Irate College Crowd Blocks General's Talk SEE STORY PAGE Clearing Later Mild with showers ending late today. Clear, cool tonight. THEDAILY Sunny, jnild tomorrow. ) Red Bank, Freehold 7* (tat Detslli. Pai» S) (_ Long Branch J EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 210 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1970 34 PAGES 10 CENTS By BOB MONROE tion ended with pushing, grabbing and pinching. pesticides and herbicides, national standards for Atlantic waters break today on a cleaned In San Diego, Calif., and Topeka, Kan., many air and water pollution and a ban on offshore beach in Brooklyn. Traffic grinds down New youths went to school on horseback, bicycles, oil drilling- "until such time as the country York's Fifth Avenue where a picnic was held roller skates and skateboards instead of the needs the oil and until we can extract it with- while cars were banned. Congress is back in ses- usual cars or buses. out fear of ecological disaster." sion. Earth Day is over. Ninety pupils who left the Depew, N. Y., high Nelson also spoke during the day at the Uni- Hundreds of thousands of Americans joined, school to clean up the grounds,were locked out versity of California in Berkeley. in the observance yesterday, uniting in.a plea because they had cut special Earth Day science In the nation's capital, Sen. Birch Bayh, D- for the preservation of the environment that and social studies classes. Ind., called for the creation of a "national en- cradles man, hoping to mark the beginning of Congress recessed for the day with many of vironmental control agency to conquer pollu- the end of pollution. its members making speaking engagements. Not tion as we have conquered space." " MANY PARTICIPATE all were warmly received. Sen. Charles E. BILL IS APPROVED They, marched, demonstrated and. rallied..— as GoodeuVR-N. Y., was greeted at a New York A House, environmental, subcommittee, ap- many as 100,009 strong. They listened, 'to count- - Uniteity" rally vHfli a leaflet "calling his speech proved a bill that would set national air quality less speeches by politicians, scientists'and other "the biggest cause of air. pollution." — standards and regulate harmful emissions from leaders. They swept, scrubbed, picked up litter -Sen. Gaylor Nelson, -D-Wis., whoj originated cars, factories and airplanes.- The bill would set and planted trees and flowers. the idea of Earth Day, told" an Indiana Univer- authorized spending in "the" field at $200 million, The National Education Association estimated •' sity rally. "We could stop bur involvement in double the amount spent last jear. ." that 10 million public school children participated' Eaos in-30 days, and We should; but the battle Maryland GoVi'Mar^i^iMandel signed 21 in teach-in programs. to tegtore man to hisVproper place., in the en- bills and joint legislative resolutions dealing with Some 1,500 Louisville pupils crowded into vironment will take a commitment beyond any- the environment — but had to"6peti his office the Atherten High School concourse Jo illustrate thing we. have done before." . windows when the roottbecame ha?y with to- the problem of overpopulation. The demonstra- He" proposed national policies on land use, bacco smoke. ...•••;•• Shore Focuses On Earth Day By BICHARD McMANUS Yesterday was Earth Day, a new holiday established to focus attention on the deteriorating state of the natural environment. ••...• , Students, government leaders, and the public in general has rallied to the new cause of pollution control, and the conservation banner was flown, across the country, as well as at the Shore area. ..,....-• • Bfep. James J. Howard", B-N;.J.",' spoke to students If Brookdale Community College.and. to$ them that "some ' political figures Who just a few years ago avoided this un- glamorous subject like the plague-are how striving with one inoU^Mo>.&.r^it to claim the title of'Mr. Clean.'" • ;.. • •' ••/'Student groups throughout the nation, with the ebul- lience "and impatience of youth, have' discovered, the word 'ecology1 and are inow beginning to rally in.'the name of 1 : the new god.; ,.t, . : ... "Burying'automobiles may even become more popular than atttnftjg. draft cards, amt ewytffl'WBytittit-ThSt 11. WHAT'A (JfrFEkENCt ATOYT.ftKK _ On a Jr.y and driz^T«£((#y >£.> Is a tot.more spectacular," 3je told his audience. day Wore its tcheduled dean-tip by environmvnfaf activists — New VorkY Unfon STOUT ALSO SPEAKS . Square Park, top, attracts but a few people. Yesterday, bottom, hundreds of young The man Rep. Howard defeated1 for his congressional person* listen to Earth Day speakers after leaning up the park while atop the seat in 1968, state Sen. Richard B. Stout, RrMoinmouth, also ; addressed the students most of whom seemed more intent equestrian statue, one young man is putttng the finishing clean-up, touches an-the. on-taking in the brilliant sunshine than listening to exhorta- NEW DEPARTMENT — N. J. .Gov. William T. Cahill, right, hand* pent to Ant. As. /fider. 1^ j 1AP Wirephoto) tions for cleaner-living. -, • sembiy Majority Leader Thomas H. Kean, R.Essex, left) and Richard J. Sullivan af* ' ' William F. Dowd, Mr. Howard's, current opponent for ter signing into law Kean:s bill creating new Department of Environmental Protee- Congress, said he made.no speeches,'bat toured refuse ,. tion. Sullivan; now head'of Health Department's Division of Clean Air. and-Water, strewn Shore beaches with Ms German Shepherd, Max, was named head of' new department. • • . : , : and reviewed crumbling jetties and bulkheads. , In Mr. Dowd's native Long Branch', William J. Man, Bid Irregularities independent candidate for mayor, decried the condition of the beachfront there. .' ' ' . ' "Filth and dangerous debiiis have plagued our beaches Cahili Hopes New Unit for years, discouraging their use by Residents and visitors alike. More business and investments have been lost by the to ECOM sorry sight. Our window on the world has been an eyesore By BORIS KULMAN gressional Record and in a man says. And, he says in and safety hazard." WASHINGTON — The De- letter to Secretary of Defense the open bidding, Admiral Cut STUDENTS PITCH IN Can Combat Pollution partment of. Defense, here, Melvin R. Laird, Rep. Harsha its $1 million price to $377,052 Spme students at Monmouth College tackled, the prob- lem at the beaches by clearing up at. least some of the ' By JAMES, H, RUBIN University, has worked for partment received near unan.* and the Army Electronics' charges that five ECOM.em- . for the same equipment re- 1 the state since 1950. '. imou^ approval jn the: Re- Command, Ft. Monmouth, are ployes certified a false urgent quirement. debris. They planned to damp it at the'Long Branch City TRENTON (AP) -Earth Hall. Day has passed. But Gov. He will receive $33,000 a publican - controlled legisla- studying new.charges of pro- need for delivery to justify Charges Discrimination year as the commissioner of ture. However, Senate Mi- curement abuses leveled awarding a non-competitive • It's not known whether they did or not. One ^person William' T. Cahil] hopes he •'• The congressman also al- remarked that it really didn't matter since "so much junk has created a permanent the new department. nority Leader J. Edward Cra- against ECOM by Rep. Wil- $1 million contract to the Ad- leges that the small firm (not 1 "Earth Day has gotten off biel, p-Middlesex, criticized liam R. Harsha, the Ohio Re- miral Systems Corp., Chicago, was dropped on the lawn there you wouldn't notice,". mechanism to effectively Raycomm) which forced the combat; pollution. to a flying start," Sullivan a.provision in.the measure publican who last May at- for a recorder - reproducer open bidding; by submitting Students were in the forefront of .other anti-pollution said. "I'll do what I can to, which ;.elimlnated the Job of tacked military procurement used by combat .troops in exercises. • • , . ••.,.'... -.;-, ' Cahili held: a public" cere- 1 an unsolicited bid is being dis- live up to your expectations," the director of the State Divi- practices he said wasted mil- Southeast Asia . Forced to criminated against in other —At Shore Regional High School,, speech classes pre- mony yesterday/timed to co- he told Cahfll. sion of "Veterans' Services. lions of tax dollars and open bidding; ECOM last government contracts. as re- (Sec Shore, Page 2) , . incide with Earth Day in The. position has been held termed ECOM "one of the month awarded the Raycom which he signed a bill creat- The governor said it was prisal. "symbolic" that he chose to : by Anthony Volpe, a former most consistent offenders,; if Industries Inc., Freehold, • ing a new cabinet-level De- Republican legislator who de- not the worst." N.J., a $333,117 contract for Admitting that the case partment of Environmental sign the legislation creating without further detailed inves- clared himself a Democrat In a statement In the Con- the equipment, the. congress- Protection. the new department on Earth tigation "is only circumstan- Rutgers Funds Bill Day. Under the legislation signed tial," Rep. Harsha has called Cahili announced that his "We now have in New Jer- by Cahill,::the state Depart- (See Bid, Page 2) choice to head, the, new sey for the first time a de- ment .of Conservation and agency is Richard J. Sulli- partment dedicated to the Economic Development was Is Slated for Okay van, who has Been director improvement of the environ- abolished. The conservation .75 Million of the State Health Depart- ment," Cahili said. He added responsibilities will be shifted TRENTON (AP) - A bill The State Assembly has de- ment's Division, of Clean Air that he regarded the new de- to the new department, with appropriating $747,000 for cided to discontinue,the pro- and Water since-1967: • partment as a major accom- other offices in toe old Allotted For the controversial "open ad- gram in its current form.
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