. Our beautiful city of Verona and its surrounding city, a culturally dynamic, highly liveable area. With a focus on innovation, we ben- and welcoming one, is located in a stra- efit from a rich network of national and in- tegic position near Lake Garda and the ternational academic partnerships. Students Lessinia mountains, within easy reach of who choose our University become part of 8 other important artistic cities in Italy such a community which strives for excellence in DEGREE PROGRAMMES as Venice, Milan, Bologna and Florence. all its different areas: from research to teach- TAUGHT IN 1982 ing, from facilities to services. The Universi- ENGLISH DATE OF ty has 12 departments in four macro-disci- FOUNDATION pline areas: Law and Economics, Arts and Humanities, Life and Health Sciences, and Natural Sciences and Engineering. Addition- .728 12 4 ally, the University also has a School of Medi- 24 DEPARTMENTS PHD cine, a School of Science and Engineering, a ENROLLED SCHOOLS School of Economics, four PhD Schools and STUDENTS a well-developed system of postgraduate (A.Y. 2018/2019) programmes with a focus on the needs of 4 the job market. 5 WHY VERONA? The University of Verona is located in an area where living standards are among the highest in Italy. Thanks to an agree- ment with ESU of Verona, the University is able to provide its students with ac- commodation and canteen services for a competitive price, as well as with study halls and libraries open 7 days a week, until midnight. Moreover, our graduates are more likely to be employed than the average graduate: according to Alma- laurea surveys, 85% of our Master’s de- gree graduates has found employment within a year after graduation, which is a far higher percentage than the regional and national average (Almalaurea 2018). In addition, the University’s international outlook is steadily growing: indeed, our University boasts more than 300 Inter- 7/ 7 national agreements with universities LIBRARIES OPEN and research institutes all over the world, SEVEN DAYS enabling students to enter the global job A WEEK market by providing them with intercul- tural skills and a cosmopolitan perspec- MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURAL EVENTS NOT tive. Opportunities for international stu- TO BE MISSED dent mobility are in place, not only for # % There’s always something new to discover in Verona’s museums, those who wish to study abroad: over 13 85 cinemas and theatres. Student discounts are often available. the last year the number of students QUALITY MASTER'S DEGREE From exhibitions, concerts, festivals and fairs to opera and oth- taking part in international traineeship OF LIFE INDEX GRADUATES WHO er shows, with frequent collaborations between the University mobility programmes has tripled thanks (IL SOLE24ORE) FOUND EMPLOYMENT and the Municipality of Verona - there’s something for everyone, WITHIN 1 YEAR OF to Erasmus+ for traineeship funding. GRADUATION whatever your tastes. To study or conduct research in Verona also means to benefit from a very cultural context, rich in events! 7 ‘OPEN ACCESS’ DEGREE UNIVR / PROGRAMMES THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM these programmes are ‘open’, which means that you will be allowed to apply without having to sit an admission exam. THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM INCLUDES ELEMENTARY However, once you have registered, you THE FOLLOWING ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: SCHOOL 5 YEARS will need to take a test in order to demon- FIRST CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMMES strate that you have sufficient knowledge (LAUREA TRIENNALE - BACHELOR’S DEGREE), MIDDLE BACHELOR'S of the subjects included in the programme SECOND CYCLE DEGREE PROGRAMMES SCHOOL DEGREE 3 YEARS 3 YEARS (see ‘Saperi minimi’ – Entry requirements). (LAUREA MAGISTRALE - MASTER'S DEGREE; HIGH MASTER DI PRIMO LIVELLO – 1ST LEVEL SCHOOL LIMITED ACCESS DEGREE PROFESSIONAL MASTER PROGRAMMES; 5 YEARS PROGRAMMES LAUREA A CICLO UNICO - SINGLE CYCLE/ MASTER'S (ADMISSION TEST REQUIRED AT LOCAL LEVEL) COMBINED BACHELOR+MASTER’S DEGREE DEGREE in order to apply for these programmes PROGRAMMES), AND THIRD CYCLE DEGREE 2 YEARS you will need to sit an admission test (either PROGRAMMES (PHD; POSTGRADUATE paper-based or online TOLC test), and the SPECIALISATION PROGRAMMES; MASTER SINGLE CYCLE/ number of available places is limited. DI SECONDO LIVELLO – 2ND LEVEL COMBINED 1ST LEVEL PROFESSIONAL MASTER PROGRAMMES). BACHELOR PROFESSIONAL LIMITED ACCESS DEGREE + MASTER’S MASTER PROGRAMMES DEGREE CLASSES DEGREE PROGRAMMES (ADMISSION TEST REQUIRED AT NATIONAL LEVEL) Bachelor’s and Master's degrees that share PROGRAMMES 1 YEAR OR MORE in order to apply for these programmes the same educational objectives and re- 5-6 YEARS you will need to sit an admission test at quire the same educational activities to national level, and the number of availa- achieve them are grouped into classes. ble places is limited. Classes are identified through alphanumer- ical code. For example: L-1 Cultural Herit- DEGREE PROGRAMMES age; LM-19 Publishing and Journalism; L/ Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, SNT2 Rehabilitation Science in Healthcare Single cycle/Combined Bachelor+Mas- Professions; LM-46 Dentistry and Den- ter’s degrees, Postgraduate Specialisa- tal Prosthetics. Degree classes are useful POSTGRADUATE PHD 2ND LEVEL tion and PhD programmes, pursuant to when checking entry requirements in or- SPECIALISATION 3 YEARS PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMES MASTER PROGRAMME Art. 1 of Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 der to apply for a Master’s degree, or a job 8 2-6 YEARS 1 YEAR OR MORE October 2004. in a public institution. 9 UNIVR / THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 33 31 15 40 DOUBLE/JOINT DEGREE SINGLE CYCLE/ MASTER'S PHD SPECIALISATION PROGRAMMES COMBINED DEGREE PROGRAMMES SCHOOLS Based on an agreement established be- BACHELOR PROGRAMMES (LEGAL AND tween the University of Verona and a for- + MASTER’S MEDICAL AREAS) eign partner university, upon completion DEGREE of these programmes you will receive two degrees, i.e. the Italian degree and the de- 27 gree of the foreign partner university. PROFESSIONAL PHD PROGRAMMES MASTER The third cycle of education within the PROGRAMMES CFU CREDITS (ECTS) Italian university system includes the CFU stands for Credito Formativo Universitario, the standard Dottorato di ricerca, corresponding to unit used to define the learning outcomes and associated the PhD level as recognised at interna- workload of learning and study activities required to earn a de- tional level. These programmes have a gree. As a general rule, 1 CFU equates to 25 hours of work in- duration of 3 or 4 years, by the end of cluding lectures, seminars, lab activities, internships and study. which a PhD qualification (Dottore di The expected workload per year is 60 CFU: this means that ricerca) is awarded. students will need 180 CFU to complete their Bachelor's de- gree (Laurea triennale), 120 CFU for the Master's degree (Lau- ECDL rea Magistrale), and 300 or 360 CFU for the Single cycle/Com- The European Computer Driving Licence is a document which bined Bachelor+Master’s degree (Laurea magistrale a ciclo certifies that the person is able to use a computer and manage unico) depending on the type of degree (5 or 6 years). files, texts, electronic sheets, as well as preparing presentations and using databases, internet and e-mail providers. The Univer- FOR EACH EXAM PASSED STUDENTS ARE AWARDED A FIXED NUMBER sity of Verona enables its students and external users to take OF CFU - DEFINED ON THE BASIS OF THE WORKLOAD REQUIRED - AND ECDL certification tests, without having to attend specific train- 10 A MARK ON A 30-POINT SCALE (MINIMUM MARK: 18/30). ing courses. 11 LAUREA A CICLO UNICO UNIVR / THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SINGLE CYCLE/COMBINED SYSTEM BACHELOR+MASTER’S DEGREE For these degrees the 3+2 year scheme (a three- year Bachelor’s and a two-year Master’s as two LAUREA, OR LAUREA DI PRIMO CICLO separate qualifications) does not apply. Instead, ADMISSION TEST BACHELOR’S DEGREE a single programme of 5 to 6 years is offered. At It is a mandatory test for admission to lim- Has a duration of 3 years and is aimed at the University of Verona the following Single cy- ited access degree programmes. Tests providing students with skills and scien- cle degree programmes are available: Medicine enable the University to assess each ap- tific knowledge and methods necessary and Surgery, and Dentistry and Dental Prosthet- plicant’s skills, and consider whether they to enter the job market. A Bachelor’s de- ics (both 6 years - 360 CFU), Law, and Primary meet the requirements set for each degree gree includes 180 CFU and graduates are teacher education (both 5 years - 300 CFU).
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