Vol. LI, No.4 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASmNGTON, D.C. Thursday, October 12, 1967 Student Bill Of Rights Submitted Free University r. Action On Document Planned At GU I To Be Taken Shortly As Experiment i The Rev. Thomas R. Fitzgerald, In a letter to each of these, by Brian O'Oonnor :1 S.J., academic vice president, has Father Fitzgerald pointed out that Preparations are now well under submitted a student bill of rights the bill of rights is "an exception­ way for the establishment of a to the University Senate and to al document, deserving careful Free University at Georgetown. the University's six student coun­ study; while there may be indi­ The "curricula" of such a "univer­ cils. Entitled "Statement on Rights vidual details subject to dispute, sity" would amount to a series of and Freedoms for Students," the the underlying assumptions offer COurses and discussion groups tai­ document was drafted by five na­ a basis for fruitful discussion lored to the interests and talents tional educational associations. among the faculty, students, and of the participating students and The bill of rights will become administration." faculty. the basis for a discussion on the He continued, "What is assumed Initiation of the Free University student's state. It will be under­ is not a parental relationship to­ was begun in the last week of Sep­ taken by the entire University. wards the students, but one of tember with the organization of "We have been working in the mutual trust among groups of the Ad-Hoc Committee for a Free area of student freedoms for a adults willing to accept responsi­ University by Reese Fullerton and good three years," stated Father bilities." He also noted that "a Rich Rosenblatt. They have elic­ Fitzgerald, "and have. already very great deal of what is ex­ ited the support of the College and achieved some remarkable poliCies pressed in the "Bill of Rights" East Campus Student Councils, and formulations - but surely already prevails at Georgetown, and Frs. Fitzgerald, Davis, and Launching a discussion on student rights and responsibilities, Father there is more to be done if we but . both our awareness and Sebes have given their approval Fitzgerald laid a stUdent bill of rights before the University. Hopefully are to achieve a full consciousness our formulations would be ad­ to the project. Faculty members, a definitive stand will result. of the student's new role." vanced by the study and dia­ approximately 50, have been ap­ Fr. Fitzgerald enlisted the co­ logue.... " proached by the Committee and operation of the deans of George­ The- "Statement of Rights and the response, Fullerton reports, town's 10 schools, the dean of Freedoms for Students" was au­ has been "very, very good." men, and the dean of women. He thored by representatives of the The Ad Hoc Committee is pres­ 'Add-Drop' Week then presented the statement to American Association of Uni­ ently working with the History Dr. Valerie Earle, president of the versity Professors, the Association Club and the Georgetown Society, University Senate, Larry O'Brien, of American Colleges, the U.S. (The Georgetown Society has not president of the Yard, Terry National Student ASSOCiation, the yet received official recognition Causes Confusion Modglin, president of the Walsh National Association of Student from the Student Councils.) Area Student Council, Maurie Mc­ Personnel Administrators, and the As conceived by its planners, Although "add-drop week" is ample, gave students the chance Intire, president of the Nursing National Association of Women the Free University would be over, many students wonder if to choose an elective. This meant School Student Council, Frank Deans and Counselors. Also par­ characterized by "an openness to there isn't a better way of handl­ that during the first week many Lubafsky, president of the Stu­ ticipating were the American experimentation" and an informal ing the whole registration prob­ students were "shopping around" dent Bar Association, Henry Part­ Council on Education, the Associa­ atmosphere free from the alba­ lem. The great number of add­ for a course. Thus there were a ridge, president of the Medical tion of American Universities, the tross of the Q.P.I. Dr. Abraham drop slips that had to be proc­ lot of changes. Also, the English School Student Council, and Association for Higher Education, Oweiss, the moderator of the Free essed, and the corresponding long Department offered three sopho­ Joseph Yablonecky, president of the Association of State Colleges University, defined it as "an in­ lines, seem to call for a change. more English courses, which ac- the Dental School Student Coun­ and Universities, and the Ameri- formal exchange of ideas between University administrators com­ (Continued on Page 8) cil. (Continued on Page 11) faculty and students, between stu­ mented on the problem. dents' and students, and so on." The Rev. Royden B. Davis, S.J., (Dr. Oweiss is a first year profes­ Dean of the College: "The reason sor of Money and Banking from that add-drops were so heavy this the University of Minnesota where year as compared to previous President Campbell Outlines he was instrumental in setting up years is due mainly to changes in a Free University off-campus.) the curriculum which we made The Committee has proposed last spring. The reduction of the (Continued ou Page 11) philosophy requirements, for ex- Students' Academic Freedoms In an address delivered to a fac- torate in juridical science in 1941. ican Journal of Comparative Law eprOclety ulty convocation in Gaston Hall He served with the U.S. Justice and an author of note. He is in­ D.C. Recl Laws last Saturday, the Very Rev. Ger- Department during the war years strumental in Georgetown's stu­ ard J. Campbell, S.J., University and taught at the Law Center dent-professor exchange program en president, outlined policy develop- from 1941 to 1962. with the University of Frankfurt. ments in the areas of University Dr. Kronstein is a member of His citation in Saturday's cere- Plague CalDpus Agal autonomy and academic freedom. the Board of Editors of the Amer- (Continued on Page 11) !Jy Tom Tobin fines for failing to properly regis- "Any university needs to have The Georgetown administration ter their car with the D.C. police. full measure of freed<;>m to pursue Moreover, these cars without re- its work as an institution which is once again faced with the prob­ ciprocity tags were subject to im- is devoted to the search for and lem of D.C. reciprocity tags for all mediate impoundage if left any- the embrace of truth wherever cars registered at Georgetown. It where on a city street. this is found," he said. "This char- is a question carried over from The Yard Office, acting in swift acteristic of the university-or one last semester. Last year the police answer to complaints of the stu- might say this precondition of the captain of the Seventh Precinct dents, appointed an offiCial to look university-has always been neces­ asked that the Georgetown stu­ into the matter more fully. Joseph sary. But universities are, I think, dents comply with the D.C. law Dowley Col. '68) is preparing a re- uniqUely awar~ of the need ~or requiring that all non-area cars port for the Very Rev. Gerard J. such freed0!;1 m our present Clr­ present on metropolitan streets Campbell, S.J., and it is expected, cumstances. for more than 10 days receive re­ that the Georgetown president The convocation was called to c!procity, or out-of-state, registra­ will issue a statement later this honor Dr. Henrich Kronstein, for­ tlOn tags. This year, with many week. merly a professor at the George- new student cars on campus, the In this statement it is expected town Law Center. Also honored pre.dicament of the metropolitan that Fr. Campbell will open up were some 33 full-time and part­ police was once again brought to the records of automobiles regis- time faculty members who have light. tered at Georgetown to the D.C. completed 20 years of service to The presence of the city-wide police only in case of a serious the University. parking service, Parking Service accident involving a stUdent's car Dr. Kronstein was awarded a Inc., on campus this year brought on a metropolitan street. It is doctorate of laws honoris causa. An the problem to a head. Many stu­ assumed that Fr. Campbell will expert in corporate and business dents, especially those with traf­ recommend that all students com- law, he is director of Georgetown's fic violations recorded with the ply with the D.C. law and acquire Institute for International and D.C. pOlice, were afraid that the reciprocity tags, but also that he Foreign Trade Law. A native of metropolitan police would be given will close off the records of cars Germany, he was educated at the Father Campbell outlined GeorgetoWn',;; sentiments on academic free­ easy access to the records of cars registered at Georgetown in all University of Berlin, Columbia Law dom at the Faculty Convocation last Saturday_ The convoca.ti~n hon­ registered at Georgetown. The stu­ but the most serious of accident School, and the Georgetown Law ored Dr. Heinrich Kronstein. Thirty-three faculty members received dents feared that they would face cases. Center" where he received a doc- the Vicennial Medal. Thursday, October 12, 1967 Page Two THE DOrA Wall Culture To Get Boost As Yard Holds Art Contest Although John Druska of "Sac­ that the individual Hoya can entrepreneur of this event, says red Cheese" fame treated graffi­ muster for the sake of diversion, the response has been most favor­ ti as a true "art form," the Yard taste, and pure fun." He also ex­ able and will continue announce­ Cultural Committee has offered the pressed the hope that the covered ments in the daily bulletin readers of wall culture a new and graffiti will find itself expressed through this week to handle exa"Ct hopefully more tasteful presenta­ in its true underground environ­ rules for the entries and other tion of campus talent.
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