
BUSINESS to www.bayareahouston.com BAHEP extends its sincere appreciation for the continued BUSINESS support of the Houston Chronicle through this monthly supplement. December 2011 BAHEP closes out successful 2011 The Bay Area Houston Eco- Graham, La Porte ISD; Trish Gulf Coast Community Protec- members about the benefits of NASA other ways to inform our tional growth that will result from nomic Partnership has spent 35 Hanks,Friendswood ISD; Kirk tion and Recovery District Tech- and of the NASA spending that takes members and the public the ERAU Houston expansion. years building a heritage of excel- Lewis,Pasadena ISD; Vicki Mims, nical Workshop & Symposium. place in each of their districts. On about BAHEP’s extensive ef- While we did not have the op- lence.Throughout 2011, BAHEP Dickinson ISD; and Greg Smith, This event featured technically March 9th and 10th, 29 travelers under forts on behalf of workforce de- portunity to work with all of the has been implementing new pro- Clear Creek ISD. rich content including presenta- the Go Boldly NASA banner met with velopment and quality of life NASA contract award winners grams.These programs, we be- tions by engineers from the representatives from 95 of these of- lieve, will carry BAHEP solidly Building Relationships Netherlands. fices,far exceeding our goal of meeting into the future. This year-end re- This year was another significant We conducted four events with with half of the new members. port will note briefly our mem- year as BAHEP strengthened its Rice University focusing on work- Our Citizens for Space Explo- bership successes, the ways in important relationships through- force retention for the region, on ration’s 20th annual trip to Capitol which BAHEP builds relation- out the region. entrepreneurship, and on charting Hill took place early this summer. ships, our advocacy efforts, com- Working in conjunction with pathways forward which can spring- Our 88 travelers formed 25 teams munication, company expansions, NASA contractors and Workforce board from our space program. and made a near record 330 con- BayTech, and our newest strategic Solutions, BAHEP helped stand gressional office visits in the two plan. up this region’s new Aerospace Advocacy days we were on the Hill. We had Transition Center designed to Advocacy has been a fundamental student travelers representing 24 Membership meet the challenges created by the priority of this organization since states who stressed that space explo- BAHEP has realized a 17 percent shuttle retirement. The best prac- its inception. With the opening ration promotes STEM education. increase in members over the last tices developed through this cen- gavel of the 82nd Texas Legisla- Our overall message was that 10 years with a 34 percent in- ter are now being used as a model tive Session, our advocacy efforts we support the 2010 NASA Au- crease in membership dues from for workforce retention, not only got off to an early start this year. thorization Act, and we want 2002 to 2011. This revenue does for the State of Texas, but in mul- The Clear Lake Area Chamber Congress to provide the funding not reflect the in-kind services re- tiple states across the nation. of Commerce joined us on our to accomplish the goals set forth ceived from our members, which Collaborating with NASA first of several trips to Austin in that Act. saves BAHEP more than $50,000 and aerospace industry part- where we presented the legislative In summary, more than 300 within the Bay Area Houston re- this year, we did work with The per year.BAHEP is now a $2 mil- ners, BAHEP hosted the First agenda that we began working on travelers joined our advocacy ef- gion. Our e-newsletter,The Boeing Company and Sierra lion per year economic develop- Annual Stavanger/Houston in the spring of 2010. This effort forts this year to discuss issues Business Development Update, Nevada. They were awarded ment enterprise. Space - Energy Conference in led to the creation of seven posi- important to our region with BAHEP’s Business to Business funding for the Commercial Crew February. This conference tion papers covering aerospace, 100% of our state legislators page, our Business Briefs Development program, which di- BAHEP Events matched a delegation of 80 repre- education, franchise tax reform, and with 79% of the federal leg- newsletter, news releases, and rectly led to Sierra Nevada open- We host events in order to in- sentatives from Norwegian busi- healthcare issues for small busi- islators in Washington. our website have all developed ing a new office here. Lockheed crease BAHEP’s visibility while at nesses with leaders from NASA nesses, telecommunications, pri- into effective communication Martin was funded, as well, for its the same time bringing value to and local aerospace contractors to orities at Ellington Field Joint Re- Communication tools that enhance the visibility continuing work on the Orion our members’ investment. Indus- identify potential collaborative serve Base, and revisions to the An interesting correlation has of the organization. Proven multi-purpose crew vehicle. try and community leaders who projects, like robotics and safety, state sales tax to preserve Texas developed over the years between strength and effective communi- present current and relevant in- on which to begin work. The mo- maritime jobs. events that affect our region and cation - these are defining quali- SATOP the number of media interview ties of the Bay Area Houston The Space Alliance Technology requests. During 2011, we were Economic Partnership. Outreach Program (SATOP) suc- interviewed by Houston’s major cessfully assisted more than 100 TV stations, radio stations KTRH Stimulating Economic Texas small businesses to com- and KUHF, and reporters from Development plete and develop their new prod- many local and national publica- Unprecedented growth is occur- ucts this year. tions.Television stations in Dal- ring at Ellington Airport, growth las, San Antonio, and Corpus which continues to accelerate BayTech Christi also ran segments featur- now that Embry-Riddle Aeronau- We made great progress with our ing these interviews. tical University has named Hous- Bay Area Houston Advanced At BAHEP, significant news ton its choice for a multi-year ex- Technology Consortium in 2011. equates to a dramatic rise in the pansion program beginning in the BayTech was created as a plat- number of incoming calls! Re- fall of 2012 at a new site on form to discover next generation peatedly, our leadership has Ellington Airport. technologies. However, what has proven to have a very powerful For the past year,BAHEP has emerged this year is that our re- BAHEP’s Education and Workforce Development Committee hosted “The Changing Face of Public Ed- voice reaching both a regional and been engaged with the City of gion needed a central point of fo- ucation” panel discussion with five of the region’s independent school district superintendents: Lloyd a national audience. Houston, the Houston Airport cus around which a number of Graham, La Porte ISD; Trish Hanks, Friendswood ISD; Kirk Lewis, Pasadena ISD; Vicki Mims, Dick- Articles containing quotes from System, and other economic de- converging initiatives could begin inson ISD; and Greg Smith, Clear Creek ISD (shown left to right in the photo). the Bay Area Houston Economic velopment organizations to land to coalesce. Partnership appeared in both the ERAU. BAHEP collectively met BayTech has become that focal New York Times and the Los Ange- many times with ERAU adminis- point, and partners to BayTech formation are an integral part of mentum created through this The national elections last fall les Times.We also provided Ex- trators, including their president, now include the Houston Tech- our mission. event will lead to more business brought a record 114 freshman mem- pansion Solutions magazine, a well- Dr.John P.Johnson, along with nology Center, the State of Texas. In 2011, BAHEP hosted many being conducted between Hous- bers to Congress this January. Not respected national publication, an Mario Diaz, director of Aviation NASA JSC, and other academic interesting and informative events ton and Stavanger companies. wanting to wait until our Citizens for article on the state of the aero- for the Houston Airport System, and industry partners that want to that began with our highly antici- Teaming with Texas A&M Uni- Space Exploration trip in June, we de- space industry as it adapted to the Governor Rick Perry, and Con- work with BayTech to bring in pated annual banquet. The orga- versity at Galveston in Septem- cided that we needed to visit them as changes of the past two years. gressman Pete Olson. The real new revenue streams and funding nization’s leadership presented ber, we hosted the first annual soon as possible to inform these new The organization uses many prize in this major win is the addi- for new business development. the prestigious 2011 Quasar Award for exceptional leadership Strategic Plan in economic development to Through committee meetings, United States Senator Kay Bailey BAHEP extends warm welcome interviews, online surveys, and Hutchison. a workshop which engaged Additional events featured BAHEP’s municipal partners, Congressmen Pete Olson and to 17th and 18th new members for 2011 well over 300 individual members Ralph Hall, the chairman of the provided input for the organiza- House Committee on Science and tion’s 2012 - 2016 Strategic Plan Rice University The Jesse H. Jones Graduate for the unique opportunities and offering homestyle meals at af- Technology; the 82nd Legislative under the guidance and persever- Jones Graduate School of Business was named in resources that are provided only fordable prices.We’re fortunate to Session Update with a panel con- ance of Dr. Glenn Freedman and School of Business honor of the late Jesse Holman at Rice University, such as the El have Luby’s located so close to our sisting of Texas State Representa- Dr.
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