eam teabr Eitfttbta Sfnd& A rehearsal for the Rainbow min­ night and this can be doas by con- many cases depleted and nnleas the strel will take plaoa Monday night OaUANCUIB DRAMA tactlng either Mr. Coleman. J. Ray­ -Of tba flra department aa their I THE WEATHER lOlITTOWN at 7 o’clock in the Masonic Temple. weather warms up and bitoga out foreeaat e ( U. B. Weatlmr mond Fogarty or WUbrod Messier ot the bloeemns there wiU be no fur­ ^ CQMPIEIE LISTS avesta at the banquet to be held In the committee, or by pbcalng the K. ICE-CUBESi MMt \ ther food. Before a bee will starve April aim pfiaon who Waa a mem­ _r o f the Chrla- Mias Beatrice Sweeney and Miss TOMORROW EVENDKI o t C. home, 3870. to death It wUl fight and the strong­ ber df any ot- tha five Cbmpanlea _ -------- Bbui Society will be Dorothy Dalton of Porter street are Report already received by the OFFIRECOMPANIESi ,. SOrrlMST THIS er bee will be the winner. This ia r that flrat made up the department an a f UreoiaUana tajlR bt at S o’clock the Sub- spending the Easter holidays in committee promisee a large party Fhlr mmS eontiawd eaM tmUgwi I in Pagreant Under Direction of likely to result In the number ot can help out tha eommlttee by can- CMb. All members are i Washington, D. C. for Wednesday nlgbt, but the oom- m Kft-Dm ViuiiM uu MAAr/'UiPa'rE'xy a .... - _______________ ■ and TUenday. bees ready to go to work aiwi AH W ho-Have Been Members log the houae o f tha company of I ta bo preaent Thomas Maxwell to Be Given mittse meeting tomorrow morning M A N C H E S T E R - A ( T T Y O F V I L L A G E ( H A R M hon 'y next year leas than when the Which they were originally membera m a m s t h i m ! at Sooth Church. will make sure that the necessary of Any South End Company and regiatering. m the caae o f the AdvevtMng Pag* it.) arrangements for the resu'vaUons bees hived up last faU to r their win­ N a S o f tbs South BRITTON SELF-PORm iT Asked to Register. comHned N a 4 and N a 8 oompan- •••M L IA S tS TH IM MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1937 are take care of. ter vacation. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTsl nre departmeat extla- The CeclUan club under the direc­ tea the original memben o f theee a dUmney Sro at 38 Sum- tion Thomas Maxwell will pre­ companiea can make their nglstra- IN ACADEMY EXHIBIT o t Although a eommitte taaa been tlon by caUlng No. 4 houae. INSTANTLY-TIVD > atioet yeoterday afternoon. sent an Easter drama, “The Third STAITS GIRL SCOUTS named by each o f the preaent four Day,” tomorrow at 7:30 p. m., at MUD WINTER INJURED o o m ^ ie s o f the Sotlth M a n c h ^ r OR A DOZEN A T A I O X e e fa a resident o f Man- First Showing of Late Man­ the South Methodist church. The fire department to learn the namee ‘ for <8 years, is at the Uan- chester Man’s Work There club will provide the entire evening BEESk A PIA R IST S S A Y TOMEETONAPUaiO o f aU Oie membera who m ala up t i m e ! a n o stores ■ Ifemortal hospital. He bss in Many Years. program, supported by a number ot O P E N A G A I N 100% MORl iw member o f the choir of S t young men of the church. The annual spring meeting o f the Mancheater Are department when It f s church since the church There will close tomorrow at 5 The story of the events of the Came Out of Confinement Too OonnecUcut Girl Scouts will be held <0 Jmaia ego. there ' was formed, but wiil be unabie FOR BUSINESS RESERVEt o’clock the annual spring exhibition third day has been taken by Mr. Early and Food Supply la Saturday, April 10 at Connecticut R .R LABOR ACT CONSTITUTIONA I part in the Easter mueit Maxwell from the 37th chapter of complete recorda. A a It la the In- of the Connecticut Academy of Fine Low; Early Blossoms Help. College for Women, New London, CULOTTA BARBER SHOP| I in the Church tomorrow Arts at the Morgan Memorial, Hart­ Matthew, and has been pn>ien.ed In ^U on of the department of today with morning session at 10:80. Mrs. 84 Oak Street ford. Of particular Interest to an Impressive drama of three scenes Adam G. Quandt of Hartford, Mrs. to have aU of the original membera with effective costuming, realistic Bees work to store food for the M odel Strangrled In Triple Slaying Manchester is a self-portrait o f the winter and early spring and only Charles E Rush o f New Haven and DETROIT’S PARLEY LOYALISTS RIP I home o f John R. Dwyer of stage settings and special iUuminat late James Britton painted in 1921 those having an active part 'n the Mias Marjorie Murphy o f Boston ^ lit street, damaged by lire two in the old Holbein studioa, New Ing effects. production of the honey that is will discuss camping. Luncheon will Bths ago, will a g ^ be occupied York, loaned in memorlam by bis stored aA allowed to live. Accord be served at 12:30. President Kath­ t.week, repairs having been widow. Britton was one o f the A DEEP SALIENT SUPREME COURT RULE Ing to apiarists the bees In Man erine Blunt of the college will be ut completed. last well known artists to occupy K. OF C .R A U COMMITTEE CONTINUES; LEWIS’ the guest o f honor and music will Holbein studio, which was tom cheater face an unusual condition Colonial Bed Spread — today and only the fittest will i;ur- be furnished by«the college orches­ ; The annual Easter breakfast will dowm. in the middle twrentles to IN NORTHWEST TO M En TOMORROW vive unless there is a sudden bloom­ tra. Mrs. Chester G. MarsbaJI, lerved at the y . M. C. A. tomor- make way for an apartment house. national arta and crafts advisor, The portrait now hanging in the ing of flowers ,to give more food for mornlng between the hours ot the bees. will be the special guest speaker>at Antique Crocheting Yam AjDES IN CHAR® Connecticut Academy is a fine ex THAT GROUP DEALIN^ until 10:80. An attractive menu J afternoon meeting from 3 to 3 ample of rlngingly frank statement Final Details of Wednesday The weqther this winter has been Sodden Shift Imperils Ni t s I* I been prepared, and it is not .oo o’clock, after which a tour w:ll be AT BULL PRICES in paint— motional in color, alive Night’s Party to Be Checked so warm at different times that the to make reservations. Those taken through the college buildings wrlth the challenge yet toleraiibe of at Knight’s Home at 10:30. bees have come out of their dor­ Tetephonc 5847 U . U W . , 1, y wish to do so should call the mant condition and have left the and arboretum. Those who plan to pend, Rebel Coocentra* , 7308, at once. a powerful personality. It is the first of Britton’s work in many hives to fly around. When a bee ex­ attend are requested to notify Mrs. Maurice Coleman, chairman of the J. S. Brown of Henry street before MANDATE IS GOOD U # years to bang with the Academy. ercises, as they do In flying, it re­ Arranges for AsMstants tbn Pom^ Cordoba Drhre Dorothy Hillman of 65 Knights o f Columbtis annual ball April 3. Although an organizer and charter quires energy and the only way Abal The Manchester Net Co. .uee street Is spending the L.as- and dinner party which ta to ks neld R. J. Pritchard member of the organization Britton at the Rainbow hall, Bolton, next energy ia produced is tbrougn food. Telephone 8553 LEADER IN m P I ‘ week-end in New York City and early became dissociated from It. Wednesday evening, has called a The result is that tile winter and to Take Part m Disins- guest at the Hotel Astor. Wagner Law, JoTohred T, The Immediate reasog for breaking meeting o* the committee arranging spring supply of food stored qp Is away from it makes a moat Interest­ for the party at the Knights ot Col­ summer and last fall, has been In In Manchester — It’s High Court Upholds B t Margaret’s Circle, Daughters sions With Chrysler Corp. AFFADiS IS DEAD ing story in Itself. He never re- umbus home Sunday morning at Madrid, March 29.— (A P ) — The ^ Isabella, will conduct a food sale idfiliated, primarily because o f his 10:80. A t that time a checkup will government suddenly shifted Its ‘ 1 aftemoao at 2 o’clock In the life long opposition to the syaUm be made on the number of reserva­ KENP’S, Inc. Lansing, Mich., March 29— (A P ) center of operations to Northwest of Apply to Railroad W orl| building on Depot Square o f juries and prize giving which Is tions that have been made and final CONRAN’S Frigidaire Sales and Service One of Manchester's Best Frazier - Lem ke A c t Margaret Wilson is chairman generally part of an academy's rou­ detaUa for tje reception will be com- B I N G O A N D d a n c e —High officials of the Chrysler Madrid today and.
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