Pacific Science (1991), vol. 45, no. 3: 227-231 © 1991 by University of Hawaii Press. All rights reserved Bibliography of Albert Henry Banner's Contributions to Science 1 RICHARD H. TITGEN 2 ABSTRACT: A. H. " Hank" Banner, professor of zoology at the University of Hawaii for more than 30 yr and member of the Editorial Board of Pacific Science, was author or coauthor of nearl y 100 publications during his life (1914-1985). I have endeavored to record in this bibliography as many of the titles as I have been able to find. Dr. Banner's diverse interests in natural history resulted in a corpus ofwork dealing not only with his special interest in snapping shrimp (family Alpheidae), but also publications on ciguatera fish poisoning and on the effects of pollution on coral reefs, as well as compilations of animal and plant names from Pacific islands. References are listed chronologically, but the papers of which Dr. Banner was sole author appear first and those of which he was coauthor follow. BANNER, A. H . 1940. The Hawaiian Crustacea 1950. A taxonomic study of the of the fam ily Crangonidae. M.S. thesis, Mysidacea and Euphausiacea (Crustacea) University of Hawaii. 147 pp. , pis. I-XXI. of the northeastern Pacific. Part III. - - - . 1943. The Crustacea of the orders Euphausiacea. Trans. R. Can. Inst. 28(58): Mysidacea and Euphausiacea of the north­ 1-63, pis. 1-4. eastern Pacific. Ph .D. diss., University of --- . 1951. On Dr. L. B. Holthuis' pro­ Washington. vi + 327 pp. posals relating to the generic names *-- -. 1946. The Crustacea of the orders "Crangon" Weber, 1795, and "Crangon" Mysidacea and Euphausiacea of the north­ . Fabricius, 1798. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. eastern Pacific. University of Washington, 2(3): 74-75. Abstracts of Theses and Faculty Biblio­ - --. 1953a. On a new genus and species of graphy, 1943-1944, vol. 9 :33-34. mysid from southern Louisiana (Crustacea , - - - . 1948a. A taxonomic study of the Malacostraca). Tulane Stud. Zool. I(I): Mysidacea and Euphausiacea (Crustacea) 3-8, figs. I, 2. of the no rtheastern Pacific. Part I. ---. 1953b. The Crangonidae, or snapping Mysidacea, from Family Lophogastridae shrimp, of Hawaii. Pac . Sci. 7(1): 1-147, through Tribe Erythropini. Trans. R. Can. figs. I-50. Inst. 26 :345 -399, pis. 1-9. ---. 1954a. New records of Mysidacea - --. 1948b. A taxonomic study of the and Euphausiacea from the northeastern Mysidacea and Euphausiacea (Crustacea) Pacific and adjacent areas. Pac. Sci. 8(2): of the northeastern Pacific. Part II. Mysi­ 125-139, figs. 1-3. dacea, from Tribe Mysini through Sub­ ---. I954b. Some "Schizopod" crusta­ family Mysidellinae. Trans. R. Can. Inst. cean s from the deeper water off California. 27(57): 65-125, pis. 1-7. Allan Hancock Found. Occas . Pap. 13: 1­ - --. 1949. Reindeer roundup. Pac. Dis­ 49, 1-7 text-figs., I pI., figs. A-D. covery 2(5): 20-24. ---. 1954c. A supplement to W. M. Tattersall's review of the Mysidacea of the 1 This paper is contribution no. 846 from the Hawaii United States National Museum. Proc. Institute of Marine Biology. Manuscript accepted 15 U. S. Natl. Mus . 103(3334): 575-583. September 1990. ---. 1954d. The Mysidacea and Euphau­ 2 P.O. Box 542, South Beach, Oregon 97366. * References marked with an asterisk have not been siacea. Pages 447-448 in Gulf of Mexico. confirmed . Its origin, waters, and marine life. U. S. 227 228 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 45, July 1991 Fish Wildl. Servo Fish . Bull. 89, vol. 55. ---. 1967b. Poisonous marine animals, a 604pp. synopsis. J. Forensic Sci. 12(2): 180-192. - - -. 1955. Note on a visible thermocline. ---. 1968. A fresh-water "kill" on the Science 121(3142): 402. coral reefs ofHawaii. Hawaii Univ. Hawaii --- . 1956. Contributions to the knowl­ Inst. Mar. BioI. Tech. Rep . 15. 29 pp. edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific *--- . 1973. Hallucinatory mullet poison­ Ocean. Part I. Collections from the Mar­ ing. A case from Oahu. Hawaii Med. J. iana Archipelago. Pac. Sci. 10(3): 318-373, 32:330-331. figs. 1-23. - - -. 1974a. Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii: Urban ---. 1957. Contributions to the knowledge pollution and a coral reef ecosystem. Pages of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Ocean. 685-702 in A. M. Cameron, B. M. Camp­ Part II. Collection from Arno Atoll , Mar­ bell, A. B. Cribb, R . Endean, J. S. Jell, O. shall Islands. Pac. Sci. 11(2): 190-206, figs. A. Jones, P. Mather, and F. H. Talbot, eds. 1-5. Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Coral Reefs. Vol. 2, - --. 1958. Contributions to the knowl­ 753 pp . The Great Barrier ReefCommittee, edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Brisbane, Australia. Ocean. Part III. On a small collection from ---. 1974b . The biological origin and Onotoa, Gilbert Islands. Pac. Sci. 12(2): transmission of ciguatoxin. Pages 15-36 in 157-169, figs. 1-4. H. J. Humm and C. E. Lane, eds. Bioactive --- . 1959a. Contributions to the knowl­ compounds from the sea. Marcel Dekker, edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Inc., New York. 251 pp . Ocean . Part IV. Various small collections ---. 1976a . Ciguatera: A disease from from the central Pacific area, including coral reeffish. Pages 177-213 in O. A. Jones supplementary notes on alpheids from and R. Endean, eds. Biology and geology Hawaii. Pac. Sci. 13(2): 130-155, figs. ofcoral reefs. Vol. 3. Academic Press, New 1-13. York, San Francisco, London. ---. 1959b . A dermatitis-producing alga ---. 1976b . In memoriam. Albert Lewis in Hawaii, preliminary report. Hawaii Tester, 1908-1974. Pac. Sci. 30(3): 209­ Med . J. 19(1): 35-36. 210. - --. 1959c. Preliminary observations on ---. 1977. Hazardous marine animals. toxic fish (abstract). Proc. Hawaii. Acad . Pages 1348-1436 in C. G . Tedeschi , W. G. Sci., Thirty-fourth annual meeting , 1958­ Eckert, and L. G . Tedeschi, eds. Forensic 1959: 20. medicine: A study of trauma and environ­ *- --. 1961a. Conference sur l'Ichtyotox­ mental hazards. Vol. III, Part III , Environ­ isme. Commission du Pacifique Sud. mental hazards. W. B. Saunders Co., Noumea. [Referenced in Banner, A. H., S. Philadelphia, London, Toronto. W. Shaw, C. B. Alender, and P. Helfrich, ---. 1981 . Pages 4-6 in Expert committee 1963.] on ciguatera. Suva, Fiji, 26 February 1981. ---. 1961b. Fish poisoning in the tropical South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Pacific. South Pac. Bull. 11(4): 18-21,65. Caledonia. 26 pp . ---. 1963. Annual report, poison fish BANNER, A. H., and J. H. BAILEY. 1970. The projects. Hawaii Marine Laboratory, Uni­ effects of urban pollution upon a coral reef versity of Hawaii. 14pp . system, a preliminary report. Hawaii Univ . - -- . 1965. Ciguatera in the Pacific. Hawaii Hawaii Inst. Mar. BioI. Tech . Rep. 25. Med. J. 24 :353-354. 66pp. - -- . 1967a. Marine toxins from the Pa­ BANNER, A. H., and D. M. BANNER. I960a. cific, I-Advances in the investigation of Contributions to the knowledge of the fish toxins. Pages 157-165 in F. E. Russell alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Ocean. Part and P. R. Saunders, eds. Animal toxins. V. The Indo-Pacific members of the genus Pergamon Press, New York. 428 pp. A thanas. Pac. Sci. 14(2): 129-155, figs. 1-6. Bibliograph y ofAlbert H. Banner- TITOEN 229 - -- . 1960b. Contributions to the knowl­ edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Ocean . Part XIV. A review of Prionalpheus Ocean. Part VI. Prionalph eus, a new genus (Decapoda, Alpheidae) with the descrip­ of the Alpheidae. Pac. Sci. 14(3): 292-298, tion of two new species. Crustaceana figs. I , 2. (Leiden) 20(3): 263-270, figs. I, 2. - - -. 1960c. Contributions to the knowl­ ---. 1972. Contributions to the knowl­ edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific Ocean. Part VII. On Metabetaeus Bor­ Ocean . Part XVI. A new shrimp of the radaile, with a new species from Hawaii. genus Synalph eus (Decapoda, Alpheidae) Pac. Sci. 14(3): 299-303, figs. 1,2. from Palau. Micronesica 8(1-2): 137-140, - - - . 1962. Contributions to the knowl­ fig. I. edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific --. 1972 [1973]. The establishment of a Ocean, VIII. Losses ofspecimens in the fire neotype for Alpheus edwardsi (Audouin). of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory. Pac. Sci. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. (3e), no. 88, 16(2): 238-240. ZooI.67:1141-1146,fig.1. - - -. 1964. Contributions to the knowl­ ---. 1974. Synalpheus neptunus (Dana, edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific 1852); neotype. (Z.N.(S.)2047). Bull. Zool. Ocean , IX. Collections from the Phoenix Nomencl. 30(3/4): 203, 204. and Line islands. Pac. Sci. 18(1): 83-100, - -- . 1974 [1975a]. Contributions to the figs. 1-5. knowledge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pa­ - - -. 1966a. Contributions to the knowl­ cific Ocean . Part XVII . Additional notes on edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific the Hawaiian alpheids: New species, sub­ Ocean. Part X. Collections from Fiji, species, and some nomenclatorial changes. Tonga, and Samoa. Pac. Sci. 20(2): 145­ Pac. Sci. 28(4): 423-437, figs. 1-5. 188, figs. 1-20. ---. 1975b. Contributions to the knowl­ - - . 1966b. The alpheid shrimp of Thai­ edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific land. Siam Soc. Monogr. Ser. 3: 1-168, Ocean. Part XVIII: A new species of the figs. 1-62. genus Alph eus from the mouth of the - - -. 1967. Contributions to the knowl­ Sepik River, New Guinea. Rec. Aust. Mus . edge of the alpheid shrimp of the Pacific 29(11): 261 -265, fig.!. Ocean , XI. Collections from the Cook and ---. 1977a. Alpheopsis shearmii (Alcock Society islands . Occas. Pap. Bernice Pau ahi & Anderson): A new combination with a Bishop Mus. 23(12): 253-286, figs. 1-5.
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