General Index

General Index

General Index abbreviations, 1.07, 2.05–06; Alexandria, 5.11 acrophonic, 2.05–06; ancient Greek, altars, 0.06, 10.04–05 2.05–06 (table 2); Christian, 2.05, Ambrakia, 6.01 11.09, 15.03; by contraction, 2.05; edi- Amorgos, 4.04, 6.01, 8.07, 11.00, 13.04 torial, 1.12 (table 1); of publications, Amphipolis, 6.01 0.18; of Roman names, 5.12 Amphissa, 6.01, 6.03 (table 12) Aberkios (bishop), 11.09, 16.01, 16.06 amphorae, 7.14 Acarnania, 4.06 amulets, 7.14, 7.16 accounts, 7.13 Amyzon, 2.02 Achaia, 6.01, 14.04; Achaian league, Anactorion, 6.01 8.07; Achaian era, 6.08 (table 15) Anazarbos, 6.01 Achelous River, 4.06 anceps, 16.03–05 Achilles, 4.07.3 anchors, 7.14 acrophonic abbreviation, 2.06 Andros, 6.01 Aktion, 6.01; Aktian era, 6.08 (table 15) antae, 0.06 Aemilianus, 5.13 Antikyra, 6.01 agoranomos, 7.14 Antioch, Pisidian, 6.08, 17.04.2 Aidepsos, 2.03 Antiochus I, 6.08 Aigiale, 6.01, 8.07, 13.02 Antonines, 2.05 Aigina, 4.12, 8.07, 13.04 Antoninus Pius, 5.13.11 (nos. 45–46) Aigosthenes, 4.07.3 Anubis, 7.16, 10.03 (fig. 19) Aiolis, 4.06, 4.09 Apameia, 6.08 Aitolia, 6.01, 6.03 (table 12), 12.05 Aphrodisias, 5.01 (fig. 10), 5.05, 6.01, Aizani, 13.02 7.13, 9.02, 11.00, 13.02, 13.04 Ajax, 4.07.1, 4.07.3 Aphrodite, 10.03, 10.05 Akarnia, 6.01 Apollo, 0.10, 4.06, 4.07.2, 4.09, 7.11, Akmonia, 6.08, 11.07, 13.02 10.02–03, 10.05 (fig. 21), 12.05, 13.03 Akragas, 6.01 Apollonia, 6.01, 6.08 Alexander IV, 6.08 apotropaic statues, 7.11, 8.03 Alexander the Great, 6.06, 10.04 (fig. 20) Arabia, 6.01, 6.08 505 506 ͉ General Index Aradus, era of, 6.08 (table 15) Bechtel, F., 4.01 Arkensine, 6.01 benefactors, 7.13 architectural epigraphy, 3.00 Beroia, 6.01, 11.03, 12.04, 13.04, 13.08 architectural terms, 7.12 Beth She‘arim, 11.08 archives, 0.07, 8.00, 11.06 Bithynia, 6.01, 6.06 (table 14), 14.04, archons, 0.07, 6.01, 7.13, 13.02, 13.05 14.07 Ares, 11.00 Boiotia, 0.09, 4.06, 4.07.3, 4.12, 4.24, aretalogies, 7.11, 10.00 6.01, 6.03 (table 12), 8.01, 8.07, Argos, 6.01; era of the Argolid games, 11.00–01 6.08 (table 15) bones, 7.14 army, Roman, 14.01, 14.03–04; legion- Bosporus, era of Bosporos and Pontos, ary pay, 17.04 6.08 (table 15) Artemis, 4.05, 8.00 boundary stones, 0.06, 7.07 artists’ signatures, 0.09, 7.18 brackets: angular, 1.05; brace, 1.06; dou- as, 17.02 ble angular, 1.05.2; double square, Asia Minor, 2.05, 4.06, 4.17, 4.20, 4.24, 1.08; parentheses, 1.07, 2.09; pointed, 6.07–08, 7.00, 10.04, 11.00–02, 11.06, see angular; square, 1.02, 1.08, 1.11 13.00, 13.05, 13.08, 13.10, 14.04, bricks, 7.14 14.06–07, 17.03 bronze, 7.16 Asklepios, 4.04, 4.07.2, 7.11 (fig. 14), building inscriptions, 7.12; building epi- 10.05 grams, 16.00 aspiration, 15.06, 15.12 Buthrotos, 6.01 assembly, 8.01, 8.07, 9.01, 13.01–02 Byzantium, 4.13, 4.15, 6.06 (table 14) assimilation: of ν, 15.07; of εκ , 15.10 Astypalaia, 6.01, 8.05, 13.02, 13.04 Caesar, 14.01, 14.06, 17.02 Athena, 7.11, 9.04, 10.04 (fig. 20) Caesarea Maritima, 4.09, 9.03, 10.02, Athens, 2.02, 4.06, 4.14, 4.24, 6.01, 7.13, 10.05, 14.04; Caesarean era, 6.08 (ta- 8.00, 8.01, 8.04, 8.07, 9.05, 11.00, ble 15) 11.05, 13.00–08, 15.02, 16.04 caesura, 16.04–05 Atteleia, 7.16 calendars, 6.00–07; by eras, 6.08; civil, Attica, 0.05, 2.03, 2.08, 4.06, 4.07.3, 4.12, 6.01, 6.03, 6.08, 13.01; Asian, 6.07 (ta- 7.18, 8.09, 11.01; alphabet of, 2.01; ble 14); Attic, 6.03, 13.01; on the east- names of months in, 6.03; tribes in, ern Roman Provinces, 6.07 (table 14); 6.01 Egyptian, 5.11, 6.06; in the Hellenistic Attic correption, 16.01 kingdoms, 6.07; Jewish, 6.05; Julian, Augustus, 0.03, 5.06, 5.11–12, 5.13.1–5, 6.01, 6.05, 6.07–08; lunar, 6.02; 5.13.11 (nos. 5–10), 6.05, 6.07, 11.06, month names in, 6.04; pre-Julian, 14.01, 14.04, 14.06–07, 17.03, 17.04.3; 6.05; Ptolemaic, 6.06; ritual, 7.11; Ro- Augustan era, 6.08 (table 15) man, 6.05; Seleucid, 6.06; solilunar, Aurelian, 5.13.11 (no. 67) 6.02, 6.08; Syro-Macedonian, 6.06 aureus, 17.02, 17.04.2–4 calends, 6.05, 6.07 Caligula, 5.13.11 (nos. 14–15), 14.07 Balbinus, 5.13 Campagna, Roman, 7.13 banquets, terminology of, 9.03 Cappadocia, 4.12, 6.07 (table 14), 13.07, Bargylia, 6.01, 8.05, 13.04 14.04 General Index ͉ 507 Caracalla, 2.05, 5.02, 5.13.11 (nos. 53– corpora, epigraphic, 0.18 54), 10.03 (fig. 18), 17.04.3; Edict of corrections, 0.14 Citizenship, 4.14, 5.02 council, 2.09, 8.07, 13.02 Caria, 6.01, 7.11, 11.00–01, 13.02, councillors, 7.13, 8.01, 13.02 13.04–05 crasis, 1.05.2 catalogues, 7.11, 7.13 Crete, 4.12, 6.01, 6.03, 8.07, 13.04, 13.08, Chalcedon, 6.01, 13.02, 13.04–05 14.04, 14.06, 17.03 chalchus, 2.08, 17.01 crowns, wreaths, 9.01–02, 9.04, 10.04, Chalcis, 6.01, 13.08 11.00, 11.07 Charadros, 6.01, 13.08 cults, 5.06, 7.10, 7.11; cult tables, 7.11; Cheronesos, 4.13, 12.06 Egyptian, 4.04; of emperors, 5.13.3, Chios, 4.12, 6.01, 9.04, 13.00, 13.04, 10.03, 14.07; of nymphs, 4.07.3 13.08 currency, 17.00–04; currency symbols, Christ, Jesus, 7.16, 11.05 1.07, 2.08 (table 5), 2.09; commodity Christian inscriptions, 0.08, 7.11, 10.05, value of, 17.04; devaluation of, 17.04; 11.01, 11.05, 11.08–09; abbreviations equivalencies, 17.03; Greek, 17.01; re- in, 2.05; Aberkios Inscription, 11.09, gional currencies, 17.03; Roman, 17.02 16.01, 16.06 curses, 7.11, 7.16 Cicero, 5.09 Cyprus, 2.03, 6.01, 6.06, 11.05, 14.04, Cilicia, 6.01, 11.05, 13.04 17.03 cistophorus, 17.04 classification of inscriptions, 2.02, 7.00– Damascus, 6.08 18 damnatio memoriae, 0.14 (fig. 5) Claudius, 5.13.3, 5.13.9, 5.13.11 (nos. dashes, 1.08 16–17), 14.02, 14.07, 17.03 dating inscriptions, 6.00–09; by paleogra- Claudius Gothicus, 5.13.11 (no. 66) phy, 2.02; dating decrees, 8.04; dating Cleopatra, era of the rule of, 6.08 (table eponymous inscriptions, 6.01, 6.03, 15) 6.08, 7.11, 7.13, 8.04, 13.02–03, 13.08 cognomina, 5.04 (table 10) days: Attic, 6.04 (table 12); counting, 6.04 collyria, 7.14 Decius, 5.13.11 (no. 63) colonies, 14.06 decrees, 6.01, 7.01, 7.11, 8.00–11, 9.01, Colossai, 13.02 13.02; abbreviated, 8.11; amendments commemorative inscriptions, 7.02 to, 8.09; dating of, 8.04; enactment for- commissioners, 8.10 mulae in, 8.07; engraving and exhibi- Commodus, 5.13.11 (nos. 49–50) tion of, 8.10; formal motion in, 8.08; confessions, 7.11 invocation in, 8.03; mover of motion consonants, single and double, 15.11 in, 8.05; passage of, 8.01; premable in, Constantine the Great, 0.03, 5.13.11 8.06; probouleumatic and (nos. 72–73) nonprobouleumatic, 8.07–08; struc- Constantius, 5.13.11 (no. 71) ture of, 8.02–11 Constitutio Antoniniana, 5.02 dedications, 2.06 (fig. 8), 7.03, 10.00–05; contests, 7.11, 7.13, 13.08 (table 15); dedicator in, 10.02; deities and emper- agonistic epigrams, 16.00; victors of ors in, 10.03 (fig. 18); ex-votos, 7.03, prizes, 7.13 7.10, 7.11, 10.05 (fig. 21); form of, contracts, 7.06 10.01; objects of dedication, 10.04 508 ͉ General Index deeds of sale, 7.06 Elateia, 6.01 Delos, 0.07, 0.10, 2.03, 4.12, 5.09–10, Elaea, 7.16 6.01 (fig. 12), 6.03 (table 12), 7.11, elegy, 16.01, 16.04 7.13, 7.16, 7.18, 9.01, 10.03 (fig. 19), Eleusinian mysteries, 13.08 10.05, 13.08; Poseidoniastai of, 7.18 Elis, 6.01, 8.07 Delphi, 0.10, 4.12, 6.01, 6.03 (table 12), emperors, 10.00, 10.03; cults of, 14.07; 8.00, 8.01, 9.02, 12.00–06, 13.02, naming and titular conventions, 5.13 13.08; era of the Pythian games of, Emporion, 4.13 6.08 (table 15) encaustic painting, 0.09 demes, 2.06, 6.01, 7.13; Kleisthenic, 0.07, engraving, 0.09; cost of, 0.10; tools, 0.05 4.16 (table 7) (fig.

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