AvnuoMB!|!n!^^ for the Mairth af Slay. 1IM4 ^ Eva; . ^-nK..WBATnB' ^ 'weeaat af o, a, Weelhse Bm«hn. Bartfaffi A t 5 , 4 7 5 xT ■ Mr aflha A a«t Ohmfiy. Mft qM«a aa cool taaIgM. I a f .CbmnaftMMk '■aadagr nur aafi warmer. ^ Gobs Find Their **Land Lejrs^ On Fifth Avenue AT TOLEDO WEALTHY BOY ^ ■/ KILLS MO ^ IS FINALLY ENDED END OF CONGRESS pre­ ANDBRO R Easier Conditioiis m Other LONDON c elebrated • UNTIL NEXT WEEK Breaks Under Strain of All Phrts of Nition Where BIBTHDAY OF KING Night GriUing Uses a Labor troobles Fhred— MVISKIRDEIIED Chief Execothre W vim pro- Parley on Textile Strike. Hatchet -in Ihe Double Colorfnl CeremoDj As ^ His Tariff^ Silver, H o i^ g M nrder.' ^ DumniTAnave Majesty Rides m Parade By Aaaodated Praaa and Labor B3Is Passed NaUon’a Capital-Labor treu- Lot Angeles, Jupe 4,—(AP)— Wara fawar today. from His Palace. Believed That He Discovered Before Adjonnunent — The Blactric-Auto-Llte atrika at Loiils Rude Payne,^3i. cracked under Toledo, O, which brought death to the strain of^an all-night grlll’ng London, June 4.—(API—Leaden by police confessed early todav, a StiU— Had Been Slain Byms Says Senate Holds two peraona in note, ended and the last Nations^ Guai^ troopa with­ skies, a biting east wind and more officers said, to too details of too drew. h a t c ^ slaying of his mother and With Rocks. than a suspicion of sadly-needed other In their Westwood mansi'-n Keys to Early Ailjoiim* The set^m ent came when the raia, made on Incongruoua accom- Auto-Lit^ Company ratified an 'panlmeht today to the stately pag­ ’’I klUed them last Tuesday ment. agreemwt, providing a five pay Philippi, W. Va... June 4.—(AP) — cent wage increase and reoognitlxm eantry of ths offlclal celtorationa of night,” detectives quoted toe youto the Ring's 69th birthday. as crying. Believed by police to have been kid­ of tW workers' bargaining commlt- The actus' birthday anniverMry "Many things my mother and naped and murdered, 15 year old teey The atrikera agreed to return it j ^ brother had done to me finally mulli- Washington, June 4.— (AP)— to/work tomorrow. Sunday was spent by His 'Maieaty Dan Janes, was found today dead In President Roosevelt and ' Con­ Progreas toward peace waa re- quietly at Biieklngbam Falace, p li^ themselves a million times tn aged but still Wgopou* Duke flX my mind and s.t last something s*- a inountaln cave, the body burled gressional leaders determined today . ported in other automotive labor off the spark and 1 couldn’t stand under a covering of rocks and / troubles at Toledo. Connaught, former govemor-generl to withhold decision on an ad­ al of Canada, being one of the firat It any longer—so I killed them." leaves. journment date until the Adqilitis- At Washington Mrs. Carrie L. Payne, 45 and tier EMtorte to avert a. threatened callers to offer hib congratulations. The boy disappeared from the tration program le pushed to a con­ strike were redoubled at Washing­ Princess Victoria, alster of the son, Robert. 14. were found hacked home of his grandparents a week clusion. King, King George of Greece, and to death in toelr bedroom of toe ton following Hugh 8. Johnson's luxurious Spanish-type Payne resi­ ago and posse men, discovered too The Capitol Hill chieftaina m - Bueeeaa in silencing the threat of a the Grand Duchess Xenia of Russia -5 Y""' body yesterday. Police announced . pressed toe oplnloh to toe President widespread cotton textile workers' were among the visitors. dence near the University of -CaU- toe finding today after the deten­ The guns of the Royal Artillery fomla at Los Angeles campus yes­ that adjournment could be rei strike. The textile strike, set for terday. tion of t W ' O suspects. within ten, days. today, was called off pending a boomed out the offlclal birthday Hold Tw’o Suspects. aalutation at noon today in Hyde Gives Himself Up The President told the^ ht ■tudy of the workers' grievances. Several hours later an alarm was The men held gave. the names of wanted toe tariff, ellvpr;'' housing, At St. Louis steps were taken to­ Park. Bells ' rang gaily .In St. Lawrence Carroll, 28, and Gordon and Wagner Labor billa passed. George’s chapel at Windsor, and broadcast for Louis, but before the ward arbitration of the etrike of extensive police net had had time in Blake, 35. They are held In the "It la not possible now to Indi­ 1,000 filling atetion attendants, who In many more lowly churches Phllllppi Jail pending questioning by throughout the British Isles. spread, be nonchalantly walked into cate when the tyork of toe sessiOB demand a S per cent in pay. toe Huntington Beach police statln-i, Prosecuting Attorney Forrest B. will be finished," said Senator Rob­ Plant to Re-open " Thousands Cheer Poling, who said no charges have inson, toe’Democratic leader. To the cheers of thousands the 30 mllea south of here, :/lth toe an­ been made as yet. The Remington Rand Company’s King rode from the palace to the nouncement that he waa wanted In ".Gonslderatlon Is being given to plant at lUon, N. Y., closed several Loa Angeles for murder. Dead Few Hours. .passage of toe silver, tariff, houa- weeks by si strike, will re-open to- Horse Guards’ parade to make the A physician told officers the bojr Ipg and Wagner labor, bills. salute at the famous ceremony, Hurriedly returned to Lo!) An­ ihoiTow for any of the 2,000 em­ geles. Louis at first responded to all had been dead only a few hours at “Amendments to too Agrlcultura trooping of the colors. His majesty the time the body was found, Tha ployes who want to return to work, police queries concerning the slavtne Adjustment Act and toe oil control the company announced. Strike wore full.-dreSB scarlet of the colh- with: victim apparently bad-'tieen beaten bill may have to go over. — leaders replied, however.''they ueiTin-chlef. of the- Brigade of to death with rocks, and the body "It will probably be a day or two Guards, with the blue ribbon of the A snappy parade", commented Mayor LaGuardta. T don't know,” or "I can’t seem would seek to continue the strike And more than a half million New Yorkers mirrored to remember." stuffed head-first Into the cave. before we can determine just what until the company recognizes their Garter across , his breast. cheered 5,000 meniof the Navy In a colorful parade up smart Fifth Avenue, inline Rumors reaching toe sheriff that measures will, be taken up befora Behind him rode the Prince of War, the sailor, are ^e-e ahoim passing the teview^g stand Several hours later, however, toe union. at Madison Square Park. Two thousand soldiers from nearby forts Joined toe proc^eSslon. strain of toe Intensive grillLig the boy had discovered *'a big adjournment. New labor troubles appeared on Wales in the uniform of colonel-tn- still" and had been threatened be­ "I am Inclined to think after the chlef of the Welsh Guards, the beginning to show In his features, he the Great Lakes. At Milwaukee startled officers with the admission; cause of his find, spurred toe search conference that toe session will con­ Duke of York as colonel-ln-chief of and the posse came upon toe body tinue for at . Yeast ten days. crews of a tugboat line went on the Scots Guard, and the Duke of ■T did it!” strike last night. A moss meeting At the time of his surrender, offi­ 24 hours later. To Place Tugwell of the Chicago members of the In- Gloucister to his Hussar uniform. The Earl of Harewood, husband of 125,000 ON VISIT cers found In Louis' pockets a letter "I expect toe nomination of Rex- . teriiatlonal Longshoremen's Union A TICKET WORTH $16,000 and a telegram, both addressed to ford Guy Tugwell as under-secre­ voted to strike if lake carriers do Princess Mary, , followed in the Grenadiers’ uniform, the Earl of his father, LuciusJF. Paj-ne, wealtt-.y tary of agriculture to be confirmed." not grant their requests for more St. Louis utilities company exec i- Speaker Rainey and Repiresqntet- pay and recognition. / Athlone In Hussar unUom) anA toe PACKAGE STORE Duke of Connaught in. the uniform TO U. S. WARSHIPS tlve, and both confessing toe doub.e ;Hve Byrns. toe Democratic Houm HELD BY ROCKVILLE MAN nlaying. leader. Joined In toe White Hoiiaa of the Scots Greys. '4ejSl<n parley. Eighteen hundred officers and "I struck my mothei firat." detec­ OWNERS APPEAR men answered the command "pre­ tives quoted the youto as saying "We are mighty anxious to dis­ HEAD OF NOTRE sent arms," In the royal salute. Ji Police Estimate That An­ after he finally broke down. "Then pose of our business and adjourn," Meanwhile the National Anthem Charies M. &|Bire8 Drew RADICAL LEADERS I tied a piece of rope around her said Byrns.. "I’ll be happy to Mg crashed from the massed bands of neck and tied It to toe bedstead. away from here by toe fifteenth." the guards. other 100,000 Were Then ! went Into my brother’s bed­ State Lqoor CoDtrol Com­ Rainey expressed confidence that DAME IS DEAD On. pf Incky Cards in u e ALEY room where Robert was sleeping." adjournment would be reached next As the King rode to the saluting Detectives said Louis told of point he looked up and saluted the week hut both agreed It waa impoa- Irish Sweepstakes; Other- ___ Turned Away.
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