University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository Res Gestae Law School History and Publications 2000 Vol. 51, No. 2, September 26, 2000 University of Michigan Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation University of Michigan Law School, "Vol. 51, No. 2, September 26, 2000" (2000). Res Gestae. Paper 156. http://repository.law.umich.edu/res_gestae/156 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Res Gestae by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. inin 18541854,, whenwhen ththee RRepublicansepublicans werewere ththee third third party, party, runnin runningg on on a a platform platform STSTUDENTUDENT NEWSPAPERNEWSPAPER OF OF ofof anti-slaveryanti-slavery andand votingvoting rightsrights forfor women, Nader called for a system THETHE UNIUNIVERSITYVE RS ITY 0 0 F F MICHIGANMICHIGAN women, Nader called for a system es thatthat representedrepresented moremore ppeople.eople. ""TheThe LAwLAW ScHooLSCHOOL ------ politicalpolitical arenaarena isis domidominatednated byby twotwo corruptcorrupt parties" parties" and and th theyey both both "fl "flunk"unk" inin tetermsrms ofof whatwhat ththeyey saysay andand whatwhat ththeyey willwill actual actuallyly e endorse.ndorse. "No"No one's one's c\-._ �estae goigoingng toto believebelieve thethe DemocratsDemocrats any­any­ moremore - -ththeyey voted voted 98-0 98-0 for for Scalia!" Scalia!" HeHe diddid notnot feel feel the the R Republicansepublicans were were any any betterbetter,, callingcalling NewtNewt GingrichGingrich,, amongamong 26 SeptemberSeptember 2000 Vol.Vol. 5151 No.2No.2 others,others, ""thethe 01.telest01.telest critters critters that that eveeverr crawledcrawled onon CapitolCapitol Hill."Hill." HeHe tar targetedgeted Bush,Bush, asking, asking, "W "Whyhy do do yo youu deserve deserve to to bbee Preside Presidentnt ofof ththee USUS whenwhen ththeseese peoplepeople [who[who havhavee alsoalso takentaken drugdrugs]s] deservedeserve toto rot rot in in jail?" jail?" InIn additionaddition toto hihiss otherother concerns,concerns, NaderNader ccriticizedriticized thethe criminalcriminal jujusticestice syssystem,tem, callingcalling itit "severe"severelyly broken,broken, violativeviolative of of people'speople's rightsrights"" andand sasaidid thatthat itit broughtbrought "disrepute"disrepute toto ththee Jawlaw enforcementenforcement officials." officials." HeHe took took aim aim at at bigbig corporations, corporations, asking asking for for an an e endnd to to "co"corporaterporate welfare"welfare" andand sayisaying,ng, inin resresponseponse toto aa BuBusinesssiness WeekWeek articlearticle decryingdecrying corporatecorporate greedgreed that,that, "if"if BusinessBusiness Week Week magazine magazine is is to to the the left left ofof thethe Democrats,Democrats, therethere's's somethingsomething wrong."wrong. HeHe calledcalled economiceconomic sasanc­nc­ tiontionss inefficient inefficient and and harmful harmful,, and and pro­ pro­ posedposed eliminaeliminatingting excessexcess militarymilitary spendspendinging andand divertingdiverting thethe fundsfunds toto Ralph Nader Speaks at Michigan Theater paypay for for social social programs programs.. Ralph Nader Speaks at Michigan Theater NaderNader closed dosed appealing appealing to to voters voters to to By Hannah Mufson then gave the podium to Nader. By Hannah Mufson then gave the podium to Nader. votevote fromfrom conscience,conscience, notnot fea1~feat� andand Nader began by emphasizing the Nader began by emphasizing the saysaying,ing, "it's "it's goodgood toto have have beliefbeliefs,s, butbut Ralph Nader spoke at the Michigan environmental woes confronting the Ralph Nader spoke at the Michigan environmental woes confronting the it'it'ss goodgood toto havehave themthem precedprecededed byby Theater Thursday afternoon. The United States. "The ozone hole is get­ Theater Thursday afternoon. The United States. "The ozone hole is get­ thoughtthought.''.'' afternoon'safternoon's speeches speeches were were opened opened by by tingting biggerbigger,, thethe polarpolar iceice capscaps areare membersmembers ofof thethe GreenGreen PartyParty ofof cracking,cracking, we'rewe're losinglosing ththousandsousands ofof • MichiganMichigan andand fofollowedll owed byby PhilPhil acresacres of of equatorialequatorial rainrain forestsforests everyevery DonohueDonohue andand Michael Michael Moore Moore,, beforebefore day,day, thertheree isis aa deaddead zonezone thethe sizesize ofof • NaderNader took took the the stage. stage. WesWestt VirginiaVirginia inin thethe GuGulflf ofof MexicoMexico MichaeMichaell Moore Moore then then spoke, spoke, directlydirectly andand almostalmost 100,000100,000 peoplepeople diedie ofof addressingaddressing Michigan Michigan and and it itss econom­ econom­ industrialindustrial poisoning poisoning [ every[every year]. year]. WeWe icic woes;woes; inin particular,particular, thethe problemsproblems shouldshould bebe ableable toto growgrow industrialindustrial thethe Clinton Clinton administration administration caused caused thethe hemp.hemp. AtAt 11/3/3 ofof 11%,%, eveneven ClintonClinton dtydty of of Flint. Flint. ReferringReferring t oto his his film, film, The The couldn'tcouldn't get get high high on on it." it." BigBig OneOne,, hehe calledcalled thethe NikeNike symbolsymbol NaderNader also also focused focused on on attempting attempting t oto thethe "shwoostika""shwoostika" andand imploredimplored thethe reformreform thethe two-partytwo-party syssystemtem thatthat sstudentstudents in in thethe audience audience not not toto "end"end dominatesdominates thethe US'sUS's politicalpolitical arena.arena. upup like like your your Baby Baby Boomer Boomer parents parents."." SStatingtating ththatat thethe lastlast timetime thethe UnitedUnited WiWithth thisthis ententhusiastichusiastic opener,opener, hehe StaStatestes had had more more than than two two parties parties was was 2 c:%-""' jRes ®estae • 26 ~eptember 2000 By Jonathan Sanchez Republican Held Seats haps best knownknown forfor g1vmg thethe Florida country thethe IRA thatthat bearsbears his name,name, Even thoughthough racesraces forfor thethe Bill McCollum (R) v. isis currentlycurrently chair of thethe Senate United StatesStates Senate tendtend toto be Bill NelsonNelson (D) Finance Committee and hashas served overshadowed inin a presidential ThisThis isis thethe only inin thethe Senate sincesince 1971. Attempting election year, thisthis year,year, theythey are justjust open Senate seat toto deny him a sixth termterm isis as close as thethe presidential racerace and thatthat RepublicansRepublicans Governor Tom Carper, who isis pre­ just as important.important. While havehave thisthis cyclecycle vented fromfrom seeking reelectionreelection toto Republicans are saidsaid toto have thethe asas popular Sen. his current post. Both men havehave edge inin holding a narrow majmajority,ority, itit Connie Mack very high approval ratingsratings in thisthis isis not beyond thethe capacity of thethe decided against runningrunning forfor aa thirdthird very small state. Carper has been Democrats toto retakeretake thethe chamber,chamber, term.term. Mack had narrowly won over stressingstressing Roth'sRoth's age while Roth has which theythey lostlost inin thethe 1994 elections. Buddy McKay inin 1988 due toto a been stressing hishis Senate experience.experience. If thethe Republicans maintain control, strong surgesurge byby George H.WH.W.. Bush Carper had ledled inin pollspolls forfor much of itit willwill be thethe firstfirst timetime thatthat theythey con­ inin Florida thatthat yearyear and cruised toto thethe year, but thisthis racerace has also nar­ trolledtrolled a fourthfourth consecutive session reelectionreelection inin 1994 over Hugh rowedrowed considerablyconsiderably with both men of Congress since thethe 69th CongressCongress Rodham (H(Hillaryillary's's brother)brother) in thethe now tied.tied. convened inin 1925. While much has Republican tidal wave. This been said about thethe potential impactimpact year,year, thethe racerace isis once again tighttight Minnesota thethe next president can have on thethe with State Insurance Rod GramsGrams (R) v.v. U.S. Supreme Court and thethe restrest of CommissionerCommissioner Bill Nelson,Nelson, a moder­ Mark Dayton (D) thethe federalfederal judiciaryjudiciary,, thethe Senate willwill ate DDemocratemocrat inin thethe mold of thethe Senator Rod Grams also havehave a say inin itsits "advise andand state's seniorsenior senator,senator, Bob Graham, was one of thethe eleven consent" capacicapacity.ty. runningrunning against Congressman Bill RepublicanRepublican sena­sena­ The Republicans currently have a McCollum, who hashas representedrepresented thethe torstors swept intointo 54-46 edge inin thethe Senate. A lossloss of Orlando area inin thethe House since officeoffice inin 1994 and fourfour seatsseats will resultresult inin a split cham­cham­ 1981. McCollum gained national hashas proven consis­ ber keepingkeeping allowing aa Vice attention as one of thethe 13 House tentlytently conservativeconservative inin aa state thatthat President Cheney or a ViceVice Managers whowho presentedpresented articles of has managed toto elect a progressive President
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