ilanrl|eatpr lEwmng HpralJi \ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 128 Manchester—A City of Village Charm FOURTEEN PAGES — TWO MINI PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Economic-Energy Plan K'^P, ''' Compromise Possible CAMP DAVID, Md. (UPI) - President meeting Friday in the White House with energy plan, h'ord has vowed to veto the Ford is considering whether to com­ Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, suspension measure. But he said Friday it promise his economic-energy program House Speaker Carl Albert and other had teen suggested he postpone the March with a Democratic congressional plan. Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, halted 1 in^allment to signal an end to his war Ford is spending the weekend at this six weeks of attacking his opposition for withthe Democrats over the energy issue. Maryland hilltop presidential retreat with doing little or nothing to solve America’s P r ^ Secretary Ron Nessen said Ford his wife Betty and the problem of whether woes. was considering suspending the March $1 he can mesh his solution for the recession At meeting’s end, he said of his and the installment for 60 days. Nessen said this and the energy shortage with that of the Democratic plans, “There are some would not be “a concession” by Ford but a Democrats who control Congress. differences as to details. signal of “success in his effort to get Unexpected Climax Congress to get busy.” Early Decision Promised Ford, in an unexpected climax to a Plan Based on Many Factors “I have agreed to study the plan sub­ Fond’s energy plan - of which the im­ mitted by the Democratic leadership, and port fee is only a preliminary step — is on Monday, if not before, I will indicate to based on raising retail prices of gasoline im it the speaker and Sen. Mansfield where I and other petroleum products through a NEWS think we can find an area of agreement, of system of oil taxes and tariffs in order to accommodation.” CAPSULES reduce demand and make the country i n , He, cited one “possible area of com­ more independent of Arab oil suppliers. promise” — his $3 a barrel hike in oil im­ The Democrats oppose the oil taxes and Subway Wreck Toll 29 port fees. The first $1 of the increase went tariffs but would raise the federal gasoline LONDON (UPI) — Subway officials say into effect Feb. 1. The second $1 was they suspect brake failure in the crash of a taxe 5 cents and use that money to finance scheduled to take effect today. energy research. crowded train that killed 29 tush-hour Postponement May End Feud President Meets withfDemocratic Leaders passengers in a dead-end tunnel under the Both Ford and the Democrats want to Congress last week voted to suspend the cut income and business taxes. Ford city’s financial district. Rescue workers entire fee hike for 90 days, a direct would reduce them $16 billion. The House President Gerald Ford Friday met ment. He agreed to review the with ra/gen torches burned through the Ford are Rep. Thomas F. O’Neill, D- challenge to the President’s drive for his this week voted for $21.3 billion in tax cuts. with the democratic congressional majority party’s energy and economic Mass., left, and House Speaker Carl corppbcted metal of the first car in the six- leadership to seek areas of agree­ proposals while at Camp David. With Albert, center. (UPI photo) train to try to reach 15 bodies still in- /side. Eighty-eight persons were injured when the train carrying an estimated 300 morning commuters ran into the end-of- the-line brick wali on a downhill approach Economist Challenges Lorenz Kidnapers’ Demand at Moorgate station in London’s financial center, known as The City. Upturn Predictions Amnesty Extended Granted by West Berlin Police WASHINGTON (UPI) — President Ford has extended for a final month his earned WASHINGTON (UPI) - For the first predicting a depression he did not mean re-entry program for Vietnam draft time, a respected economist has used the anything to compare “in duration, BERLIN (UPI) — West Berlin police Police Friday said they would release The group disscussed “all of the rele­ dodgers and military deserters. The ugly word “depression” to describe where magnitude or severity” with the Great today released two leftists jailed for il­ the two prisoners to meet an earlier vant issues” in the case and agreed on the extension did not deter critics of the he thinks the economy is headed. Depression of the 1930s. legal demonstrations, meeting the first deadline, but appealed to the kidnapers “necessity of preserving rule of law,” a limited amnesty. “It’s irrelevant,” said Arthur M. Okun, who served as chair­ In his testimony, he said, “It would take sp^esm an said. demand by kidnapers of a West Berlin over local radio stations for “convincing Mitch Snyder, a convicted draft resister. man of the Council of Economic Advisers a miracle to stop unemployment below 9 mayoral candidate. proof” Lorenz is still alive. ^ ^ h e kidnapers Friday said they wanted Ford’s program, launched in September under President Lyndon B. Johnson, told per cent, and it is close to an even bet that Shortly before 10 a.m., police freed Et- Want More Proof three urban guerrillas brought from West and already extended once, was to expire Congress Friday that the administration’s it will reach 10 per cent.” tore Cannella and Gerhard Jagdmann, They asked the passport number of the German jails to West Berlin by Sunday at midnight tonight. Ford extended it until predictions of an economic upturn this No Standard Definition and released by Monday, along with three sentenced to seven and 14 months in prison Christian Democratic party leader,“ as March 31. He said this would be the “final summer are wrong. Although economists have no standard more from prisons here. respectively. proof that we are talking to tlje" right extension. ” “It becomes ever more likely that the definition of the term “depression,” Paul The kidnapers of the Christian people.” Place Requested history books will record this episode as a Samuelson, winner of the Nobel Prize for Democratic mayoral candidate have Friday’s release of the tw^ prisoners They also wanted a ifully fueled, Boeing Rebels Shell. Airport depression rather than a recession,” Okun economics, defines it as a period when un­ warned they will kill Peter Lorenz unless arrested at an illegal left-wng demonstra­ 707 jet with crew, to fly them all out of the told Congress’ Joint Economic Com­ employment reaches 10 per cent. authorities release six more of tlicir jailed country, and at least'$8;OO0 each. PHNOM PENH (UPI) — Rebel gunners mittee. tion in November was decided on at an all­ shelled Ponchentong airport today one The administration has predicted that comrades and fly them out of West Ger­ Earlier they said theywanted 10 persons Chides Congress party meeting led by West German hour before six U.S. congressmen arrived unemployment, which reached 8.2 per many by Monday. ^ who were jailed aker an illegal He chided Congress for taking so long to Chancellor Helmpt^chmidt. on a fact-finding mission, but the rockets cent in January, would peak this summer demonstration last year to be let free, but cut taxes to stimulate recovery. caused no damage or casualties. at 8.5 per cent and average 8.1 per cent authorities said eight alrrady had been In an interview, Okun, now a senior this year. The five representatives and one released and the last two wo^ld be on the fellow at the Brookings Institution, said by senator flew in from Saigon aboard Air Alan Greenspan, President Ford’s streets today. chairman of the Council of Economic Ad­ The kidnapers outlined their dknands in America commercial aircraft and im­ mediately went to the U.S. Embassy for a visers, says he is reviewing his forecast ■:i Murder a letter to the West German newkagency that joblessness will not go beyond 8.5 per DPA. The envelope also Hfeld a ^cture briefing on Cambodia’s deteriorating miiitary and political situation. cent. An upward revision is “possible,” he showing their captive huddled Rhode Island has testified. ■' Communist troops Friday seized bases rumpled bed in a nondescript room. American Consul at nearby Toul Leap and Ang Sdok, leaving Okun says that while the plunge in Seized Thursday the insurgents within easy artillery range Prison Inmate homebuilding and auto sales may end this Two males and a female, carrying sub-\ of the airport and American planes which summer, businesses are selling off ac­ CORDOBA, Argentina (UPI) — Leftist government would never negotiate with machine guns, seized Lorenz early ^ have been supplying the capital with food Found Dead cumulated inventories rather than adding guerrillas killed honorary U.S. Consul terrorists. Thursday. Social Democratic Mayor and ammunition. to them and are slashing their spending John P. Egan with a single bullet between Egan, 62, was a Perma, Mont., native Klaus Schuetz said Sunday’s elections will CRANSTON, R.I. (UPI) - A new in­ for expanding plants and buying equip­ the eyes Friday night and dumped his body who worked for the Kaiser Corp. for 30 take place, but politicians have suspended mate at the Adult Correctional ment. along a lonely dirt road. years before he retired to this city 430 Bomb Scare their campaigns. Institutions here was found stabbed to “These will pull the economy down to His hands were tied behind his back and miles northwest of Buenos Aires. DANBURY (UPI) — A bus bound from death in his cell Friday night, breaking a even lower depths in the months ahead,” he still wore his bedroom slippers and the ■ He had been serving as honorary consul New M rk to Boston was halted for four brief calm.which had set over the prison he said.
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