ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 20. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1883 glfflgimm\ PRICE THREE CENTS. Pail.12’A®13VSr THE PORTLAND Hon. Sain). whose barn was also de- A Savoy Village Destroyed. ganization of tbe obligations to God and man, ROGER AMERO. Fowl.10@18c DAILf PRESS. Woods, (fuller. | ANOTHER CYCLONE. stroyed 20.—The of Ho mentioned nine topics for instruction: 1. Published every day London, May village Langefoy, Creamery.23 & 24c Meeds. (Sundays except*® by the tiKAPH. Farther south the bouses Iu as a basis of manners, and B¥ TELi storm levelled farm Savoy, has been almost entirely destroyed Unselfishness, good (Hit Edge Ver....20*23c Red Top.4 26®4 60 of others. 2. for PORTLAND PIBLISHIAG t'O., and barns. The storm extended as far south by tire, only four buildings remaining stand- regard for tbe rights Respect Choice.18®20c Timothy.2 10(42 80 as Lltcbtield. Not far from that a rail- made superiors and the aged, as a check to the rude- Clover... AT 97 METEOROU JGICAL,. place ing, Four hundred persons are homeless Heard of Him Good.lf»^16c .leWsley* Exchange Bt„ Portland, Be ness of the IS. Obedience to What the Poet 'Reporters Store.12 al4c Kaisins road bridge was swept awav aud a passenger in Berlin. youth of to-day. FOB THB NEXT Violent Storm Muscatel.2 60 INDICATIONS TWENTY'FOUR Terrible Ravages of the Gale in train on the ludianapolis & St. Louis railroad rightfnl authority. 4. Control of appetite, In Portland. t'heeae. 0002 the PRESS' 20.—A violent Btorui raged 5. Vermont .,..14 'alGMi London Lav'r 2 6042 60 MA1NE~"kTATE HOURS. plunged Into a ravine. The engineer of the IUklin, May temper, and evil and vicious propensities. t pubUihed Thursday here to-day, and did much to the hygi- N Y Fact*j.. 14 (31GVi Ondura VaI..lO%0ll% every Morning at <2.60 a Dep’t Office Western Cities. train was killed and the tlreman scalded, prob- damage Cultivation of the positive virtue?, kindness, if paid in advanoo at War Chief Siunal ( enic exhibition Haiti the year, <2.00 a year. ably fatally. But nine of the were building. penetrated honesty, truthfulness, etc. .0. Respect for and Applet*. Oranges. Officer. Washington, D. C. i passengers roof, and the walls of the Austrian Ealing l> bbl. .4 60(35 Valencia..... 00 hurt. Another a man named partition obedience to as a means of 00| .7S|60a9 A. M. sufferer, young law, developing .18319 6045 60 Rated on Advertising: One lneh of tbe May 21,1 department were overthrown. Several persons tax- Evaporated |Mb Florida.4 Maee. Liter, died this morniug, making six dead sounder views in regard to legal authority, The telegraph Friday night announced that Dried Messina.3 6044 60 of column, const Rates a “square.** For New England, were i Apple*.. .8| lMfijtii there. The dead at Greasy prairie now num- Injured. ation, etc. 7. Patriotism and the claims of the the Boston Post traced the Sliced ...9 Palermo.2 26 $1.60 per square, daily first week: 76 cents per reporters Amero, &9V4 76®3 Cloudy rainy weather, southerly, to Persons Killed at ber four—a man named a twelve year A Murderer Reprieved. State upon us. 8. observance of the Mugnr. week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; eontlnu shifting Twentj-Five Undue* English, Proper of Mrs. Carlton in Watertown) northwest wiuds, or lower old iu Sabbath, t). Due for all God s murderer Granulated Messina.3 00 lng every other day after first week, 50 oantc. stationary tempera- hoy named Blackman and two children Dublin, 20.—Delaney, one of the Phto regard require- p lb_9Va 0004 followed May to and Post Extra .8*ft Palermo .3 00*3 26 Half square, three insertions or less, 76 cents; ture, by rising barometer. Wisconsin. the Westroat family, making ten deaths in this ulx Park murderers, has been reprieved. ments. Methods must vary. in primary and Mass., Portland, Saturday’s gives ue week, $1.00; 60 oents per week after. SPECIAL BULLETIN. County. Notes. mixed schools advantage should lie taken of what heard of him while in this city: Pointers* Special Foreign they bu*h— Noticks, one-third additional. The barometer is lowest in West de- suclt eveuts as may servo to enforce moral Karly Rose, ? Under head of “Amusements” and ••Auction Virginia Clinton, 111., May 11).—A terrirte and A Loudon despatch says Wm. Chambers, A man resembling him was seen on the for- Moulton. HKGAHQ and highest in Montana. Rain has fallen in truth. In more advanced schools this should Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- structive cyoloue, sevoutj-live yurds In width, LL D., the well kuowu Is dead, aged ward platform of a car of a passenger train in Maine Central.80w8S all districts east of the publisher, be supplemented by occasional brief talks, tions or less, $1.50. Mississippi river, ex- from southeast passed over a portion of De- 8*$. the vicinity of Portland early in the afternoon Grand Trunk.....80®88 tile South which should enforce lessons drawn from the Advertisements Inserted in the “Mauds State cept Atlantic States. Soulherly Many Killed or Terribly Injured in Witt county last night, doing considerable Messrs. Davltt, Mealy and Quinn have been of Monday, March It) (the murder was commit- Prolittcs, Kasteru. |80 Press has a circulation In winds in the conduct of the scholars and appeal to their Burbanks. 80 (which large every part prevail Ailantio Coast Stales. In damage wherever It struck. It was funnel forbidden to receive visitors in of ted March The man was leaning out from of the inser- eousequenoo sense of honor and 18.) Grand State), for $1.00 per square for first the other districts are Hall justice. High schools, and Trunk. 80 they mostly northerly. Illinois shape uud revolved with great rapidity. their recent tellers forwarding subscriptions to the car, holding on to the railing, looking Jacksons and White Brooks 75 tion, and 50 cents por square for each ihnequent The has risen in the At- academies and colleges should provide for In- Insertion. temperature slightly fellas large as hickory nuts. In all eleven the Parnell fuud and condemning the Pope’s intently at the ground as though intending to lantic Coast and struction by text book or lectures. States, fallen in the other farm houses were wrroked and the oc- circular. off in soma soft A few thoments Railroad utterly Mr. Fernald was followed Mr. jump spot. Receipt,* districts. rnude by Purr, who himself Address all communications to cupants homeless. later the man was seen picking np PoKTLAbD. May 19. Colder is ou said that we have more Instruction in meta- weather indicated Tuesday in TELKUKAMB. a where he had tumbled wheu for Portland PORTLAND PUBLISHlkd OO. St. Lotus, May It*.—The Globe-Democrat'8 MINOR lie from sandbank Received by Maine Central Railroad, _ New than morals, further of the England, Middle and South Atlantic physics spoke he He climbed the bank and 31 cars miscelianeon* merchandise; for connecting Missouri and Dakota Also Suffer Ex- Cairo special says tbe little tuwu of Marquiud) The tour mash distillery of the New Hope fact that the school reaches took his leap. up States. public many who roads 74 cars miscellaneous merchandise. on the Iron Mountain was blown to and sweet mash of 8. accosted a man who was watching him, and railroad, OistliHug Co. distillery have no moral instruction elsewhere, and that tensive by a tornado about 5 this eve- Miles & at New were burned asked to have bis wrist examined to see if it SPECIAL NOTICES. Damage. pieoes o’clock Co., Hope, Ky., we reach the children and youth here in their Or? Reeds Wholesale tlarkei. MAINE. ning. Every bouse In town Is said to have Loss was broken. The wrist was examined care- Saturday. 840,000. practical, everyday life. The allowing quotations are wholesale prices and been demolished. No lives lost. fully and it was found that no bones were Three negroes were whipped at Wilmington' lie tirst article on the atternoou .. pro- cor ret »1 dally by Storer Bros. * Co„ Dry Goods. but tbe wrht was badlv sprained. He A 4>el., for was the of the committee in- broken, Wooleosaud Fancy Goods, 144 to 152 Middle street: COLINV1LLK, 111., May 20.—Several miles Saturday petty larceuy. gramme report cn off the train for south of was asked what be jumped UNBLEACHKD COTTOIC*. THE MAINE CENTRAL this city the residences of Frank Bice Alexander son of Hon. J. Pres- struction In language. The committee con- DISASTER. Scott, Scott, and said: "Some one told me that I was on Heavy nn in. ivam uva rue #-*• .1**1/ Springfield, ill May lit.—About 7 o’clock aud George Baker were demolished the ident of sisted of Prof. of Bowdoin FOSTER’S by ilut Alleghany Valley Railroad Co., Chapman College; the train and so I off.” He was Med. mi in. 1V% Fine 8-4.18^22 last eveniug a heavy lliumler storm accompan- storm Friday Mrs. Frank Mrs. has Hunt. Tash of Portiaud aud Miss Starrett of wrong jumped night, Uice, been killed at Madison, N. M., in an affray he was to Light mi in. 5 « Fine 9-4.22(326 ied wiud over this It terribly excited and said goiDg New @ by strong passed oily. George Baker and two of the latter's with Belfast. The had been prepared by Miss «*ine 40 In. 9 Fine 10-4.. 32 V* Carpet grand greasers. report Brunswick. He called at a bouse near and 7V4® ..27i*f was severe in the southern by FOREST CITY DYE HOUSE Engineer Kilgore's Disobedience of Or- particularly portion children were killed outright aud three other Starrett, aud was read by Mr.
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