Nirvana Day The end of the cycle of death and rebirth Nirvana Day, also known as Nehan E or Parinirvana Day in other Buddhist traditions, is recognized as the day the historical Buddha Shakyamuni 1727 Pali Highway entered Nirvana at the conclusion of his life as a human being and attained Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 final liberation from all bondage and suffering. Nirvana in Buddhism is the end of the cycle of death and rebirth. It is the state of freedom from all wants and suffering, the extinguishing of all blind passions and the attain- ment of peace and tranquility. There are many stories concerning the Buddha’s final moments before GOJI passing away. It is said that he ate a last meal of Sukaramaddava, mean- Vol. 74, No. 02 ing either soft pork or some mushrooms, as offered by a blacksmith named Cunda and became ill after eating. Others theorize that based on the symptoms as described in the Nirvana Sutra, the Buddha succumbed to a condition known as mesenteric infarction, a gangrenous condition of the intestines. FEBRUARY 2019 Whatever the cause, it was a very sad occasion for the Buddha’s disciples NEWSLETTER as Shakyamuni Buddha entered Parinirvana or final enlightenment in of the between two sala trees. According to the Mahaparanibbana Sutra the Bud- Honpa Hongwanji dha passed away soon after the rainy season retreat, most likely during Hawaii Betsuin the autumn or mid-winter. The flowers and leaves of the sala trees where the Buddha was laid is said to have miraculously bloomed off season. hawaiibetsuin.org Nirvana Day is a time for Buddhist to reflect on the meaning of Shakyamu- ni Buddha’s death, the impermanence of all things, and the true ultimate 2019 Slogan: nature of Buddhahood of all sentient beings. Shakyamuni Buddha lived as a human being but through his teachings, upon attainment of enlighten- Embrace Change: ment and becoming Buddha he awakened to the truth in the universe, TRANSFORMATION the causes of suffering and the ways to alleviate or eliminate the suffering (Walk in Peace) of all sentient beings, which he tirelessly taught to all people out of deep compassion for 45 years until his death. It is fitting to remember and honor the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, on this day of his BETSUIN passing away with much reverence and introspection into our own lives on MINISTERS the meaning of Nirvana Day. Chief Minister Rev. Toyokazu Hagio Ministerial Staff Rev. Yuika Hasebe Rev. Joshin Kamuro Rev. Sol Kalu Rev. Shingo Furusawa PAGE 2 GOJI FEBRUARY 2019 Dharma Message from Rev. Toyokazu Hagio: “Transformation (Henshin)” Shinran Shonin said: “It is hard for us to called the Masked Rider. When they observed the Temple abandon this old home of pain, where we transform to fight for justice, they do a Building’s 100th An- have been transmigrating for innumer- certain action. Clark Kent enters a tele- niversary. We held a able Kalpas down to the present, and phone booth and instantly changes into Chigo Parade (Tra- we feel no longing for the Pure Land of Superman, and the Masked Rider does ditional children’s peace, where we have yet to be born.” a certain pose and then he says “HEN- parade), in which 26 SHIN (transform),” and he changes into children and families During Halloween the children of HMS the Masked Rider. These heroes were participated. They wore their cute, pretty, and exciting cos- transformed by their will, mind, and in- arrived at the temple at 7:00 a.m. and tumes, and we enjoyed their transforma- tent for justice. The Metamorphosis changed into their costumes and applied tion. When I saw them, I realized that (which means transformation) was writ- make-up. Then each one had a com- we, also, choose to transform ourselves. ten by Franz Kafka of Germany. This memorative picture taken to remember However, we have to realize that when story was about a man who woke up one that day. we change ourselves, sometimes it is morning and changed into a huge insect good, and sometimes it is bad, depend- without any cause. He struggled with this Since these children had never expe- ing on the situation! unreasonable transformation. rienced a Chigo Parade, some of the children felt nervous. Other children Remember the American hero Super- The Teaching of Buddha is that all things were tired and fussy. Therefore, par- man? There is also a Japanese hero and circumstances that exist in this ents and grandparents were concerned. world arise due to causes and condi- One child, in particular, was having tions, which means that if you do a good difficulty. During the preparation time deed, you receive a good result. If you and at the start of the parade, he ran do a bad thing, you receive a bad result. around without any clothes. I asked GOJI But these conditions and situations are his grandmother “Why didn’t he like to TheGOJI is a monthly publication of the very complicated and vary within a wide wear his costume?” She said unhappily, Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, Tel. (808) 536-7044. There is no newsletter range, so that the results don’t always “My grandson is very sensitive to heat. published for the month of August. meet our expectations. But if you live, Even at home he doesn’t want to wear DEADLINE: full of blind passions, such as greed, an- a T-shirt. Today, I wanted my grandchild Articles must be submitted no later than ger, and ignorance, you must be reincar- to wear a nice Chigo costume, take a the 10th of the month prior to publica- nated, a transformation in which greed picture and participate in the parade. I tion by e-mail (execdir@hawaiibetsuin. org), mail (1727 Pali Hwy, Honolulu, HI, leads to becoming a hungry ghost, an- wished that someday he would look at 96813) or fax (536-0919). Address sub- ger leads to becoming an Ashura (evil & the picture and then become a divine missions to the GOJI. Please include fearsome spirit, fond of fighting) and ig- Buddha’s child.” your name and contact information. Original images should be labeled on norance leads to hell. This reincarnation the reverse side with caption and return might be explained as the way a chick I then realized that the relationship be- information. develops in an egg or a caterpillar devel- tween grandmother and grandchild was GOJI STAFF: ops into a moth or butterfly. These crea- like the relationship between Buddha Editorial: Jo desMarets; Dianne Ida, tures might be said “to be transforming.” and myself. Amida Buddha promised, Randy Kawamoto, Rev. Yuika Hasebe, “If, when I attain Buddhahood, the hu- Japanese section editor, Production: Stacy Bradshaw, Colleen Kunishige; Joyce Tomita, The Essentials of Jodo-Shinshu says mans and devas in my land should not Circulation: Stacy Bradshaw; Contributing that by the power of the Nembutsu at the all be the color of genuine gold, may I reporters from Hongwanji Mission School, end of life, we will be born in the Pure not attain perfect enlightenment.” This Buddhist Women’s Association, Dharma Land and attain Buddhahood, returning means that Amida Buddha already ac- School & Parents, Project Dana, Wednesday Gang and Gals, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, at once to this delusional world to guide complished the cause for us to be born Pacific Buddhist Academy, and the Kyodan other people to awaken. “We will be into the Pure Land and to become Bud- The opinions expressed by individual born in the Pure Land and attain Bud- dhas: “When sentient beings upon hear- contributors are their own and do not dhahood” means we will transform into ing the Buddha’s name, realize an en- necessarily reflect those of the Honpa Bodhisattvas. trusting heart in joy with even a single Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin. On October 13, 2018, Hawaii Betsuin Continued on page 4 GOJI FEBRUARY 2019 PAGE 3 BWA News and Events Message From the New BWA President, Dianne Ida In 2006, Barbara Brennan asked me During my college years, I didn’t at- to help with one of the workshops tend very often, but I returned when for the BWA World Convention. I I had my first child. remembered that my mom, Dorothy Murakami, who passed away in 2005, Then came the busy years with the helped with a previous World Conven- children - Sunbeams, Teens in Mo- tion, so I said OK. I was not a BWA tion, Junior YBA, and Girl Scouts. member at that time, but shortly after All of the experiences had a big that I decided to join. I was not really impact on my life because of the Now, through many causes and condi- active at the beginning. I think I just incredible friendships that I made. tions, I have the privilege of being started off with asaji refreshments and president of an incredible organiza- emceeing. Meanwhile, my Mom was active tion, the BWA. I would describe the with the Upasika, Fujinkai, and members as Brave, Willing, Awesome. Hawaii Betsuin has been part of my Sudhana groups. I humbly ask for everyone’s support. life since elementary school when I If you’re not a member, we welcome was a student of Fort Sunday School. With my parents being my role you to join us, and let’s have fun, I was in the Children’s Choir, Junior models, I reflect on what they did learn, help, experience new things – YBA, and played the organ. My dad, and what they valued. I am from together. Mark Murakami, held temple and Arigatai, Ganbare, Oyakoko, kyodan offices, including President.
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