CARRLER BOY'S ADDRESS. I Ml llllimil IIW Ml limi Hie TELEGRAPHIC! MESGOT-T.- - SAN rEAXCiSCO." il i. msrorr: SuorLD you ask mc, where came from? J.KPECIAL TO TIIK MIXEIt. I Who I am aud what my name is? SA MILLS, (zC. Ci!iners iaJisDury & Co.'s FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1881.1 What my age? and what my business? Why come to you on 2few Years . THE NEW CABINET. I PZ.VJ.K1LS i:i With an offering in the measure SV"Vr .VCXjLI. Subscription, $5.00 per Year. Chicago, Dec '6. The Times' Washing- - And the wild reverberations 1 legends Truro .and one-ha- lf miles South of Prescot si ton special says Blaine has Wen offered the ! Oi the and traditions 1 nn i Of tne Oubways and Dako talis? Local premiership of the new administration, and Intelligence. will accept. Ho said as much to one or two I should answer, I should tell vou. LUJEIIM-f- Kiu 11 intimate friends. Charles Foster has ac I was born in far Chicago, Hna, pUUJ, Kzi is fcli G;ratic, aj uai STAGE ! Siw-jTil- csa-mti- ami On the margin of the i, ,.u tns latwt lrsprsTW ccccitr , MO.VBAY cepted the Secretaryship of the Interior. prairie, By the shining cf BAWB, SHINGLE 1TACEIM:. ai Corner of Jloalo and lloward Streets, Sau 15ET1VKI.N Garfield has made up his mind to offer the PLAINER, I aa pitrre-i-, at tis tisrtiit Franeihco, California. to-d- ay Where the cow of Old O'Leary telegram reached town from c A?;D ' sella, io il ill crdori fcr the tellx-'la- PRESGGTT fsiARIlSOPA, Secretaryship of the Treasury to Levi H. Kicked the Lamp and burned the City, - f : PmJder.1 Governor Fremont, stating he would be ' kind of. Lucilr cilrti tte SIM W. D. TAILOR ' Via t!it Morton. It is pretty weil settled that the While yet I was but a baby. it JOSEPH UOOBE SnplcUndent WlcVeabus aaJ lit 310 '"'i here Wednesday morning. or ticj Lxiabti Yard in ?ri-st- t Pacific Coast will be given a representative t Xf. Seven years I grew and flourished , sizslr Gdrruiiw S. Mails Hon. Rube Thomas, from 3Iricopa in the Cabinet Congressman Horace C, By the shore of Gitche Gumee, BUILDEK3 OF STEAll MACnDfirr Uf ALL ITS " Steamboat, teatship na bad ,4 J?"-- F Co's Express 'mid Messrs. Hereford and Stveiu, of Pima, Davis is favorably considered for the Hm- - By tho Shining MERCHAiN hi BOOTS & Postmaster-Genera- By Lako Michigan, SHOES, arrived in Prescott yesterdayr tion of L It is said on tho mighty TBL JrGljrS ? BOILERS, where the vessels high authority to ba a question in Garfield's CLEA1I. SURFACED High rrnmire or Comvonnd. Lccrc Prtscvtt izSj at 5 p, ra. end niiiei clo cos Tne new lio?.nl of Sujervisor3 of Yova" Come to tike the grain and produce mind whether to give the Postmaster-Ge-n Jstaiicojta, Artsoba , jiai County, llideiiburg, Myers and Cline, From the City of Chicago. AND RUST IO LU5V1BER ORDIKABY EXOINE componaded when adTfcablr. I.. v eralship or the Attorney-Generalshi- p to the STEAM BOILE tS -- particular attention rea to th A. 2.9 met this morning aiid adjourned until Wedn There my business was as various quality of the material au orlrmanabip. aiid nose tot T13IE TO PJLENIX . 24 HOURS Pacific Coast, Sam Wilson, one of the Ore xrorlc produced. TIME TO UUU(1U5 csday at cimo hoar. As the varying moods of babies, HATCHED FLOORING, ilAKlCOPA.. .,.30 most prominent Lawyers of Francisco, WATEB PIPE, of boiler or het iron, of any rlze, San Who, with stomach-ach- e and teetliing, made in reliable length, for connecting together, or HAVE STOCK AND , SAIB msniber-elec- Attorney-Generalshi- p. Civsings, plnchwl. tMp-- i rcaay FOIt Judge Anderson, t to the is urgently pushed forward fortho Whooping-cough-, and rash, and measels, Mouldings, Paneiings rhtta rollfi, ad pariod for eat, 1' to In) rivllel ou t un Krorad. ' dall Council from Pinal, we are sorry to learn, Those two plana are under Make their mothers worlds of trouble. HVDKAUHC ItlVETINO Boiler and water fitics from 3iiutpcconutct rt Prescott rlth AND fork 2 of fur FHIAGL.ES, liy-i!- ns tic bcetoenu By-and-b- cradle, pip made by thU establishment, rivitit by has nut yer arrived, having been detained advisement, and no decision has yet been I left the being A Took to tops QUALITY. Jc riveUnk machinery, that qna'Jty of work Comblets Assortment at home on account of illnc&s. reached. and penny whistles, Of THE F NEST far npcrior to hand norl:. .IincraI I'jsrlc, Toy books and noisy rattleH, PIDIPH Tor iniuiui; of any capacity and of any OF 1'EKSECUTIOX Ol' JEWS, In ihoTt, EtrriMuf in my Une ntyle. Onr ntyle of direct, with in and horns and rocking-horse- s; roinfionnd enine?, Mr. Frank Fitch in town from Pima Drums doub! line of pnropo. are. particnlirly recomuecded. ,;tud iiacliberrj'. Owned a pussy cat and poodle, C O T-- ii'VIVU CTI O N We refer to thosouuw In use, not one harluj ever beta Eeavy acd. Builders' County, and is, we learn, a candidate against Berlin, Jan. 3. Two Berlin cafes, fre KOK THK ' ' Romped and roamed about the City, 0 broLrn rinwu. Aio, Titth bsaklvaril liaa tit - Mr. Perry for Chief Chrk in the Council. quented by the Jews, were gutted, on New r niHECT ACTlNa EXOINE8 for nndEnrroand Far from home as Ma would let me, work, lrricatlon or city watenr. parpoeeii bnllt with Year's day, and demonstrations- - against that ri Both gentlemen are competent and have Sometimes further tlian she knew of, FIRST-CLAS- S the celbrated Uavey valve monon, eapcrior to any Ganro Verde ana xx'ints iSast race still continue. The prejudice appears BUILDINGS. other. their earnest supporters. Like a wild, untutored papoose, MIKING MACHINERY Qaartz mlll, b.llers, to increase in intensity, and Bismarck Ls buck as those that nil the picture Term Cash on Delivery. holntlnir machinery, iokiuc;, or oer Mr. Uoago, Paynuuter of the Star Trans Round the Camp of old Nokomis. luachiuenr leouiml. Jy?&f accused of fanning the Haine. All 01 wnt bj, iuU. or thrucifb lh njorcnaou ol TIlltOUGIl TICKETS portation Line, and Ben Baker, Superin- On the shores of Gitche Gumee, PrMftitr,Jrwlu prompt :ttuiico icit can be oLUlnfd at thi 0Mtuny' ofilcv' at pW! WARE NEVADA LEOLSLATUKK ORGANIZED. By the shining OtU. W. QUKTIS 'GYITE tendent of the line, are in Prescott, fixing PMOOtMsy2i 1875 In the son" of Hiawatha. : : Von-- ? I ' E1C, A7C, AT up the aflairs of the Company, with a view Carson, Nevada, Jan. H. The Legislature : . l . .' ' commencing to-da- should answer, should tell you ' of the year 1881 even and inde met y at noon, and both Houses or- I I J". O. Pakcz O. R. Pakkkk. saw pp.ikisrbisco '' Tliat my Christian name is Arthur . ' pendent. ganized. G. W. Merrill, of Eureka, was And tlie rriuei(al Arthur Robinson my name is, ' Iknttm cifcts. Prices.. Itiai ije Competition! The members of the Houso presented chosen Speaker of the House, and King, Aud my age, though not uniwrtant CLSPPER RfiiLL . of Washoe, was chosen President pro tern To the patrons of the Mixek, OKFICK- - -- warri avi & CO. their credential to the committee appointed . i l Summer. to examine the umu. They were fond cor of the Senate. Is just thirteen years last Lamtoer Company . (iJalLand our Stock and rect, aud those who received their certificates CJAXJFOKNU. LKUISLATWIK OltfSAXIZEt). When seven of theso years wore numbered, caniiue auptainutitloat. Agent election will hold Took my course and traveled "Westward at I,rtcotU of their seats, irrespective : Sacramento, Jan. 3. Both Houses of the In obedience to tho precepts OfUce aud Lumber Yard. A batisiactioii. of Barney Martin and his false affidavits. rTefceott, i rit 1. 18W. iTicos. Legislature organized to-da- y, and adjourned Uf the Great bage Horace Greely; Sts.. my town, Chicago, t'omer Cortex uml Goouwin :' A private letter from Tiptop state that uutil 7:30 p. m. to receive the Governor's Left native Guaranteed. By the shining K. C.KIJREXis.. vv.m. Griffith; the discoveries made in the mino bonded by PBESCOTT, Mo". Message. Didn't bring the city with me, St. LuuLt, TuebO.v, a". TV' Superintendent Weber on Humbug Creek Kk jrtpcroi to fiirakh en the chortcet nouca iJrought aJpng with me my father, 1 :o: nre jwrfuctly marvelous, and, without blow- Also brought along my mother, ing, there will be opened up at that plac TELEGRAPHIC GLEANINGS. Brought my father aud my mother Lumber All Sizes I SO U T K BR W -- riV IfflliliWIlI! the liveliest camp in Arizona. An immense Company for ona another. of ii THEONJA : .. , body of ore assaying 800 to the ton is the "Creased the Mightj Mississippi, Herchiitl)lo, I'mcinp, Hhlaplf s, Floorim.'. Mustic, Lath, AX ILLEGAL KEOULATION. MoldiCii. baab, Dour, &c, aud zx laej cause of the prophecy. i Passed the Mountains of tho Prairie, b sroaiAcn Judge Freeman, Assistant Attorney-Ge- n Passed the land of Crows and Foxes, TKICEE I Mr. Ciuu;. Franklin informs us that a large eral for the PostofHce Department, has writ Passed the dwellings of the Blackfcet, Goods BauahL i"or Cs.su. forco of men are now grading on the .'loth To the Rockies and Sierras PKrtlculsr attrcrlou pa . ordtra lor clear lumbtT. Pttftmaster-Gencra- filled dixpatck and thlppetl to xll porta ten to the l, taking the Where upon the gusty summits hills with Ana boiei usuta.
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