H2160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 20, 2005 hath no man than this, that a man lay urge all Members to support this legis- Resolved, That the House of Representa- down his life for his friends.’’ lation. tives— Sergeant Byron Norwood loved his Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance (1) joins with all Americans to send best country, and we as a Nation can do of my time. wishes and prayers to the families, friends, and neighbors of the 168 people killed in the something to honor the sacrifice he The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah made in saving the lives of those seven Federal Building; Marines. Today I ask my colleagues’ the gentleman from Texas (Mr. (2) thanks the thousands of first respond- support for legislation to name the MARCHANT) that the House suspend the ers, rescue workers, medical personnel, and post office in Pflugerville after Ser- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1001. volunteers from the Oklahoma City commu- geant Byron Norwood. The question was taken; and (two- nity and from communities around the Na- When I approached Bill and Janet thirds having voted in favor thereof) tion who answered the call for help that Norwood with the idea of naming the the rules were suspended and the bill April morning and in the days and weeks post office in Pflugerville after their was passed. that followed; (3) sends best wishes and thoughts to those son, they were humble; but they want- A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. injured in the bombing, and expresses grati- ed to make sure that this bill would tude for their recovery; honor not only Byron but all of our f (4) resolves to stand with all Americans to fallen heroes, and today we can honor RECOGNIZING A NATIONAL WEEK promote the goals and mission established their request. OF HOPE IN COMMEMORATION by the Oklahoma City National Memorial as In a letter sent to me by Sergeant stated in the following mission statement of OF THE 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY the memorial: ‘‘We come here to remember Norwood’s mother, Janet, they wrote a OF THE TERRORIST BOMBING IN very compelling and powerful message those who were killed, those who survived, OKLAHOMA CITY and those changed forever. May all who leave to me. This is a picture of Sergeant Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I here know the impact of violence. May this Byron Norwood and she wrote to me, move to suspend the rules and agree to memorial offer comfort, strength, peace, ‘‘Representative MCCAUL, we wanted the resolution (H. Res. 184) recognizing hope, and serenity.’’; you to know how much we have appre- (5) encourages Americans to observe a Na- a National Week of Hope in commemo- ciated your visits to our home. It was tional Week of Hope— ration of the 10-year anniversary of the a pleasure to meet you and Linda and (A) to commemorate the 10th anniversary terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City. of the Oklahoma City bombing; and to be able to share more about Byron The Clerk read as follows: with you. Knowing that you and so (B) to allow each American to participate H. RES. 184 in an event each day of that week to teach a many other Americans honor and re- lesson that— spect his sacrifice helps greatly to ease Whereas on April 19, 1995, at 9:02 a.m. cen- tral daylight time in Oklahoma City, Okla- (i) hope can exist in the midst of political our sorrows. homa, America was attacked in one of the violence; ‘‘Thank you also for the flag, the one worst terrorist attacks on American soil, (ii) good endures in the world even among that was flown over the Capitol on the killing 168 and injuring more than 850 Ameri- those who commit bad acts; and day that Byron died, which will always cans; (iii) there is a way to resolve differences have a special place in the beautiful Whereas this dastardly act of domestic ter- other than by resorting to terrorism or vio- display box with his other treasures rorism affected thousands of families and lence; (6) congratulates the people of Oklahoma from his Marine Corps service. horrified millions of people across the State of Oklahoma and the United States; City for making tremendous progress over ‘‘He would be so amazed and so the past decade and for demonstrating their proud. The whole idea of naming the Whereas the people of Oklahoma and the United States responded to this tragedy steadfast commitment to such lessons; and post office is such a stunning honor. through the remarkable efforts of local, (7) applauds the people of Oklahoma City One of the things we worried about was State, and Federal law enforcement, fire, and as they continue to persevere and to stand as that people would soon forget about emergency services, search and rescue teams a beacon to the rest of the Nation and the Byron. If your bill passes, that will from across the United States, public and world attesting to the strength of goodness never happen and that is such a great private medical personnel, and thousands of in overcoming evil wherever it arises. comfort.’’ volunteers from the community who saved The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- No, we will not forget about Byron lives, assisted the injured, comforted the be- ant to the rule, the gentleman from and we will not forget about the other reaved, and provided meals and support to Texas (Mr. MARCHANT) and the gen- those who came to Oklahoma City to help tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each fallen heroes defending freedom. As those endangered or otherwise affected by with all the parents I have met with will control 20 minutes. this terrorist act; The Chair recognizes the gentleman who have lost a loved one in this war, Whereas the people of Oklahoma and the they all say the same thing, ‘‘Finish United States pledged themselves to create, from Texas (Mr. MARCHANT). the job.’’ build, and maintain a permanent national GENERAL LEAVE We must realize that while this Fed- memorial to remember those who were Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I ask eral building will bear his name, it will killed, those who survived, and those unanimous consent that all Members also stand as a symbol for all those changed forever; may have 5 legislative days within who have died in the name of Amer- Whereas the Oklahoma City National Me- which to revise and extend their re- morial draws hundreds of thousands of visi- ica’s freedom and security by showing tors from around the world every year to the marks and include extraneous material the world Americans never forget their site of this tragic event in American history; on H. Res. 184. heroes. Today we can honor those he- Whereas the Oklahoma City National Me- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there roes through Sergeant Byron Norwood morial brings comfort, strength, peace, hope, objection to the request of the gen- by giving the post office in his home- and serenity to the many visitors who come tleman from Texas? town his name. to the memorial and museum each year to There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, naming the remember and to learn about this tragic Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I Pflugerville, Texas, Post Office for Ma- event; yield myself such time as I may con- Whereas the 10th anniversary of the ter- sume. rine Sergeant Byron Norwood is the rorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Fed- very least we can do for the memory eral Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Mr. Speaker, this important resolu- and the family whose son paid the ulti- is on April 19, 2005; and tion recognizes the National Week of mate sacrifice. Whereas the Oklahoma City National Me- Hope in commemoration of the 10th- May God bless Janet and Bill Nor- morial will commemorate the anniversary of year anniversary of the terrorist bomb- wood and may He hold Byron in the the terrorist bombing by recognizing the ing in Oklahoma City. palm of His hand. week of April 17–24, 2005, as the National Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I Week of Hope, which will include a day of may consume to the gentleman from faith, a day of understanding, a day of re- yield myself such time as I may con- Oklahoma (Mr. ISTOOK), the distin- membrance, a day of sharing, a day of toler- sume. ance, a day of caring, and a day of inspira- guished sponsor of House Resolution Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to be tion, and the annual Oklahoma City Memo- 184. a cosponsor of House Resolution 1001 rial Marathon, A Run to Remember: Now, Mr. ISTOOK. Mr. Speaker, I thank that honors Sergeant Byron Norwood. I therefore, be it the gentleman for yielding me time. VerDate jul 14 2003 05:28 Apr 21, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20AP7.014 H20PT1 April 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2161 House Resolution 184 recognizes a Because of that, a museum was estab- tinued the city’s growth beyond the National Week of Hope. Some people lished that promotes hope. The Murrah memorial. The area surrounding the might be surprised to think that we are National Institute for the Prevention memorial is now flourishing with busi- commemorating an incident that took of Terrorism has been established, and nesses, restaurants and family enter- 168 lives, and we are talking not in we are grateful to the entire Nation, tainment.
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