FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION October 19.2009 ~ / 4f/J MU»#_JL*±=S=— WOCT20 AM 10:38 Office of General Counsel Federal Election Commission OFFICE OF GENERAL 999 E Street, N.W. COUNSEL Washington, D.C. 20463 RE: Steve Scheffler, President of the lowi Christian Alliance Morris Kurd, Chairman of the Board and Tmuurer of the Iowa Christian Alliance Ic^ChristianAHiaiice-939OfflcePa2kIU)e4Sunell5;WeslI^MoiiiestU 50265 West Hill United Methodist Chwch-540 S.Uebrick Street; ftirh^ 52601 LSI MorrbHiBd-RM of We* HU1 United M Ni ^4 To Whom It May Concern: «r l£ The Iowa Christian Alliance (ICA) is a tax exempt iMiiproftaiidfliiaDcialccfitributionstothelCAare M NOT tax deductible. ^r <qr It is my understanding that Steve Scneffler.Preiidertef die loin Oriita n Chairman of the Boeri aid lYeuur^ Q intended for the ICA through tne West Hffl United Methodist Church fa Buriingto^ They do this so ^ that donors can make a TAX DETXKHTBI£coi»TbutiontotheICA. Morris Hurd is also the pastor of West Hill United Methodist Church. ftvnrybelktfflMtttlieieiliim^ finance laws, the tax exempt iliiiia of the ICA, and the tax exempt ****w lor ne church. According to a phone call I received from Ted Spocer (attoniey.polhlcal activist and friend of Steve Schcffler) on Febnwy II, 2009, Sieve SdieftoadidBifh^^ If a donor that Mr. Scheffler knows and trusts wants to mate a TAX DEDUCTIBLE ccotribirtm to the ICA, Mr. Scheffler asks the donor to write • check for nel(^ and seiidh to Pastor MctrisHuid at the West HiU Untod Methodist Church. Once n^ donor wrh^ a check fiv the 1C A and sends ft to the church, Pastor Hurd sends • document from the church thanting the donor for their ^d^^ Hill United Methodist Church. To conpleie the tnnaactkxi, Paator Hurd nrwards the contribution to die ICA. Nfr. Sparer said he learned this mlcniiationdurtagU^ To conflnn this uftnnrtlofl, on Feoru^ political activist, and friend of Steve Schdfler)andaskriiffeinfbnnationt^ true. She confirmed that financial contributions fbr the ICA ware routed *B">^eJ> Monti Hurd*s church hi Burimgtoii,IoTO and coitoibutiora were She nld that Mr. Huidaasuredherthatft wisolafy topnxieiilhecora^a^iiJuiistnis way. Mcrris Hurd U also a disbarred attorney. Accordmti to Iowa Courts Online www.towacourtsJate.ia.iii. Mr. Hurd*s law license was suspended on 10/27/12 and 12/19/84. His license was revoked on IOY16VIS. It is my understanding from the documents I read at the Iwra Supreme Ojurt, Mr. Hurd lost his license due to rroiessionBfl^_^^AA54.M_| j ^Mmmm*^mAmm*Miacononci+. H is my belief that Stove Scheffler, Morrb Hurd and the IC^ also violated campaign fin^ lax ffiiiinpi itatui py tnnf TIHJ 1ft mnvtnCT Oirhtln" ffmttrvativfi tft vote rar Mitt Roroney during die 2008 Iowa r^tsidential Caucuses. It unry undemanding that me ICA racerved a $1W^ (^^"maxed ouT Romney doixn for their help durhig the (wcusea. His also nryimderstanding that the ICA wirald receive ABM cfmtribatk^ Per a phone conversation on June 2 1 , 2008 with Gentry Collins (former State DrocU* for Rmruey for President), he aid he lad read m anil from Steve Scheffler to a Mitt Reimiey operative that he worked with on the Romney campaign. Hesaidtheeniaildiscussria$10<M>OOrmaiicU from "maxed out" Romney donors. He said the email fomSdieffkr to teRomeyciper^ "damaging to Scheffler." It is my belief that the contributions totaling $100,000 from "nuKed oirt" Rmrmey ftx^ 1C A, were fumekd through the We* Hill United Methwttit Church in Burimgjton, Iowa. On June 24, TON, I met with Barb Taylor (1CA Board Member and my momX Peggy Hermann (ICA Board Member) and Tamara Scott (Executive Director of Conconed Women ibr America). During this meeting. 1 urged mem to a* the ICA Board to call for Stove Scheffler's resignation for accepting a $100.000 contribution from Romney donon onbohtfofmelCA.IbrliiilieBHidd^oqpdoii.aMllbr misrepresenting a Christtan organization. The K^ Board was iieverinfonned of my request On Jury 12, 2008, Sieve Scheffler was elected National CommtaeenMn for tte Republican Party of Iowa, At this present time, he continues to serve as Preno^m of the Iowa Christian AHiance. rsi On August 6, 2001, Stove Scheffler had Morris Hurd call Bart TayUv(K^B<wd Member rt andaskfbrherinmiediateresignatkmfromthelCABoai^ Attached phase find Bart Tay tor»t resignation that was sent to all ICA Bond Members via email at3:ll PMonAugiist6,200S. O D At 3:04 PM on August 6, 2008, Steve Seheflkr sent an en^l to MariysPopiw accusing her and me of manipuWng Barb Taylor to turn against hfan. He inemioiied her resignation fixm the IC^Boaro^ neglected to imdiid>o^ fact that he liad asked (or h^ It fa my beheftet he asked Barb Taylor to rcsigp out of retaliation because she was questioiiing his MMonhsp and attempting to hold hfan accoimtabfefcrtheitemslhadacanedhimofmn^ Please see attached email. Attacried please tMcomactinfcnnatioii for n^ West DCS Monies, IA 50266 Enclosures cc: Bill Clark, ICA Board Member cci Matt Strewn, Cnaiiinan 161514W101" Street Republican Party of Iowa CHve,IA 50325 621 E. 9* Street DesMoines,1A 50309 cc: Jeff Booyiokt Executive Director ee Repnblicao Party of Iowa RepnbUcan Party of Iowa 621 E. 9* Street 621 E. 9* Street DCS Moines,lA 50309 DesMoines,lA 50309 OK Michael Steele, Chairman cc: QiarteSinraisc^ExecutrveDfavctor fowl Emtes * Campaign Disclosure Bond 310 Pint Street 510 E. 12™ Street, Suite 1 A Washington, D.C. 20003 Dei Momes.IA 50319 i ne icwa Kepuoucan »ivuuiys Kjprna to Head up hong's Gubernatorial Campaign » Print Page 1 of 2 - Tho Iowa ItapHbHcM - http://theiowafeBiiMlcBn.com/hoiiM Mariya Popma to Head up Pong's Gubernatorial Campaign Potted By Hie Iowa Republican On July 16, 2009 O 9:35 am In low*. News Center 113 Comments cfl <N o o ibHcan Gubernatorial Candidate Christian Fong announced today that Marlys Popma, a tilenty- M year veteran of Iowa politics has signed on as Ms campaign manager. Thn honored to have Marlys Popma Join our campaign. Her leadership, political savvy, and experience In Iowa pottles are Invaluable as we move this campaign forward. As a businessman, I know my Job Is to Identify and then recruit the most talented people to serve. Whether Its my campaign, or as the CEO of state government, that*s the philosophy guiding my Fong. Popma'f experience dates back to 1988 when she headed up Iowa Right to Lite. Since then she worked on the campaigns of Governor Terry Branstad, served as the Iowa Deputy Director for Gramm lor President and worked as the National Depiity PDlb^Bl Director for Gary Bauer's presidential campaign. Popma has also led the Republican Party of Iowa as Executive Director on two dUfeieiiL occasions. Most recently, she was coaNHons director for 31m Nusstels gubernatorial campaign and served as the National Coordinator for Evangelical Outreach for jon• -«-n - MccaiAA^4*MlAin *^ preiioenoa^k^A^I^A^U^!i ^^.^M^hMl^^campaignH. mtowa Republicans deserve a true conservative nominee, one who understands the Impact of both soda! and fiscal poiides on the state. I'm omvlnced Christian R>ngJ« the right tbne to toad our Party back to Terrace HIM. Christian Is a conservative, with a strong fiscal background, who can put the state back on track. Hels a wann, genuine man of Integrity. I'm excited to help lead his campaign as we work to lestoie those things that make Iowa such a great place to call home," said Popma. Christian Fong graduated from Underwood High School In Southwest Iowa at the age of 16 and then attended Cretghton University, graduating at age 19. After college he and his wife, Jenetle, located In Cedar Rapids and Christian started work at AEGON. Fong put his career on hold to attend Dartmouth, earning his MBA. He and his famay returned to Cedar Rapids, where they reside today and attend River cfIA MMstries chiirch. When the^^ Rapids, Fong founded and sttR serves today as the CEO of Corridor Recovery, a non-profit flood relief organization that coordinated recovery efforts. The Pongs have three children. http://fceicwarepublica^ 10718/2009 Mitt Romney-Organization, Iowa ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT, INC. Hejdquwters: 3590109th Street, Uibandale (...moved In Fob. 21,2007...grand opening April 4.2007) Chairman Doug Gross (announced May 23,2006) Attorney at Brown. Wlnlck. Giavas. Sreaa. BaakarvBte and Sehoanahatim PLC. The 2002 Republican gubernatorial nominee. Lawyer and lobbyist Chief of staff to Gov. Terry Bransted, 1984-89. Legislative liaison to Gov. Robert Ray, 1981-83. Director off tta Fuate DMaton for the Iowa Energy Poflcy Cound. Chief legislatrve assistant to Congressman Tom Tauha;wc*kadonTomTauktfi«iccaaaMW^ Law degree from Drake University, 1985. Bachelor's degree from Iowa Westayan Cceege in 1977. Bom In Eartlng, Iowa (Shelby County). State Director Gentry Colling PoNtteal direct at the RapubHoan Govarnore Aaao^ theMaasachuaette Republican State Corigrsesfonal Commtttoe. Deputy djaJrrrwitoeeartrve o*ector of the towa Republican Parttyy i In 2004. Managed Doug Grosa* 2002 campaign for governor. Ran for State House, 1998. BA in political science from State University In Amea, 1998. PoUtical Director (reported by Caucus Cooler on Jan. 1,2007) Political director for the Republican Party of Wisconsin in the 2006 cyde. Field staffer on Bush-Cheney "04 in Wisconsin. Legislative dark for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. From Alexander, Iowa; daughter of Rep. Torn Latham (R-IA). B A from the Unrverslty of O)k)rado, Boulder, 2001. Field Staff Derek Ftowere - Region 2 Worked on Brian Kennedy^ 2006 primary campaign for Congress In Iowa's 1st CD. Megan Crnaa • Region 5 Recent graduate from Iowa State University. JilNeunabar-Region 7 Hugh Yeomans - Region 4 Staff assistant to Rap. Mfce Castle (R-DE). Graduate of Washington and Lee University.
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