PUBLISHED DAILY under orde? of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * COMPLETE Record of 7. S. GOVERNMENT Activities VO,. 2 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1918. No. 486 POST-WAR FOREIGN TRADE RESTRICTIONS ON SHORT SALES CHILE AND PERU ARE URGED BOARD QUESTION SHOULD OF COTTON CONTRACTS REMOVED INSTATE DEPARTMENT NOTE Order of Distribution Commit- AWAIT PEACE CONFERENCE tee Issued on iNovember 13 TO COMPOSE DIFFERENCES; OUTCOME, SAYS MR. BARUCHl Is Rescinded. EXPRESSES GRAVE CONCERN The committee on cotton distribution TALKS OF CONTRACTS of the War Industries Board sent the DUTY TO THE WORLD following telegram on December 9, 1918, to the presidents of the New York and Chairmanof War Industries New Orleans Cotton Exchanges: President Informs Two Re- " Please read from the rostrum of your Board Explains 'ThatFunc- exchange before the opening Monday 'publics That Those Who tions of His Organization morning, post on the bulletin board, and Cause Agitation Tending send to each member firm carrying con- Regarding Contracts. Are tracts the following notice: to Lessen the Prospect "The prohibition of foreign and specu- Entirely Advisory and Jative short selling of contracts on the of World Peace Will Be Consultative-Contractors New York and New Orleans Cotton Ex- Charged changes, ordered by the committee on with ('rave Re- Should Not Lose. cotton dietribution on November 13, was sponsibility. an emergency measure. The War Industries Board authorizes " The conditions that existed following The American Ambassador at Santi- the signing of the armistice have been the following: ago, Chile, and the American Minister at relieved and the emergency has passed. Lima, Peru, have handed the of the War Presidents B. M. Baruch, chairman " Our Government having made trade of Chile and Peru, respectively, the fol- Industries Board, at his weekly confer- agreements with neutral nations, the ex- lowing statement by direction of Acting ence with the newspaper correspondents, port of cotton to all but enemy countries Secretary Polk of the State Department. i" now assured. discussed briefly the proposal for the "Available tonnage in sufficient quan- " The President of the United creating of a commission to promote tity to allow of exports fully 50 per cent States desires to inform your Excel- American foreign trade, and the matter in excess of last season's shipments is lency that the various incidents of cancellation of war contracts. Re- more than probable. leading up to the severance of con- garding the request of the President that " The requirements of spinners and sular relations between the Repub- Mr. Baruch hold himself in readiness manufacturers can now be bought and lies of Chile and Peru have been too proceed to Paris in connection with moved without w ar-time restrictions. viewed by the Government of the the industrial and ecoLmlic aspects of " Confidence is restored, and under the United States with the gravest ap- the peace agreement, Mr. Baruch de- circumstances the restrictions placed on prehension. Any agitation tending clared that he was unable to say when the New York and New Orleans Cotton to lessen the prospect for permanent he would sail, the date being a matter Exchanges on November 13 are hereby peace throughout the world, partion- not et determined. removed. larly on the eve of the convoking of " The committee wishes to express to the Peace Conference in Paris, in Too Early to Porm Commission. the officers and members of the New Or- which it is confidently expected that Mr. Baruch said that he was not pre- leans and New York Cotton Exchanges steps will be taken to provide for an pared as yet to present the recommenda- its sincere appreciation of the splendid era of lasting peace among all peo- tions concerning the creation of the pro- spirit of cooperation and helpfulness ex- ples, would be disastrous and those posed commission to promote foreign hibited by them in making effective the persons who had caused this condi- trade and regarded-the time as inoppor- order of the committee." tion would be chargqd with grave tune to proceed with this. He was of responsibility before the world for the opinion that it would be better to their actions. await the outcome of conferences at FINLAND PROHIBITS PASSAGE " The President of the United Paris which would clear up the situation, States feels it his duty to draw to and also thought that more inforina- OF BOLSHEVIK REPRESENTATIVES the attention of the Governments of tion should be gathered concerning the Chile and Peru the gravity of the question. The State Department has been ad- present situation and to point out to vised that the Finnish Government has these Cancellation of Contracts. Governments the duty which refused to permit bolshevik representa- they owe to the rest of the world The chairman's attention was directed tives free passage over Finnish terri- and to mankind in general to take to complaints made by certain contrac- tory or to allow the transport of bol- immediate steps to restrain popular tors'concerning the matter of cancella- shevik literature in Finland. Bolsheviki agitation and to reestablish their tions of contracts and methods of making found participating in any such traffic peaceful relations. adjustments. He explained once more will be arrested, it is reported, the Fin- "That a satisfactory and peaceful that the function of the War Industries nish Government's purpose in taking solution of the matter in dispute be- Board regarding contracts was entirely these steps being in the interest of main- tween the two countries may be ar- advisory and consultative. Cancellations tenance of order. rived at there can be no doubt and were reported to the board in order that the Government of the United States AXBASSADOR PAGE GOES TO PARIS. the board might release raw materials to stands ready to tender alone, or in civilian needs and acquaint the Depart- Ambassador Page, at Rome, accom- conjunction with the other countries ment of Labor with the fact that a cer- panied by the third secretary of the Em- of this hemisphere, all possible as- tain amount of labor had been released bassy and the naval attache there, have sistance to bring about an equitable (Continued on page 2.) left that post for Paris. solution of the matter." 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1918. PRESIDENT THANKS SOLDIERS HELD BY DUTY FROM THEATER List of the Military Units Sailing OF ACTIVE WAR OPERATIONS For United States December 8 and 9 WAR DEPARTMENT GENERAL ORDER The Chief of Staff authorizes the re- tients, 1,419. divided as follows: Bedrid- lease of the following information: den, 100; mental, 50; isolated, 38; others, Transport H. R. Mallory sailed from not requiring special attention, 1,231. Country Holds Them in Grateful France December 8 with 143d Regi- Total, 3.981. ment Field Artillery, headquarters, sani- Transport Celtic sailed from Liverpool Appreciation, States 'Announce- tary detachment, Ordnance detachment, for New York December 8 with following ment - Regulations Governing headquarters company, band, supply com- organizations: 814th Pioneer Infantry, pany, detachment and batteries A and B, colored, headquarters, 3d Battalion, Service Chevrons Amended. 10 officers, 492 men; 65th Field Artillery Headquarters Company, Medical Detach- Brigade headquarters, 3 officers, 55 men; ment, 36 officers, 1,119 men; Casual Com- 921 sick and wounded classified as fol- pany, No. 1051, 2 oflicers, 143 men; Casual The following general order is made lows: Bedridden. 30; mental, 1; tubercu- Company, No. 1052, 2 officers, 147 men; public by the War Department: lar, 6; requiring no special attention, 884; Casual Company, No. 1053, 2 officers, 150 1. The President desires on behalf of of these. 32 officers, 889 men. Total, 1,481. men; Casual Company, No. 1054, 2 offi- the Nation, to express his appreciation Transport Rappahannock sailed from cers, 77 men; Casual Company, No. 1055, France December 6 with I officer, 28 men, 2 officers, 151 men; Casual Company, No. of the vita ly essential and self-sacrificing total 29, of the 5th Railroad Artillery 1056, colored, 2 officers, 164 men; Head- service given by officers and men whom Ordnance Repair Shop. quarters in charge of above Casual Com- military necessity has held and is holding Transport Leviathan sailed from panies, 3 officers; casuals, 28 officers. 8 for the performance of duties outside the France December 8 with following troops men; civilian employee, male 1; nurses on board: Casual Company, No. 301, 2 on duty, 4; medical detachment, 8 offi- theater of active operations. Their con- officers, 136 men; Casual Company, No. cers, 15 men; patients 224) classified as trfbution td military success is no less 302. 2 officers, 136 men; Casual Company, follow§-tubercular, 2 officers, 4 men; than that of those who have had oppor- No. 303, 2 officers, 140 men; Casual Com- mental, 1 female nurse, 2 officers, 1 man; tunity for s rvice at the front. On them pany, No. 304, 2 officers, 131 men; Casual bed ridden, 1 officer, 68 men; others not Company, No. 305. 2 officers, 148 men; requiring special attention, 63 officers, 75 devolved the creation of the great armies Casual Company, No. 306, 2 officers, 150 men, 2 female nurses, 1 female civilian. of the Nation and their supply with the men; Casual Company, No. 307, 2 officers, Totals, 155 officers, 2,122 enlisted men, 7 equipment and stores indispensable to 147 men; Casual Company, No. 308, 2 female nurses, 1 female civilian, and 1 military operation. Without them,, the officers, 147 men; Casual Company, No. male civilian. 309. 2 officers, 147 men; Casual Company, Transport Martha Washington sailed troops abroad could have accomplished No. 310, 2 officers, 147 men; Casual Comn- from France on December 9th with fol- nothing.
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