PortlandTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 • TWICE CHOSEN THE NATION’S BEST NONDAILY PAPERTribune • PORTLANDTRIBUNE.COM • PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND THURSDAY KITZHABER BOWS OUT Governor lashes out after pressures lead to TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO Gov. John Kitzhaber’s choice to resignation resign will have no effect on the investigations that are underway By PETER WONG regarding his fi ancee Cylvia Hayes. Capital Bureau The swift fall of John comparable magnitude in re- Kitzhaber and the slow rise cent times was the 1995 resig- of Kate Brown to Oregon’s nation of Republican Bob governorship will intersect Packwood, who faced expul- Wednesday, when Brown sion from the U.S. Senate seat will be sworn in to succeed he held for almost 27 years on Kitzhaber. accusations of sexual miscon- Last week, Democrat duct. Kitzhaber became the first In Packwood’s case, the governor in Oregon history to pressures took nearly three resign under political pres- years to result in his resigna- sure, amid three separate in- tion. vestigations of infl uence-ped- In Kitzhaber’s case, the dling allegations against him pressures took less than fi ve and his fi ancee, Cylvia Hayes. months — and culminated on- While other elected offi- ly a month after he was sworn cials in Oregon have lost their in for a record fourth term as jobs under pres- sure, the only See KITZHABER / Page 2 Federal subpoena | U.S. Attorney’s of ce seeks records on Hayes’ dealings, page 3. Brown helps celebrate state’s birthday Before taking of ce, will sound once she assumes While “resignation” was not fice at the Capitol in Salem, the governorship. mentioned, “everybody knows since Kitzhaber announced his Also present were two of the (what happened) this week in resignation amid influence- Brown shares stage Secretary of three living former governors Oregon,” says Kerry Tymchuk, peddling allegations against with Barbara Roberts State and soon- — Barbara Roberts, who a the society’s executive director. him and his fiancee, Cylvia to-be Governor quarter century ago became “I think I speak for every- Hayes. By PETER WONG Kate Brown the fi rst woman to hold that of- body here in saying our Brown avoided direct men- Capital Bureau shows her love fi ce, and Ted Kulongoski, who thoughts are with you, our tion of any of that during her of Oregon with a succeeded Kitzhaber in 2003 prayers are with you.” brief remarks at the celebra- Call it the transition be- heart symbol at and preceded Kitzhaber in The crowd was larger than tion of Oregon’s 156th anniver- fore the transition. the Statehood 2011. usual for the society’s annual sary of statehood in 1859. Saturday’s celebration of Or- Day celebration Antoinette Hatfi eld, wife of statehood observance, which She says many Oregonians egon’s statehood at the Oregon on Saturday. now-deceased former Gov. and allows free admission to its mu- could live elsewhere. Historical Society featured Sec- TRIBUNE PHOTO: Sen. Mark Hatfield, also was seum. “But they choose to live here retary of State Kate Brown, CHRISTOPHER present, as was Salem busi- It was Brown’s fi rst appear- because of their neighbors, our who will become the 38th gov- ONSTOTT nessman Gerry Frank, former- ance at a public gathering, ex- beautiful climate, our wonder- ernor Wednesday upon John pressure. to that pending event, she did ly a top aide to and confi dant of cluding a brief meeting with Kitzhaber’s resignation under While Brown did not allude hint at a possible theme she Hatfi eld. news reporters outside her of- See BROWN / Page 3 KICKED OUT PPS’ discipline issues Rate of explusions, suspensions higher for blacks, Natives By SHASTA KEARNS MOORE ren suddenly started getting calls Schools policies. Thanks in The Tribune from parents all over the city part to her advocacy, adminis- frantic that their children were trators are seeking to rewrite Sheila Warren doesn’t being suspended or expelled. the disciplinary handbook; make defi nitive plans. They want her help or advice, but PPS is spending $700,000 on As soon as she founded Port- she does them one better. restorative justice and Posi- land Parent Union in 2009, War- “I drop everything and just tive Behavior Interventions go,” Warren said. The long-time and Supports; and the Office activist has sat in of Equity and on dozens of disci- Partnerships is plinary hearings working on rec- and Individualized TribSeries ommendations Education Plan FIRST OF TWO PARTS for the superin- meetings as an ad- THE PROBLEMS tendent that vocate. would place a Over two de- moratorium on cades advocating for her suspensions for insubordina- granddaughter and others in tion and absenteeism, as well the African American and as more clearly define the of- special education communi- fenses that could lead to sus- ties, Warren has made a lot of pensions and expulsions. enemies with her straight- But Gwen Sullivan, presi- forward personality. But she dent of the Portland Associa- TRIBUNE PHOTO: JONATHAN HOUSE also is beginning to make in- tion of Teachers, believes that Sheila Warren, founder of the Portland Parent Union, talks about her efforts to build relationships and roads in Portland Public change outcomes for minority families in Portland Public Schools. “Most of the time black kids aren’t See KICKED OUT / Page 9 threatening anybody – that’s a myth right there,” Warren said. “Pamplin Media Group’s pledge is to Portland Tribune deliver balanced news that re ects the THORNS BRING HOME THEIR FIRST NWSLTOTES TROPHY GOATS stories of our communities. Thank you — —SEE SEE SPORTS, LIFE, PAGE PAGE B10 B8 for reading our newspapers.” Inside — DR. ROBERT B. PAMPLIN JR. OWNER & NEIGHBOR A2 NEWS The Portland Tribune Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Kitzhaber: Long run on state stage ends former allies in common cause who called publicly for his res- ■ From page 1 have been willing to simply ac- ignation Thursday after they cept this judgment at its face urged him privately a couple of governor. value. days earlier to do so. Kitzhaber’s political career “It is something that is hard Kitzhaber’s jostling with Re- spanned decades, from his first for me to comprehend — some- publican legislative majorities election from a Roseburg-area thing we might expect in Wash- during his first two terms as district to the Oregon House in ington, D.C., but surely not in governor earned him the moni- 1978, when he was an emergen- Oregon.” ker of “Dr. No,” for his 202 ve- cy room physician. He was in Since Oct. 8, when Willa- toes. the Oregon Senate 12 years, mette Week first reported He was much more success- eight of them as its president, Hayes’ efforts to use her posi- ful at the start of his third term and served two terms as gover- tion as honorary first lady on in 2011, when he obtained ap- nor, from 1995 to 2003. He won a behalf of her private consulting proval of sweeping education record third term in 2010, and business, there has been a and health-care overhauls from was elected again Nov. 4, but by steady stream of news disclo- an evenly split House and a just under half the votes cast in sures. narrowly divided Senate. a six-way race. They were not enough to de- Two years later, when In 1998, Kitzhaber won his ter Kitzhaber’s re-election Nov. Kitzhaber had his first-ever second term by the largest 4, although he won with just Democratic majorities while margin in 48 years. But in 2010, under half the votes cast governor, he won their approv- he won a third term by the among six candidates. But his al of a “grand bargain” that cut smallest margin since 1956. once-commanding lead over some business taxes and raised In recent times, only Mark Republican Dennis Richardson, others — and pared public-pen- Hatfield (46 years), Ted Kulon- a conservative state represen- sion cost-of-living increases, goski and Vic Atiyeh (28 years tative from Southern Oregon, yet raised school and human- each) have been on Oregon’s dropped sharply. services spending. public stage longer. Kulongos- The course of events However, even though ki’s tenure counts his four changed with a Jan. 27 story Kitzhaber was credited with years as insurance commis- by the Pamplin Media Group/ saving the deal when it ap- sioner appointed by Gov. Neil EO Media Group Capital Bu- peared it might fail, it also Goldschmidt. reau about $118,000 that soured legislators on the gover- As secretary of state, Brown Hayes received for consulting nor — and the 2014 election did will succeed Kitzhaber. There work that she would not dis- not replenish his political capi- is no special election. Brown cuss. Other news organiza- tal with them or the public. will serve only until the 2016 tions then reported that He also said in his statement general election, when the Or- Hayes apparently did not re- last week: egon Constitution specifies an port that income on tax re- “It is not in my nature to election for the remaining two turns that had been released walk away from a job I have years of Kitzhaber’s term. triBUNe FiLe PHOTO to them. undertaken — it is to stand If Brown ran and won in 2016, in the statement he released last week, gov. John Kitzhaber vowed to oregonians to “continue to pursue Kitzhaber then declared at a and fight for the cause. For she would be eligible in 2018 to our shared goals and our common cause in another venue.” Jan. 30 news conference that that reason I apologize to all seek a single term of her own.
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