The Sixth Form at Sevenoaks is large, Every student in the Sixth Form at Sevenoaks ‘ Sevenoaks is best cosmopolitan and exciting, comprising over is encouraged to be curious, creative, critically 400 students from more than 40 countries aware, and to develop his or her talents to around the world. All of our Sixth Formers the full. Life is fast-paced and dynamic, and known for pioneering pursue the International Baccalaureate expectations are high. Diploma Programme, which the school has delivered for over 40 years. The IB Diploma At the same time, we try to cultivate in our the ib and for being a represents, in the school’s view, the best pupils the habit of reflection, and the school’s preparation for university and the world international outlook promotes understanding strongly international of work. and open-mindedness. The IB has rapidly established itself as the Our strong pastoral ethos supports expert gold standard of world education. The IB is teaching, and a broad range of co-curricular school – not just in its not just an exam board, however; it embodies opportunities complements the academic a philosophy of education based on a few courses on offer, preparing our students for basic principles: leadership in an increasingly complex world. intake but in its outlook ’ l students should be both literate and Katy Ricks the Good schools Guide numerate, scientifically adept as well as linguistically able, and not abandon key subjects at the age of 16; l education is about more than passing exams; it involves promoting creativity in the arts, well-being through sport, and compassion through service in the community; l schools have a responsibility for advancing a clear set of values, including international-mindedness, integrity and honesty, and tolerance towards others. introduction 2 the ib at sevenoaks | introduction the ib at sevenoaks | introduction 3 an overview ‘ IB diploma programme students are more likely to earn Narrow specialisation post-16 is unique to the Universities really like the IB; by maintaining UK. This specialisation acts against the values its standards, free from state interference, the first-class honours degrees of a broad education and is an impediment to IB has succeeded in achieving a consistency a versatility and understanding. of assessment unparalleled elsewhere. Its 45-point scale enables universities to than a-level students ’ Sevenoaks School therefore decided to make more nuanced offers to candidates higher education statistics agency report, 2017 M introduce the International Baccalaureate than are possible under other schemes. IB Diploma over 40 years ago. students start their undergraduate careers with numeracy, literacy and language Designed to promote a global perspective, competency, a broad understanding of a o understanding and communication, the range of disciplines, and strong employability the ib diploma International Baccalaureate Diploma skills such as teamwork and problem-solving. comprises six L Programme’s values and identity have They are experienced at managing a varied subjects chosen remained consistent. The IB Diploma workload and can question, reflect and from the circle encourages students to value conflict think critically. illustrated right: resolution, to respect cultural heritage and the environment and to develop an attitude of As a consequence, the offer and acceptance responsibility to the wider community. rates for IB students are notably higher than those for other post-16 qualifications, Worldwide, the IB Diploma is now taken and in the US, it is a sought-after passport by over 160,000 students from nearly to top universities. dip 140 countries. Sevenoaks has been a flagship school for The breadth of the Diploma Programme the IB for many years. The IB provides what encourages an interdisciplinary style of parents, universities and employers want – ib learning. Students develop expert knowledge access to top universities, very impressive in the topics that most interest them, but are students and well-rounded, resourceful also encouraged to look beyond the traditional employees – but just as importantly, it boundaries between academic disciplines, encourages inquiry, reflection and delight in think critically across the curriculum and to learning. Students leave us with a modern and appreciate and analyse multiple perspectives. international worldview and a desire to shape and to improve the world. Despite this breadth, the six courses are all Ofqual-rated as being comparable at least tim Jones the to A-levels in their depth, and this strength of breadth and depth is one of the reasons why IB students are very effectively prepared for university and for the future workplace. 4 the ib at sevenoaks | the dipLoMa the ib at sevenoaks | the dipLoMa 5 the ib Learner proFiLe The Learner Profile serves as a compass for the dignity of the individual, groups and for all aspects of the IB, making it a communities. They take responsibility for coherent experience. It offers a vision of the their own actions and the consequences that ‘whole student’ and is focused on ten key accompany them. characteristics of ‘lifelong learners’. open-minded ib learners strive to be: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open inquirers to the perspectives, values and traditions They develop their natural curiosity. They of other individuals and communities. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a and research and show independence in range of points of view, and are willing to grow learning. They actively enjoy learning and this from the experience. love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. caring They show empathy, compassion and respect knowledgeable towards the needs and feelings of others. They explore concepts, ideas and issues They have a personal commitment to service, that have local and global significance. In so and act to make a positive difference to the doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and lives of others and to the environment. develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and ‘ It’s all about thinkers uncertainty with courage and forethought, They exercise initiative in applying thinking and have the independence of spirit to explore skills critically and creatively to recognise new roles, ideas and strategies. They are the ib here and and approach complex problems, and make brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. reasoned, ethical decisions. balanced sevenoaks shows communicators They understand the importance of They understand and express ideas and intellectual, physical and emotional balance information confidently and creatively in more to achieve personal well-being for themselves everyone else than one language and in a variety of modes and others. of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. reflective how it’s done ’ They give thoughtful consideration to their principled own learning and experience. They are able t atler schools Guide They act with integrity and honesty, with a to assess and understand their strengths and strong sense of fairness, justice and respect limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. 6 the ib at sevenoaks | the ib Learner proFiLe the ib at sevenoaks | the ib Learner proFiLe 7 theorY oF knowLedGe eXtended essaY In Theory of Knowledge (TOK), students l perennial philosophical problems The Extended Essay is are introduced to some of the complexities Can we know if God exists? Are humans and problems associated with knowledge. predictable? Do our senses give us the most substantial We look at what we believe to be true, the the truth? reasons we have for holding these beliefs written assignment that and whether or not the reasons for holding While Theory of Knowledge helps to develop them are good reasons. It is a wide-ranging rigour and logical analysis it goes well students will complete course, and deals with: beyond what a traditional course in critical thinking might involve. The aim is to introduce during the Diploma, and it l subject-related issues students to a whole range of ideas and allow Is there such a thing as the scientific them to see their own perspectives, beliefs is undoubtedly one of the method? What makes a great piece of and opinions in the light of the perspectives, art? How reliable are history books? beliefs and opinions of others. most rewarding the scope, level of research and structure of l personal and contemporary issues The course is not assessment-driven, so argument that the Extended Essay inspires. How can I know what is right? To what the focus is really on the experience of The Extended Essay is a unique opportunity extent can we trust the media? How am I the learner, and teaching students to be for students to engage in independent Examples of recent Extended Essay influenced by my culture? critical in their approach to all the subjects. research. Each student chooses a topic that titles include: Through TOK activities and discussions interests them and writes an in-depth 4000- students develop, communicate and word study. l To what extent is Harringay Gentrified? test their own ideas in debate, with the aim of understanding their own cultural The scholarly apparatus that the essay l How significant is the effect of a constant assumptions. demands – citations, bibliography, abstract horizontal air resistance on projectile path? – is a very effective preparation for university In addition to the TOK classes, students at dissertations. It helps to develop expertise l In what ways and to what effect do Sevenoaks are given TOK-specific lectures in researching, writing and developing a Emily Brontë and Homer portray their and activities, but students soon find that sustained argument. protagonists, Heathcliff and Odysseus, in TOK is not simply a classroom-based Wuthering Heights and the Odyssey? experience; it provides the tools to engage Teachers provide a structured approach to critically in an ever-changing world.
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