Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-23-1969 The BG News October 23, 1969 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 23, 1969" (1969). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2375. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2375 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B6 News An independent student voice Thur*day, October 23, 1969 Volume 54, Number 18 Student is freed l of drug charges By JIM MARINO Is presently In Jail. AssL Managing Editor Edward Ward, assistant to the Ronald Nye today Is a free man. vice president of student affairs, The former University fresh- said Nye would be eligible for re- man was arrested and charged instatement here after meeting March 20 with two counts of two conditions set down by Dean narcotics violations after a police of Students Raymond ('. Whlttaker. raid at his home at 120 Ada Ave. The conditions Include an evalu- Nye was indicted on the charges, ation of Nye's previous academic and was suspended from the Uni- record, and a personal interview versity by President William T. with Dean Whlttaker, said Ward. Jerome in. Ward said President Jerome's President Jerome said he took original decision to suspend Nye that action In "the best Interests might now !»• questioned in light of the University." of tlis court action. The suspension touched off im- "Many people believe the Pres- mediate and heated reaction on the ident was applying nebulous termi- part of the President's Advisory nology when he talked of the Uni- Council (PAC), and Student Coun- versity's best Interests." Ward cil, both of which felt the suspen- said. -News photo by Glen tpplcston sions were unnecessary. "Steps have since been taken WINTER WARNING--Seemed to be in the air yesterday as students got the first taste of "windy Both bodies said the University to assure that the PAC gets to presupi>osed guilt against Nye make a recommendation before any flats" brisk breezes and snow flurries. based only on a grand Jury Indict- temporary suspensions are ment, before guilt or Innocence made," Ward explained. was proven In court. Both charges against Nye were dismissed this week by the coun- City Council gets petition ty prosecutor on the basis of Student offers suppressed evidence. Nye's defense attorneys, Rob- code change By GLENN WAGGONEH order to avoid traffic jams at have signed the peittlon. ert A. Burns and Roger Wleher Assistant Editorial Editor what was then the Intersection of "We see no reason why parking of Toledo, asked Common Pleas The Traffic and Parking Com- Interstate 75 and Route 6. can't be restored in these areas, Court Judge Eloyd (oiler that suggestions mittee of the City Council Is In According to Robert 13. Wal- since downtown traffic has de- evidence obtained at the Ada Av- possession of a petition calling for ters, Initiator of the petition to clined from 40 to 50 per cent enue home against Nye be sup- By RICH lir-: KG KM AN the restoration of metered parking restore the parking, destroyed by since the opening of the by-pass- pressed. Editorial Editor in the area of the Wooster St. - the additional lanes, the opening es," Walters said. Nye was not present when the A brief asking for the elimi- Main St. Intersection. of the 1-75 and Route 6 bypasses Jackson Miller, chairman of the search of his residence occurred, nation of duplicating state and More than a year ago, a block has removed the need for the extra Traffic and Parking Committee of and it could not be proven Nye municipal law violations In the In- of parking spaces on the south side traffic lanes. He commented that City Council, said he has a copy had knowledge or control over his terim University Code is being of Wooster St. were removed both the lack of parking near hisWoos- of the petition. He said the com- home when narcotics were found presented to Dr. James Bond, east and west of the Intersection ter Street barber shop has hurt mittee, which consists of Miller there, Nye's attorneys argued. vice president of Student Affairs. with Main St. On both sides of his business as well as businesses and two other Council members, Four other University students The brief was drawn up by Main St., nearly a block of park- located where the parking areas Is in the process of gathering In- and two high school students were Bill Nelsch, a senior student as- ing was removed on either side have been removed. formation on the problem. arrested In the same raid. All sistant In the office of the Dean of the intersection. Walters, whc The usual procedure for handling tried thus far have been convicted. of Students. claims his bus- parking and traffic problems, Mil- Two students, however, Nye and Nelsch gave a copy to Dr. Ed- The changes were made by City iness Income ler said, Is for City Council to Bavld Drumright, were attending ward Ward, assistant to Dr. Bond Council, acting on the recomen- has declined ask the traffic commission to con- classes at the time of the ar- yesterday for consideration, datlon of the traffic commission nearly $1,000 sider and advse on a specific prob- rests. Drumright was suspended and wiU present the document to - a body of men appointed by the per year since from the University along with Dr. Bond as soon as a meeting mayor to advise Council on park- the spaces were (Turn to page 10) Nye. He was later convicted and can be arranged. ing problems. removed In mid The brief provides for removal These parking spaces were re- - 1968, said that from the code of what Nelsch con- moved to provide a left-turn lane 50 area bus- siders cases of double Jeopardy at the Wooster St. intersection; inesses, as well and double Jurisdiction. and to add another throughlane as a number of Robert Walters Forty-two violations listed in a on both sides of Main St. at the townspeople in the affected area, section of the code covering gen-' Intersection. This was done In eral discipline are also violations of the Ohio Revised Code and the Codified Ordinances of the City of Cease-fire Bowling Green. Crimes, ranging from assault and battery and drug usage to harassing phone calls and false fire alarms, are also actions "for Pentagon vetoes Scott which students are subject to dis- ciplinary action" by the Univer- WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott proposed sity. yesterday that the United States unllateraUy proclaim a cease-fire It is to this section that Nelsch in Vietnam, but the Pentagon rejected the idea. most strongly objects. "Only vio- A top official declared Defense Department opposition unless the lations peculiar to the University North Vietnamese agreed In advance to stop shooting, too. should be kept In the code " he This official said the Pentagon does not believe a cease-fire, with- said. out some assurance the enemy would observe it, would be a success- Nelsch added that aUeged vio- ful approach. lations of this section should go Scott said he hopes President Nixon will set a date on which American to the city and state courts of forces will stop shooting unless attacked. Jurisdiction, whether they occur Scott, the administration's chief spokesman on the Senate Hoor, on campus or not. said he was not signaling any White House Intention. "This Is not a trial balloon for the President," Scott said, "It's Parade tonight starts a personal hope." But Scott's expression of that hope, for a course long advocated Homecoming events by Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield, was certain to heighten specu- lation that Nixon plans some such dramatic move in his Nov. 3 Vietnam Homecoming activities begin at report to the Nation. 6:15 p.m. today with a parade The Pentagon official, who stipulated that he not be named, cautioned and crowning of the queen at the against speculation on what Nixon will say In his speech 10 days hence. Student Services Bldg. Both Scott and Mansfield said the administration's new battle- The parade wiU form at Kre- field policy of protective reaction represents a major step toward a lscher Quadrangle and proceed cease-fire. to the 7 p.m. crowning of the queen. Under that policy, Mansfield said, U.S. troops fire only to forestall enemy attack. A bonfire and pep rally will -Niwi photo by Glen Eppleston follow the coronation at 8 p.m. "This Is certainly a far cry from the tactics of maximum pressure, PICK THE QUEEN-Fourteen coeds were selected yesterday on Sterling Farm. In the event and search and destroy," Mansfield said "and to me is an indication as finalists for Homecoming'Queen inasmall 16 per cent vot- of rain, both the crowning and that the President Is moving toward a cease-fire and stand-fast pep rally will be held In the policy." ing turnout. See page 3 for pictures. Men's Gym. Pag* 2/The BG News, Thursday, October 23, 1969 .AND WHEN YOU'VE FINISHED THAT, YOU'RE FIRED!' %&&* Students must decide Student Council should have endorsed the referendum proposed Tuesday night to place the question of its abolishment before the students on the Nov.
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