January 1, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8015 Whereas, in February 2019, the Department (B) guarantee unfettered humanitarian ac- (C) support credible efforts to address the of State announced that it would withhold cess and assistance to the Northwest and root causes of the conflict and to achieve some security assistance to Cameroon, in- Southwest regions; sustainable peace and reconciliation, pos- cluding equipment and training, citing cred- (C) exercise restraint and ensure that po- sibly involving an independent mediator, and ible allegations of human rights violations litical protests are peaceful; and efforts to aid the economic recovery of and by state security forces and a lack of inves- (D) establish a credible process for an in- fight coronavirus in the Northwest and tigation, accountability, and transparency clusive dialogue that includes all relevant Southwest regions; by the Government of Cameroon in response; stakeholders, including from civil society, to (D) support humanitarian and development Whereas, on December 26, 2019, the United achieve a sustainable political solution that programming, including to meet immediate States terminated the designation of Cam- respects the rights and freedoms of all of the needs, advance nonviolent conflict resolu- eroon as a beneficiary under the African people of Cameroon; tion and reconciliation, promote economic Growth and Opportunity Act (19 U.S.C. 3701 (3) affirms that the United States Govern- recovery and development, support primary et seq.) because ‘‘the Government of Cam- ment continues to hold the Government of and secondary education, and strengthen eroon currently engages in gross violations Cameroon responsible for safeguarding the democratic processes, including political de- of internationally recognized human rights’’; safety, security, and constitutional rights of centralization, enshrined as a fundamental Whereas a European Parliament resolu- all citizens, regardless of their region of ori- principle of state governance in the Con- tion, passed on April 18, 2019, urged inclusive gin or the regions in which they reside, or stitution of Cameroon; political dialogue to resolve the Anglophone their religious beliefs or political views; (E) continue to limit security assistance to (4) urges the Government of Cameroon to— crisis, called for the conflict to be considered Cameroon and ensure that United States (A) initiate a credible, inclusive, good-faith by the United Nations Security Council, and training and equipment is not being used to effort to end the armed conflict in the North- urged the European Union to ‘‘use the polit- facilitate human rights abuses in the North- west and Southwest regions of Cameroon by ical leverage provided by development aid west and Southwest regions; addressing the root causes of the crisis and (F) prioritize efforts to help develop and and other bilateral programmes to enhance grievances and seeking nonviolent solutions the defense of human rights in Cameroon’’; sustain effective, professional civilian over- to resolve the conflict, including possibly in- sight of law enforcement and security serv- Whereas France maintains considerable in- volving an independent mediator in negotia- terests in Cameroon, including significant ices in Cameroon to ensure they are held ac- tions; countable for abuses; and economic and security cooperation, but has (B) follow through on initiatives developed not adequately used its influence to stem (G) engage in an ongoing effort to ensure to address the grievances that sparked the that the crisis in the Anglophone regions is atrocities committed in the Anglophone re- conflict, including the National Commission gions or support stronger international ac- discussed in international fora, including the for the Promotion of Bilingualism and United Nations Security Council, that focus tion to seek resolution to the conflict; Multiculturalism, the Ministry of Decen- Whereas the United Nations Resident and on urgent international diplomatic engage- tralization and Local Development, and the ment and response; and Humanitarian Coordinator for Cameroon National Disarmament, Demobilization, and stated on January 24, 2019, that ‘‘Cameroon (7) urges members of the international Reintegration Committee; community to— can no longer be a forgotten crisis; it needs (C) fully implement recommendations of (A) join in a strategic collective effort to to be high on our agenda’’, and, on June 22, the Major National Dialogue held in late pressure the Government of Cameroon and 2020, a group of former world leaders and 5 2019; separatist armed groups, including through Nobel Peace Laureates called on the United (D) respect the rule of law and the con- the use of available diplomatic and punitive Nations Security Council and the United Na- stitutional rights of all Cameroonians, in- tools, to immediately conclude and uphold a tions Secretary-General, the African Union, cluding members of the political opposition, ceasefire, participate in an inclusive and the Commonwealth of Nations, and La civil society activists, and journalists; meaningful dialogue to address the root Francophonie to ‘‘ensure that Cameroon’s (E) allow for credible, independent, and causes of the conflict and pending griev- Anglophone conflict is on the agenda of the transparent investigations of all allegations ances, and seek nonviolent solutions to the forthcoming UN Security Council meeting of human rights abuses committed in the conflict, including by possibly involving an and all UNOCA sessions before the UNSC’’; Northwest and Southwest regions; independent and credible international medi- Whereas, on May 13, 2019, an Arria-formula (F) release all political prisoners and jour- nalists currently detained and immediately ator; meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Cam- (B) mobilize and coordinate funding for eroon was held for the United Nations Secu- stop all arbitrary detention, torture, forced disappearances, deaths in custody, and inhu- local and international organizations to pro- rity Council, but a formal meeting on the vide humanitarian and development assist- situation in Cameroon has not yet been mane prison conditions; and (G) work with United States law enforce- ance, including to fight coronavirus, to com- placed on the United Nations Security Coun- munities affected by the crisis in the North- cil agenda; ment to thoroughly investigate and pros- ecute those responsible for the murder of west and Southwest regions of Cameroon; Whereas, on July 1, 2020, in Resolution 2532 (C) leverage bilateral relationships to en- (2020), the United Nations Security Council Charles Wesco; (5) urges the Anglophone armed separatist courage key partners of Cameroon, particu- unanimously underlined its support of the larly France, to help foster a peaceful resolu- appeal of the United Nations Secretary-Gen- groups to— (A) engage peacefully with government of- tion to the crisis in the Northwest and eral for a global ceasefire in all conflicts as Southwest regions of Cameroon, potentially the world battles the COVID–19 pandemic; ficials to express grievances and engage in nonviolent efforts to resolve the conflict, in- with the involvement of an independent me- and cluding participation in a credible and inclu- diator, and implement a mutually agreed- Whereas there is a significant sive dialogue, possibly involving an inde- upon program to address longstanding griev- Cameroonian diaspora in the United States, pendent mediator; ances and marginalization; and and Cameroon is a longstanding security (B) immediately cease human rights (D) use regional and international fora, in- partner and aid recipient of the United abuses, including killings of civilians, tor- cluding the African Union, the Economic States, participating in the Trans-Sahara ture, kidnapping, and extortion; Community of Central African States, and Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) led (C) immediately end coercive and violent the United Nations Security Council to— by the Department of State and in United enforcement of the school boycott in the (i) discuss the ongoing crisis in the North- States-supported efforts to counter Boko Northwest and Southwest regions and at- west and Southwest regions of Cameroon; Haram and the Islamic State–West Africa, tacks on schools, teachers, and education of- (ii) push for a cessation of violence, an ex- both of which have mounted terrorist oper- ficials, and allow for the peaceful and safe pedient resolution, and the implementation ations in the Far North region of Cameroon return of all students to class; and of a mutually agreed-upon program for ad- since 2014: Now, therefore, be it (D) publicly condemn the illegal detention dressing the root causes and pending griev- Resolved, That the Senate— and kidnapping of civilians; ances; and (1) strongly condemns abuses committed (6) urges the Department of State, Depart- (iii) maintain calls for the investigation by state security forces and armed groups in ment of the Treasury, and United States and prosecution of human rights abuses and the Northwest and Southwest regions of Agency for International Development, in crimes committed against civilians. Cameroon, including extrajudicial killings coordination with other relevant Federal de- f and detentions, the use of force against civil- partments and agencies, to— ians and nonviolent protestors, torture, rape, (A) consider imposing targeted sanctions MALALA YOUSAFZAI kidnappings, and other forms of violence on individual government and separatist
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