Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Bra şov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 Series VI: Medical Sciences SANITARY MONOGRAPH OF RÂ ŞNOV TOWN – AND THE SANITARY CAMPAIGN FROM 1938 Liliana ROGOZEA 1 Abstract: Developing sanitary campaigns in the county of Bra şov emerged as absolute necessity under the conditions of the first half of the 20 th century and especially during the period in-between World Wars. The case study comprised within the article herein – led to achieving the sanitary monograph of Râ şnov town, valuable information source even within current period. Key words: sanitary campaign, sanitary monograph, Bra şov medicine history. 1. Introduction [3, 4, 7] optimal methods of morbidity and mor- tality reduction. What happened in the first half of the 20 th This way, through the actions organized century at Bra şov were not determinant me- in 1933 there are: disinfections, children’s dical facts for the evolution of humankind. BCG anti-tuberculosis vaccination (63% in Bra şov remains an organization and coagu- 1932), anti-smallpox vaccination, preven- lation model of the local community in order tively sending children to seaside, isolating to face the medical issues brought along by a TB patients. sanitary system with many problems. It is We likewise remark the modern manner likewise the place where the doctors were of obtaining the data upon the sanitary actively involved in the prevention activity; situation within education units „ detailed therefore it might be a model for other and precise sanitary surveys were worked localities. The apparition of hospitals, upon by the circumscription doctors on all balneary structures, the elaboration of books schools throughout the county, knowing and treaties have made Bra şov a city wherein thereby the schools under all necessary the medical staff honored its presence and hygienic aspects ”. proved that, inclusively in a provincial town, Organizing public health at Bra şov has a medical life might have important few particularities; this way there are achievements for the respective community. worth noticing the quality of the sanitary monographs of the localities within Bra şov 2. Organization of public health [1, 2, 5, 6, County, a permanent preoccupation for 7, 8] achieving balanced medical circum- scriptions and the development of public The county sanitary service was an health campaigns. active organism, in permanent search for 1 Transilvania” University, Faculty of Medicine, Braşov, Romania. 108 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Bra şov • Vol. 3 (52) - 2010 • Series VI 3. Public health campaigns. The specialized consultations are 1-2 times a campaign from 1938 [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, week given by the primary doctors from 14, 15] Bra şov, who go into the respective villages 1-2 times a week, in clusters of 7-8 Out of the public health campaigns individuals .” Beside the consultations, developed in Bra şov, the most complex is disinfections were initiated, samples were the one from 1938, presented in Gazeta de taken for para-clinical explorations, Transilvania numbers: 58, 61, 64, 79, 80, radioscopies were effected, medicines 88 and 89. The campaign was initiated by were administered. the Ministry of Health under the title Both examining doctors and primary “Sanitary Offensive” and benefited from doctors were under obligation to give the support of local authorities. Out of the lectures, in the end of the day, upon themes lot of villages where the campaign of public health. unfolded, the localities: Cristian, Vulcan. On community level, measures of Ghimbav, H ălchiu, Feldioara, Rotbav, administrative order were discussed. Măieru ş, Bod, Sânpetru, H ărman. Satunou, For Bra şov „ special attention is given to Purc ăreni, Zizin missed; deemed as having tuberculosis and syphilis (pellagra and a better living standard; but in their case malaria are not issues tangent to the the decision was “ to be examined by the county); then dwelling, industry sanitation, doctor of the respective circ., according to street sweeping, watering, garbage the same method of the teams .”. removal, toilet cleaning .” The localities wherein the teams went During the campaign, the Ministry sent were: Z ărne şti, Poiana M ărului, Holbav, to Bra şov the Baths-Train and Roentgen Râ şnov, łân Ńari, Crizbav, Apa Ńa, Prejmer, motor vehicle apparatus. “The baths-train, Budila, Mârcu ş, Dobârl ău, T ărlungeni, consisting in water cistern and boiler, an Satulung, Cernatu, Sita Buz ăului, Vama air oven under pressure for disinfestations, Buz ăului, Bran, Simon, Moeciul de sus şi a wagon with 40 warm water showers, a de jos, Fundata, Şirnea, Pe ştera, M ăgura, dressing-undressing wagon and 2 wagons Tohanul vechi şi nou, 29 of the 47 village for the staff is functioning in railway clusters undergoing the campaign, which stations from dawn till evening .” During represents 61.5%. the campaign, in the baths-train “11075 The team consisting in 7 examining individuals were bathed, which means doctors, named by the Ministry of 1.000 per day. Among these, there were Health, whereto the circumscription 4878 children, 3502 men and 2696 doctor, the nurse and local midwives, the women ”, “which imply that our population town hall delegate add, established is willing and is applied to take a bath, if it several working formations, which is possible and free .” Likewise “1096 would search every locality: „ visiting all individuals were cropped and trimmed, houses, all families, writing the found 1077 persons were de-loused through facts in the family sheets; the day result petroleum-oil unction and the clothes of being recapitulated in the day reports, 1470 individuals were disinfected-de- and all day reports in a village being loused, especially workers, gypsies, concentrated in an overall report of the tramps ”. respective village .” Roentgen apparatus had been used in The campaign was an occasion to ensure Bra şov for 5 days, making approximately medical assistance “Necessary consulta- 700-800 examinations per day, confirming tions are immediately provided; and many known cases of tuberculosis and ROGOZEA, L. : Sanitary Monograph of Râşnov Town – and the Sanitary Campaign from 1938 109 registering others. chapters and appendices. In the campaign, the following doctors The sanitary cartography of all issues were involved: dr. Nicolae C ăliman, chief ensured not only a very good knowledge of doctor of the hygiene laboratory, dr. Ulpiu the territorial situation, the possibility of Ştefan, chief doctor of Bra şov town, dr. E. conceiving programs of sanitary education Colbazi, dr. Mo şoiu, dr. Jakab, dr. M Papp or coherent prophylactic actions on the doctors at M ărzescu hospital, dr. level of the entire county, but also a O.Pecurariu, dr. T Pri şcu, dr. E. Dorea, dr. modality of becoming acquainted with the M. Suciu-Sibiau, dr A. Wolf, dr. Citter, dr. neuralgic points in sanitary organization R. Dorca, doctors of the Polyclinic and the possibility to take adequate Ambulatory from Bra şov, dr. Lazarovici, measures in case an epidemy broke out. military doctor. Chapter I comprised information upon: In the 29 examined village clusters, there geographic position (altitude, latitude and are 16711 households, whereof were longitude, political borders and examined “15553, which is 92 per cent ... subdivisions, surface, distances, railways, The rest could not be examined, as either water ways, roads etc.), topography some houses were abandoned, not dwelled (description of hills, field valleys), geology or the dwellers had emigrated for some time (superficial stratum, foundation stratum, farther in order to work .” 52745 inhabitants special phenomena), hydrography (rivers, were examined, which is 72.7% out of the lakes, pools, river courses, subterranean population of the examined villages, waters), vegetation (forests, plants, aquatic whereof 85% were healthy. plants), terrain surface yielding corn, As regards the hygienic conditions, in wheat, vineyards, orchards, vegetable the 29 localities, only 2 were noted to have gardens etc.), fauna (wild, domestic centralized water system (aqueduct), in the animals), number and nature of industries, rest fountains existing: 3704 hygienic, use of the water motric force (dams, plants, 1629 not hygienic, however 7732 houses turbines, canals, irrigations), works of existed without their own fountain; public utility (streets, parks, street lighting, likewise 4203 houses had no toilet, 5510 aerial gas, electricity). were hygienic, and 5117 not hygienic. The Chapter II is dedicated to climatic data: majority of the houses were in wood, temperature (minimal, maximal, medium, (8574), the rest being of stone (7429) and thermal curve), humidity, precipitations earth (119). (rain, season distribution, maximum of There were given 36 conferences on precipitations), snow, ice, fog, winds (wind medical education, whereof 18 by the speed, season conditions). doctors of the central team and 6 by the Chapter III – Population has the circumscription doctors. following subchapters: population (details upon the census from the previous years), 4. Sanitary monographs of the localities population classification (sex, marital [16] status, age groups), population density, races and nationalities, religion, education One of the most important results of the (analphabetism, school attendance, local sanitary campaign was the elaboration of publications), local administrative orga- the locality sanitary monographs. nization, inhabitants’ occupations, econo- The sanitary monograph of every locality mic status
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