WEEK or APRIL 29, 1907 {rii COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 29, 1907! \i Newest Most Trlistic IT Color scheme AND COLDC ORNAMENTAL To any toilet table This is the New Can For Barker’s Antiseptic Tooth Powder. It is a Genuine Pleasure to Use this Powder. It is truly Antiseptic, preserving the Health of the teeth. It Whitens, brightens and polishes them. P 1^ I" In order to show the quality of this L M |b k powder, style of package and t > adver- 1 11 L r tise it, we will send a full size pack- • age by return mail to any one who sends this advertisement to F. A. BARKER, Gloucester, Mass., with their name and address and ten cents in stamps or silver to pay for mailing. Sold by S. 8. Pierce Co., T. Metcalf Co., Houghton & Dutton, Jordan, Marsh Co., R. H. White Co., Henry Siegel Co. and leading druggists. Hudnut's Pharmacy, New York Agents COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OP APRIL 29 1907. StevenS'Dnryea Sixes A single cylinder car is satisfactory up to a certain horse- car is power ; then the two-cylinder more desirable, but beyond a certain horsepower the two-cylinder is better replaced by the four-cylinder. And just as surely as the above is true, the six- cylinder car will inevitably replace the four in the higher horsepowers. Four-cylinder cars will be made by the different manufac- turers indefinitely. We are making both fours and sixes and expect to continue doing so. Have made two-cylinder cars for six years. But the fact remains that a man who buys a high powered, high priced, four-cylinder car to-day will not have an up-to-date proposition when the public are thoroughly educated as to the advantages of the six, which will simply be a matter of a few months. By High Powered Fours we mean cars of 40 horsepower or over. DO YOU REMEMBER HOW MUCH YOU RE- CEIVED FOR YOUR HIGH POWERED TWO- CYLINDER WHEN YOU TRADED IT FOR A FOUR? The time is drawing near when it will be just as difficult to sell or trade in a high powered four as it was the two Avoid this inevitable condition of affairs by getting one of the Then in twelve months’ time you will not be “ wishing you had.” We have a few new and second-hand two-cylinder Stevens- Duryea cars at reduced prices. Over 400 of these in constant use in New England. The Estate of p. E. RANDALL MANUFACTURED BY Stove Members A. L. A. M. COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL *29, 1967. This trade mark on every piece of Paine Bedding is a guarantee of absolute satis^ faction. Better Bedding cannot be made. Paine Furniture Co. Model 21, 20 H. P., 1 . $ , 350 WITH COMPLETE EQUIPMENT DBMONSTRATINC NOW Thomas B. Jeffery & Company New England Branch 145 COLUMBUS AVENUE COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 29, 1907. A plain statement from Henry JSIitler: ** I can speak in the highest terms of your 363 TOILET SOAP, which I have found the greatest pleasure in using. Yours very truly, Henry Miller, BUCHAN’S is the only Absolutely PURE SOAP ' We respectfully solicit your account, whether r O fa stnail or large, business or personal, temporary or permanent, interest allowed on balances of $300 and over subject to check: CHARLES B. JOPP, GEORGE M. BARNUM, Jr. President, Treasurer. 6Eorge:h.':Poor, ROBERT G. SHAW, Jr. Secretary. Asst. Treasurer. ) COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 29. 1M7. Colonial Theatre WAMOFFinCO SEASON OF I906-I907* CHARLES FROHMAN ^HIROPODIST ISAAC B. RICH ^ Lessees and Manafers. WILLIAM HARRIS ) EXECUTIVE STAFF. Assistant Manager T. B. Lothian 128 A Tremont Street Stage Manager Geo. Ooring Electrician Robt. M. Edwards Manicuring Properties T. Grimmelman Pedicuring Musical Director Wm. McKinley Hair Shampooing Scalp and Facial Treasurer Geo. F. Mathews Ticket Agent A. E. Lothian Treatment Orchestra Doorkeeper W.G Vinal Chief of Ushers M. Sison The most exclusive list of pa* Matron Miss Guyon irons in Boston SCALE OF PRICES During RICHARD CARLE Engagement SUMMER WITHOUT WORRY. All re- Orchestra Stall« (entire) 1.60 A sponsibility assumed by those capable of First Balcony (first two rows) 1.50 assuming it. First Balcony (next two rows) 1.00 First Balcony (next five rows) 75 First Balcony (last four rows) 60 Second Balcony (first four rows) 60 Furniture, Bric-a-Brac, Silver, Furs Second Balcony (last four rows). 36 Admission 50 Orchestra Boxes. .10.00 First BalconyBoxes 12.00 and Rugs with the Second Balcony Boxes 6.00 Loges 4.00 Wareliouse Ticket Office open from 8 a. M. until after the Boston Stop Company close of every performance. Massachusetts and Westtaud Aves. Tet. 268 Back Bay Children ' under three years of age not . ALSO . admitted. Huntington Ave. and Bryant St. Tel. 1530 Back Bay Tickets for this Theatre can be ordered by Telephone—Oxford 411—or Mail or Telegraph, and will be held twentv-four hours except when ordered on the day of the performance ior which they are to be used, when they will be held until 12.90 H. for Matinees, and until 7 p. m. for even- ings. Tickets ordered by mail and paid for will Wedding be held until called for unless otherwise or- dered. Male patrons will please report to the Man- ager, in person or by letter, instances of inatten- Gifts tion or misdemeanor on the part of any attach^ of this Theatre. Ho engages to speedily correct any want of courtesy to them by persons in his service. Larger Variety A FREE CHECK ROOM, at the owner’s risL, -s provided in the Ladies’ Drawing Room on the than orchestra floor for Checking Cloaks, Coats and Umbrellas; also in Balconyln Xadiec^’ Drawing Before Room at right of entrance. Patrc.£8 are re- Ever quested to report to the Manager anyaccev£- ance of fees or suggestions that lees are desired by any one employed in the Theatre. $2.00 to $25.00 OPERA GLASSES TO LET IN THE LADIES CLOAK ROOM, Orchestra floor, for which a small fee of twenty-flve cents will be charged. Seasonable Goods Parties finding lost articles in any portion of at the Theatre wiliplease leave them at the Ticket Office. The Manager will not be responsible for articles placed under the seats. Reasonable Prices SMOKING AND MEN’S RETIRING BOOM. Entrance nnder stairs right of Main Entrance. SMOKING POSITIVELY FORBIDDEN IjTtHB LOBBY AND FOYER. N. G. PUBLIC TELEPHONE located in First BaL WOOD & SONS, cony Drawing Room. 128 TREMONT ST., Phtsioians who have patients to whbm they may be called suddenly can leave their seat Park St. Subway Station number in the Box office, and be called as 0pp. quiekly as in their efflee. : 8 OOLOWIAL THEATRE PBOQBJLM, WBMK OF APRIL 29, 190T. ALBERT E. PAR50NS LADIES* TAILOR and HABIT MAKER Special Offer! Habits $55.00 Tailored Costumes $55, $65, $75. Imported Models and New Materials Ready for Inspection. 304 Boylston Street, Boston STANDARD HOUSEHOLD DISINFECTANT Housekeepers con- sider it A REQUI- SITE. You see it in daily use every- where. On the bathroom shelf, in the kitchen, etc. A SICKROOM NECESSITY. Harry’s mother had given him an A Yale professor claims that the vege- apple and told him to peel it before he tarian is superior to the meatarian. ate it. Returning to the room after a Anyhow its cheaper to be the former few moments’ absence, and seeing no long about spring garden time. peeling, she asked *‘Did you peel your apple, Harry ?” Angler—Hang it! Is there a dry spot ‘‘Yes,” answered Harry. in this boat where I can strike a match? “What did you do with the peelings,” Boatman (who has been disappointed she asked. as regards refreshments) — Try my “Ate them.” throat, sir! At Soda Fountains, 5 Cents. OOLOWIAI. THgATRB PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 29, 1«07. 3PEINQ HATS NOW READY IBe a^/i/ance andejrcA/j/Ve Spr/np shapes iv///6e approveddy^enf/e/nen des/r/np unquejf/onad// correct Jl/7e. l/ie n^orAnjans/)/p.pi/a//(/and f/nhh are aj i/saa/ o/fAe /}/p/ied order Jf^sAinffion St, opp. n'anA/mSt. 3oston~Mass. 10 COLONIAL THEATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 29, 1907. INTERNATIONAL TRUST COMPANY! 45 MILK ST., BOSTON, MASS. Capital $1,000,000.00; Surplus (all earned) 4,000,000.00! CHARTER PERPETUAL I TraasactM a Oeaeral Banking and Trust Company Business J Interest allowed on Deposits subject to 5 Check. Issues Interest-Bearing Certificates { of Deposit. Acts as Administrator, Executor and Trus- tee under Wills and Instruments of Trust. Absolutely Burglar^ Proof and Fire-Proof Safe Deposit Vaults Safes with TWO KEYS for protection of securities of Treasurers, Trustees and Executors. Separate Accommodations for Ladies John M. Graham, Pres. Henry L. Jewett, Sec. B. Farnham Smith, Asst. Sec. Meyer Jonasson & Co Tremont and Boylston Streets i Direct attention to their collection for I of handsome Coats and fiowns I evening wear. New Evening Coats $16.75 to $85.00 I New Princess Dresses 11.75 to 78.00 $ $ 5 - COLQNIAL THKATRE PROGRAM. WEEK OF APRIL 29, 1907. U Colonial Theatre agnarJi RICHARD CARLE $c fnttfr JriLO. IN The Full Feathered Muslo Show, Wedding Gifts THE SPRING CHICKEN CHESTS OF SILVER TEA SERVICES Richard Carle comes to this theatre PEARL AND DIAMOND with the most pronounced of all his suc- JEWELRY cesses, ‘^The Spring Chicken.” This has had a substantial run in New York ROCK CRYSTAL during the fall and winter, and after ten GLASS weeks in Chicago returned to Daly's, New York, where the foundation of its success was built.
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