http://www.ambafrance-us.org http://www.france.diplomatie.fr VOL. 03.12 NOVEMBER 5, 2003 A review of news and trends in France Online at: www.ambafrance-us.org/publi/nff France, Germany and U.K. Achieve INSIDE 2 L’événement Breakthrough in Iran France votes for Teheran reiterates its commitment to the Non-proliferation Treaty Iraq resolution 3 France-Amérique HE FOREIGN MINISTERS OF FRANCE, Germany and the very positive and that the agreement represents an Yorktown United Kingdom paid a visit to Teheran on October 21 to urge Iran to important step in restoring confidence between Iran and commemorations meet the October 31 deadline set by the International Atomic Energy the international community. "This is a very important Agency (IAEA) to prove that the Iranian government does not have a day," French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin 4 Profil Tnuclear weapons program. After several hours of bargaining with top Iranian declared. "We were facing a major issue. Proliferation is a Cafés in France officials, an agreement was reached and Dominique de Villepin, Joschka major challenge to the world, and today we found a solu- Économie Fischer and Jack Straw obtained three commitments that "begin a process for tion to the pending issues," he added. 5 resolving the nuclear proliferation crisis with Iran," according to a French Iran pledged in the joint declaration to allow for "full Toward recovery Foreign Ministry spokesperson. transparency" vis-à-vis the IAEA, reiterated its commit- 6 Société The Presidency of the European Union warmly welcomed the mission's pos- ment to the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) Local government itive outcome. Indeed, the Teheran agreement represents a major success for and vowed that atomic weapons had "no place" in its summit in Paris European diplomacy. The defense doctrine. Iran also White House also wel- declared that it "has 7 Culture comed Iran's announce- decided to engage in full Chauvet Cave replica ment, describing it as a cooperation with the 8 Chez nous "positive step." Indeed, the IAEA," that it will sign The good life in intervention of Britain's and ratify the additional 18-century France Jack Straw, France's protocol to its safeguards Dominique de Villepin agreement with the IAEA, and Germany's Joschka and that it will voluntarily Fischer serves as an exam- suspend all uranium ple of how European enrichment and repro- diplomacy can be used to cessing activities. AMBASSADE DE FRANCE build on - not compete These last three com- AUX ETATS-UNIS with - Washington's mitments fulfill the demands that were formulat- efforts, and this diplomat- ed in the IAEA Board of Governors' resolution ic precedent can also serve on September 12, and Iran's compliance will be as a blueprint for future From left to right:the foreign ministers of Britain (Jack Straw), taken into account in the preparations for the European action. France (Dominique de Villepin), Iran (Kamal Kharrazi) and next IAEA board meeting on November 20. Two The three foreign Germany (Joschka Fischer) days after the visit, Iran delivered a report to the ministers agreed that the (Courtesy:French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) United Nations nuclear watchdog to allay inter- results of their trip were national concern over its nuclear program. l l French Caucus Created in U.S. Congress HE NEWLY FORMED Congressional French Caucus, headed by French Prime Minister Edouard Balladur. The informal group will work close- Representative Amory Houghton of New York (R-N.Y.), aims to rebuild ly with members of its counterparts in the French National Assembly and Tthe ties between two old allies. According to Chairman Houghton, "it's Senate, the "Groupes d'Amitié Franco-Americain," on matters concerning the no secret that relations between the United States and France have been less renewal and strengthening of ties between the two countries. The caucus will than ideal lately. It's time to get on with life and start rebuilding our ties." also provide a forum for discourse aimed at a better understanding and appre- Representative Billy Tauzin (R-L.A.) agreed, noting that "hopefully this caucus ciation of differences between the two nations. will help to bridge some of the differences that have developed in recent years The dangers and challenges presented by international terrorism confirm between our two countries." Indeed, recent differences in foreign policy have the importance of fortified relations between France and the United States. led to strains in what has otherwise always been a very close relationship. Representative Houghton's belief that "both the United States and France have Houghton announced the existence of the new bipartisan caucus, which too much at stake to permit our relationship to deteriorate further" demon- includes 35 members of Congress (25 Representatives and 10 Senators), during strates a renewed determination to strengthen the relationship between the a luncheon attended by French Ambassador Jean David Levitte and former U.S. and its oldest ally. l l 1 En bref current events L’ÉVÉNEMENT NIGER AND MALI WELCOME CHIRAC On October 23, tens of thousands of people welcomed President Jacques France Votes for Iraq Resolution Chirac, the first French leader to visit the poverty-stricken francophone HE FRENCH GOVERNMENT voted for the was able to garner widespread support for the resolution's African nation in over 20 years. revised version of the U.S.-sponsored resolution on revised version. "Reassuring the people of Niger of a Iraq on October 16, along with the 14 other members The U.N. resolution gives the world community, renewed solidarity, encouraging the of the U.N. Security Council. This unanimity marked through the U.N., an extended role in the reconstruction efforts of Niger, supporting the legiti- Tan important display of renewed international cohesion and of Iraq. In what is a crucial measure, the resolution states mate ambitions of progress: these are cooperation. Indeed, French that the American-appointed the messages I have in my heart to Foreign Minister Dominique de Iraqi Governing Council will send to the people of Niger during Villepin explained France's deci- embody the sovereignty of the this visit," stated Chirac. He pledged 10 million euros to aid the nine coun- sion to support the U.N. resolu- state of Iraq until the election of tries bordering the Niger River and tion, despite the fact that it "firmly a democratic government. A promised to give Mali a four-year believes that we should act faster December 15 deadline has been reprieve on its debt repayments. and more boldly," by stating that it set for the Iraqi Governing Chirac also hopes to increase E.U. aid "was essential for the spirit of Council to lay out a timetable for to Africa. responsibility and unity of the writing a constitution and set- international community to pre- ting up elections. Finally, resolu- FRENCH POLYNESIA GRANT- ED MORE AUTONOMY vail" in a context of rising violence The U.N. Security Council tion 1511 authorizes an The French cabinet approved, on and terrorism in Iraq. (Courtesy: Ministry of Foreign Affairs) American-led multinational October 22, the draft of a proposed In France’s view, the interna- peace-keeping force in Iraq. This law that would implement French tional community’s message must emphasize that Iraq U.N. mandate will expire in a year, but an elected Iraqi Polynesia's new autonomous status, should rapidly become self-governing and should soon government will be able to request its renewal. as made possible by the revision of reclaim its full sovereignty as a democratic state. Such a dec- Reacting to the U.N.'s decision on October 30 to reduce Article 74 of the Constitution in laration is necessary in order to quell nationalistic fervor the number of its staff in Iraq, Villepin declared, "we March 2003. The amended French among the Iraqi people and thereby helping to prevent believe that it is through a change in approach that it will constitution provides overseas territo- strikes against the occupying forces. be possible to reconcile both the necessary involvement of ries with the option of obtaining By taking into account some of the amendments jointly the international community and the full participation of more power over certain domains, such as regional diplomacy, transport submitted by France, Germany and Russia, the United States Iraqis through a provisional government." l l infrastructure, and education. FRANCE HOSTS MAJOR MILITARY EXERCISE UNESCO to Protect Cultural Diversity France activated all its military airbases HE 32ND CONFERENCE of the United Nations' Jean-Jacques Aillagon declared that "this text, long sought October 6-22 for a multilateral exer- Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization by France, will make it possible to seal in international law cise involving troops and aircraft from 17 different countries, including 9 T(UNESCO), which took place in Paris, saw the unani- rules designed to protect cultural goods and contents." NATO members. "Opera 2003" mous adoption, on October 13, of a resolution launching France would also like to enlarge the debate and invite other brought together 850 servicemen and negotiations on a cultural diversity convention. Such a con- international organizations, as well as artists and cultural women and 140 aircraft and was car- vention would erect cultural diversity as a principle of inter- professionals, to think about what can be done to protect ried out primarily in northwestern national law, and declare it the common heritage of humani- cultural diversity. France. The exercise helped ty. In doing so, it would establish a new framework that would The consensus around this resolution was seen as espe- improve coordination in the support the dignity of all cultures and the ability of nations to cially auspicious at a time when the United States has just fields of logistics, communi- introduce public policies on cultural issues.
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