BLACK HISTORY NEWS & NOTES (^1 FEBRUARY 2001_____________________________________________ NUMBER 83 William M.S. Myers Papers Donated During the Great Depression, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employed William M.S. Myers. The CCC was an emergency unem­ ployment relief program designed to give young men work on projects that preserved and restored natural resources. From 1942 to 1968, Myers worked for the Indianapolis Fire Department. He was a mem­ ber of numerous civic, social, and religious organizations. He served on boards of the Indianapolis Pub­ lic Schools, Citizens Forum, and Greater Indianapolis Information, Inc. He was very active in several cancer organizations, most notably the Little Red Door, an agency of the Marion County Cancer Society, Inc. He was the first African-Ameri­ can president of the Downtown Op­ timist Club (Indianapolis). A 32nd degree Mason, a poet, and a delegate William M.S. Myers with Marilyn Quayle, wife of Vice President Dan Quayle, at White to the White House Conference on House Conference on Library and Information Services, 1991. Photo Courtesy of Library and Information Services, www.carlfoxphoto.com, IHS C8615 Myers’s interests were wide and varied. ogy). Both books were received as Myers, Sr., and Laura Belle Johnson Marva Chubb, an Illinois school­ part of the Myers’s papers. Collec­ Myers, he moved to Indianapolis in teacher and Myers’s oldest daugh­ tion materials reflect most of Will­ 1920. He attended elementary and ter, worked with her mother, Erma iam M.S. Myers’s organizational af­ secondary school in Indianapolis, Myers, to gather and donate the Wil­ filiations. The collection will be es­ graduating from Crispus Attucks liam M.S. Myers Papers to the Indi­ pecially useful to researchers seek­ High School in 1932. He was a ana Historical Society. The papers ing information about Company 517 member of the National Honor So­ (M0741) contain copies of Myers’s of the CCC, Northside New Era ciety and he graduated in the upper speeches, correspondence, certifi­ Baptist Church, the Little Red Door, decile. Later Myers attended Indi­ cates and awards, programs, news Indianapolis Public Schools, senior ana Central University (now Univer­ clippings, photographs, and scrap­ citizen and library advocacy, and the sity of Indianapolis) and the Ameri­ books. Myers’s papers show evi­ Indianapolis African-American can Institute of Banking. dence of his poetry. There is an community. During his youth in Indianapolis, unpublished manuscript, “Complete Myers worked as a drugstore clerk Poems of William M.S. Myers” in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH at the Douglas Park Pharmacy; he the collection. Some of his poetry William Moses Samuel “Red” was a stockroom assistant at the was published in anthologies in Myers (22 November 1914-2 July G. C. Murphy Company; and he 1935 (Modern American Poetry) 1995) was bom in Greenville, South worked as a truck driver and janitor and 1936 (American States Anthol­ Carolina. The son of William M.S. for House Trailers, Inc. From 1934 BHNN_2001-02_NO83 to 1937, he worked as a laborer, in gan having annual reunions at the at Fort Benjamin Harrison Hospital forestry, and as an office clerk and Jay County Fairgrounds in Portland, and later as a fireman with the In­ senior foreman with the CCC. The Indiana. Alumni and their families dianapolis Fire Department. Upon CCC was geared toward young men, were invited to attend. William deactivation from the State Guard ages seventeen to twenty-three. M.S. Myers was instrumental in in 1947, Myers was a captain and Myers enrolled with the CCC at Ft. publicizing the reunions. He sent commander of the Second Separate Knox, Kentucky. His first assign­ out notices to local newspapers, as Company, Third Infantry in India­ ment was in Corydon, Indiana. Dur­ well as letters to alumni. The col­ napolis. ing most of his tenure with the CCC, lection contains photographs from From 1942 to 1968, Myers he was in Company 517, first as­ several of those reunions. worked with the Indianapolis Fire signed to Corydon and then to the Myers married Erma Helen Department. Most of his time with Harrison County State Forest. The Adams on 15 November 1935. Six the fire department, he was an en­ corps rebuilt many state and national children were bom to this union. gine chauffeur, operating the fire forests and parks. It suppressed for­ They were Ruth Elizabeth Myers engine and fire pumps. He was sta­ est fires, planted trees, and com­ (18 May 193 7 - passed at two days tioned at Firehouse 1 for twenty pleted and maintained roads and old), William (25 February 1939-), years and Firehouse 22 for six years. trails. Marva Marie (27 November 1945-), The American Red Cross honored While at Corydon, Myers was the Claud Wesley (8 July 1949-), him for his work during the 31 Oc­ leader of A Barracks. He was also a Michael Edgar (31 July 1953-), and tober 1963 explosion disaster at the member of a singing quartet that Gloria Jean (26 January 1958-). Indianapolis Coliseum. made appearances in southern and The family resided on the north side In 1968 William M.S. Myers be­ central Indiana. Other quartet mem­ of Indianapolis. All of the surviv­ gan employment as a teller with the bers included Frank Wilson, Will­ ing children attended the Indianapo­ Indiana National Bank. Later he iam Maynard, and William Moore. lis Public Schools and Indiana in­ worked as an instructor in the Teller Myers worked as an office clerk and stitutions of higher learning. Training School, as a supervisor of senior foreman at Corydon before William M.S. Myers volunteered the Mail, Messenger and Inserter moving to Fort Benjamin Harrison, to serve in the Indiana State Guard Services Department, and as a prop­ his last assignment, where he was a in 1941. In preparation for the State erty management counselor in the senior foreman at Company 3550. Guard, Myers completed the Fifth Real Estate Department of the Trust In 1937 he was discharged from the Service Command School at Fort Division. He was a licensed real CCC at the expiration of his term of Knox, Kentucky. He served in the estate broker. Previously, from enrollment. State Guard and concurrently 1955 to 1970, he and his wife owned Around 1950, Company 517 be­ worked as a surgical ward attendant Myers Real Estate Company. Black History News and Notes is a quarterly publication of the Indiana Historical Society Library. Intended in part to highlight the activities of the library’s Black History Program, it is issued during the months of February, May, August, and November. Essential to the Black History Program’s success is community involvement and commitment to the study of Indiana’s African-American heritage. Along with Black History News and Notes, membership also includes the quarterly Indiana Magazine o f History, published at Indiana University; The Bridge, the Indiana Historical Society’s bi-monthly newsletter; and many of the special publications as they are issued - all for only $35.00 a year. To become a member or for further information, write the Indiana Historical Society, 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 (317) 232-1882. Correspondence concerning Black History News and Notes should be addressed to Wilma L. Gibbs, Editor ([email protected]). INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Please make membership in one name only) Name_______________________________Address City ________________________ State _____ Zip____________ Occupation_______________ Membership Categories (Check One) □ Student $10 (Under 26 years old) □ Annual $35 □ Sustaining $50 I wish to receive the following publications (please check all those that you wish to receive): _____ Traces o f Indiana and Midwestern History, a popular history magazine _____ Indiana Magazine of History, a scholarly journal _____ The Hoosier Genealogist, a family history publication _____ Black History News & Notes, a Hoosier African American history newsletter Signature_______________________________________________ Date 2 Myers was a Republican ward a delegate to the Indiana Governor’s the contest who bring their own and precinct committeeman and a Conference on Libraries (August buses can also take a free tour of state organizer for young Republi­ 1978), the White House Conference downtown Indianapolis with Land­ cans. He was appointed to the on Library and Information Services mark Tours, Historic Landmarks’ Marion County Tax Adjustment (November 1979), and the White sightseeing service. The day ends in Board. Myers was elected to the House Conference on Libraries and an awards presentation where chil­ Indianapolis School Board in May Literacy (April 1979). He was also dren, teachers, parents, and friends 1972. He was elected on the slate a delegate to the 1991 White House cheer for the winners as they receive of the Committee for Neighborhood Conference on Library and Informa­ cash prizes. Schools. tion Services. The Create a Landmark Contest William M.S. Myers was a mem­ William M.S. Myers received gives teachers an opportunity to in­ ber of the Northside New Era Bap­ many awards. When he retired from corporate a variety of subjects in a tist Church. A trustee and the Indiana National Bank in 1978, In­ learning project that also stresses church treasurer, he regularly served dianapolis mayor William Hudnut teamwork and problem solving. For as the financial officer for Men’s declared 23 June 1978 William M.S. the contest, each class works to­ Day. He was also director of Reli­ Myers Day in Indianapolis. In 1982, gether to research and construct a gious Education. The church was the he was honored with the Service to three-dimensional model of an In­ result of a 1935 merger of two In­ Mankind award from the Broad diana landmark, such as a house, dianapolis Baptist congregations, Ripple Sertoma Club. The Little commercial or public building, Northside and New Era Churches.
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