Cuadernos de Investigación UNED ISSN: 1659-4266 ISSN: 1659-4266 Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica Aliasghari, Mehrdad; AnvariFar, Hossein; Iqbal Mir, Javaid Effects of fishing and natural factors on the population of the fish Clupeonella grimmi (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) in southern waters of the Caspian Sea Cuadernos de Investigación UNED, vol. 9, no. 1, 2017, pp. 185-191 Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica Available in: https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=515653587025 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System Redalyc More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Journal's webpage in redalyc.org Portugal Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Effects of fishing and natural factors on the population of the fish Clupeonella grimmi (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) in southern waters of the Caspian Sea Mehrdad Aliasghari1, Hossein AnvariFar2 & Javaid Iqbal Mir3* 1. Young Researchers and Elite Club, Qaemshahr branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran; [email protected] 2. Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Science and Fisheries, University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, P.O. Box 578, Sari, Iran; [email protected] 3. Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, (ICAR), Bhimtal-263136, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India, [email protected] * Corresponding author: [email protected] Received 18-VIII-2016 • Corrected 25-I-2017 • Accepted 01-II-2017 ABSTRACT: The present study aimed to investigate the changes of big- RESUMEN: Efecto de la pesca y los parámetros naturales en la po- eye kilka Clupeonella grimmi population caused by human and natural blación de Clupeonella grimmi (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) en las factors in southern waters of the Caspian Sea. This study was conduct- aguas meridionales del Mar caspio. En este estudio investigamos los ed in 2009 and 2010 during which Length, weight and age were stud- cambios en la población Clupeonella grimmi a causa de factores huma- ied. The annual survival rate, natural and fishing mortality in 2009 were nos y naturales en las aguas meridionales del Mar Caspio. El estudió se estimated 0.305 yr-1, 0.448 yr-1 and 0.736 yr-1, and in 2010 were 0.309 realizó entre el 2009 y 2010 donde se registró largo, peso y edad. La tasa yr-1, 0.419 yr-1 and 0.775 yr-1, respectively. Accordingly, total mortality de sobreviviencia annual y de mortalidad por pesca en 2009 se estimó in 2009 and 2010 was 1.184 yr-1 and 1.174 yr-1 and the exploitation rate en 0.305, 0.448 y 0.736 annual, y en el 2010 fue de 0.309, 0.419 y 0.775 was calculated 0.621 and 0.660, respectively. Bigeye kilka appropriated respectivamente. De igual forma, la mortalidad total en el 2009 y 2010 4.5% and 4.2% of total kilka catch in Mazandaran Province in 2009 and fue de 1.184 y 1.174 annual y la tasa de explotación se calculó en 0.621 2010, respectively. Results showed that bigeye kilka catch amount has y 0.660 respectivamente. El total de captura en Mazandaran en 2009 decreased and its population is under over-fishing and natural pressure. y 2010 fue de 4.5% y 4.2%, respectivamente. Los resultados muestras que la captura ha disminuido y que su población se encuentra bajo la KEY WORDS: Clupeonella grimmi, mortality, survival rate, ex- presión natural y pesquera. ploitation rate. Palabras clave: Clupeonella grimmi, mortalidad, tasa de supervivencia, tasa de explotación. In the Caspian Sea, three kilka species including com- the two other kilka species. It is found primarily at depths mon (Clupeonella caspia Svetovidov, 1941), anchovy (C. greater than 50-70 m with low light. This species is less engrauliformis Borodin, 1904) and bigeye kilka (C. grimmi tolerant to high temperature and salinity than anchovy Kessler, 1877) are found. These three pelagic species are and common kilka (Prikhodko, 1981). Bigeye kilka can the primary planktivores in the Caspian Sea (Mamedov, spawn throughout the year, but most spawning occurs 2006) and are prey species for key predators (Pourgholam between November and April in the southern Caspian et al., 1996), so, these species are important in ecosystem Sea (Fazli et al., 2004; Aliasghari et al., 2011). function of the Caspian sea and are important to the eco- Kilka fishing is conducted during nighttime using nomies of coastal areas. under-water light and funnel nets. Recently catch com- Bigeye kilka can be distinguished from other kilkas position of kilkas has changed and now common kilka by their bigger eye and greater number of vertebra is dominant in the catch (Karimzadeh et al., 2010). Kilka (Berg, 1948). This species is distributed in the central and stocks have been decreasing, which threatens jobs and southern Caspian and extends farther from shore than industries with the potential for subsequent social and Cuadernos de Investigación UNED (ISSN: 1659-4266) Vol. 9(1): 185-191, Junio, 2017 185 economic problems (Esmaeili Sari et al., 2002). Potential Sample analysis: In the laboratory, fork length (mm) causes of the decline of kilka populations include inva- was measured with a measuring board and body weight sion of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi into the Caspian Sea was measured using digital balance (nearest 0.1 g). (Ivanov et al., 2000), kilka population changes (Esmaeili For age determination, sagittal otoliths of fish were Sari et al., 2002, Daskalov and Mamedov, 2007, Roohi et used. Otoliths were put in glycerin and age was determi- al., 2008), environmental changes, pollution, and overfis- ned using a stereomicroscope with a top-projected light hing (Paritskii et al., 2001, Fazli, 2011). and a black background (Francis&Campana, 2004). Although there have been studies of bigeye kilka bio- The length-weight relationship was calculated logy (Fazli et al., 2004; Karimzadeh et al., 2010; Aliasghari as following: et al., 2011) and stock assessment (Pourgholam et al., b 1996; Fazli and Rouhi, 2001; Fazli, 2011) in the southern W = a L Caspian Sea, there is little attention has been paid to where W is the fish weight (g), L is the fork length (mm), changes in the bigeye kilka population over time in the a is constant and b is the regression trend line slope southern Caspian. The aim of the present study was to (Bagenal, 1978). determine the population structure, mortality, survival, Determining the growth pattern via t-test, the b amou- and exploitation rate of C. grimmi in southern waters nt was evaluated using the following formula (Morey of the Caspian Sea in order to assess the current status et al., 2003): of the population and variation during recent years for stock management and constant exploitation of kilkas via optimum fishing management. where b is the regression trend line slope and Sb is the standard deviation of b. MATHERIALS AND METHODS Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were calcu- Sampling area: The sampling areas were in Iranian lated using a non-linear estimation method (Pauly waters of the southern Caspian in Mazandaran province et al., 1992) as: with the vessels of Babolsar Harbor (Fig. 1) in 52° 55” E -k(t-t0) and 36° 51”N. These vessels were equipped with cone Lt = L∞ [1-exp ] nets and underwater electric lights. This research was conducted during a two-year period from January 2009 where t is age in years, Lt is fish length at age t, 0t is length to December 2010 at depths of 70 to 100 meters and at 0, L is L-infinity and k is the growth coefficient. 2027 samples were collected. Species identification was ∞ aided using Macroscopic and morphologic characteris- Natural mortality coefficient (M) was estimated from tics key (Berg, 1948; Svetovidov, 1963). Pauly’s equation (Pauly, 1999). log(M) = -0.0066 - 0.279log(L∞) + 0.6543log(K) + 0.4634log(T) where T is the annual average water temperature of fish habitat which was estimated 12OC in a former study (Karimzadeh et al., 2010). Survival rate (S) was calculated using the catch curve method (Ricker, 1975). Total mortality (Z) was transfor- med from the survival rate as: Z = – ln S Total mortality (Z) is sum of the two sources of morta- lity (M and F) together (Prakarn, 2002); so, the coefficient of fishing mortality (F) was calculated as the coefficient of total mortality (Z) minus the coefficient of natural Fig. 1. Sampling areas (spotted region) in southern Caspian Sea. mortality (M) using the equation: 186 UNED Research Journal (ISSN: 1659-4266) Vol. 9(1): 185-191, Junio, 2017 TABLE 1 Length and weight data of bigeye kilka in 2009 and 2010 in southern Caspian Weight (g) Fork length (mm) Year M/F Average SD Min Max Average SD Min Max N 2009 Male 14.06 5.31 4.69 28.94 118.51 12.03 81 139 438 Female 15.43 5.22 5.81 28.73 122.11 10.72 84 148 546 Total 14.91 5.28 4.69 28.94 120.06 11.95 81 148 984 2010 Male 14.11 5.21 4.85 28.91 117.72 12.54 82 141 413 Female 15.87 5.17 5.90 28.69 121.08 12.32 85 147 630 Total 15.17 5.24 4.85 28.91 119.12 13.42 82 147 1043 highest catch (86.2%), followed by anchovy (9.6%) and big eye kilka (4.2%). Exploitation rate was calculated from the fishing Average fork lengths of bigeye kilka in 2009 and 2010 mortality divided by the total mortality as (Sparre & were 120.06±11.95 and 119.12±13.42 mm and average Venema, 1989): weights were 14.91±5.28 and 15.17±5.24 g, respectively (Table 1).
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