Thursday, October 5, 1995• Vol. XXVII No. 34 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Peacenet seeks to dismantle University ROTC By MELANIE LAFLIN Frank Carver, 1944 Notre Assistant News Editor Dame graduate, to "generate Notre Dame military units make ideas and influence for the re­ "All we are saying is to re­ placement of institutionalized store Our Lady's University to militarism with peace and jus­ case for Catholic character full autonomy under the Con­ tice alternatives at this Catholic gregation of Holy Cross and the University." By MEGAN McGRATH steps up its efforts to convince skills they have learned tl:lat University Board of Trustees. The Peacenet's main objec­ News Writer Notre Dame to disband ROTC, are most important Our· goal: a Pentagon-Free tive has always been an entire the leaders and participants in "I haven't learned how to Notre Dame." phase-out of the ROTC. As Integrity. Service. Excel­ the program find themselves in drop a bomb or shoot a gun:/' In its third in a series of open Carver stated in a recent inter­ lence. Traditions. a familiar position • defending Mary Plumb, a senior in the letters to the Notre Dame com­ view, "the bonding between They could be values their mission at a Catholic uni­ Air Force detachment, munity, the group known as student and militarism contra­ instilled in any Notre Dame versity. explained. "I have learned NO Peacenet has once again dicts the Catholic witness and student, especially according "It is my hope that people how to be a leader, a profes· taken a stand against the 50- mission of this University. to the University's ideal as will understand what we are sional, to pay strictattention to year old ROTC programs. The Christ preaches forgiveness, illustrated in the Colloquy for attempting to accomplish," detail. The focus for me has group favors a University Chair compassion, and love. We see the year 2000. These four said Ueutenant Colonel James been on decision making in in Catholic Nonviolence. the ROTC as an adjunct of this buzzwords, however. eame not O'Brien, commanding officer stressful situations, in sticking NO Peacenet, a union of University. This high-level re­ from Notre Dame promotional of Army ROTC. "Our goal here up for what! belhwe in." ..•. graduates, faculty, students, lationship shows a true dedica­ material but from that of the is develop leadership." For Plumb and other$ in and friends of the University, tion to the Pentagon." University's Air Force ROTC Indeed, for the students in­ ROTC, the objections orw-opps has been organized by co­ NO Peacenet's endorsements detaehment. volved in ROTC, it is the chairs John Finnegan, 1970 . As the. ~eacenet organi;l:ation leadership and managerial see ROTC/ page (,) Notre Dame graduate, and see PEACE/page 8 Malloy deems future brighter than ever By DEREK BETCHER the University's continued com­ News Writer mitment to excellence. He men­ tioned a recent $33 million "There hasn't been a more expenditure to improve campus exciting time in the history of computing resources as exem­ the University than right now," plary of the University's ambi­ began University President Fr. tions. In addition, the heralded Edward Malloy, in his speech to conversions of Flanner and over lifty students in the lobby Grace and plans for a new of Morrissey Manor Wednesday Morris Inn, a new performing night. llis talk on the direction arts center, and new alumni of­ of the University, followed by a fice/visitor center/bookstore half hour of questions from the complex were cited. audience, opened a Morrissey According to Malloy, a com­ Spirit Week commemorating mitment to improve financial the dorm's seventieth year. aid will continue to be one of Stated Malloy, "We want to the University's top priorities. preserve the essential elements Efforts to increase Notre of undergraduate education, Dame's $1.1 billion endowment but we'll try to increase across will be central to a fundraiser the board quality" as a general slated for 1997. goal for the University. "We're trying to build a se­ The Observer/Leslie Zllllnskl During the first portion of his cure financial structure for Ready, Set, Go! speech, Malloy listed current advancements which illustrate see MALLOY/page 8 Saint Mary's students break from the starting line in their annual OktoberFest Run. Holy Cross Associates win AmeriCorps grant By SAMANTHA SNYDER but we have confidence that News Writer Congress and the President will resolve differences to allow for Holy Cross Associates, a pro­ continued funding of the pro­ gram which places recent col­ gram in coming years," said lege graduates in service posi­ John Pinter, director of Holy tions throughout the country, Cross Associates. has recently been named a re­ Volunteers in the Holy Cross cipient of a grant from Ameri­ Associates service program are Corps Education Awards. placed in various areas of the The AmeriCorps grant will be country through the help of the awarded directly to the Catholic Network of Volunteer Catholic Network of Volunteer Services. This year, 39 partici­ Services, which will in turn pants are serving in cities in provide Holy Cross Associates Arizona, California, Colorado, with $4,725 upon completion of. Massachusetts, Oregon, and one year of service. Pennsylvania. Another seven Participants may apply the participants will spend two award to student loans or grad­ years volunteering in Chile. uate tuition for up to seven This venture will not be funded years after completing the ser­ by AmeriCorps, which only al­ vice program. lows its educational awards to AmeriCorps, a newly-formed be used for those participants branch of the Corporation for who serve within the United National Service, awards its ed­ States. ucational grants on a year-to­ Holy Cross Associates consists year basis. The question of mostly of graduates from Notre whether or not the grant to Dame and St. Mary's, although Holy Cross Associates will be alumni from other schools are renewed is dependent upon eligible to participate as well. Congress' decision to continue Associates live together in direct education funding. groups of live to seven, and are The Observer/File Photo "We, like any program in­ involved in a wide range of ser- Holy Cross Associate Jen Moore works at Project Open Hand, a San Francisco food bank for persons with volved with AmeriCorps, can AIDS. only plan one year at a time, see HCA/page 8 r page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, October 5, 1995 ! • INSIDE COLUMN • WORLD AT A GLANCE Fragments of helicopter found, four crew members missing VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. Who needs Searchers today found some wreckage from a Navy helicopter that crashed 40 to 60 miles off the coast of Cape Henry. but are a suit still trying to find its four-member crew. The H-46 Sea Knight helicopter operating from the amphibious assault ship USS Guam was reported missing at 9:30 p.m. anyway? Tuesday, said Cmdr. Kevin Wensing, spokesman for the Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet. Fragments of the aircraft were sighted a few hours after the As mid-semester Guam lost contact with it, Wensing said. approaches, Notre Mary Kate Morton The Guam launched a search effort with help from the oiler Dame students scurry- Associate News Editor USS Kalamazoo. They were also joined by a Coast Guard cutter ing around campus and helicopter, Wensing said. The dual-engine aircraft, which from Arthur Andersen to Deloitte and Touche can carry about 12 people, was based at Norfolk Naval Air to Price Waterhouse are recurring sights. Station. The names of the missing crew members were not That's right, it's INTERVIEW TIME! released. You can recognize interviewees by the ter­ The cause of the crash was under investigation. rified looks on their faces, the uncomfortable way they tug at their new, freshly-pressed suits and the standard pens and portfolios Veto strategy: cut deals with Senate Divers pull ancient statue from sea they sport in hopes of impressing the ever­ intimidating interviewers. WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA, Egypt OK, maybe I lost some of you in this sce­ President Clinton's veto of a bill to Discarding the pick and brush of their colleagues, nario. Let's rewind and I'll chat with the Arts fund Congress was a shot across the Egyptian and French archaeologists used a tugboat, and Letters majors in our midst. bow in a White House strategy to act crane and parachute Wednesday to haul a 2,000-year­ and talk tough but to cut deals where old statue from its undersea resting place. Struggling As mid-semester approaches, seniors possible with the Senate to avoid grid­ against high winds and waves, the team retrieved the red enrolled in the College of Arts and Letters lock. Even though Clinton has issued a granite torso of a woman from a patch of sea off dart around campus in jeans and sweat­ scant three vetoes his 32 months in Alexandria that contains hundreds of Egyptian and Greek shirts, wearing terrified expressions because office, push is about to come to shove statues and temples, many lying in pieces. Littered no one wants to interview them. After bat­ as more and more of the 13 bills need­ among the ruins are the remains of the white marble tling with the officers of Career and ed to keep government in operation reach his desk. He Pharos lighthouse, one of the wonders of the ancient Placement (ominously located in the base­ has signed one, vetoed another and has veto threats out world and for centuries the symbol of the city Alexander ment of the Library), trying to convince them on seven of the remaining 11.
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