Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 I 2:28:30 PM ;~77r;::Jr;;:;1::r:;'\~""-"'\ ·:,: :::T~~7J'if"f'> ,' ':'.' ,. ''., ;'~//: .:-;:' :1 ,,-,, '·. ,•. :_: ;fi';r2TiY~r~;:;;(t'.1eJ1r~~:-rr-;f:::1;:~;·::::;:7':"'.7::;:":f:lF:1:;.:w:~r::~~ ~~- ··::·::;;T:-?"IT~r?~ :I~-0 ;[Jji;: -~Jilt};~{(),, .~J-~!:U,li'I:,, ·:' 1 Uedates from lh·e . ssy'.of'~Hilbms/&: bit ,'ffv~nfs ;ff:Wusfii~gt<>'n~;::Dd?\ •· ... ' • ,_,. , . ,.rr,. 'J: ',,. • .. ,;,. ~ .: .- ~ ' . , • . - . ~ . -, ... - ~ ~ ,- ·.,::,.~~;,__c__~~-·.,_,,,~.:,:;:, . - "- J~~:~~ ·_"'.,'....~ -''~k ,: __ A;·-~- >,;jf~'._-:;_.·-···<~;:.·,i:;3~· ,;:.) ·-~- •- ~:. ~ r --'"'. ' ··-L"' __ ·::.•. ·: .. • .:< :.. , j~·•·; Now- SLJncJay, March 26, 2011 "The Great Swindle: Works by Santiago Montoya" @Art Ntuseu,n of the Amejicas The Organization of American States (OAS) AMA I Art Museu·m of the Americas in collaboration with the Halcyon Gallery, London present "The Great Swindle: Works by Santiago Montoya,· an exhibition curated by Jose Falconi as part of AMA's temp:orary exhibitions program showcasing contemporary artists of OAS member countries. Colombian artist Santiago Montoya uses paper currency as the b.ase for his work, re-e<>ntElxt.ualiz:ing one of our most basic a.nd intim~_te relationships: the relationship with money. Comprised of works that Montoya has made over the last 10 years, "The Great Swindle" exhibition at the OAS AMA I Ari Museum of the Americas represents a sustai.ned exarnin!l1ipn of the complicated, fluid relationships we have with financial systems. "The Great Swindle" is also a journey through the artist's forays into the materiaiity of paper bffis - raising questions and taking positions on our places wi1hin fi.nancial systElms. · This exhibition is presented in partnership with the Embassy of Colornbia. For more information, click here. Saturday, March 18, 2017 "MALUMA World Tour 2017'' @ Eag/eBank Arena Jose Luis Londoiio, better known by his stage riame ·"MALUMA," is one of the most important Colombian singers ofour time. Maluma \'),'as born in the city of Medellin, Colombia, and despite his young age, he was0awarded Colombian Artist of the Year at the MTV MiUennial Awards in Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 TiJs':30PM ... Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 12:28:-30 PM •-~·. ) .... 2014 a_nd was r,omin_ated by the Latin American Music Awards for Best New Artist of the Year and Best Urban Song .. He is considered one of the most influential artists in Colombian and Latin American reggaeton music::, and his 201TWorld Touris highly anticipatE¥l. The CQncert wi_ll be held in the EagleBank.Arena (formerly the Patriot Center) located in Fairfax, Virginia. Doors will open at 6:00 pm, and the concert will start at 8:00 pm. F_or more information, cfick here. Thursday, March 23, 2017 Monsieur Perine Concert @ The Howard Theatre One of the leading bands on Colombia's new music scene, Monsieur Perine won the Latin Grammy Award for Best New Artist and earned a Grammy Award nomination for their most recent album, "Caja de Musica." Rooted in gypsy - jazz an9 celebratii:ig the tradition of Django Reinhardt, Monsieur Perine's fresh style adds a variety of Latin elements to the mix. Incorporating genres like cumbia, son, bolero, tango and samba, the band perfornis on traditional South.American instruments from the charango to the bandoneon and Latin percussion. Doorswill open ~t 6:00 pm, and the concert will start at 8:00 pm. Local Colornbi;m group, los G_aiteros de SanGuashington, will open the concert, For more information, click here. To sign up to receive cultural event information from the Embassy or to receive our weekly Colombia Today newsletter, click here. _.. _ Ii The Embassy is on Facebook_! Click here to "like" us and stay connected to wnat's happening in and around the Embassy. Get to know Colombia. Lf!l~m more at .www.colombiaemb.org. }IS@y con(J.ected_: @ColAmbPinzon or @PinzonBuenoEmb .. TmlOSPOllUN @cANCILLERIA . !!I!~.~ Embaiqda de Colom~ia en Estados-Uriidos www.colombiaemb.org Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 12:28:30 PM February 14, 2017 President Santos Speaks with President Trump and Vice President Pence L~st F:riday and Saturday, Colombian President Juan Manuel San~os spoke with U.S; Vice Pre~igent Mike Pence and President D_onald Trump, respectively. Here's the White House readout of both calls: "President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia over the weekend to underscore the importance of continuing th_e long history of cooperation with Colombia, one of our strongest allies in the · Western Hemisphere. President trump reiterated the value the United States places on the relationship, and both Presidents discussed U.S. support for Colombia's effort to create a just and tasting peace in its 52ayear conflict with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cotom.bia (FA_RC) . ... illhe leaders discussed the importance of promoting respect for democratic institutions and norms throughout the Weste_m He111isphere. The two tea_de_rs took·forward to meeting each other in the future." See the full statement here. !'Vice President Mike Pence spoke by telephone today with President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia. the two leaders dis.cussed the important biiaterat relationship between the United States an_d Colombia that has existed for many years, and they pledged to maintain and deepen their cooperation on security iss11f1s. The Vice Preside_nt congr.11u,a_ted President Sa_n_tos for the injtiatsteps in implementing the Colombian peace accord. The two leaders vowed to remain in close commu_n_ication on bilateral a_nd regional prioritie_s." See the fufl statement _here. Vice PresidentPence also tweeted the following: g Vice President Pence Ill a (IVP 16¥···4 Called Colombian President @JuanManSantos today. Pledged cooperation on security & congratulated on initial steps implementing peace accord. 1,625 7,717 ---········-·-------·------ 8:23 PM~ 10 Feb2017 Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 11 :58:31 AM ' . Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 11 :58:31 AM Ambassador Pinzon Visits the IVlile-High City Colombian Ambas_sador to the United States Juan Carlos Pinz6n visited Denver last Th1Jrsgay and Friday. During his two-day visit, the Ambassador·met with local business leaders and policymakers ori Ways to expand the Colombia-Colorado partnership. On Thursday, the Ambassador sat down with Colorad.o Governor John H_ickenlooper and visited the N!3tional Renewable Energy Laboratory. On Friday, he met with D.emier Mayor Michael Hancock and busin·ess leaders from Ball C_orporation, DaVita an_d Liberty Global. · Following the visit, Ambassador Pinz6n said: "The U.. S.-Colombia partnership led to Colombia's remarkable turnaround from the brink of becoming a failed state to the most dynamic economy in Latin America. The partnership created the pathway to peace and laid th.e fc,undation for Colornt,ia to be an even stronger ally and economic partner to the United States.. My visit confirmed that working together there is so much more ou.r two nations ca_n ac/Jieve to benefit businesses, families and workers from Denver to Bogota." Read more about the visit in The Denver Post~ and here are additional highlights in tweets: rJlil AmtlaaedolPlnzon~Pinro,,-fob? v 1111 .c_ GovofCO @hickforco considers what has happened In tflo last decade In Colombia is a source of Inspiration fll ;-;~,~;~o:";~{'~7cEO John Hayes V - to learn more about the business, from packaging to aerospace, & opportunities in Colombia #COLinDenver 1rr M ; < BC!U +, Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit . 02/15/2017 11 :58:31 AM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Uri it 02/15/2017 11 :58:31 AM rm Atnbml:nd0r Piruon ~Am!>Pin.-on ~ e 1111 Had a chanCe to visit ONFl.EL this afternoon and saYi nmcwab1e [a Ambassador Pinzon 0Co!/<mbf>m2:C.'1\ . Fob 10 energy Innovation & technology at work ,COLlnOenver • Participated in a business roundtable at @libertyglobal, largest global 1V & broadband company, on expanding US­ COL economic ties. @BCIU ,a Amtlassador PlnlOn ~,nhPlrttorl . Fl/t> ~o . Ila .@MayorHancock, thank you for the warm • ~z;-~~~";S~(~;,bi;~ communtty here i; welcome. I look forward to working together Denver filled me with pride - a highlight of to expand the Colombia-Denver partnership my trip #COUnDenver #COLinDenver Received byNSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 11:58:31 AM •' JI.. ~ ·•;·~-1 \• ... - Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 11 :58:31 AM E!fl!;>~sy TecJins with Google to Host Policy Forum on Innovation in ' South America Ambassador Pinz6n hosted a polic:y forum last ra =~~:;@Q~~~;non tech a~d Wednesday on "South America: Investing in Innovation." innovation in South America and Colombia's The event, presented by Google and produced by role in driving further advances CRAFT, brought together leaders in technology and innovation polic:y, including Diego Mol_ano, former Colombian Minister of Information and Communication Tec:hnologi_es; Jose Miguel Sokoloff, Global President of Mullenlowe Group's Creative Council; David Weller, Head of Global Trade Poiicy at Google; and Ashley Friedman, Director of Global Policy at ITL See more at #ExperienceColombiaTech. Con_nect 1/1/ith Co/0111bia. Learn mote at colombiaemb.org. 11 Embassy on Facebook @Co/AmbPinzon or@PinzonBuenoEmb @ CANCILLERfA (~!!!! Embajada de Colombia en Es~dos Unidos www.colombioemb.org Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 02/15/2017 11:58:31 AM '· .
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